[外絮] Curry想要2019明星賽再組Team Stephen

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作者 djviva (安身守份待時以動)
時間 2018-02-21 13:24:02
留言 118則留言 (78推 6噓 34→)

Stephen Curry would love to captain Team Stephen again in 2019 https://tinyurl.com/y8j99x46 LOS ANGELES (AP) — Stephen Curry would love to be an NBA All-Star Game captain again next year, especially since the game will be in his hometown of Charlotte. Steph Curry想要明年再度成為明星賽隊長, 特別是2019的明星賽將在他家鄉夏洛特舉辦 LeBron James would be OK with someone else taking his place, depending on who the top two vote-getters are, although his draft prowess led to Team LeBron beating Team Stephen 148-145 Sunday night. LeBron James則不太在意是否能再蟬聯隊長, 就看是哪兩位獲得最高票的人去當就好 儘管他選隊友的才能帶領了Team LeBron以148-145獲得了明星賽的勝利 And there’s a definite appetite for the NBA to televise the captains’ draft rather than conduct it clandestinely like it was this year. 此外, NBA官方也很想要轉播隊長們選隊友的過程 “Televise it,” said DeMar DeRozan of Team Stephen. “Give the people what they want to see. I think everybody wants to see it. At the end of the day, every single person that gets picked, you are an All-Star, so it doesn’t matter where you really go, so I think televise it.” Players raved about the new format of having captains draft the teams rather than the traditional format of East vs. West. 由隊長們挑選隊友的新賽制, 被球員們激烈的討論著 And James finally revealed his draft order: Kevin Durant, Anthony Davis, his former Cleveland teammate Kyrie Irving and DeMarcus Cousins, who missed the game due to a season-ending injury. 然後LeBron James最終還是揭露了他的挑選過程, 依序是...KD-> AD-> KI-> 表弟 “I know who I like watching and I had a draft board. I had a process,” James said. “Some of it went according to plan. A couple of them fell through, but I was satisfied and happy with the guys that I got.” James’ original roster was dramatically altered by injuries to Cousins, John Wall, Kristaps Porzingis and Kevin Love, who all missed the game. LBJ原先想要的陣容包含了因傷而不克出賽的表弟 牆哥 KP跟Love “Even with the four guys that got injured we were able to get four new guys that came in and played well for us.” James was named the game’s MVP after making the go-ahead, finger-roll layup with 34.5 seconds left and scoring a game-high 29 points. 在明星賽終場前34.5秒上籃得分逆轉賽局, 整場拿下全場最高的29分後 LBJ獲得了今年明星賽MVP的榮銜 Where did he hide his draft board? 那什麼是他當時的挑選計劃呢? “Ain’t none of your business. You’re going too far, man,” James said with a laugh. Curry didn’t divulge his draft order. Curry則沒透露他的隊友挑選順序 “As the draft kind of unfolded, you start to game plan around positions,” he said. “For me, I tried to get the best shooters. It was kind of cool to see both teams come together as me and LeBron were picking. So that part, that vibe of the format and having two guys select from your peers will be a fun show as it unfolds year after year.” The All-Star draft led to interesting dynamics on court. 全明星賽的挑選制度, 在場上帶來了有趣的變化 Curry chose his Golden State teammates Klay Thompson and Draymond Green, but the trio had to play against Durant. James also chose Oklahoma City duo Westbrook and Paul George to play along with Kyrie Irving, who forced a trade away from James in Cleveland just last summer. Curry挑了他在勇士的隊友K湯跟嘴綠, 但他們三人卻必須去跟另一個勇士隊友KD對抗 而LBJ挑了雷霆的西河跟PG之外, 還挑了去年夏天喊了吹密而離開皇帝的Irving Irving and James had no obvious friction, even laughing and joking on the bench. Neither did Durant and Westbrook, who broke up in 2016 when Durant left Oklahoma City for Golden State. Irving跟LBJ沒有明顯的不合, 甚至還在板凳席上有說有笑的 KD在2016夏天離開雷霆轉投勇士, 但他跟西河在板凳區上的互動也沒不好的地方 Durant helped James smother Curry in the final seconds to prevent him from getting off a potential tying shot. KD在終場前協助了LBJ箝制住Curry不讓他出手可能拉平比分的三分球 And then there was Toronto’s Dwane Casey coaching Team LeBron against Raptors star DeRozan. 接著就是暴龍的Casey擔任Team LeBron的教練, 去對抗暴龍的球星DeRozan “I think that having the captains and selecting the guys and being able to mix them up gave it a more authentic feel of kind of what us players want to be part of in an All-Star Game,” Irving said. “It’s great to play with guys in your conference, East-West. But when you get a chance to have Russell Westbrook, Paul George, and you know they’re teammates already, and then you mix them with myself and Kemba (Walker), and LeBron, and you could see the mix and it just worked.” --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1519190646.A.F3F.html

ben108472 : 說笑話嗎? 02/21 13:25

EMSOK : 再當隊長 爆米花吃起來 02/21 13:25

turnpoint : 我覺得Team Stephen跟Team Lebron的重點就是搶KD而 02/21 13:25

turnpoint : 已 02/21 13:25

dayjay : 明年西區還會不會是柯里最高票都是問題了 02/21 13:26

DogBe105 : 明年換鬍子選了啦 02/21 13:27

x851221 : 被看破手腳了 還想連任 02/21 13:27

loserloser : 明年如果LBJ跟SC不是票王 順序會怎麼選? 02/21 13:27

jay0601zzz : 推有心翻譯 02/21 13:27

leots0211 : Team Popcorn 02/21 13:27

pounil : 明年應該還是一樣的隊長吧 西區人氣要壓過這新寵兒 02/21 13:27

miayao417 : 美國劇本實境秀做了十幾年很成熟又很假很自然,OK 02/21 13:28

miayao417 : 的 02/21 13:28

pounil : 的不多 大概就跟他同隊的那個可能一點 02/21 13:28

kootiger : 明年就Team KD了啦 02/21 13:28

DirkIsBest : 就是輸在你,高下立判 02/21 13:29

turnpoint : Team Al vs Team LaMarcus,風水輪流轉給今年最後入 02/21 13:29

turnpoint : 選的兩個挑 02/21 13:29

same60710 : Team AGG vs Team 抓雞 邊緣人大戰 02/21 13:30

Giuliani : TNT: 收視率 QQ 02/21 13:31

terminator3 : 戰犯還第一個想當明年隊長 沒看過臉皮這麼厚的 02/21 13:31

DirkIsBest : 我覺得可以改成TEAM Kobe 跟 TEAM Shaq,直接當教練 02/21 13:31

DirkIsBest : 我覺得可以改成TEAM Kobe 跟 TEAM Shaq,直接當教練 02/21 13:32

s155260 : 爆米花吃起來 02/21 13:32

rcf150cc : Team IT 跟 Team KI 感覺比較有趣 02/21 13:32

god2 : 美國乃哥唷,蘇不起 02/21 13:32

FatalLuna : Antetokounmpo->Harden->Embiid->DeRozan 我猜 02/21 13:33

turnpoint : Team Matt(Barnes) vs Team Derek(Fisher) 02/21 13:33

Alipapa : 明年還有人想被最雷的Curry選中嗎?XD 02/21 13:33

JessicaA1ba : 明年 team Kobe 02/21 13:34

Jokering5566: 今年就證明了路人不能當老大 02/21 13:34

AngelNo13 : 來個Team LaVar吧 02/21 13:35

IAMGRICE : 支持Duncan 付出,然後獲得最高票,這樣就可以看到T 02/21 13:35

IAMGRICE : eam Duncan了 02/21 13:35

IAMGRICE : *復出 02/21 13:35

dayjay : 2250還是省省吧 02/21 13:35

IAMGRICE : 今年真的很好看,如果說要再有一次機會看到這些人合 02/21 13:37

IAMGRICE : 體打正規賽的話,只能期待2020年的奧運了吧 02/21 13:37

rocku112 : Curry根本輸不起 想再當隊長討回來 02/21 13:40

shifa : Curry想再贏回來很正面啊,又不是想當太上皇 (喂 02/21 13:42

wastedoor : Team duncan 02/21 13:44

Illusionyo : Team Duncan xDD 02/21 13:44

julian0328 : Team Duncan哈哈哈 02/21 13:46

IAMGRICE : 對不起我錯了各位,應該是Team Tim 02/21 13:48

b102345 : 路人煩不煩狂刷存在感,今年都靠名氣在吃人氣還不 02/21 13:48

b102345 : 滿足 02/21 13:48

HolaDiego : Team Duncan vs Team Hardway 02/21 13:49

oklagg : 給最強那2個選吧 02/21 13:50

tomlee1130 : TEAM-102 女高中生辻本杏 02/21 13:50

PKming : 請不要再選灰狼的JB了,反正他也不想上場打明星賽 02/21 13:53

IAMGRICE : Team Tim 02/21 13:53

iamchyun : 以後就選一個前鋒一個後衛來選人 02/21 13:54

joulin : 前面說LBJ有公布順序 後面又說LBJ說記者問太深了? 02/21 13:54

ms05605566 : 放心 明年隊長不是你 02/21 13:55

AndyWT : 反正第一個不是挑LBJ就是KD 再來就鉛筆字母哥 02/21 13:55

pounil : JB要問教練團要不要選啊 02/21 13:56

s90523 : Team Duncan XDDDD 02/21 13:59

ianliu41 : 謝謝番號 02/21 14:00

once1024 : 可以跟總教練一樣嗎 不能連續兩年當隊長 02/21 14:04

forever920fv: 科酸大量湧入,塊陶 02/21 14:06

taker627 : 還想挑戰我組隊之王LBJ嗎 02/21 14:06

vincent1985 : 啾林 他是指 記者問挑選計畫太~深~了~>///< 02/21 14:11

a612142005 : PH不是替補進來的嗎 02/21 14:16

a612142005 : PG 02/21 14:16

stiooe : 明年應該加入 ban/pick 02/21 14:17

ksk0516 : 不敢出手丟炸彈以為自己是LBJ? 02/21 14:19

uuuuOPuff : LBJ隊如果有原本那四個不知道多強 02/21 14:20

NanaoNaru : Team Duncan會打到Team LBJ解體 02/21 14:20

vincent1985 : 話說 TEAM-102真的不錯 感謝老司機tom大 02/21 14:21

IAMGRICE : 問得太深是指他挑選隊友的邏輯吧? 02/21 14:29

reaper317 : Team Lillard 02/21 14:31

super009 : 姆斯真的選隊之神 KD->AD->KI->表弟 這五個認真打 02/21 14:41

super009 : 隊形真的完美 02/21 14:41

st890284 : 應該要改S型選秀吧 02/21 14:41

opwin : 下次應該照lol的選角 S型的比較公平 02/21 14:41

fegat : Curry不知道 LBJ蟬連最高票機會很大 02/21 14:42

srwcc : 常態分班嗎XDDD 02/21 14:45

srwcc : 推文好玩 02/21 14:45

sho0975 : Team LeBron vs Team James 02/21 14:46

ben108472 : LBJ很難不最高票吧,Curry這種表現明年直接GG 02/21 14:54

GTR34 : 我覺得這個還要加入ban/pick會更精彩 02/21 14:54

okoookkk : Team Kobe vs Team Shaq感覺有搞頭 02/21 15:00

NOKIA3210 : 乾脆第一輪重複的搞抽籤好了 02/21 15:05

IAMGRICE : 老詹把KI放第三個選應該是因為他自己可以控球吧 02/21 15:08

IAMGRICE : 選人邏輯:1.搖擺人兼3D 2.禁區巨漢 3.控球兼call 02/21 15:11

IAMGRICE : game 4.吉祥物 02/21 15:11

IAMGRICE : 不是call game打錯抱歉,是有能力finish game 02/21 15:12

AndyWT : 對面內線有鉛筆+字母哥這種怪物在 KI跟龜龜也討不到 02/21 15:17

AndyWT : 便宜 有看比賽就知道 衝進去就像自殺 對面的也是 02/21 15:18

mourning33 : s形選秀abba這種比較公平 02/21 15:21

changrabbit : 再吃一次爆米花?再當一次路人看戲? 02/21 16:25

choyourmilk : 裝作不在意 02/21 16:26

t32908 : 怎麼有番號 02/21 16:43

ESSIM : 不錯不錯這下大家開始對明星賽認真了 02/21 16:49

JerrySloan : Team LeBron vs. Team Durant比較有看頭 02/21 16:53

malay : 選角ban掉 就整場不用上了xd 02/21 16:59

SpadeR : LBJ>curry 02/21 17:21

windclound : Team Lebron先發五人強度很高,略勝Team stephen 02/21 17:27

windclound : 但替補明顯強度跟發揮都落後,要不是先發五人上來 02/21 17:28

windclound : 拼命攻防加上對面雙MVP自己落賽 02/21 17:28

windclound : 比賽結果應該是相反,另外KD從第一節就是最認真防守 02/21 17:30

windclound : 那個,不知道他心裡在想啥XD 02/21 17:30

swingingbear: 明年會變team kd 02/21 17:41

stee7ers123 : 金州乃哥 02/21 18:00

BlakeGriffim: Team Kevin vs Team Kevin 02/21 18:14

st60307tw : team duncan跟ban-pick XDDD 02/21 18:22

eericchutw : P1幫ban鬍子 首搶KD 02/21 18:24

iverson88 : 結果LBJ加入勇士 , 隊長被搶走 02/21 18:25

vincent1985 : 樓上想太多了 02/21 18:26

wadeginobili: Team Lebron vs Team James 02/21 18:28

sss1234 : 今年沒林書豪不好看 02/21 18:56

kevinkh1119 : Team Mac 02/21 18:58

jakjakss : Team 戒指 vs Team 沒戒指 02/21 19:06

cobras638 : Team 炸薯條 vs Team 爆米花 02/21 19:50

knetlalala : 明年讓後選的可以BAN掉1人 KD:... 02/21 20:32

ok771105 : 讓JR來選不是更有趣?用骰子決定 02/21 23:01

herohu : 看到今年明星賽更確定若分區打,東區一定輸到脫褲 02/22 00:42

k82221 : 路人還想當隊長啊 02/22 09:31
