Re: [外絮] Ray Allen出書,談與KG、Rondo的過去種種

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作者 yuonger741 (時光少年2014)
時間 2018-03-13 09:37:02
留言 50則留言 (36推 1噓 13→)

感謝原po的翻譯,但是我覺得有些地方沒翻好可能會與原話有衝突,以下()內補充一下 。 : Ray Allen's new book sheds light on Celtics drama, intense battles with Rajo n Rondo : Ray Allen最近將出書《From the Outside: My Journey through Life and the Game I Love》 : 內容暢談了他在球員生涯中的經歷,其中也談到了在塞爾提克的過去,這篇披露了KG和 Rondo的部分。 : KG部分: : As Allen tells it, there were early signs that he and Garnett, who were both intense players and intense personalities, would eventually clash. Allen reca lled dribbling in front of his locker during the Celtics’ preseason trip to R ome in 2007, which was something Allen had done to prepare for games his entir e career. The dribbling annoyed Garnett, though, who told Allen, “No, you’re not going to do that.” : 2007年塞爾提克組成三巨頭後在羅馬打季前賽期間,一場比賽前Allen在更衣室自己的 : 櫃前做著運球訓練,但這樣的訓練似乎打擾到了隊友Kevin Garnett,於是Garnett對Al le : n說:“不,你不能這樣做。” : “You can’t tell me what to do,” Allen remembered responding, as teammates : looked on. “You do what you do, and I do what I do.” : “你不能告訴我該做什麽,” Allen當時如此回答,“你做你要做的事情,而我做我自 : 的。” : As Allen wrote, “Gee, can two grown men be any more juvenile?” And it was a : similar experience when, before the start of the season, Garnett and Allen w en : t out to dinner at a steakhouse in Boston and spoke about their roots togeth er : as teenage players in the 1990s, and the pain of being on losing teams in t he : past. After dinner, Allen wrote, he asked the waitress for the check. : “兩個已經成長起來的人還能像年少時一樣嗎?” (我們兩個大人還能再更幼稚嗎?) : 隨後Allen繼續寫道,在那個賽季例行 : 賽開賽前,Garnett和他有次一起去波士頓一家餐廳吃晚飯,兩人聊了很多,從他們在 : 世紀90年代時一起打球,到兩人進入聯盟在各自球隊中接受失敗等等。晚飯後,Allen : 服務員買單。 : “No,” Garnett said, “I tip way better than him, so you better give me the c : heck.” It was the first time they’d gone to dinner together, and Allen poi nt : ed out that Garnett had no idea how much Allen tipped. “There was no point in : arguing with the guy,” Allen writes. “What struck me was that he felt the n : eed to be seen as being superior to me, even in something as petty as this. : “不,”Garnett當時說道,“我比他給的小費更多,所以把帳單給我吧。” : Allen回憶表示,那是他們第一次一起去吃晚飯,當時Garnett並不知道Allen付了多少 : 費。“我沒理由與他爭論的,但這讓我覺得,他可能想要排在我前面 (他想要顯得比我更優越) :甚至像這樣的小事都是如此。”Allen如此寫道。 : It came as little surprise, then, that when Allen left Boston to sign with h e : Heat, Garnett refused to shake his hand when the two teams met on opening n ig : ht the following season. : 之後Allen離開塞爾提克加盟熱火,而2012-13賽季揭幕戰恰好是塞爾提克客場挑戰熱火 , : 但比賽開始前Garnett拒絕了Allen的握手。 : “KG would quarrel with his grandmother if she signed with another team,” A ll : en said. : “如果他的奶奶與其他球隊簽約,KG也會跟她吵架的。”Allen在書中如此寫道。 : Still, Allen wrote that of all the teammates he has had, “If I had to choos e : only one to play with, it would be Kevin Garnett. No one else comes close.” : 不過在寫過了他打球時的大多數隊友之後,Allen又寫道:“如果要我在這些人中選擇 : 個人作為隊友的話,那就會是Kevin Garnett,而其他甚至沒有更接近的人。” : Rondo部分: : At the opposite end of that spectrum is Rondo. Allen describes their early r el : ationship as one of young player and mentor. “I couldn’t have gotten along w : ith him any better,” Allen writes. “He was like a little brother to me.” : 此外,Allen還在書中披露了與Rajon Rondo的一些故事,Allen將他與Rondo一開始的關 : 形容為“一位導師和一位年輕球員”。他就像我的小兄弟一樣,Allen寫道。 : But the relationship unraveled after the Celtics’ 2008 championship. Even w it : h the passage of time, Allen still seems at a loss to explain why, exactly,t h : e dynamic between he and Rondo collapsed. : 但兩人的關係在塞爾提克2008年奪冠後發生了改變。儘管經過了這麼久,Allen似乎看 : 來還沒有機會解釋實際上到底兩人之間發生了什麼衝突。 (Allen還是無法確實的解釋他跟Rondo之間發生了什麼事) : But by 2011, that relationship was in tatters. Allen recalled that in 2009, be : cause the Celtics’ front office had issues with Rondo, there was talk that Al : len and Rondo would be traded to Phoenix for a package built around Amar'e S to : udemire. Allen told Rondo at the time that he should talk to team president Da : nny Ainge to work out their problems and keep from being traded. : Allen書中回憶指出,2009年時由於塞爾提克管理層與Rondo之間有些問題,那時候有流 : 稱Allen將與Rondo一起被交易到太陽,綠衫軍會換回Amar'e Stoudemire等人。當時All en : 對Rondo說,他應該找時間與塞爾提克籃球運營總裁Danny Ainge談一談,來修復他們的 關系。 : It came up again during the 2010-11 season. In a team meeting, Allen writes, R : ondo told his teammates, “I carried all of you to the championship in 2008. : 而當時間來到2010-11賽季時,Allen寫道,在球隊的一次會議中,Rondo對綠衫軍隊友 : 說:“2008年我帶領著你們所有人贏得了總冠軍。” : Allen continued: “The rest of the team, almost in unison, responded, ‘Youw h : at?’” Rondo said everyone on the team had problems with him, and when Alle n : told him, “None of us had issues with you,” Rondo said to him, “You did,t o : o. You told me I was the reason we were going to be traded.” : “當時球隊其他人幾乎都是同時回應‘是你?” : Allen表示,當時Rondo說球隊所有人都與他有問題。當Allen對Rondo說:“沒有人與你 : 問題的。”而Rondo卻回應說:“你也一樣,你曾告訴我,我是我們兩個要被交易走的 : 因。” : Perhaps that’s where the problem started, then. In the book, Allen seems ge nu : inely unsure of why Rondo turned on him so completely. Allen describes Rondo a : s a player who expected that he would be treated as a leader without having do : ne the work to deserve the role, and describes the Celtics as an organizatio n : that could not figure out how to handle Rondo. Coach Doc Rivers asked Garnet t : and Allen to get [Rondo] into the circle,” but Allen told Rivers, “We can : ’t make him a leader, Doc. He has to earn it.” : 也許這就是兩人之間心結的開端,Allen在書中將Rondo描述為一名“沒做到應該做到的 : 情就想成為球隊領袖”的球員,同時塞爾提克管理層也無法管住Rondo。當時球隊主帥D oc : Rivers曾讓Garnett和Allen幫助Rondo成為“球隊核心”,但Allen當時告訴Rivers: : 我們不能讓他成為一名領袖,他必須自己贏得那個位置。” : Allen details the famed incident during the Celtics’ playoff series against M : iami in 2011, when Rivers was going over film with the team and pointing out s : ome of the errors made during their losses in the first two games. Rondo out : his head down and turned his chair toward the lockers.” Rivers implored hi m : to watch the film. : 隨後Allen透露,在2011年季後賽與熱火的系列賽裡,當塞爾提克輸掉前兩戰後,River s : 曾在更衣室裡召集大家觀看比賽影片找到前兩場失利的錯誤。但Rondo當時低著頭自己 : 在了更衣室門前,Rivers上前要求Rondo過去看影片。 : “F—that film,” Rondo said, according to Allen, hurling a water bottle att : he screen and breaking it. Rivers ordered Rondo out. Garnett followed him an d : said, “Young fella, you need to get your s— together.” : “看個屁影片。”Rondo當時如此說,隨後他就將一個水瓶扔向了螢幕。之後Rivers要 求R : ondo離開,Garnett也喊話:“嘿小兄弟,你需要和我們團結在一起。” (Garnett:兄弟你他媽的得控制一下自己) : Before the start of the 2011-12 season, during the NBA’s lockout, there wer e : discussions that Rondo would be traded to New Orleans for Chris Paul, but th e : possibility of a deal fell through, according to reports at the time, becaus e : Paul would not commit to signing with Boston when he became a free agent the f : ollowing summer. : 在2011-12停擺賽季開始前,塞爾提克曾與當時的紐奧良黃蜂隊談論過用Rondo交易Chri s : Paul,根據當時新聞報導的說法,是Paul當時不想與波士頓簽下長約而使得交易流產。 (CP3不願承諾一年後與塞爾提克續約) : 但在Ray Allen的回憶錄中,他表示當時那筆交易沒成另有原因。 : According to Allen, though, the deal fell through for a different reason: “ In : the end, Doc decided he couldn’t do that to their coach, Monty Williams. D oc : was a mentor to Monty, having coached him in Orlando.” : 根據Allen表示,“最終,是Doc(Rivers)決定不想與對方主帥Monty Williams做交易 。 (原話是:Doc覺得他不能對Monty做這種事。 意思是:Doc覺得把Rondo這貨丟給朋友很 缺德) : Doc與Monty是非常好的朋友,他還在奧蘭多時執教過Monty。”Allen如此寫道。 : Once that trade was off the table, Allen wrote that he was shocked to find t he : Celtics move in the opposite direction — instead of trading Rondo, Rivers de : cided to build the offense around him, as if rewarding his bad behavior. All en : said the season that followed, “my last under contract, was the most stres s f : ul by far. It got to the point that Rondo would not even throw the ball to m e. : ” : 隨後Allen在書中透露,當他發現塞爾提克改變方向,Rivers決定圍繞Rondo建隊時,他 : 己有點被驚訝到了:“那是我最後一年合約,差不多是我最擔心的一次,Rondo可能不 : 再把球傳給我了。” : That was when Rivers moved Allen to the bench and started Avery Bradley alon gs : ide Rondo, and when Ainge nearly traded Allen to Memphis for O.J. Mayo, a de al : that was so close to completion that Ainge called Allen and told him it was h : appening. But it fell through just before the deadline. : 這時大概是Rivers將Avery Bradley拉到先發,Ray Allen放到板凳的時候,當時Ainge : 度接近把Allen送到灰熊換來O.J. Mayo,甚至Ainge已經告訴Allen本人他要被交易了, : 而這筆交易最終仍然破局,沒能在交易截止日前完成。 : The tension within the Celtics came to a peak during a game in Indiana in Ap ri : l 2012. Pierce and forward Brandon Bass had been bickering on the court duri ng : the game, and the argument spilled over to the locker room. When Rivers int er : vened to talk to the team as a whole, Rondo blurted out something about Alle n, : which led to their own locker-room shouting match. : Allen接著描述道,塞爾提克球隊內部問題在2012年4月份與溜馬的一場比賽中達到了頂 : 。當時Paul Pierce和Brandon Bass在比賽中手感冰涼, (老皮跟Bass在賽場上有口角) 隊員們在更衣室裡也有所爭論。 : 當Rivers介入討論要求大家團結在一起時,Rondo卻突然對Allen喊了起來,隨即兩人發 : 了爭吵。 : Rondo claimed Allen was jealous of him, and when Allen responded that Rondo ne : eded to top bulls—ing veryone on the team,” Rondo told him, “I’m going : to get your ass out of here this summer.” Later, on the team plane, Allen sa : id he approached Rondo to see if the problem could be handled and the hatche t : buried. Instead, Rondo turned a cold shoulder and said, “I got 11 games to ok : ay with you, and that’s it.” : Rondo當時聲稱Allen對他有些猜忌,而當Allen對Rondo說“你需要停止指責球隊每個人 : 時,Rondo回應說:“今年夏天我會讓你離開這裡。”之後在球隊返回波士頓的飛機上 ,A : llen描述他找到Rondo想看看二人是否可以和解。但相反,Rondo冷冷的說:“我和你還 : 11場比賽了,就是這樣。” : Of course, Allen did leave that summer, and it was that decision that has le ft : such a wide rift between him and Garnett — Allen patched things up with Pi er : ce last summer, and the Rondo animosity may never subside. Despite the tensi on : of the 2011-12 season, Allen wrote that he plan was to stay in Boston.” B : ut the Celtics, who signed guard Jason Terry, offered two years and $12 mill io : n where Allen was seeking three years and $24 million. According to Allen, t he : sum total of events in Boston nudged him to sign elsewhere. : 隨後Ray Allen在2012年夏天離開波士頓加盟邁阿密,Allen在書中描述,當時他的計劃 : “想留在波士頓”,但當時已經先簽下Jason Terry的塞爾提克為他提供了一份2年1200 : 的合同,而Allen自己想尋求一份3年2400萬的合同。Allen描述稱,當時波士頓一系列 : 操作都是在推動他與其他球隊簽約。 : “So let me see if I got this straight,” he wrote. “You want to pay me les s : money. You want to bring me off the bench. You want to continue to run the o ff : ense around Rondo. Now tell me again exactly why I would want to sign this c on : tract?” : “所以讓我看看自己是否已經清楚了吧,”Allen如此寫道,“你們想付給我更少的錢 : 你們想讓我打替補,你們想繼續圍繞Rondo打進攻。好吧,那麼再告訴我,我為什麽還 : 與你們簽下合約呢?” : In the end, Allen took even less money to sign with Miami for two years and 6 : million, because the Heat had the best chance to win a title. : 之後,Allen與熱火簽下了一份2年600萬的合同,原因是在那裡Allen有最好的奪冠機會 : “I knew fans in New England wouldn’t be happy with my decision,” Allen wr ot : e, “but I never could have imagined the degree of unhappiness. They acted a s : if I was Benedict sin was that I had the nerve to leave on my ow n : .” : “我知道新英格蘭地區的球迷對我的決定肯定不會開心,但我從來沒想到他們有如此的 : 高興,他們將我描述為Benedict Arnold(叛徒的代名詞)……我的罪過就是有勇氣獨 : 離開。”Ray Allen在書中如此寫道。” : 原文來源: : 稍微改一點地方,還是辛苦原Po的翻譯 --
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Playorange : 河流對朋友真講義氣 03/13 09:38

whj0530 : 當總教練講這種義氣不對吧 03/13 09:38

yoshro : XDDDD 03/13 09:38

pounil : CP3不承諾續約可能才是問題的大部分 03/13 09:40

WinShot : CP3以前明明很想和河流&KG打球 03/13 09:40

Wojnarowski : 其實我可以修改一下啦,不過還是謝謝大大指正 03/13 09:42

blur13 : 缺德XD 03/13 09:43

FAYeeeeeeee : 義氣老河 03/13 09:43

steven8088 : 不願把這貨丟給別人 所以兒子只好放在自己隊毒自己 03/13 09:45

IceMakers : 最後把這個坑丟給小牛XDDD 然後小喬丹奪還戰也是 03/13 09:46

sswu2823 : 本文重點: Doc覺得把Rondo這貨丟給朋友很缺德 03/13 09:49

LiamNeeson : 老河XDD 學一下Ainge每次都坑老隊友McHale啊XD 03/13 09:49

DogBe105 : 上一篇我真的看不懂 03/13 09:50

andrew1357 : 我想河流八成是很清楚Monty無法控制軟豆才不忍心丟 03/13 09:51

andrew1357 : 給他吧XD 03/13 09:51

yoshro : 你扭轉我對河流的看法了,『義氣河』。 03/13 09:51

iamaq18c : Doc覺得把Rondo這貨丟給朋友很缺德<-可以這樣翻嗎XD 03/13 09:54

Jigokuhen : 老河真的很愛玩人情籃球 竟然不換CP3??? 03/13 09:57

Jigokuhen : 難怪處處保護兒子 03/13 09:57

monmo : 我對老河改觀了... 情與義 值千金啊啊啊! 03/13 09:57

waino50 : 義氣籃球! 03/13 09:59

marx93521 : 老河是犧牲自己照亮其他29隊 大家錯怪他了 03/13 10:00

Jigokuhen : 那段意思是個人腦補吧 不過風向對了沒差 03/13 10:01

vvvi : 老實說RA轉隊真的很合理 沒錢沒舞台沒地位 03/13 10:02

chenlansue : 老河.....真的太有義氣了!! 03/13 10:05

rudy0115 : 很多都還是漏翻耶... 03/13 10:08

liusim : 事後來看真的很合理 跟球隊培養的核心鬧翻 又降替補 03/13 10:08

Maxslack : 河流真是菩薩,我不入地獄,誰入地獄的Fu。 03/13 10:08

grayoasis : 所以小河流都帶在身邊啊 03/13 10:26

as508114 : 他應該也是覺得把兒子丟給其他隊很缺德吧 改觀了 03/13 10:27

jeter0209 : 這麼說來老河沒把小河這貨丟出去是在做功德呢 03/13 10:27

hyy9685 : 這翻的不錯 03/13 10:28

bangch : 小犢:幹那你怎麼就交易給我 跟你沒交情就這樣嗎QQ 03/13 10:29

aidsai : 小牛就跟你沒交情 XDDDDDDDDDDD 03/13 10:30

langeo : 丟給朋友很缺德 小牛不是朋友 03/13 10:33

Amilous : Doc覺得把Rondo這貨丟給朋友很缺德,是河流自己說 03/13 10:46

Amilous : 的 還是雷槍自己認為? 03/13 10:46

Jormungandr : 大家錯怪老河了 難怪把小河扣在手裡 偉大! 03/13 11:05

evan700607 : 小河:原來4這樣... 03/13 11:54

Mageo : 咦瞬間洗白變成白河 03/13 12:01

frozenmoon : 情和義值千金 03/13 12:20

Howard05 : CP3去超賽不就4巨頭了... 03/13 12:58

timmy6666 : 不過豆子2011是有理由屌吧,手斷了還爆氣贏球那場真 03/13 13:17

timmy6666 : 的很猛 03/13 13:17

timmy6666 : 但也有可能是氣氛問題才導致那年太快輸掉,不然12年 03/13 13:18

timmy6666 : 都打到7場了 03/13 13:18

stocktonty : 某屁孩就大頭症啊 還帶領大家咧 03/13 13:49

kjw1216 : 一點也不覺得 軟豆 有比這些老大哥厲害 03/13 18:56

nashdu : 只能推Allen了,辣雞軟豆 03/13 21:58

Dogmeat : CP3 交易那段完全是腦補...拜託不要亂翻... 03/13 22:42
