[外絮] Becky Hammon將成為第一個面試NBA總仔的女性(公鹿)

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作者 bigDwinsch ()
時間 2018-05-05 17:44:45
留言 61則留言 (47推 0噓 14→)

https://goo.gl/ozWRdd 來源:華盛頓郵報 Bucks will make Becky Hammon first woman to interview for NBA head coaching job 公鹿成為第一個面試女總仔的NBA球隊 San Antonio Spurs assistant Becky Hammon will interview for the Milwaukee Bucks head coaching job, making her the first woman to interview for a top NBA bench job, The Washington Post has confirmed. 華郵確認 公鹿隊即將面試Becky Hammon,這是NBA歷史首次的女性總仔interview! News of Hammon’s interview was first reported by ESPN on Friday night. 美國時間禮拜五ESPN先發出的消息 Hammon, 41, has spent the past four seasons working as an assistant under Gregg Popovich in San Antonio. When she was hired in 2014, she was the first full-time female assistant coach in any of the four major American pro sports, and she coached San Antonio’s Las Vegas summer league entry to the title the following summer. 41歲的Hammon過去四季都在馬刺的Pop底下工作,2014年她也是四大聯賽第一個全職女助 教 之前夏天她也當過馬刺的Las Vegas夏聯總教練並且拿到冠軍。 Hammon spent 16 years in the WNBA — eight with the New York Liberty and eight with the San Antonio Stars — in addition to playing several seasons for teams in Spain and Russia. She also won a bronze medal playing for the Russian national team in the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. Hammon球員時代在WNBA打了16年--8年New York Liberty、8年San Antonio Stars,也在 西班牙 俄羅斯打過幾季,08年代表俄羅斯在北京奧運拿到女籃銅牌(08歸化俄) Four of Popovich’s assistants – Hammon, James Borrego, Ettore Messina and Ime Udoka – have garnered interview requests for various head coaching openings. San Antonio has long been regarded as an incubator for coaching talent under Popovich, and all four are regarded as head coaching candidates. 現在4個馬刺的助教都收到一堆面試機會,在Pop底下,馬刺被認為是NBA教練的養成庫, Hammon, James Borrego, Ettore Messina ,Ime Udoka都被認為有資格成為教練候選人 Hammon, in particular, has drawn praise from Popovich for her work on multiple occasions. Hammon在很多場合也被Pop特別稱讚過她的工作能力 “Becky can do anything she wants,” Popovich told the San Antonio Express-News this year, after Hammon’s name came up in relation to the head coaching job at her alma mater, Colorado State. “She’s earned the respect of everybody in our program, top to bottom. Pop:''Becky可以做任何她想做的事'' 當Hammon被傳Colorado State總教頭職位時, ''她得到我們內部所有人的尊敬,從老闆到打雜小弟'' “I really respect her knowledge and her way of doing things. So whatever she wants to do in her future, she’s a natural. She’s got it all.” ''我尊敬她所擁有的籃球知識和她做事的方式,所以不管她未來想幹什麼都OK'' Pop說道 In a wide-ranging profile on Hammon in The New Yorker last month, Cleveland Cavaliers superstar LeBron James said he’d welcome the idea of playing for a woman. LBJ也曾經對記者說他歡迎為女性打球 “If she knows what she’s doing, we’ll love it,” he said. “I mean, listen, at the end of the day, basketball, it’s not about male or female. If you know the game, you know the game.” LBJ:''我們喜愛Hammon和她正在做的事情,我的意思是:籃球追根究柢不是僅僅是男人或 女人的運動,如果你了解比賽,那就跟性別無關'' --- NBA第一個女總仔!? --

※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1525513489.A.278.html

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AIRLIN : 穿套裝吧 應該沒黑絲05/05 18:14

encorek01231: 女生老了真的差好多05/05 18:15

akillu : 小玉西瓜?05/05 18:16

tbs7melody : 老基呢?05/05 18:19

f771213 : 老大:宣布復出 加入公鹿05/05 18:20

Malpais : 她不是俄裔美籍 是純歸化 本身沒有俄裔血統05/05 18:23

PeterHenson : Parker前女友05/05 18:23

PirateAC : 老大:我不退休啦啦啦啦!05/05 18:25

llonglifee : 幽默和低級搞不清楚的鄉民 05/05 18:32

zaqw641125 : 這篇有比酸老大還重要的事吧 05/05 18:35

matthew0123 : 希望能成,之前推掉大學邀請就是希望能在NBA當總欸05/05 18:40

dk210095 : 她是美國不選她,她才去歸化俄的吧!不是俄裔喔05/05 18:40

O10lOl01O : 這顏值很高欸05/05 18:40

telescopy : 馬刺有個不曉得是怎樣的可愛,又不知道有幾位助教要05/05 18:43

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pjharper : 以前真的很萌05/05 18:49

a0025068 : QQ05/05 18:54

jyunwei : 不差吧,不過重點不是長相啦05/05 18:57

qcqcqcqcqc : 感覺酸民的媽媽生孩子也會推KOBE 05/05 18:58

longlyeagle : 樹倒..05/05 19:16

liusim : 蠻正的05/05 19:21

naker : 有黑絲嗎05/05 19:28

Yeeeha : 男女不是問題但資歷不大夠吧,她開始執教未滿4年耶05/05 19:30

Pixis : 她有相當豐富的國際賽資歷 相信她05/05 19:31

Miyanishi25 : 老大!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!宣布復出!!!!!!!!!!!!05/05 19:37

pttnowash : 俄羅斯QD戴崑溪 05/05 19:40

cyc0307 : 資歷不是問題吧 Kidd還不是直接當總教練 有實力就 05/05 20:02

cyc0307 : 行了吧 05/05 20:02

curtismaniac: 她在籃壇至少也2.30年了 資歷不差啊 又不是去馬刺才 05/05 20:09

curtismaniac: 是資歷 之前也不是路人 05/05 20:09

s925407 : 有實力的話資歷根本不是問題,kerr當教練也才幾年? 05/05 20:12

s925407 : 有人會質疑他的資歷嗎? 05/05 20:12

jack19931993: SPO也是從影片分析轉教練的啊 每個人都菜過 05/05 20:15

jack19931993: 總是有第一年當教練的時候 05/05 20:15

yeustream : 4個都面試,全被挖走了怎麼辦呀 05/05 20:38

Scherzer31 : JoJo 這是我最後的Hammon! 05/05 20:45

manny875468 : rando跟lbj直接身兼教練 05/05 21:07

amokk76267 : 密爾瓦基夜驚魂 05/05 21:27

kaede0711 : 馬刺體系的用就對了 05/05 22:28

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sexycute : 這個年紀這樣我可以 <3 05/05 22:51

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