[情報] NBA正與工會商討選秀年齡、體檢報告規則

看板 NBA
作者 Zutter77 (豬排咖哩)
時間 2018-10-21 00:01:15
留言 34則留言 (13推 0噓 21→)

原文連結:https://tinyurl.com/y75ffp5j 原文及簡易翻譯內容: The NBA and National Basketball Players Association are struggling to reach an agreement on lowering the age limit to 18, differing on the league's desire to attach two conditions to ending the one-and-done NBA draft era, league sources told ESPN. 聯盟正與球員工會商討是否將選秀年齡降低至18歲,不過仍未達成共識。 且聯盟希望一舉透過修改兩個規則來終結大學過水一年(O&D)的選秀世代。 Commissioner Adam Silver is pressing NBPA executive director Michele Roberts to require that player agents furnish all teams with medical information on prospective draft prospects, league sources said. The league also wants to mandate players attendance and some level of participation in the pre-draft combine, sources said. Silver對球員工會執行董事Michael Roberts施壓, 要求待選新秀的經紀人能提供「全部球隊」該新秀的醫療資訊。 聯盟也想要求待選新秀能出席,並參與一定程度的選前試訓。 The NBA still hopes to reach an agreement with the NBPA and allow graduating high school seniors to enter the league starting with the 2022 draft. 聯盟依然希望與工會達成協議,允許高中畢業生能參加2022年選秀會 The league and union must collectively bargain any changes to a CBA that was ratified in 2016. "We're investing millions of dollars into players who we'll now have even less information about coming out of high school, and we should have the right to have all the information available on who we are selecting," one general manager told ESPN. 一個GM告訴ESPN,他們正投資了幾百萬,在這些資訊很少,但即將從高中畢業的新秀 所以我們必須擁有獲取這些所選擇的新秀資訊的權利。 The union has felt significant pressure from the agent community to resist the NBA's push on ceding control of medical information, sources said. While the NBPA has long advocated the lowering of the age limit to 18, so far the union has shown no inclination to surrender on these issues without minimally a give-back elsewhere from the NBA. 球員工會拒絕NBA提出的健檢報告要求。 但工會長久以來都有在提倡,將選秀年齡限制降低至18歲, 不過目前工會沒有妥協的跡象,除非聯盟給予一定程度的退讓。 Agents have long used the leverage of withholding medical information from teams to try and steer players to preferred draft destinations. While it's a strategy that doesn't always render the desired results on draft night, the absence of that medical data creates greater uncertainty and risk for front offices tasked with making personnel decisions on young players. NBA general managers have pushed the league office to legislate the sharing of medical information with all teams, especially with the anticipation of younger players forcing organizations to make draft evaluations on teenagers. Because ultimately teams can draft whomever they want, and first-round picks can be under contractual control for six seasons prior to free agency, medical information is a freedom that agents consider necessary to keeping some influence on their client's early career. 這段懶得翻,大意是經紀人長期以來一直透過醫療資訊做操作 所以GM希望經紀人能提供所有球隊透明的體檢報告。 "Some organizations are run better than others," one prominent agent told ESPN. "A lot of success comes from a player getting into the right situation at the right time. If I can do something that influences that, why would I give that up?" 「有些球隊確實經營得比其他球隊好。」一位知名經紀人說: 「很多球員的成功其實是因為在對的時間,處在對的環境。 如果我能有東西(體檢報告)影響這件事(球隊環境),那我為何要放棄?」 "I understand why the league wants this. I get that it's not fair across the board to teams, but I don't work for the teams. I work for the players. When it's all said and done, and my player doesn't have as good of a career as he could've had, because, in part, of the coaching, the environment, the kinds of teammates that surrounded him, will the NBA put a contribution together to help him? No, they're moving on. I'm not trying to embarrass any teams, but I'm going to do everything I can to give my players every chance for success." While there are still instances of agents pushing for players to land in major markets on draft night, the ability for top talent to land significant exposure and endorsements in smaller markets has made many representatives prioritize their players landing in stable, well-run franchises over geographic destinations. Out of the 65 players invited to the draft combine in 2018, 11 declined to submit to the league-wide physical that's ultimately distributed to interested teams. Agents are allowed to select particular organizations to examine their players, or they can provide those teams whatever medical information that they chose to share. 2018選秀試訓被邀請的65個球員中,有11位拒絕提供給聯盟健檢報告, 最終影響了球隊的興趣。 (最明顯的就MPJ了,拖到最後一刻才肯給報告)。 The NBA isn't necessarily pushing for every team to have direct access to independently examine a player, they do want a mechanism where teams can minimally get pool doctor reports shared among several organizations, league sources said. 聯盟不一定會要求每支球隊都有直接獲取球員體檢報告的機會(獨立健檢) 而是希望能有個機制,讓所有球隊能最小化接受到爛醫生體健報告的風險。 "We aren't looking for a team at the end of the first round to have direct access to a lottery pick," one league official said. The NBA negotiated the high school players out of the draft in the 2005 collective bargaining agreement. Under Silver, the NBA has changed course on its thinking considering early entry. The NBA prefers to wait until 2022 to make sure that teams have time to properly plan on several levels, including the trading and acquisition of future picks. 前半段講古,懶得翻。 NBA傾向等到2022年才改制,來確保球隊有足夠的時間來準備各種等級球員的計畫。 包含交易和選秀權的獲得。 Phoenix traded the rights to Miami's unprotected 2021 first-round pick to Philadelphia in June, and the moving of that valued pick played some part in pushing back the proposed rule change to 2022, league sources said. Those teams made decisions without the benefit of knowing the timetable on a c hange in the age limit. The first crop of high school seniors will be deeper in talent than those that come immediately before and after it. 太陽今年於選秀會上交易2021年熱火首輪給七六人, 這件事情某種程度延後了規則的制定(補充:原先聯盟是計畫21年修改,後來改成22年) The NBA is also tying 2022 to a class of current American high school freshmen who'll have access to USA Basketball's Junior National program as a part of a broader initiative to develop and educate top prospects on their pathway to the pros. The NBA tried to negotiate the medical information mandates and combine participation into past CBAs, but were unsuccessful. The union is rejecting the NBA's premise that an agreement on lowering the age limit should be attached to these mandates, and it found the NBA showed no interest in bargaining those issues against the elimination of team-friendly rules like restricted free agency or the moratorium signing period in July, sources said. 聯盟在過去的勞資協議中,試圖與工會協商醫療資訊+要求參加試訓,但沒成功 工會希望把降低年齡規則也加進去,但聯盟比較在意RFA、凍結期等規則的修改。 Privately, the NBA and NBPA say there's far more room to negotiate on attendance and participation at the draft combine. For example, the league isn't seeking a hardline where potential lottery picks must participate in 5-on-5 games, but it would like to find ways for everyone to take part in interview sessions with front offices, measurements, athletic testing and media availabilities, sources said. Talks have been ongoing and are expected to continue soon, league sources said. For now, there remains a final hurdle to the formal ending of the one-and-done era. NBA與工會的協商已經展開,而且預期很快就會繼續開始會談 -- 本來就沒有強制規定待選新秀一定要公布健檢報告,所以不公布也沒什麼正當不正當 兩邊對降低年齡限制(19->18)基本上都不反對。 但聯盟希望在談判上加上兩個條件(體檢報告+試訓參與),工會則拒絕
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1540051278.A.7BC.html

ClutchShot : NCAA醜聞+現在NBDL發展起來 頂級高中生直接放一軍10/21 00:15

ClutchShot : 非頂級的可以下放練功兼賣票 甚至高中落選秀也可10/21 00:15

ClutchShot : 以簽個2-way合約撿珍珠 10/21 00:15

f22313467 : 允許高中生 NCAA就G了 10/21 00:17

f22313467 : 但NBA也要先搞好農場系統吧 10/21 00:17

Johseagull : 所以不透明體檢報告都是為了操作嗎 有沒有其他正當 10/21 00:25

Johseagull : 理由啊?10/21 00:25

jeff09122 : 為了大小姆斯更早連線的條款10/21 00:34

benson1212 : 有點看不懂 所以允許高中生這個是哪邊反對?10/21 00:44

tyrone0923 : 開放高中生才正常,憑什麼剝奪高中畢業生的工作權 10/21 00:44

ericmelo : 其實聯盟可以參考mlb如何操作的 個人就覺得mlb農場` 10/21 00:57

ericmelo : 的還不錯 以我的認知來說 10/21 00:57

ChenWay : 大學過水一年主要是因為當初選到太多水貨狀元 10/21 00:57

ChenWay : 看看那個奶油手Brown 10/21 00:57

BadGame : 就經紀人因素啊 他要賺錢 球團希望至少不是用賭的 10/21 01:00

akakbest : 有NBDL培養 應該不會低級聯盟就有那麼多經紀人亂搞 10/21 01:05

yeustream : A.Bennett證明了大學過水一年,球隊仍會選到水貨狀元 10/21 01:22

jjjohnny1282: chenway在說三小 高中生狀元也才幾個 水貨比例超低 10/21 01:25

jjjohnny1282: 大學水貨狀元絕對比較多 10/21 01:25

popoliii : 希望球員成熟一點嗎? 10/21 01:35

popoliii : 哈哈 如果全部大學四年畢業再來選秀 10/21 01:35

popoliii : 每個球員是圓是扁都知道了 風險最低 10/21 01:35

deanisme : 覺得體檢透明化滿合理的 而且站在球迷的立場 也不 10/21 01:36

deanisme : 希望看到一堆名不符實或不能打的 10/21 01:36

popoliii : 不知道有沒有包含心理精神的報告 那好像涉及隱私權 10/21 01:39

b08297 : 19歲打職業新秀約走完還沒滿25還有潛力,大學畢業才 10/21 07:35

b08297 : 能簽那新秀約走完都2526沒潛力了先發板凳一翻兩瞪 10/21 07:35

b08297 : 眼對新秀很吃虧 10/21 07:35

ThreeNG : 體檢能爭論的就是,球隊是要求事前得知所有想投入 10/21 08:53

ThreeNG : 選秀球員的報告,而非已經確定或極有可能加入的 10/21 08:53

ThreeNG : 這可以擴展到勞資權力不對等的問題 10/21 08:54

ThreeNG : 就如同經紀人所說,這是他們(球員+經紀人)的競爭 10/21 08:55

ThreeNG : 籌碼 10/21 08:55

dalipkid : 支持 10/21 19:56
