
看板 NBA
作者 crazyhotdog (Melee)
時間 2017-11-28 14:41:42
留言 102則留言 (81推 8噓 13→)

Robert Covington played the Cavs right after learning a friend had died RoCo在賽前得知自己好友被槍殺 來源:https://tinyurl.com/ybck3nr7 Moments before the 76ers ran onto the court to take on the Cavaliers on Monday, Robert Covington received a text message that he wished he hadn’t read. 星期一晚上在76人主場迎戰騎士之前,Covington收到了一封他永遠不想要看到的簡訊 The message said that a childhood friend of his had been shot to death. 簡訊說他兒時的朋友被槍殺了 Covington didn’t say anything to his teammates. He didn’t tell his coach. He stayed silent, laced up his sneakers, and decided to fight through the flood of emotions that washed over him. Covington said he thinks that’s what his friend would have wanted. Covington沒有告訴他的隊友,也沒有告訴教練。他保持沈默,綁好他的鞋帶,決定帶著 這分悲傷上場奮鬥。他說他覺得這是他的朋友希望他做的。 He said his friend was just 29 years old and was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The two met when Covington was in fifth grade and attended high school together in Hillside, Ill., a suburb of Chicago. Covington說他的朋友才29歲。他在錯的時間待在錯的地方(所以才被槍殺) 他們在Covington五年級的時候認識,並去了在芝加哥的郊區的Hillside高中 “We went our different routes. He was into sports law. He had a family that’s left behind,” Covington said after a 113-91 loss to the Cavs. “It’s tough, you know, I’m sad to have him leave this earth. It’s unfortunate. My prayers up to him and his family.” "我們後來走上了不同的路。他鑽研體育法(?)。他還有個家庭。" Covington在76人91-113輸給了騎士後說 "這很艱難,你知道的,我很難過他離開了這世界 這很不幸。我為他和他的家人祈禱。" Covington, 26, described his friend as a big brother figure, someone who was always there to help, even when he couldn’t physically be there. 26歲的Covington,說這位朋友像他的大哥一樣,一直願意幫助他儘管不見得能夠真的在他 身邊。 “He kept my spirits up a lot. He was somebody that always kind of pushed me,” he said. “I hate that I had to find out before the game.” "他一直讓我打起精神,一直督促我"Covington說"我很遺憾我在比賽前得知這件事" The news shook Covington and served as a stark reminder that NBA players are just as human as everyone else, and are often asked to perform under extreme stress and in delicate situations. 這件事震懾了Covington,也說明了NBA也跟一般人一樣,但常被要求在高度的壓力和微妙的情 境下正常發揮。(這句有點不知道怎麼翻) On the outside, it looked like a cold shooting night from one of the Sixers’ most reliable three-point shooters. The small forward went 0-for-9 on three-pointers and finished with just two points, his lowest scoring output since a loss in Utah on Dec. 29, 2016, when he scored just one point. 乍看之下,這只是個對76人最可靠的三分射手來說手感很差的夜晚。這位小前鋒在三分線 0-9並指得到2分。這是他自2016年12月29日以來最低的得分。那晚他只得了一分。 For Covington though, the missed shots were just added frustration to his already shaken mental state. 對Covington來說,那些投丟的球更動搖了他已經不穩定的精神狀態。 “I tried to play through it for my teammates and everything, but it’s just one of those tough things to deal with,” Covington said. “I tried to stay positive during the game, but all that on top of missing shots, it just messed with my mental.” "我試著帶著這些情緒打完比賽,為了我的隊友,但這真的是很艱難的事情"Covington說 "在比賽中我試著樂觀面對,但那些事再加上我投丟的球,我的精神狀態變得更糟。" After the game, Covington said that his teammates started to notice that something wasn’t right, and that’s when he told them and Brett Brown what had happened. Covington說在比賽過後他的隊友開始意識到事情不太對境,這時他才告訴隊友們跟教練 Brett Brown發生了什麼事。 Now Covington is tasked with trying to grieve in a healthy way and somehow bounce back for another game at home on Wednesday against the Wizards. 現在Covington試著以合理的方式處理這些悲傷並在星期三下一場對巫師的比賽強勢回歸。 “It’s going to be a tough couple days,” he said. “Hopefully I’ll be able to lock myself back in and come back Wednesday with a whole different attitude.” "這幾天將會很艱難,"他說"希望我能夠重新回到之前的狀態並以全新的態度在星期三回到 場上。" Covington is also hoping that he is able to attend the funeral. He said that he would talk to his friend’s family to learn the details of the arrangements and that if needed he would take a day off. Covington也希望他能夠參加葬禮。他說他會和他朋友的家人詢問葬禮的安排再看他需不需要 向球隊請假。 心得: 原來今天那麼鐵也是有原因的QQ 希望國民黨趕快打起精神,76人需要你的外線火力跟防守 第一次翻 如果有錯請指正 -- 從善如流 改回Covington 補一下來源 我在芝加哥附近,之前有次一個週末芝加哥槍殺死了三十幾個人,而且是很多案子 不是一次恐攻殺很多人那樣。真的蠻誇張的
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1511851305.A.73C.html

Aggro : 難怪表現會失常 這真的很難無法動搖.. 11/28 14:42

j23930 : 這翻譯...有戲 11/28 14:42

naker : 一直看國民黨 我很出戲XDD 11/28 14:43

aaronpwyu : 美國國民黨也有槍擊案(?) 11/28 14:43

sasa789 : 希望國民黨可以快點走傷痛 11/28 14:43

bakedgrass : 難怪。希望他早日恢復 11/28 14:43

dreamtale : 一直看到國民黨其實很出戲...... 11/28 14:43

s425247 : 看到國民黨有點出戲 11/28 14:43

qazwsx879345: R.I.P 11/28 14:43

auron4041 : 我一直看成國民黨參與槍殺...很出戲 11/28 14:43

wang4041220 : Rip 11/28 14:44

karta1992560: 國民黨 11/28 14:44

lsslz : 推文一堆出戲讓我很出戲 11/28 14:45

pounil : 難怪0-9 好慘 11/28 14:45

yuiop358 : 今天76人的三分真的滿慘 不過禁區狂補籃 KMT加油 11/28 14:45

hsuyungte : 真正的球員啊…加油!!! 11/28 14:45

keanjaz : RIP, 可以停止把他的名字翻成國民黨嗎 偶爾還好 11/28 14:45

d8731400 : 真相大白 11/28 14:45

keanjaz : 這麼認真的文章還這樣就很煩了 發音沒有一樣啊 11/28 14:45

Leaflock : 難怪一直丟不進去 11/28 14:46

KobeRapist : QQ 不怪你今天的表現了 11/28 14:46

snoopy8562 : R.I.P 難怪今天這樣...QQ 11/28 14:47

slimak : 黑人hood的生活 11/28 14:48

bruce79 : 噓翻譯 這樣很煩人 11/28 14:48

bravo : 下台啦 11/28 14:48

loveapeikeke: 這樣翻譯我以為國民黨又殺人了 11/28 14:49

x8x895246 : 好吧..今天不怪你了QQ 11/28 14:50

tLuesuGi : QQ 11/28 14:50

XiaoXiaoCYW : rip 11/28 14:50

webberfun : R.I.P 11/28 14:51

alex53001 : 難怪打不好 QQ 11/28 14:51

kevin4919 : 馬後炮!如果今天表現好就會說為了兒時好友奮戰.... 11/28 14:52

kevin4919 : .. 11/28 14:52

FionaJR : 不過翻成國民黨算是很貼切的翻譯呀 鉛筆大家都接受 11/28 14:52

Lacus0827 : 美國槍枝每年一定都會發生問題 11/28 14:53

qf852741963 : 每天都有人被槍殺是日常嗎 11/28 14:54

Alipapa : RoCo加油! 11/28 14:55

kimigogo : 這封簡訊毀了我的FB 11/28 14:56

trollgod : RIP 11/28 14:56

sam86716 : 天 …難怪失常 11/28 14:59

holyhelm : Freq 11/28 14:59

calvin0319 : QQ 11/28 15:10

js0431 : R.I.P. 11/28 15:10

st60307tw : QQ 11/28 15:10

hsnuoscar : 推 11/28 15:11

y3631 : 笑了這也可以當藉口 11/28 15:18

y3631 : 贏了新聞就變了吧 11/28 15:18

e2167471 : 記得Waiters有寫過他自己的類似的故事 11/28 15:19

cress0128 : 原來失常是這原因..... 11/28 15:22

phoenician : 難怪失常 不怪你 加油 11/28 15:26

tomlee1130 : 幫推QQ 11/28 15:27

j8866yanzi : 噓文的連這也要酸是多討厭他 11/28 15:32

bilibo : 好友過世 真的很影響情緒... 加油 11/28 15:34

crab530 : 噓文可能適合當蛇 11/28 15:41

royhsu425 : 噓文的祝您一生順遂不要有情緒波動,讚讚讚 11/28 15:41

bruce00595 : R.I.P. 11/28 15:42

inmoohuadaw : 噓文的人生有多可悲 11/28 15:45

CaTkinGG : 辛苦了 11/28 15:54

fatda78520 : RIP 11/28 15:55

aass5112 : 黑人日常 11/28 15:56

cool34 : 電影卡特教練的主角就是目睹好友被槍殺後跑去抱教練 11/28 15:58

kevin81128 : Sports law是指賽事規則 11/28 16:00

cool34 : 痛哭 11/28 16:02

BrandonRoy3 : rip 11/28 16:04

puro : 好吧 有些人可以強忍悲傷打好 有些人就是會被影響 11/28 16:09

puro : 這沒辦法 繼續走下去吧 加油 11/28 16:09

spinebuster : R.I.P. 11/28 16:11

john91018 : QQ 11/28 16:13

hwtone : 嘛...芝加哥 11/28 16:13

andy12312369: Kevin4919你好可悲 11/28 16:18

coaka : 這也能噓他 他是欠你多少錢啊 11/28 16:19

andy12312369: 推回來 辛苦國民黨了嗚嗚 11/28 16:19

iSad56 : QQ 國民黨加油! 11/28 16:25

purplebfly : 黑人日常啊,還好你會打球,不然也是橫死街頭的命 11/28 16:26

patrick08 : 美國日常 11/28 16:30

elvis047 : 原來如此 11/28 16:33

duke0529 : 這到底有什麼好噓的… 只能說加油撐住 11/28 16:33

blake1003 : 難怪...加油了。 11/28 16:41

linearppt : 好吧,今天這麼鐵總算有原因。美國真亂 11/28 16:53

canlest : R.I.P 賽前訪問就覺得怪怪的了.. 11/28 16:57

sky781125 : 給推 11/28 16:58

oray914 : 加油 唉...... 11/28 17:04

alecpeng0125: 某樓可悲 11/28 17:15

hijodedios36: 幫QQ 難怪嚴重失常 11/28 17:23

edhuang : 不能怪你…………能上場就很強了 11/28 17:24

x5774158 : 加油 11/28 17:41

jzbobby : 國民黨QQ 11/28 17:46

Acetoxy : 好啦 幫你打星號* 11/28 17:47

a3221715 : 美國唉 11/28 17:53

silencepap : 尼哥每天射來射去,又不是新聞了不懂有啥好報 11/28 18:03

vincent1985 : 樓上酸酸成功示範 11/28 18:35

allen710522 : 抱歉.. 11/28 18:59

dreamtale : 改回來再多推你一個 11/28 19:05

banmaxwill : RIP 11/28 19:17

jason0308 : 這是個好藉口? 11/28 19:36

rs813011 : 電影愛演啊,饒舌歌又愛唱好像很屌 11/28 19:39

tfrence : 難怪今天失準qq 11/28 20:28

ericf129 : ...qq 11/28 20:29

sinben : 美國槍枝氾濫已經造成太多悲劇了...... 11/29 00:30

jack1221 : 情緒波動才噓文啊,推文的都聖人?不能噓? 11/29 15:09

qwaszx012 : QQ 11/30 02:54

bigmiddlesky: 推爆你 恭喜榮譽歸國 12/26 18:03
