Re: [討論] 巔峰的雷槍能在現代打出柯瑞的宰制力嗎??

看板 NBA
作者 chieher (Jay)
時間 2018-02-01 03:32:25
留言 37則留言 (15推 1噓 21→)

我先為回應這篇系列文道歉。 大家還記得這篇新聞嗎? Ray Allen on Stephen Curry: ‘Best that I’ve ever seen shoot’ -- Step down, 3-point king Ray Allen — Stephen Curry is taking your throne. Well, that alone isn’t surprising in and of itself, since Curry’s trajectory has been such that many assume he’ll one day far surpass Allen for most 3-pointers made in NBA history. 退下王位吧,三分王雷槍...Curry 現在要上位了 這聽起來其實沒這麼讓人意外,因為以 Curry 的進度,要超過雷槍是遲早的事 But Allen agreeing with that assessment? That’s a bit new. 但雷槍自己都這麼認為?那就有點意思了 “I think right now, from what I’ve seen, it’s easy for me to say that he’ s the best that I’ve ever seen shoot,” Allen told ESPN’s First Take this week. “I really put him in a category all of his own, because (of) the way he plays the game, being a point guard that can handle the way he handles the ball and the way he can shoot the ball.” 「對我來說,Curry 就是我見過最好的射手。他自己是一個等級,從他打球的方式、 處理球的方式、還有投籃的機制。」 Allen 2,973 baskets from beyond the arc seems well within reach for Curry (1,847 entering Thursday). The Baby-Faced Assassin, who recently cracked the Top 10 in NBA history, has averaged 295 3s over the past five seasons. At that rate, Curry could pass Allen in 2020 — or, by age 32, when Allen had 1.920. “People always ask me, ‘How does he compare to me?’ I say, ‘Well, I would rather compare myself to Klay Thompson, because he and I play similar,'” Allen told ESPN. “I kind of took cues watching (Reggie Miller) play, and I’ m pretty sure Klay took those cues from Reggie and myself and a couple of other different players. We’re kind of in that category. I think right now people are watching Steph play, so he’s setting the bar for those young kids at the point guard position. I think he’s setting the bar all of his own, and it’s kind of different from what I’ve been able to do.” When the king crowns you, you can’t argue. 「人們問我:Curry 跟你比怎樣?我會把自己跟 Klay 比,因為他跟我比較像。」 「我算是看著 Miller 打球學來的,相信 Klay 和其他人也是。我們算是同一類的」 「現在人們會看著 Curry 打球,他已經是孩子們的新標竿了。」 「他的層級就只有自己一個,而那跟我從前能做的事情不一樣。」 --- 雷槍早就認輸了。現在要討論的是 Klay 會不會超過雷槍,而目前看來是很有可能的... -- 其實這也是見仁見智。不過下面這句就沒什麼爭論空間了 "it’s easy for me to say that he's the best that I’ve ever seen shoot"
補個採訪影片。 事實上 Curry 也說過雷槍是他心中最強的射手,不過後輩基於對前輩的尊重,這也正常。 相對的,雷槍說出「Curry 是我看過最會投的」,那意義就不太一樣了。當然你也可以 繼續爭論雷槍看過的射手不包括他自己... :)
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deanisme : 推雷槍 極度自律且苦練的人 所以知道自己的極限和別 02/01 03:35

deanisme : 人的能耐 02/01 03:35

MrSatan : Pullup三分新境界 02/01 03:35

baiweilo : 我是覺得雷槍沒有yoyoruru懂籃球啦 02/01 03:42

linchunan : 樓上金靠北 XD 02/01 03:50

a19951218 : yoyoruru最厲害啊 比雷槍本人還懂呢 02/01 03:58

LaoDa5815566: 金靠北XDDDDDD 02/01 04:05

sylviehsiang: 還有誰能像SC一樣準到讓人期待各節的壓哨中場投籃? 02/01 04:40

onionandy : 為了貶低curry硬凹一堆歪理說雷槍比cuurry強 02/01 05:08

onionandy : 結果雷槍本人自認不足curry 一定是雷槍不懂三分球 02/01 05:08

worstname : 仔細看原文你會發現category中譯很有趣,Ray是承認C 02/01 05:23

worstname : urry的獨特風格應該自立一個類別(而不是等級),不過 02/01 05:23

worstname : 他的確非常認同curry身為射手 與傳承火炬的成就 02/01 05:23

callTM : 他這篇是說他有控球又能自己闖進去上籃....從來沒有 02/01 06:38

callTM : 射手是這樣的。他自己獨樹一格。他跟klay Reggie 比 02/01 06:38

callTM : 較像。沒說curry比他會射 02/01 06:38

callTM : 02/01 06:39

callTM : -warriors-stephen-curry-ray-allen-reggie-miller- 02/01 06:39

callTM : boston-celtics-ray-allen-041916 02/01 06:39

callTM : 而且做訪問的是slam online. Ray Allan 才應該叫真 02/01 06:41

callTM : 理呵呵呵 02/01 06:41

killuaz : 雷槍打臉ㄧ堆人XDD 02/01 06:52

CGary : 事實上RA不止一次對外說過類似的話 他老大心高氣傲, 02/01 08:11

CGary : 他願意這樣說在雷槍迷心中 Curry早超車他了... 02/01 08:11

CGary : 但又怎樣呢?Curry本來就是規格外的...我想雷槍想講 02/01 08:12

CGary : 的就是這個 他能做到的是我不曾能做到的 這是前輩對 02/01 08:12

CGary : 後輩多大的推崇啊?... 02/01 08:12

rl55586 : 硬要爭誰強很無聊捏 不然拿點數據比就好啦 02/01 08:39

goodblessu : 單季400顆 是要比啥 02/01 08:58

cblade : KT,雷槍,大嘴確實是一個等級,咖哩開創三分新世代 02/01 11:25

Relaxmood : 都說不同類型了,叫做早就認輸?這種廢文還有推, 02/01 13:20

Relaxmood : 我也是笑笑 02/01 13:20

ice0101001 : Ray年輕時還很會灌,飛人等級的 02/01 14:16

soulboy330 : 雷槍很偉大 也很認同咖哩的優秀 兩者並不衝突 02/01 22:37

dancehow : 這系列文本身就很有問題 雷槍說得很對 curry跟其他 02/02 13:02

dancehow : 射手不是同類別的 且強度也差太多 科也不是只靠射就 02/02 13:02

dancehow : 拿那麼多頭銜 02/02 13:02
