[外絮] 史總,我準備好了,讓我先發吧

看板 NBA
作者 yuyuen (肥軟)
時間 2018-05-31 15:05:47
留言 131則留言 (69推 24噓 38→)

來源:https://goo.gl/Hsoa4J NBA Finals: Kevon Looney, Jordan Bell ready to fill big role OAKLAND — Jordan Bell’s season at Oregon ended last year when he failed to corral a rebound in the last seconds of a Final Four loss to North Carolina. Kevon Looney watched from the bench last June as the Warriors won their second NBA title in three seasons. From those humble vantage points, Bell and Looney are now poised to play substantial roles beginning Thursday in the NBA Finals against the Cleveland Cavaliers. One of them is likely to start at center, although neither had been given the official word. “Steve changes his rotation a lot,” Looney said of Warriors coach Steve Kerr. “You just go with the flow and stay ready.” Bell couldn’t be more ready. “I’m used to being in moments like this at every level of my basketball career,” he said. “Obviously, this is way bigger. I’m very excited for it. ” Looney, who sat out all 17 postseason games a year ago because of a left hip injury, started four of seven games against the Houston Rockets in the Western Conference finals, contributing 3.7 points and 5.0 rebounds in 19 minutes per game. “It’s been a lot different for me,” Looney said. “Play some big minutes and try to make a difference in each game. It’s been big for me. It’s been a lot of fun.” Looney said he felt part of the team a year ago, but acknowledged, “This is just a different feeling, being in the game, making a difference and them depending on me.” Both 6-foot-9 post players earned time primarily because of their defensive versatility. Especially with wing Andre Iguodala sidelined the past four games because of a knee injury, the Warriors are relying on Bell and Looney to be able to guard post players but also jump out on switches. “I saw a role I could play, which was switching out on screens on the defensive end, and crashing the boards on the offensive end, try to score around the basket,” Looney said. As much as anything, it was a matter of being healthy. Looney struggled with injuries to both hips his first two seasons, which led to others casting doubt on his future. “There was always a question if it was going to happen for me,” he said. “ I stayed pretty confident in myself, even though people told me it wasn’t going to happen. You might get traded, you might even get cut. “I always had confidence in myself and my game and what I could do. I knew if I kept working hard my moment would come. On this team, Steve gives everyone an ample opportunity to play. For me to be here, I don’t I think I even dreamt of starting in the Western Conference finals.” Bell still thinks back to the Final Four, where North Carolina’s Kennedy Meeks wrestled a rebound away from him after a missed free throw by a Tar Heels player with four seconds left. North Carolina won 77-76. The lesson he learned then, and tries to apply to his budding NBA career: “ Knowing that every mistake can cost you a game.” General manager Bob Myers said the Warriors saw plenty they liked in Bell, who had 16 rebounds in the loss to Carolina. “More for us, we saw the way the league was going. It’s evolving into a lot of switching and athleticism,” Myers said. “There’s a lot of things we liked in him. Bottom line, you draft players that help you win.” Bell had a clear vision once the trade happened. He even anticipated the chance to face LeBron James in the Finals. “To me, this was the best situation I ever could be put in,” he said. “I felt like I was the No. 1 pick in the draft. “When I came to this team, I knew we were going to the Finals. And I knew, more than likely, LeBron was going to go because they went three years before. 前情提要: 金洲勇士隊總教練Steve Kerr (史總),在記者日有提到,Kevon Looney跟Jordan Bell 兩人將會肩負更多的責任,甚至擔綱先發。 本文簡述: 去年的總冠軍戰,Kevon Looney在板凳席上觀看了他進NBA這三年來的第二個總冠軍 ,儘管只是腳色球員,但 Bell and Looney 準備在這次的總冠軍上負起重要的腳色 , 其中一人甚至需要擔任先發中鋒,但目前還沒有確定是誰。 下列是關於Kevon Looney的簡易訪談 1.談到史總 Looney談到史總:他改變了許多的球員輪替,你只需要聽他的號令,然後準備就緒。 Bell 則是一直都準備好參戰了,他說:在我的職業籃球生涯中,這種大場面非常多 ,它們(大場面)讓我強壯成長,我很期待。 2.談到場上的任務 去年因為左髖受傷,而在場邊觀賞了17場的季後賽,在西區冠軍賽中,先發四場對抗 休士頓火箭隊,貢獻3.7分,5籃板,在平均上場時間19分鐘裡面。 Looney說到:這對我是很大的挑戰,上場更多的時間,並且持續進步,這很辛苦,但 我樂在其中。 他繼續說到:我在去年感受到身為球隊一份的榮耀,但老實說,今年我扮演的角色更 重要,甚至讓球隊需要仰賴我的表現。 Looney在西區冠軍的比賽中主要肩負的是防守端的重任,六尺九吋的他在Iguodala 受傷後,和Bell一起在防守端保護勇士隊,當隊友的後盾。 Looney說到:我能做的就是擋拆後可以換防出去,鞏固籃板球,並想辦法偷襲籃下。 3.談到個人的受傷問題 但,很重要的一件事情就是,Looney兩度受傷的髖骨,讓人不禁質疑他的耐戰度, 甚至是整個職業生涯。 Looney談到這點:這是每人都會面臨到的問題,我對自己很有信心,儘管人們常嗆我 要被交易或是釋出,但這些都沒有發生。 4.談到是否可以先發 Looney說:我對自己很有信心,只要盡全力在場上奮鬥就好,在我們這球隊中,史總 給每個人很多機會上場打球,對我來說,有沒有先發都沒有關係。 再來是Jordan Bell的訪談 (他談了很多以前NCAA比賽的事情,恕刪,可自行看原文。) 在被交易到勇士隊之後,Jordan Bell有了新的視野,他甚至不排斥在總冠軍戰上面 迎戰LeBron James "對我來說,目前這是我的最佳狀況,我甚至覺得我是第一順位的新秀。" "當我加入這支球隊,我知道我們會進入總冠軍戰,而我知道,LeBron Jame也會進入 冠軍戰,因為他們前三年都進了。 心得: #相信史總 #我要先發 -- 跟各位抱歉,剛剛這句翻譯錯誤,已經更正 When I came to this team, I knew we were going to the Finals 已經修改,謝謝 別這樣,所以一開始就說有翻譯錯,請告知我,因為我也覺得怪怪的。 是的,筆誤了,謝謝指教
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1527750350.A.576.html

monkeyyao : 很會 05/31 15:06

Dragic : NBA聲仔 05/31 15:07

HSKAO : 假先發嗎? 05/31 15:07

phoenix286 : 32: 05/31 15:07

hunt5566 : 結果kd離開 05/31 15:07

kevin830415 : 二軍咖要先發 05/31 15:08

Amagami : 靠別人進入冠軍戰的真的講話都比較邱 05/31 15:09

Blink41 : Bell這個發言真是讓人不太喜歡 05/31 15:09

bravo : 我只相信喇叭總 05/31 15:10

zephyrhymn : 看標題我以為是前總裁史騰 05/31 15:12

yannick80116: 第一順位XD 05/31 15:12

Rex3661 : 製聲回歸!!! 05/31 15:12

kevinken : 它程度不夠資格評論LBJ的去留吧 05/31 15:12

mYirain : 吃了誠實豆沙包? 05/31 15:12

sezna : 聲仔要先發 05/31 15:12

birdruei : Bell的意思是說騎士也會進final吧= =? 05/31 15:13

shawnbear : 怎麼一堆菜逼八老是以為自己是個咖在那邊嗆XD 05/31 15:13

ksk0516 : Bell不是一知道要去勇士就開始嘴了嗎 05/31 15:13

lonelysam : 以為自己是個咖 被carry就乖乖躺分好嗎 05/31 15:13

CMPunk : Bell師承嘴綠 進來前就知道了 05/31 15:14

QoGIVoQ : 嘴綠就算了 這傢伙哪位 05/31 15:14

dtundertaker: 一直被哈登吃還狂尻人家手 沒被吹就開始驕傲拉? 05/31 15:14

therika : 我詹酸,但是Bell這咖嗆詹皇也太鬧 05/31 15:14

RadioMan : 你翻錯吧? 05/31 15:14

lonelysam : 要不是你在勇士 早就被吹到回去守開特力了zzz 05/31 15:15

BrandonRoy3 : 教練我想打明星賽 05/31 15:15

RadioMan : LeBron was going to go <<<<go to final的意思吧 05/31 15:15

uyrmb47 : 發出怪聲一律冷凍 05/31 15:15

NiuBi5566 : 不愧是宇宙勇 連B咖球員講話都能這麼狂 05/31 15:15

RadioMan : 上一句他自己說: I knew we were going to the Fina 05/31 15:15

james80351 : 翻錯了 05/31 15:15

timeflies : Bell那句翻譯怪怪的....還是我英文不好囧 05/31 15:15

miayao417 : 連中產約都簽不到的人愛嘴,算了勇士盡出這種人 05/31 15:16

RadioMan : ls. 我倒覺得不是說lbj準備要逃的意思 歡迎討論 05/31 15:16

birdruei : 要逃怎麼會用they當主詞? 05/31 15:16

Timba : I knew we were going to the Finals 05/31 15:16

ksk0516 : 看一下原文你好像翻錯了LOL 05/31 15:16

NiuBi5566 : 仔細看原文 好像翻譯有問題吧? 05/31 15:17

Timba : 有很嗆嗎 好像還好 05/31 15:17

kevinliao310: 感覺最後那邊翻錯了 05/31 15:17

therika : 靠,是翻錯,這go是進finial 05/31 15:17

RadioMan : 看一下原文的上下文 going to go應該試只要去finals 05/31 15:17

birdruei : "they" went three years before 05/31 15:17

onetooneya : 這翻錯了吧…… 05/31 15:17

RadioMan : 大家不要森7 05/31 15:17

kbty245 : 他在西冠的防守每100回合只讓火箭得到91.7分,相當 05/31 15:17

kbty245 : 驚人的數字,然後在這裡被酸的連雜魚都不如XDD 05/31 15:17

jackypan1989: 翻錯了 05/31 15:18

kevin0123 : Bell是說LBJ也會去Finals吧 05/31 15:18

TradePau : 連小咖都可以嘴我史上前2 姆斯? 05/31 15:18

timeflies : because "they" went three years before,不是指轉 05/31 15:18

therika : 而且bell算是尊敬詹皇,覺得15年也是沒啥幫手就進總 05/31 15:18

therika : 冠 05/31 15:18

RadioMan : 看一下原文啦 謝謝 05/31 15:18

billyang86 : 最後一段在講進決賽捏 怎麼可能是說詹皇離開 05/31 15:18

billyang86 : 他前面進決賽 都用go了 怎麼可能後面一樣是go 就變 05/31 15:19

billyang86 : 成離開 05/31 15:19

timeflies : 隊吧.... 05/31 15:19

joy9601 : 腳還是角 05/31 15:19

AhirunoSora : 原po英文老師在哭了 05/31 15:19

ducklingwu : 硬要史總欸 05/31 15:19

kevin0123 : 而且這樣看前後文跟三年前狀況應該算是尊敬居多 05/31 15:19

onetooneya : 看看前後文好嗎?Bell前面說他去年知道他們會進總 05/31 15:19

onetooneya : 冠,而他更肯定姆斯也會進,因為他們三年前就進了 05/31 15:19

onetooneya : 。 05/31 15:19

Alonzoooo : 反正勇士中鋒只要會移動迷宮就好了 05/31 15:20

gankgf : 挖靠 嚇一跳 05/31 15:20

e7660239 : NBA製聲? 05/31 15:21

onetooneya : 推改正 05/31 15:21

willowlin : 以為走錯版 05/31 15:21

therika : 噢拍謝我也翻錯了,是three years before,不是three 05/31 15:21

therika : years ago,是過去三年都進,不單指三年前 05/31 15:21

aifighter : 硬凹 爛梗 05/31 15:23

sweetantt : 智勝!!上一軍囉 05/31 15:23

Vinccc : 以為棒球版 05/31 15:23

alexizakkk : 看了看有很嗆嗎 還好吧? 05/31 15:26

alonelykid : 翻錯而已不要那麼森七 05/31 15:28

yuyuen : 因為一開始我筆誤,修改後,就還好。 05/31 15:29

APC : 守喇棒是需要點氣勢 05/31 15:31

bbrret : 剛看完棒球板再過來,錯愕了一下 05/31 15:32

t32908 : 出怪聲 05/31 15:34

ohsho62 : 我也準備好了,借了200萬要押騎士 4:0 05/31 15:35

tomlee1130 : 以為到了棒球板 05/31 15:35

yqooopy : 剛看完棒球版看到標題就笑了 05/31 15:36

AirPenguin : 硬要 05/31 15:38

gy5566gy : .. 05/31 15:40

onetooneya : 魯尼好悲情 打這麼好還要被嗆 05/31 15:40

spinebuster : 明明就姓Kerr硬要寫史總耶 05/31 15:42

wpd : 例行賽都用Zaza跟Mcgee........ the 藏 05/31 15:46

yuyuen : 黃甘霖,都被叫甘總了,浙還好吧 05/31 15:48

yuyuen : 這 05/31 15:48

rettam : 應該叫柯總 05/31 15:49

Ahao : 其實嚴格來說,他姓柯,應該尊稱「柯總」! 05/31 15:50

abc30425 : 硬要 05/31 15:52

FAYeeeeeeee : 聲仔4 ni ? 05/31 15:57

d147258 : 自以為有梗 05/31 16:01

ClownT : 左轉棒球版 05/31 16:01

protoss666 : 聲仔 是你? 05/31 16:08

IDmpact : 大師兄回來啦 05/31 16:09

a1ndy688 : 以為走錯哈哈哈 05/31 16:13

Toy17 : 標題hen會 05/31 16:19

ROSEXIII : 看原文沒很嗆大家冷靜啊~~~XD 05/31 16:20

ohxd : Hen幽默 05/31 16:20

JerrySloan : 你想進明星賽嗎? 05/31 16:21

majongson : 聽到史總我第一個想到的是爵士前老總 05/31 16:22

LoveDonGin : 無聊的梗 05/31 16:27

benallen : bell你幾梯的 總要敬老尊賢吧 05/31 16:32

DukeMonkey : 大聲什麼啦 05/31 16:40

manuginobii : 聲音都回來啦!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 05/31 16:51

pininfarina : 在強隊新人也會格外有信心因為體系可以打的更開 05/31 16:57

Strasburg : 結果當整場出賽3分鐘的假先發 05/31 17:01

cama : 聲仔今晚強勢回歸! 05/31 17:06

HuangJS : 「腳」色 05/31 17:07

crazylin924 : 滿多人英文不太好的 呵呵 05/31 17:15

mono1023 : 反正都要補防LBJ 05/31 17:16

ilanedward : 東西區友誼賽 先發練兵其實OK 05/31 17:26

austin7037 : 滾去棒球版 05/31 17:45

Totoro0802 : 我以為是怪聲酷寒戰士... 05/31 18:17

dk210095 : 我知道 先發一壘手對吧? 05/31 18:28

SCLPAL : XD 05/31 18:34

biung : 升一軍了 05/31 19:09

khristian : 以為來到棒球版 05/31 19:53

lyt5566 : 太會了吧 05/31 20:13

hatasky : 喔 05/31 23:11

AReynolds : 美國聲仔? 06/01 00:08

eno03 : 這兩個人用越多 騎士越有機會 經驗不夠 偶而手軟 06/01 03:28

huihuihui : 我加入勇士也知道會進總冠這麼舒適 06/01 05:58

k70113 : 米國聲仔? 06/01 08:00

f99999993 : 出怪聲 06/01 08:10

kidd100 : WTF 06/01 08:49

noway1126 : 這傢伙就算了 你哪位 06/01 10:02
