Re: [花邊] 獨行俠辦公室性騷擾

看板 NBA
作者 chuck1030 (Charles Lee Ray)
時間 2018-02-22 01:38:36
留言 18則留言 (4推 9噓 5→)

: : Jon Wertheim 及Jessica Luther 於Sports Illustrated 的報導中指出達拉斯獨行俠隊 : 中不良工作氛圍,其中包含對組織員工性騷擾及涉嫌暴力。 : Interviews with more than a dozen former and current Mavericks employees in : different departments, conducted during a months-long SPORTS ILLUSTRATED : investigation, paint a picture of a corporate culture rife with misogyny and : predatory sexual behavior: alleged public fondling by the team president; : outright domestic assault by a high-profile member of the staff; : unsupportive or even intimidating responses from superiors who heard : complaints of inappropriate behavior from their employees; even an employee : who openly watched pornography at his desk. : 經SI調查及訪問數十位離職及在職員工後,可以獨行俠辦公室中腐敗的文化中充滿厭女主 : 義及性騷擾舉動。其中包含:公然撫摸及暴力行徑,然而對此的諸多投訴卻不被上層所受 : 理或是恐嚇威脅,其中甚至公然於投訴者的辦公桌旁公然觀看情色內容。 : 員工形容此辦公室文化彷彿是"動物屋(色情喜劇)"真實版及"公開的秘密"。其中諸多指控 : 都是針對於2015年辭職的前任隊主席及CEOTerdema Ussery。 : One shared that Ussery had repeatedly propositioned her for sex, even : offering to leave his marriage if the woman relented—an account the second : woman confirmed to SPORTS ILLUSTRATED for this story. Another woman shared : that Ussery’s inappropriate behavior was one of the reasons she was quitting : her sales job after more than a decade. : Ussery遭指出不斷對她提出性要求。另一名女性則說明Ussery是她放棄長達數十年工作經 : 歷的原因。 : 在SI的該篇報導發布前,達拉斯獨行俠官方釋出發言將對此進行"徹底及獨立的調查" : The Mavericks organization takes these allegations extremely seriously. : Yesterday we notified the league office and immediately hired outside counsel : to conduct a thorough and independent investigation. The investigation will : focus on the specific allegations related to this former employee, and will : look more broadly at our company’s workplace practices and policies. In : addition, an employee whose job was to receive and investigate such : complaints and report them accurately and fully, has been suspended pending : the conclusion of our investigation. : 獨行俠團隊非常認真地看待此指控,已立即聘請外部律師進行獨立及徹底的調查,將關注 : 與Ussery有關的具體指控,同時擴大調查辦公室文化及政策。 : 獨行俠老闆 Mark Cuban主張他對於此"腐敗的辦公室文化"毫不知情,這一切都是"新"聞 : 。 : Cuban再說他對此感到難堪及此辦公室文化必須受到"指正"。人資部門首長Buddy Pittman : 在報導出現後隨即遭解職。 : NBA聯盟於周二官方發布調查達拉斯獨行俠之不當行為。 : -------------------------------- : At this meal, with ESPN crew members seated nearby, Ussery struck up an : unusual conversation. As the woman recalls the exchange, Ussery claimed that : he knew what she was going to do over the coming weekend. When the woman : asked, confusedly, what Ussery meant, he smiled. : “You’re going to get gang-banged,” he asserted, “aren’t you?” : “No,” the woman responded, caught off-guard. “Actually, I’m going to the : movies with friends.” : “No,” Ussery insisted. “You’re definitely getting gang-banged.” : 以上節錄自SI原文報導Useery性騷擾新進女員工 : Ussery:"妳等等是要去搞群交對巴?" : 措手不及的女員工:"不,其實我等等要去和朋友一起看電影。" : Ussery:"不,妳一定是要去搞群交。" 這篇新聞讓我回想起小牛隊剛改名時,我們達拉斯隨筆的王公建祥在自己的部落格 提到,美國的球隊名多以複數稱,也就是名稱後面幾乎都會加s,這個名稱既然譯 作獨行俠,那達拉斯這支 Maverick"s" 代表著一群的獨行俠,那獨行俠還是獨行俠? 豈不是眾行俠?還真有群交的味道呢 --
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jtch : 奇怪的論點 你可以說是獨行俠們 硬要用"群" 02/22 01:40

vincent1985 : 這篇水準真的很高 02/22 02:00

vincent1985 : 比曾志偉還高 02/22 02:00

pierce880321: 跟原文有什麼關係? 02/22 02:15

yowhatsupsli: 這水準給尊重 02/22 02:15

MorikonHase : 門清一摸三 02/22 02:18

Aceyalone : 硬要掰梗..... 很難笑..... 02/22 02:26

jy1996 : 蛤? 02/22 02:27

Giuliani : XDDDDDD 02/22 02:47

willy891017 : 阿就獨行俠這個族群,又不一定要在一起,你中英文 02/22 02:53

willy891017 : 都有問題喔 02/22 02:53

leonini : 低級可以 難笑不笑 02/22 02:58

king12272 : 硬要扯 02/22 07:53

tony332976 : 02/22 08:41

pponywong : Texas Rangers 還不是翻譯成德州遊騎兵 不是遊騎隊 02/22 08:55

johnny04a : 無聊 02/22 09:42

mm613613 : 當有趣 02/22 14:38

mln : 糟糕,我覺得其實還滿好笑的。 02/23 01:30
