[外絮] 老尖對湖人:「我準備好要大開殺戒了!」

看板 NBA
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
時間 2017-11-29 17:21:42
留言 101則留言 (79推 4噓 18→)

來源: The Mercury News 網址: https://tinyurl.com/ycozusl2 Nick Young on playing against Lakers: “I’m ready to kill them guys” 老尖對湖人:「我準備好要大開殺戒了!」 It seems inevitable the insults will spill out of Nick Young’s mouth as quickly as he takes shots. 隨著老尖開始進球,從他嘴巴噴出的垃圾話大概是停不了的了。 When the Warriors (15-6) visit the Los Angeles Lakers (8-12) on Wednesday, it won’t just mark Young’s return since ending a four-year run with the Lakers to join the Warriors in hopes of winning his first NBA championship. Young will also have his first on-court opportunity to trade barbs with his former teammates as an opponent. 勇士星期三要去洛杉磯打湖人,那不僅代表老尖這結束四年湖人生涯轉戰勇士的回歸,那 也代表老尖終於有機會可以在場上跟他的前隊友們互噴垃圾話。 “I’m going to go in and try to kill them guys,” Young told the Bay Area News Group in between laughs. “I’m going to be talking trash and just having fun.” 「我將會上場,幹掉那些傢伙們,」老尖邊笑邊說。「我會狂噴垃圾話,然後玩的很開 心。」 Warriors forward Kevin Durant had predicted Young will lead the team in shot attempts at least once this season, and Young said in a half-serious, half-joking tone that he will try that in Los Angeles against the Lakers either Wednesday or Dec. 18. A bold take, considering the Warriors’ offense largely centers on Durant, Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson. Meanwhile, Young has averaged 6.6 points on 43 percent shooting in 13.4 minutes off the bench, a role that Warriors coach Steve Kerr praised Young for accepting without complaint. 勇士前鋒KD早就預測老尖會在本球季至少一場比賽,會是勇士球員裡出手最多次;而老尖 半認真半開玩笑的說,他會在對星期三或是12/18對湖人的比賽,試著做到出手最多次。考 慮到勇士原本攻擊力主要集中在KD,Curry跟K湯,這樣的宣告還蠻大膽的。不過,老尖目 前本季從板凳上場13.4分鐘,得6.6分,命中率43趴,勇士教練稱讚老尖對這樣的角色從沒 抱怨過。 Then again, it might not be a stretch for Young to let shots fly, considering Warriors forward Draymond Green joked that Young’s five assists this month against Minnesota marked a career-high. Aside from the actual career-high six assists he posted with the Lakers in 2014 against Cleveland, Young jokingly blamed his low assist numbers more on former Lakers teammates Jordan Clarkson, Julius Randle and Brandon Ingram and less on his high-volume shooting. 不過,考慮到勇士嘴綠開玩笑說老尖這個月對灰狼那場傳了五次助攻是生涯高峰,要老尖 多出手並不會是難事。老尖生涯最高一次助攻是在2014年在湖人對騎士的比賽,傳了六個 助攻,老尖開玩笑說,他助攻很少都是因為隊友Clarkson,Randle跟Ingrram的關係,不是 因為他出手太多的緣故。 “Those guys couldn’t make shots,” Young joked. “I was passing, but they just couldn’t make shots. Here, we make a lot of shots.” 「那些傢伙投不進啊!」老尖開玩笑的說。「我傳了,但是他們投不進去;在勇士這邊, 他們投的進。」 Though the Warriors have Curry, Thompson and Durant taking most of those, they also had interest in Young taking some to boost their secondary scoring. They signed Young to a $5.2 million deal with their mid-level exception last summer without offering him any assurances of consistent playing time. 雖然勇士有Curry,K湯跟KD負責大部分的出手,他們仍對老尖替二軍增加得分能力充滿興 趣。他們今年夏天用520萬伴隨中產例外規則簽下老尖,不保證他可以有固定上場時間。 “Being in a role on our team means having to swallow your pride once in a while. I think Nick has handled all of that stuff beautifully,” Kerr said. “ He’s a great teammate and always has a smile on his face. He never feels slighted or thinks, ‘I’m getting screwed,’ or ‘poor me.’ He has a great attitude.” 「在這個隊伍,代表有時候得把自尊放一邊,我認為老尖處理的相當漂亮,」Kerr說。 「他是個好隊友,臉上永遠掛著笑容,從未覺得像是,『我被玩了』或是『我真慘』。他 一直保持良好的態度。」 Young’s positive state of mind partly explained his desire to talk trash with his former teammates in a playful way. His positive state of mind also starkly contrasted his four-year stint with the Lakers. That coincided with the worst period in franchise history (91-237), evolving roles under different coaches and a fallout with former teammate D’Angelo Russell over a leaked video about his private life. 老尖的正面態度也部分解釋了他想跟他的前隊友們用愉快的方式講垃圾話,也恰恰跟他在 四年湖人時光做了對比。那一段時間是湖人最慘澹的時期(91-237),經歷了不同教練,以 及前隊友D’Angelo Russell洩漏了有關老尖私生活的影片及之後的餘波盪漾。 “The first year was good and my last year was good,” Young said. “I came in with a bang and I left with a bang. So that’s how I remember it.” 「第一年跟最後一年都很好,」老尖說。「我來的時候表現超讚,我走之前也表現超讚, 所以這就是我想要記得的部分。」 Dream turned into a nightmare 美夢變成惡夢 Even through the losing, Young could not stop smiling through the 2013-14 season. He played a prominent role for his hometown team. He said he felt empowered under former Lakers coach Mike D’Antoni and his free-wheeling offense. Even if Kobe Bryant appeared in only six games that season because of injuries, Young loved playing with his childhood idol. Young then secured a four-year, $21 million deal in the 2014 offseason as a reward for a job well done. 在2013-14球季,即使狂輸,老尖仍未收起他的笑容。他在他家鄉球隊擔任重要角色,他說 他在前湖人冷笑話教練Mike D’Antoni麾下獲得無限開火權。即使老大在那年因傷只打了 六場比賽,老尖說他仍非常喜愛跟他小時偶像打球。在2014年,他因為表現出色,湖人給 了他四年2100萬鎂的合約。 Incidentally, Young’s most memorable moment with Bryant marked the beginning of Young’s downfall. During training camp the following season, Young tried to steal the ball from Bryant, only for Young’s right thumb to hit Bryant’s elbow. Bryant initially teased Young on if he was actually hurt, before realizing Young would need surgery to repair a torn ligament on his thumb. 然而,老尖最懷念與老大打球的時光卻也代表老尖生涯下坡的開始。在隔年訓練營的時 候,老尖嘗試去抄老大的球,老尖的右拇指打到老大的手肘。老大一開始還開玩笑說老尖 在假裝,但是之後發現老尖的拇指韌帶撕裂,需要動手術治療。 “He was also one of the first guys that checked on me when he heard about it, ” Young said of Bryant. “I got a chance to work out with him. Just to be around his greatness is pretty dope.” 「老大是在得知我的狀況後,頭幾個來看我的其中一個,」老尖說到老大。「有機會可以 跟他一起訓練,光是可以在老大旁邊感受他的偉大就已經讓我暈惹。」 Young did not view the rest of the 2015-16 season that way. 但是老尖對於那之後的2015-16球季就不是這樣看了。 Young missed the first 10 games because of that thumb injury. After that, Young and former Lakers coach Byron Scott clashed over his poor play, inconsistent role and playful personality. While Scott often argued he was simply giving Young honest feedback on issues other coaches have also addressed, Young soon concluded Scott unfairly made him the scapegoat after averaging 13.4 points on a previous career-low 33.6 percent clip. 老尖在前十場因為受傷沒上場,而之後老尖跟湖人前教練BS對於老尖的表現,不固定的出 場,以及老尖活潑的個性,起了衝突。雖然BS常說他只是對老尖有跟其他教練一樣中肯的 建議,老尖則是很快的下了結論,平均每場13.4分,生涯新低的33.6% clip(不確定clip的 意思),BS對他不公平,讓他成了代罪羔羊。 By then, Young privately wished his time with the Lakers would end. Though he liked former Lakers teammate Lou Williams, his offseason signing in 2015 signaled to Young he would encounter a shaky future considering Williams is also a high-volume shooter. 那時,老尖私底下希望在湖人的時光可以結束。雖然他很喜歡他的前隊友Lou Williams, 把Lou簽下代表著老尖在湖人的打球時光不會太好,因為Lou本身也是個出手很多的射手。 “I thought I might be traded. I had that lingering in my head the whole summer, especially when they brought in Lou Williams,” Young said. “I didn’ t know what direction they were going in. I always thought during that two-year run I wasn’t going to be there. I was just tired of the negative environment.” 「我以為我會被交易,在那年夏天我的腦子裡都是這個想法,尤其聽到他們簽下Lou 後,」老尖說。「我不知道那時候球團的想法是甚麼,在那兩年,我以為我不會留下來 了,我對於那個不支持我的環境有些厭倦。」 The issues became more pronounced. Tension between Scott and Young stayed throughout the 2016-17 season. So did Young’s inconsistent play and diminished role. Then in March, 2016, a private video leaked that Russell shot of Young admitting to being unfaithful to his former fiancée and hip hop artist Iggy Azalea. 這樣的狀況持續擴大,在2016-17球季,老尖與教練BS的關係日趨緊張,老尖的出場機會與 在球隊的角色逐漸消失。在2016年三月,Russell把拍下老尖承認他對他的未婚妻/歌手 Iggy Azalea不忠實的影片給曝光。 “I just wanted to play basketball again,” Young said. “That whole year was so bad. I just wanted to be in the gym and get a chance to play. I don’t want to go out like that, and my career is over.” 「我只是想再打籃球,」老尖說。「那一年真的很慘,我只想可以再去球館,有個機會打 球;我不想離開,然後說我的打球生涯就這樣結束。」 A second chance 第二次的機會 By that point, though, Young feared the Lakers would waive him and he would not land on another NBA roster. Some of Young’s teammates wondered the same thing. 在那時,老尖擔心湖人會放棄執行他的合約,然後他不會有機會在其他球隊打球。他的一 些隊友也是這樣認為。 Young still trained extensively in hopes the Lakers would give him another chance. They did. Former Lakers general manager Mitch Kupchak talked with Young and Russell about the need to co-exist. Newly hired Lakers coach Luke Walton told all of his players at training camp, “We’re coming in and not prejudging anybody.” 老尖仍然持續訓練,希望湖人會給他機會,他們也真的給了。湖人前總管Kupchak跟老尖與 Russel深談,要他們可以共處。新聘的教練Walton在訓練營時也告訴所有球員,「我們到 這裡就是訓練,不會對任何人預設立場。」 Walton sensed Young’s uneasiness, though. So Walton had what he called a “ couple one-on-one talks” with Young. Then, Walton stressed to Young the importance in “letting all of that go and just play basketball again.” Walton察覺到老尖的不安,所以Walton跟老尖有過好幾次深談。之後,Walton跟老尖強 調,「讓一切過去,重新開心打球」。 “Once he did that, he just let his skill show,” Walton said. “Once he was able to relax, have fun and play again, his natural skill level and ability came out with us.” 「當他放下過去後,他的技巧自然而然就出來了,」Walton說。「當他學會放鬆,開心打 球後,他的天賦技巧就展現給我們看了。」 It did not take long for that to emerge. Young reclaimed his starting position. He averaged 13.2 points on a more efficient 43 percent mark from the field. And the Lakers’ coaching staff and teammates largely welcomed his goofiness. Walton and Young’s teammates still laugh in amusement over him making a game-winning 3-pointer against Oklahoma City last season after stealing Ingram’s pass intended for Williams. 這並沒花太多時間,老尖奪回他先發的位置,均分13.2,命中率43趴,教練團跟隊友也很 歡迎他的搞笑天分,Walton跟老尖的隊友想到上一季老尖搶走Ingram本來要傳給Williams 的球,投進對雷霆的致勝三分仍然會大笑。 “He has a mindset where he never second guesses himself or lacks confidence, ” Randle said. “A lot of people can learn from him. Even though he’s joking and in a joking manner a lot, he really believes it. You can learn from that.” 「他對他自己充滿自信,」Randle說。「很多人可以在他身上學到東西,雖然他常搞笑, 但是他對他充滿自信,大家可以從他身上學到許多。」 A new chapter 新的篇章 As Young continued to make shots, Lakers forward Larry Nance Jr. noted he and others teased him that “he came back from the dead.” 隨著老尖進球,湖人前鋒小南斯注意到他自己跟隊友常常開玩笑說,「老尖是從死人堆爬 回來的。」 “It was dope to see him come out of all that,” Clarkson said. “He got his name and career going again.” 「看他從那樣的低潮回歸,真的會讓人醉了,」Clarkson說。「他重新得回他的名譽及榮 光。」 So much that Young suddenly had options a year after he thought he had none. So instead of exercising a $5.7 million option to stay with a Lakers team that increasingly prioritized developing younger players, Young, 32, opted out of his deal to hit the market to see if any playoff teams had interest. He quickly attracted inquiries from Golden State, Oklahoma City and New Orleans. 在以為他不會有任何合約之後,老尖獲得一年選擇權。不過,32歲的老尖,沒有執行570萬 與湖人的合約,他決定跳出合約,投入市場,看看有沒有季後賽的球隊會對他有興趣。勇 士,雷霆跟鵜鶘都表示有意願。 After previously serving as a Warriors assistant for two years under Kerr, Walton helped Young secure his future for the second consecutive year. This time, Walton gave Kerr strong reviews about Young’s offensive consistency, defensive effort and enjoyable presence. Walton在當Kerr底下兩年助理教練,他幫老尖找回他打球的事業,及第二年的合約。這一 次,Walton給Kerr有關老尖的報告,提到老尖的攻擊穩定性,防守的功力,以及老尖讓人 喜愛的人格特質。 “Nick is a great guy. He’s a guy that keeps the locker room loose and keeps it fun,” Walton said. “He’s an incredible scorer and shooter. I think Nick, with the group of professionals they have up there, would be a really nice fit with his personality and with the way he can shoot the basketball.” 「老尖是個好球員,他讓休息室輕鬆,充滿樂趣,」Walton說。「他是不可思議的得分射 手,我認為像在勇士球團裡的那些專業人員,老尖的得分方式及他的人格特質會是勇士好 搭檔。」 The words meant a lot. As Kerr said, “I trust Luke and I trust his judgment. ” So Kerr, Curry, Durant and Green all spoke with Young about their interest. Kerr also had lunch with Young and talked frankly about his fit. 這些話意義重大,Kerr說,「我相信Luke也相信他的判斷。」所以,Kerr,Curry,KD跟嘴 綠都跟老尖談過,表示他們對他的興趣,Kerr也跟老尖吃過午飯,坦白的跟老尖講他會在 勇士裡的角色。 Kerr shared in amusement that he promised Young could start in games Thompson sat with an injury, while not revealing Thompson has only missed a combined 11 games in the past three seasons. Otherwise, Kerr outlined things pretty clearly. Kerr開玩笑說,老尖可以在K湯因傷休息的時候先發,但是沒跟老尖說K湯過去三季總共也 才沒上11場。不過,Kerr把老尖的未來講的很清楚。 “I told him there will be games he could start and play big minutes. There might be games he doesn’t get in at all,” Kerr said. “It would be a different role for him, but it would be the most satisfying role he’s played because we’re going to win at a really high level.” 「我跟他說有些比賽他會先發,有些關鍵時刻會讓他上場,也會有比賽他是不會上場 的,」Kerr說。「這會跟他以往的角色不同,但是會是讓他最滿意的角色,因為我們會贏 很多比賽。」 Young already spent the past four seasons becoming frustrated with fluctuating roles on the Lakers. He also played with the Washington Wizards (2007-12), Los Angeles Clippers (2012) and Philadelphia 76ers (2012-13) with only one playoff appearance. So Young accepted those circumstances with the Warriors because of a distinguishable difference. 老尖過去四年過得並不如意,他之前也打過巫師(2007-12),快艇(2012)跟76人(2012-13) ,只打出現過一次季後。所以老尖接受勇士給的條件,因為這跟以前打的球隊差太多了。 “That was one of the major things for me, showing I can play in a winning environment on a winning team,” Young said. “That was (Kerr’s) pitch right there that got me.” 「那對我來說是重要的,證明我可以在贏球的球隊,贏球的環境裡打球,」老尖說。「 Kerr講的話打到我的內心。」 Fitting in 融入 It also helped Young’s thinking when Warriors center JaVale McGee arrived at Young’s home in Los Angeles last summer. McGee drove up in a Maybach and bragged about winning his first NBA championship last season. With his own free agency in flux, McGee did not exactly pitch Young to reunite with him after the two often became running jokes during their time with Wizards. But with McGee shattering misperceptions about his seriousness during his first year with the Warriors, Young became aware the same thing could happen to him. Myboy麥基今年夏天去洛杉磯拜訪老尖也幫助老尖的思考。Myboy開著Maybach來,臭屁著他 第一個冠軍戒指。Myboy自己的合約還不確定,他並沒跟老尖講到要他來勇士打球,而先交 換著他們之前一起在巫師打球的時光。但是隨著Myboy講到在勇士的第一年,粉碎了外界對 他打球認真度的疑慮後,老尖查覺到這也可以發生在他身上。 “It’s good being with somebody that knows your past and knows everything that you’ve been through and knows what’s going on,” McGee said. “It’s a nice experience for him too being in a situation like this and being on a team that is just so relaxed.” 「有個人了解我的過去,了解我經過了甚麼,知道我現在狀況,那真的很棒,」Myboy說。 「這對老尖也是很好的經驗,讓他知道球隊的狀況,這球隊讓人很舒服。」 Young stumbled through the early chapters, though, in writing his comeback story. His transition went beyond becoming acquainted with the Bay Area after living in Los Angeles almost his entire life. Kerr also found Young behind in training camp with his conditioning and with the team’s playbook. 老尖之前的生涯並不順遂。而現在,為了從底往上,他得重新適應灣區,畢竟他從小在LA 長大。Kerr也發現,在訓練營時,他的狀況在球團紀錄中有點落後。 Instead of chastising Young, though, Kerr observed “he just needs to be pushed a little sometimes.” 不用責罵的方式,Kerr發覺用「有時一些激勵的方式」對Young更有用。 Young’s teammates, including Curry, Thompson, Durant and Green, all encouraged him to shoot through hot streaks and cold slumps. Young has asked for and received feedback from Curry on where to go on the court. On the suggestion of Warriors general manager Bob Myers, Kerr also has leaned on Warriors assistant/player development coach Willie Green to provide individual instruction to Young. 隊友Curry,K湯,KD跟嘴綠都鼓勵他不管高潮低潮都盡量投。老尖希望也得到了Curry對他 場上跑位的建議;總管Myer建議,教練Kerr也同意,讓助理教練Willie Green給老尖個別 教導。 While Green provides feedback to Young with detailed film sessions on his strengths and weaknesses, he also offers perspective on his 12-year NBA career as a shooting specialist who had to adapt to different roles. 助教Green讓老尖看影片,並對老尖的優點跟缺點給予建議,他也給提供他在NBA12年,身 為投球專家,對於調整他的角色給予意見。 “Nick has been great to work with and always has that big grin on his face. We all know he’s an excellent shooter. But coming onto his team, we’re looking for him to do more this year. We’re pushing him to do more,” Willie Green said. “Communication is key in any aspect of life. The more we can communicate with him, and the more he communicates with us, the more he’s ready and prepared to go out and play his best game to help us win.” 「老尖對於球隊有很多貢獻,永遠帶著微笑,我們都知道他能投,但是到了這個隊伍,我 們希望他今年可以做的更多,我們激勵他這樣做,」助理教練Green說。「溝通是最重要 的,我們跟他越溝通,他準備的越好,他才能上場表現更好,幫助球隊贏球。」 Recently, Kerr has leaned on Young over backup shooting guard Patrick McCaw partly because Young “has dramatically improved his recognition and awareness on how we try to play.” In the past five games, Young has averaged 7.8 points on 42.4 percent shooting. 最近,Kerr傾向讓老尖打替補SG,因為「老尖越來越了解他的地位也越來越知道如何 打。」過去五場比賽,平均7.8分,命中率42.4趴。 “The coaching staff has been great with me,” Young said. “I’ve been playing a lot more recently. It’s kind of like taking baby steps. I haven’t been on this team. A lot of the players have been here a while. They know the plays and how to move and how to play with certain players. It has taken me a while.” 「教練團對我很好,」老尖說。「我最近打的很多,這有點像小孩學走路。我從沒在這邊 打過球,其他很多人在這邊一陣子了,他們知道球的流動,跟一些球員如何配合,我花了 一點時間才了解。」 But while Kerr has called on Young to show more intensity on defense and with rebounding, the Warriors said they have appreciated Young more for what he is than what he is not. Willie Green has appreciated Young’s energy, such as when he performs a dance during lineup introductions. After Young set two screens to Kerr’s liking to a recent game in Brooklyn, Kerr remarked to Young, “I don’t think I’ve seen anyone have more fun playing basketball.” 當Kerr要老尖多表現一些力道在防守跟籃板,勇士其他人說他們更喜歡老尖本來有的東 西。助教Green說他欣賞老尖的活力,像是在開場時的舞蹈。在老尖在兩次成功檔位的表現 後,Kerr說,「我不認為我有看過任何人打球像他一樣有樂趣的。」 It appears likely Kerr will see Young have more fun once he returns to Los Angeles. Then, Young will playfully chirp at his former teammates. 看起來Kerr會看到當老尖回到洛杉磯時,會更有樂趣的畫面。那時,老尖會跟他的前隊友 好好的嘴一下。 He bragged the Warriors will lead by 30 points once Clarkson enters the game off the bench. Young predicted Nance will have no chance dunking on him since Nance returned just this week after missing 11 games with a broken left hand. Young playfully attributed Randle’s fluctuating consistency toward getting married last summer. Lastly, Young has boasted about playing for the defending NBA champions. 他嘴說,若是Clarkson從板凳上上場的話,勇士會贏30分。老尖預測小南斯不會有機會在 他頭頂灌籃,因為小蘭斯因為左手骨折,沒上場11場,這禮拜才剛回來。老尖說Randle的 起伏不定是因為他夏天結婚的關係。最後,老尖誇耀替衛冕軍打球的經驗。 “You know Nick; he’ll never shut up,” Clarkson said. “He’s definitely bragging about that.” 「大家都知道老尖,他那張嘴停不了,」Clarkson說。「他一定會對那個大肆誇耀的。」 -- 老尖!!! -- 謝謝指正 已修 沒注意到 已修
11/29 18:37
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1511947307.A.D9A.html

dogwithheart: 老尖真的很逗xd 11/29 17:23

ptt730729 : XD 11/29 17:24

zihao0422 : 關係不錯吧?很像朋友間講幹話 11/29 17:25

FireNdsl : 氣氛大師! 11/29 17:26

JoelEmbiid : 也是幹話王!XDDDDD 加油啊! 11/29 17:30

jerrys0580 : 看看昨天長老 還蠻有可能的 11/29 17:34

magicKZ : 我傳了,但他們投不進去 11/29 17:35

magicKZ : 講話會不會太狠了 XD 11/29 17:36

wayne80619 : 喜歡 11/29 17:37

chenliu0716 : 幹話大師! 11/29 17:37

potterpig : 有種在坦隊對湖人大開殺戒阿 11/29 17:38

allyourshit : 會邊投籃邊發怪聲嗎? 11/29 17:38

OPPAISuki : 莊園大師 11/29 17:39

mose56789 : 看影片那段的Green 應該是教練的Green不是嘴綠吧 11/29 17:42

wayne80619 : BS那種戰績,只會鬥球員 11/29 17:43

lmf770410 : 還好台詞多了大開殺戒,不然推文又要萬馬奔騰了 11/29 17:45

sinben : 老大!!!!!!!!! 11/29 17:49

mic5060 : 用殺戮吱吱刀嗎 11/29 17:50

RickyRubio09: 老尖!! 11/29 17:50

TreeNewBee : 一個抱腿的囂張啥?我球打爆老尖 11/29 17:52

injeccc : 文章有點長 11/29 17:52

js2937 : 我一捏 籃球就化為粉碎 11/29 17:55

leo921080931: 老奸大開殺戒 11/29 17:59

ChrisPaul03 : 打得全場鏗鏘響 11/29 17:59

austin7037 : 那麼舒適當然可以放話 11/29 18:05

sanxiao : 要進"球"了 11/29 18:08

OneCell : 好有趣 11/29 18:11

kixer2005 : 老尖!!!!!!!!! 11/29 18:11

hsuyungte : kt打你替補,OK的,但只有一場喔 11/29 18:12

NiuBi5566 : 如果SC和KD都不上場 勝負應該還是蠻難說的.. 11/29 18:12

Gcobs130275 : 生涯最高 六助攻 11/29 18:14

shishio7 : JC加油把這傢伙打爆 11/29 18:15

paul5566 : 我對他還是沒有好感,連丑角都排不上== 11/29 18:16

dimer : 看來老尖和前隊友關係不錯(大概除了已經到東區的某 11/29 18:17

dimer : 位)XD 11/29 18:17

pinkygiveme : 老尖連嗆聲都讓人感覺很友善啊 11/29 18:17

FengQQ : 真的很喜歡老尖xD 11/29 18:18

LoMing1021 : 以後別叫他小老大 根本侮辱老大好嗎 老大不說人品 11/29 18:18

LoMing1021 : 球技 起碼沒去抱過腿 11/29 18:18

danielwoody : 難得這樣沒被噓爆欸 11/29 18:23

Pbrother : 11/29 18:24

kiboryin : 我一捏 就爆屁 11/29 18:26

fdtu0928 : 老大最好沒抱過腿,只是沒轉隊而己。 11/29 18:27

fdtu0928 : 他不用轉隊是因為球權都在他身上,去哪隊有差嗎? 11/29 18:27

fdtu0928 : 又或是,反正拿不拿冠軍沒差,我投爽爽就好。 11/29 18:28

BlackMMP133 : 倒數幾段有一段是教練Green給建議,翻成了嘴綠提供1 11/29 18:30

BlackMMP133 : 2年經驗的建議 11/29 18:30

yahooooooooo: https://i.imgur.com/rnEOyvY.jpg 11/29 18:31

doyouknowhow: 「那些傢伙投不進啊!」 11/29 18:31

q210216 : 再輪休下去...被屠殺的不知道會是誰齁?別只會哭爸! 11/29 18:32

wayne80619 : 內建黑人問號的球隊 11/29 18:32

MK12 : 我覺得他對湖人會烙賽 11/29 18:33

iorittn : 圖片到底要不要收版權費啊XD 11/29 18:35

Eddward : 吹捧老大那邊段很真實 我喜歡 11/29 18:35

JHCh : 借轉我湖版 11/29 18:37

yun0215 : SC上場才要擔心...過去幾年在湖人主場都會變成超級 11/29 18:44

yun0215 : 小鐵匠籃框每年都加蓋XD 11/29 18:45

ZaneTrout : 老尖超可愛 11/29 18:47

dream1285201: 老尖真的很寶 11/29 18:48

theskyofblue: 推推 11/29 18:51

ckshchen : 老尖:看我的亢龍不悔旋風式灌籃!! 11/29 18:53

qui0914 : 老尖真的人見人愛 11/29 18:56

Magdalen : 推小老大 11/29 19:07

ares960 : 黑人問號始祖XD 11/29 19:07

css186 : 小修正 給Young看影片的應該是助理教練Green而不是 11/29 19:13

css186 : 嘴綠 11/29 19:13

saya2185 : 太嘴啦 我傳了,但是他們投不進去 11/29 19:15

stja : XD 11/29 19:19

chirlie6805 : 感覺個性就很受歡迎 11/29 19:21

Wall62 : 老尖XD 11/29 19:23

patrickleeee: 老尖加油 11/29 19:24

z19880215 : 還好今年不在了,不然還多個Ball投不進 11/29 19:26

ePaper : 哪裡尖 11/29 19:32

wchad : 結果板凳一天 11/29 19:35

garytony1 : 結果被冰XDD 11/29 19:44

gp03dan : 老尖! 11/29 19:48

x10afreedom : 老尖先確定輪休不是排你吧 w 11/29 19:48

waiting1209 : 也太長,推原po翻譯 11/29 19:54

t32908 : 推老尖 11/29 20:02

binodal : 推 11/29 20:13

turbomons : 你怎能不喜歡老尖 11/29 20:24

kenyeh001 : 感謝翻譯 11/29 20:26

nnn1106 : 都是腿來抱老大的懂?老大不用轉隊腿會自己來懂? 11/29 20:35

ShawnYang : 佛舞 11/29 20:37

Newstart : 有這種隊友真的很讚 11/29 21:39

stocktonty : 老尖是垃圾時間維持收視率的重要人物啊! 11/29 22:01

leitoexiler : 誰叫你要抄老大的球 11/29 22:25

NDSLite : 看一球表現 11/29 23:21

Peter521 : 靠背,原來我頓是勇士派去的臥底 11/29 23:37

OfanaticO : 推 11/29 23:40

xzxz6175179 : 真的很難討厭他的人 11/29 23:59

jyunwei : 結果Ball沒跟他同隊過,被嘴爆 11/30 00:47

lurs1225 : 看了吳尊的影片準備出絕招了 11/30 01:01

SWer1026 : 明天來個旋風式灌籃 11/30 02:29

svchost6 : BS 11/30 03:12

pantwgg : U質翻譯 11/30 07:36

she192224 : 謝謝翻譯 11/30 08:50

she192224 : 溫馨會贏球的勇士 11/30 08:50

MARTINA3016 : 先放話的通常會撈屎,jw的蝦投被笑死了 11/30 09:19

djviva : push 11/30 10:07

ren1524 : 老尖必推! 11/30 19:50
