[外絮] Haslem解釋回歸熱火的原因

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作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
時間 2018-09-11 11:51:37
留言 44則留言 (34推 0噓 10→)

來源: The USA Today 網址: https://tinyurl.com/ycavbqgy AP Interview: Haslem reveals why he chose to return to Heat Haslem解釋為何他選擇回到熱火 MIAMI (AP) — Udonis Haslem arrived at the Miami Heat facility for a workout one day last week, and was told he needed to sign a waiver before he took the court. Udonis Haslem在上禮拜有一天去到了邁阿密熱火場館去練習一下,結果他被要求說要先簽 個免責聲明,他才可以進場練習。 The reason: Technically, he wasn't on the team. 原因是: 就法律層面而言,他還不是熱火的球員。 "That was a little weird, having to do that," Haslem said. 「要先簽了聲明書這件事有點怪怪的,」Haslem說。 It won't be a problem for the next year. Haslem officially signed his one-year, $2.4 million contract with the Heat on Monday, a deal that was struck last week and finally became official when he put pen to paper. Haslem will enter his 16th NBA season, all with the Heat, and that means the Miami native will be with his hometown franchise for more than half of its 31-year history. 明年就不會是個問題了。Haslem星期一跟熱火簽下一年240萬鎂的合約,這樁交易是在上周 開始進行,最後在他簽下名字後正式生效。這將會是Haslem第16個NBA球季,從頭到尾都在 熱火,這代表了這位邁阿密土生土長的球員會在這個有著31年成軍歷史的家鄉球隊一半以 上的時間。 "For the hometown kid in me, that means the world," Haslem said. "I wish I understood how big that is right now, because I really don't, but I know it's big." 「對於從小生長在這主場城市的我來說,這球隊就代表了我的全世界,」Haslem說。「我 希望我現在可以瞭解這件事有多重要,因為我真的不了解,但是我知道這是件大事。」 Haslem was the seventh-oldest player in the NBA last season — and will rise at least one spot on that list this season, with the retirement of San Antonio's Manu Ginobili. Vince Carter is 41 and will play for Atlanta, Dirk Nowitzki is 40 and back with Dallas, and Haslem is 38. Haslem在去年排名NBA球員裡第7老--今年至少會前進一名,因為馬刺的Manu Ginobili退休 了。Vince Carter現在41歲,下季會為亞特蘭大打球,41歲的Dirk Nowitzki也會回到達拉 斯,Haslem今年是38歲。 "It's great to have our captain back," Heat President Pat Riley said. 「能把隊長留下來很讚,」熱火總裁Pat Riley說。 The others who played last season and are older than Haslem are Jason Terry, Damien Wilkins and Jamal Crawford. They all remain unsigned for the coming season. 其他上一季還比Haslem老的球員有Jason Terry,Damien Wilkins跟Jamal Crawford。他們 現在都還沒有簽到約。 So, too, does Dwyane Wade. He and Haslem are the only two players who were part of all three Heat championship teams. Haslem said he's busily recruiting his business partner — the pair shares several off-court interests, including a pizza chain — to come back as well. 還有一個也沒簽到約的人--Dwyane Wade。他跟Haslem是僅有兩個在熱火拿下三冠期間的球 員。Haslem說他也忙著在招募他的生意合夥人-他跟Wade在場外有合作一些事業,包括了一 個Pizza連鎖店--希望可以把Wade帶回熱火。 "My mindset has always been for us to finish it together," Haslem said. "I want us to do a whole season together. Experience the road, dinner on the road, go through that whole process. I want us to experience that together." 「我心裡一直是希望我們兩個可以一起完成,」Haslem說。「我希望我們可以一起把整季 打完,一起享受客場旅途,一起享受客場時的晚餐,可以一起完成這整個過程。我很希望 我們可以共同經歷這一切。」 Wade tweeted his congratulations to Haslem when the deal was signed. Wade在Haslem簽約後在推特上恭喜了Haslem。 "You are (the) most selfless person I've ever met," Wade said in his tweet. 「你是我看過最無私的人,」Wade在推特上說。 Haslem appeared in only 14 games last season, and hasn't had much of a role with the Heat in the last three seasons. Haslem believes he can still play — he has kept himself in tremendous condition — but knows that he probably won't have a big on-court presence again. Haslem在上季只打了14場,在過去熱火的三季也沒扮演重要的角色。Haslem認為他仍然能 打球--他也一直保持極佳的狀態--但是他也知道明年他在場上大概不會有重要角色。 Still, a meeting with Heat coach Erik Spoelstra last week helped seal the deal to return. 不過,上周與熱火教練Erik Spoelstra的會面幫助搞定這份合約。 "Me and Spo were honest with each other," Haslem said. "Honesty is not always telling somebody what they want to hear. And we both have gotten to that point in our careers where we value each other's opinions, whether we want to hear them or not. We trust each other. We root for each other. We both have the best interests of this team in mind." 「我跟Spo對彼此都很坦白,」Haslem說。「坦白就是講的東西不見得是對方想要聽到的, 我跟Spo都到了一個階段,我們會珍惜對方在我們事業上面給的意見,不管是不是對方想聽 的。我們相信彼此,也會支持對方。我們內心都希望可以讓球隊得到最大的好處。」 But even if he doesn't get much in the way of minutes, Haslem knows he's valued. Spoelstra raves about the way he interacts and mentors teammates, and Haslem said that was a huge part of his decision as well. 即使Haslem知道他不會有太多上場時間,他知道他的重要性。Spoelstra稱讚Haslem跟隊友 之間的互動以及成為他們精神導師。Haslem說那也是很大一部分他決定回來的理由。 "It's about my love for the organization and my love for the guys," Haslem said. "It wasn't about me. If I was looking for playing time, I could have gone someplace else or played in China or something. But at the end of the day, would it have made me as happy as being around this organization and being around these guys? No, I don't think it would." 「那是因為我對這個球團跟隊友的愛,」Haslem說。「那不只是為了我自己。若我只是想 有上場打球的時間,我大可以去別的地方,像是去中國或是其他地方打球。但是,夜闌人 靜的時候,我會想,去別的地方打球會像跟我在這球團以及跟這群隊友打球一樣開心嗎? 我想不會。」 -- 油頭Riley打出老友牌! --

※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1536637901.A.0DA.html

fack3170 : 呵呵 09/11 11:53

Ayanami5566 : 老哈退休後大概有300%的機率轉任熱火教練團 09/11 11:53

bobyacool : 哈隊長才是真正詮釋忠誠的人吧 比PP有資格多了 09/11 11:53

Ayanami5566 : 老哈 朱王和晨星可不可以先電電白邊這個屁孩啊? 09/11 11:54

Ayanami5566 : 整天擺爛欸 09/11 11:54

popoliii : 土生土長邁阿密人又一輩子待在熱火隊 感覺很讚 09/11 12:01

Amiel01 : 最奴球員 09/11 12:02

RuleAllWorld: 我只是簽聲明書,怎麼變合約了! 09/11 12:02

kutkin : 萊里直銷學 09/11 12:09

hmt17 : 熱火價值100% 09/11 12:17

PYJ : u質美國版台勞 09/11 12:17

angels : 很羨慕哈隊長,生涯在家鄉打球,退休後應該也是熱 09/11 12:20

angels : 火管理階層 09/11 12:20

PengPengLin : 我只是想免費打室內場 結果還附送2.4m美金 09/11 12:26

linceass : 爽賺 09/11 12:30

jtch : 不不 一開始那段居然有人敢攔他 09/11 12:45

js52666 : 熱火價值已漫出來了 09/11 12:55

idlewolf : 運動一下打打球 還NBA級球員陪打外加百萬鎂 不錯阿 09/11 12:57

dixieland999: 所以場館是像市民運動中心一樣,每天都開? 09/11 12:58

wei5566 : 這傢伙也打夠久了 09/11 12:59

yeh0427 : 邁阿密隊長 09/11 13:16

o0991758566 : 永遠的邁阿密隊長 09/11 13:30

sickle30 : 休息室領袖 09/11 13:30

s66449 : 3冠! 09/11 13:40

trauma : 他真的從小到大都在佛洲 連高中大學也是 09/11 13:49

amkust : 熱火真的很現實,都知道哈隊待十幾年了要練球也不給 09/11 14:04

ThreeNG : 以為是聲明書,結果簽了才發現是合約 XD Riley(笑 09/11 14:29

gratitude : 除了Dirk和Haslem 其他的老將都和老鷹有關 09/11 15:40

q4690744 : 誰可以支援老哈背後刺的佛州圖!!??? 09/11 16:09

a44101234 : 可以 這很熱火 09/11 16:26

Alonzoooo : 因為他去哪裡其實都沒有上場時間了 09/11 17:57

wdpone5541 : 隊長超讚 09/11 18:36

zenwu : 來球場打球 還有錢領 趕快簽 09/11 18:48

jammy50605 : 2K只能投中距 禁區超爛 09/11 19:15

cayalst : 哈隊怎麼沒電一下白邊 季後打那樣 09/11 19:19

garnett05 : https://i.imgur.com/fH7b9g1.jpg 09/11 19:20

cblade : 熱血人不容易 09/11 19:40

q4690744 : 佛州之子當之無愧 09/11 20:16

kaihsin : spo也學會直銷了(誤)搞定哈隊長,該不會wade也要 09/11 21:02

kaihsin : 讓spo搞定吧 09/11 21:02

MobyDick : 幹這個要立雕像了吧 09/11 21:54

hotdog91924 : 哈隊!!! 09/11 22:01

pi020412 : 哈隊!!!油頭快把老偉也帶回來吧!!! 09/11 23:40

PR58 : 對 要加the (小聲 09/12 02:25
