[外絮] LBJ開玩笑說:「我和Paul不再是朋友」

看板 NBA
作者 kairiyu (E N O U G H is enough)
時間 2018-10-23 14:53:48
留言 46則留言 (32推 3噓 11→)

LeBron James jokes that he and Chris Paul 'aren't friends anymore' LBJ開玩笑說:「我和Paul不再是朋友」 https://goo.gl/nPZF48 When things break down or go sideways, sometimes the proper response is to laugh at it. And that appeared to be LeBron James’ approach at Monday morning ’s Lakers shootaround ahead of their game against the San Antonio Spurs. 有時候不管事情是如何,最好的方式就是笑一笑吧。譬如今早對馬刺賽前被訪問到的LBJ, 就是用這種方式回應。 James was asked about, among other things, the awkward position he was put in during the fight that broke out Saturday between his Lakers teammates and his friend Chris Paul. James said that wasn’t even in his thought process at the time. 當被問及上次湖人隊友與CP3衝突時他是扮演甚麼腳色時,他說他當下根本甚麼也沒多想。 “All I cared about was trying to get the thing over-with,” James told reporters at Monday’s shootaround “Trying to get back to the game. That was all that was on my mind at the end of the day was to end the altercation and help the referees out.” 「我只想要事情快點落幕,試圖把狀況拉回到比賽、結束爭執、協助裁判裁決,那是我腦 海裡唯一的想法,」 When asked if his relationship with Paul may have made things easier to calm down, James responded sarcastically that he and Paul are no longer friends. 當被問到是不是他跟CP3的關係有助於當時讓場面更容易冷靜下來時,他開玩笑說我們已經 不再是朋友了。 Whatever complicated personal position James may find himself in, the next steps are fairly simple. The Lakers simply need to find a way to get a win to leave all of that fight talk behind. 不管他的處境有多複雜,未來是很明確的。湖人必須拋開這些紛爭,獲得首勝。 以後別做朋友~朋友不能牽手~ --
10/23 15:08

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airbear : 超友誼關係 10/23 14:55

lakers110 : 不能牽手,抱抱就好 10/23 14:55

deann : 明年招募KD吧 10/23 14:56

wu0966 : 罰你少坐一次香蕉船 10/23 14:57

PanaS0Nic : 不是朋友而是 10/23 14:57

waynesmlie : 我不想只是朋友 還想更進一步 10/23 14:59

linyi520 : >/////< 10/23 14:59

xeriom57042 : 想愛你的衝動 我只能笑著帶過 10/23 15:00

hunt5566 : 我就蹭蹭 10/23 15:00

crazymome : 是跑友 10/23 15:00

Benbenyale : 是兄DAY 10/23 15:01

MattiaPasini: 是蕉友 10/23 15:01

phoenix286 : 最好的朋友 有些夢 不能說出口 10/23 15:02

MattiaPasini: http://i.imgur.com/NODVXj2.jpg 10/23 15:02

jeffou1112 : 臭甲甲 10/23 15:03

allen5743 : The絕交 10/23 15:03

twsoriano : 完了完了 決裂 10/23 15:06

lightpisces : 正宮韋妃不會吃醋嗎 10/23 15:13

duncan0715 : 是隊友... 10/23 15:16

LoseToWin : 是愛人 10/23 15:17

rj486 : Wade表示: 生氣氣 10/23 15:22

yeustream : 友達以上 10/23 15:23

force5566 : 甲鬼甲怪 10/23 15:24

AndyWT : 是愛人2 10/23 15:30

rockman73 : 幹 認真打球好嗎 10/23 15:34

tom501062003: https://i.imgur.com/DCQUeiv.jpg 10/23 15:35

tom501062003: 都幫你嚕了 10/23 15:36

ComicMan : 超友誼了? 10/23 15:38

KeMBaWallKer: 告白方式一百種 10/23 15:41

Bonjwa : 以後別做朋友 10/23 15:42

IAMGRICE : 香蕉船圖XDDDDD 10/23 15:44

ckc9888 : 朋友不能牽手 10/23 16:11

eightyseven : Wade:為什麼你會這麼熟練 10/23 16:27

oopshuang : 推文有聲音XD 10/23 16:31

wenhuanorman: 超越了友誼 10/23 16:55

andymoscoz : 最好的朋友 有些夢 不能說出口 10/23 17:03

chichung : 被偷抓 森77 10/23 17:11

sheen119 : 飛輪海唷 10/23 18:18

TomBoHu : 你說我比較像你的好朋友 10/23 18:19

kilopewq : 習慣聽你分享生活細節 10/23 18:51

zoin : we don't talk anymore 10/23 18:52

coffee112 : 不想只當朋友! 10/23 19:05

JerrySloan : 小琥老師: 10/23 19:35

wuling1001 : 早就不只是朋友 10/23 21:57

mya660 : paul: 你~ 從不知道!我想做的不只是朋友... 10/23 22:54

julian0203 : https://youtu.be/QWVEElnl8r8 10/24 10:14
