[外絮] KD說到跟嘴綠的爭執: S**t happens

看板 NBA
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
時間 2018-11-14 16:09:19
留言 31則留言 (24推 0噓 7→)

來源: The Bleacher Report 網址: https://tinyurl.com/y9qut2rw Kevin Durant on Draymond Green Feud: 'S--t Happens in the NBA' KD講到跟嘴綠的爭執: S**t happens in the NBA Off-court storylines overshadowed the Golden State Warriors' 110-103 victory over the Atlanta Hawks on Tuesday, as the team announced it suspended Draymond Green for the game following an altercation with Kevin Durant on Monday. 勇士球團因為嘴綠在昨天賽後的與KD的爭執被罰禁賽,這場外的故事奪走勇士今天以110- 103打敗老鷹的光彩。 "Obviously it's definitely weird he's not here. ... S--t happens in the NBA," Durant said of playing without Green, per Nick Friedell of ESPN.com. 「很明顯地,他不在場上真的怪怪的....NBA總有一些鳥事會發生(S--t happens in the NBA),」KD講到嘴綠沒上場比賽。 Durant also said he hasn't spoken with Green about Monday's incident, though he granted "I'm sure we will. It's a long season," per Logan Murdock of the Mercury News. KD說他還沒跟嘴綠講到有關星期一的事件,他承認說:「我確定我們會講到那件事的,這 賽季很長。」 Anthony Slater of The Athletic shared more of Durant's comments, in which he said he will keep things "in-house." The Athletic記者Anthony Slater在推特上有分享更多KD的評論,KD說他會把事情就留在 球隊內。 Klay Thompson also weighed in on the situation, saying, "This thing will be in the past like a ponytail," per Grant Liffmann of NBC Sports Bay Area. KT也說到那件事,「這件事很快就會過去的。」 The drama started when Green didn't pass the ball to Durant in the final moments of regulation in Monday's overtime loss to the Los Angeles Clippers. The two engaged in a back-and-forth on the bench, and Adrian Wojnarowski and Marc J. Spears of ESPN.com reported other Warriors "loudly confronted" Green about the decision in the locker room. 這件事起因是在星期一勇士對快艇延長賽輸掉的那場比賽正規時間的最後,嘴綠沒有把球 傳給KD。兩個人在板凳上有著來回的對話,根據沃神以及Marc Spears的報導,其他一些勇 士球員在休息室有"大聲質問"嘴綠那時候為何做這樣的判斷。 "Some witnesses described the closed-door exchange as one of the most intense of this Warriors era," they wrote, adding "Durant's impending free agency heightens the sensitivity of the turmoil." 「一些目睹實際發生的人描述這關門的爭執是勇士近年來最激烈幾次爭執的其中之一。而 KD即將到來的FA更是增加了這次爭執的敏感程度,」他們寫到。 Durant has a player option for the 2019-20 campaign, and Shams Charania of The Athletic noted Green "challenged" Durant about free agency during the altercation. Charania reported the kerfuffle was "a simmering issue" Tuesday. KD在2019-20賽季會有球員選擇權,Shams Charania說到嘴綠在這次爭執時對於KD的FA提出 質疑,Charania星期二時更報導這場混亂代表這議題已經醞釀一陣子了。 -- 看來這場戲要落幕了 -- 標題 [公告] NBA 板 開始舉辦樂透! 4、雙十 = 兩隊四節打完107比107進入延長賽 開獎結果: 雙十 -- 修正 打錯 感謝

※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1542182965.A.365.html

ericf129 : 大家別抓我 這麼難不太可能開啦><10/10 00:17

kenlin0105 : 開4我直接自殺 10/10 00:34

kenlin0105 : 不自殺 想買樂透惹10/10 21:18

chinhan1216 : shit happens 11/14 16:10

Velurisnow : 文章翻譯錯誤 是110-103 不是110-113 11/14 16:11

hayabusa2004: 被罵婊子 這回答好卑微阿 果然是外來種 11/14 16:11

ro2377854730: 怪怪的 11/14 16:13

qaz19wsx96 : 又不是巫師,這種事情大家都會壓下去的好嗎 11/14 16:16

Altair : 夏番要結束了 敬請期待秋番~~~ 11/14 16:17

onetooneya : 怪怪的怪怪的 11/14 16:17

a3221715 : Do things right 11/14 16:18

dick929 : 嘴綠=shit 11/14 16:20

tom501062003: 怪聲出完了嗎 11/14 16:21

Gato : 環保綜藝,池水抽光抓外來種 11/14 16:36

z19880215 : This is why we play 11/14 16:37

vvvvaaaa : 怎麼都沒有提到是誰大聲質問嘴綠的報導啊,我猜是AI 11/14 16:39

Wishmaster : KD得體,要是嘴綠今天受訪不知道又會亂放啥話... 11/14 16:46

twsoriano : 路人快出來洗地吧 11/14 16:50

UCboy : NBA新標語Shit happens 11/14 16:55

lunsanity : 有種和資格質問的也就curry kt ai吧 11/14 16:55

boyen0917 : shit happens是非常常見的口語 就是不好的事常發生 11/14 16:57

roy80423 : 有資格問的就 Curry KT 小AI Sdot 這幾個 11/14 17:06

WeGoYuSheng : Shit happens, dat weak ass nigga. 11/14 17:07

kaga1991 : 可以回家啦 11/14 17:19

lindx : 就嘴綠愛擺態阿 KD我看是忍不下去了 總是被當細漢ㄟ 11/14 17:20

Allencash : 沒KD你以為你拿得到第二跟第三冠嗎,不就是73勝亞軍 11/14 17:29

MLbaseball : 二樓那不叫翻譯錯誤吧,比數不算翻譯吧 11/14 17:41

Siiiiimon : NBA:where shit happen 11/14 17:57

sunnyyoung : https://i.imgur.com/ieI7qFy.jpg 11/14 17:57

JessicaA1ba : KD被嘴綠罵錶子還可以這麼軟,頗有韓信之風 11/14 18:19

ptadspt : 被當細漢的是green吧 11/14 19:31
