[情報] LBJ明年想跟Westbrook組團

看板 NBA
作者 sth336 (S-Dub)
時間 2017-09-02 09:41:31
留言 117則留言 (34推 52噓 31→)

https://tinyurl.com/yc9awxlr 大致內容就是LBJ喜歡跟爆發力強的明星後衛組團 而明年如果LBJ加入湖人的話,他將會積極的遊說Westbrook加入 The Los Angeles Lakers front office has been very honest in their free agency plans for next summer, as they have worked hard to clear cap space and plan to sign two max caliber free agents. Among the free agents that could be possibilities are LeBron James, Paul George, DeMarcus Cousins and possibly Russell Westbrook, in addition to others. At the top of the Lakers’ wish list has to be James, as the four-time MVP has reached the NBA Finals the last seven seasons and reports around the league suggest that James could be interested in signing with Los Angeles. If the Lakers are able to convince James to make the move then he will likely be involved in the recruiting process to get another star to join him, and according to Eric Pincus of Bleacher Report Westbrook could be his first choice: Whispers around the NBA suggest James would love to team up with the explosive guard. Westbrook is currently eligible to sign the super-max extension with the Oklahoma City Thunder though, as general manager Sam Presti has let it be known that the deal is on the table whenever Westbrook wants to accept it. While James possibly would want the reigning NBA MVP to come to the Lakers with him, Pincus is reporting that Westbrook will likely sign the extension to remain in OKC long term: That said, when asked, various NBA executives believe Westbrook will eventually sign his deal with the Thunder. While Westbrook may not be a possibility for the Lakers, his current Thunder teammate Paul George is as he has already said that he intends to sign with his hometown Lakers next summer, though that was before he was deal to Oklahoma City. Even without Westbrook the Lakers could put together a championship caliber team next summer if James and George sign and play alongside promising young players like Lonzo Ball and Brandon Ingram. So the 2018 offseason should be a very interesting one for the entire Lakers franchise. --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1504316494.A.757.html

panpan : 當薪資空間無限歐 09/02 09:42

phoenix286 : 別再幻想了 09/02 09:42

esprit725 : 為什麼老是想著組團 09/02 09:42

chinhan1216 : 拉基文章 09/02 09:43

roen8127 : 幻想文 09/02 09:44

l5i9hbba : 寫小說? 09/02 09:44

marskam723 : 最多其中2個吧 09/02 09:44

teruhyde12 : 因為明年不組團就是陪勇士打球,姆斯自己能力不夠 09/02 09:44

teruhyde12 : 啊,很難理解嗎? 09/02 09:44

qaz940233 : 又是這種拉基文 09/02 09:44

mack860120 : 自己寫小說? 09/02 09:45

a9527a : 喔喔喔喔喔喔,可是WB不想跟你呀 09/02 09:45

ltmps : LBJ要不要罰50萬? 09/02 09:45

luckegghead : 幻想文還有人相信喔 09/02 09:46

JayFans0610 : 原來Irving屬於爆發力強的後衛 09/02 09:46

kyle5241 : 喬治: 09/02 09:46

migration265: LBJ PG 湖人是不是只能選一個 09/02 09:46

appshjkli : 文章出處lakersnation 湖迷幻想文 09/02 09:47

SEXYFUCK : 只要是喇叭詹什麼幻想文都可以出來哈哈 09/02 09:48

sealin : 垃圾 09/02 09:49

smik : 哇明年胡人好棒棒,有KT有西河有LBJ有PG有Ball下次 09/02 09:50

smik : 要幻想誰?把AD也拉進來好了 09/02 09:50

no321 : Lakersnation哈哈哈沾酸高潮囉 09/02 09:50

PeterHenson : 笑死 湖人還是沒變阿 各種愛幻想 09/02 09:51

a1684114 : 我湖不意外 在這替全體湖迷跟大家道歉 09/02 09:52

Love41ife : 如果如果如果如果如果如果 09/02 09:52

Wojnarowski : Lakersnation 09/02 09:52

jodino : 沾酸進攻囉 09/02 09:53

no321 : 為什麼老是想著組團 你去問胡迷啊莫名其妙 09/02 09:53

wakayama : 雷西 09/02 09:53

linisthebest: 舒適圈 09/02 09:53

smik : 湖人起飛囉 09/02 09:54

teapot43 : 芭樂 09/02 09:54

freemail : 如果成真樓下用x眼榨榴槤 09/02 09:56

kuluma : 要把西河改造成定點三分射手了嗎 09/02 09:59

Bonjwa : The guy 09/02 10:01

hard9977 : 大報隊時代.. 09/02 10:02

hanklee : 如果組成 ball不就哭了 09/02 10:02

qsccft123 : 有球哥又找西河 怎可能 09/02 10:03

WLR : 豪洨文吧,LBJ人還在騎士好嗎! 09/02 10:04

monk2 : 西河/PG/姆斯 ? 雷霆表示 ... 09/02 10:10

TommyWu1991 : 崩潰 09/02 10:15

fbixx500 : 姆斯加入雷霆就好了啊 哪要這麼麻煩 09/02 10:20

dirus : LBJ跟西河完全不搭 09/02 10:20

nutra : 先不要說喇叭跟跑喬啦 光是來龜龜 你球就沒屁用了 09/02 10:21

nutra : 啦 09/02 10:21

skoyeee : 西河單打技巧不強 09/02 10:22

helloak01 : 原文James跟本沒說話 09/02 10:22

locdan : 因為LA的附加價值遠大於okc阿 09/02 10:22

helloak01 : 又是湖人幻想文 09/02 10:22

zxc54781 : LBJ想要與喬登組隊 09/02 10:23

bye2007 : PG:我呢? 09/02 10:24

kl015013 : KD騎不住西河 LBJ騎得住嗎 明年自由市場一定精彩 09/02 10:25

KKB : 整天發這種路人文引戰標題是有多空虛 09/02 10:26

a7v333 : 那球兒(Ball)怎麼辦? 09/02 10:28

KarlTowns : Lakers rumor 09/02 10:28

handsomehank: 這種文誰不會 09/02 10:29

james11song : 我再說一次 09/02 10:33

submission22: 釣一些沒判斷力的魚 09/02 10:33

silk10268 : 去買片2k18組吧 09/02 10:35

jacky0122 : 意淫別人的球星也算是湖人的日常了。在幻想中重建紫 09/02 10:36

jacky0122 : 金王朝 09/02 10:36

bobon0921 : 詹酸出動!!! 09/02 10:36

m1qwert : 厲害厲害,果然是開先鋒之表率 09/02 10:36

oklagg : 哎,不組團還剩什麼 09/02 10:37

m1qwert : 賤古迷請稱呼喬神 09/02 10:38

gabara0731 : 這什麼低能文? 09/02 10:38

chou4431 : ... 09/02 10:40

pinCC : 意淫中 09/02 10:44

Endranoe : PG: 09/02 10:47

mightymouse : 詹酸高潮XD 09/02 10:47

killerking05: LBJ要祖也不會找他 09/02 10:51

Coze : 龍珠/lbj/西河/pg/肉配汁樓下說幾冠 09/02 10:57

y3qo4 : 腿迷護主大隊來囉 09/02 11:00

ponkd : PG表示 09/02 11:01

phix : 球哥表示:!! 09/02 11:02

BubbleAdam : 詹酸高潮 09/02 11:03

ebv : 別人酸LBJ愛組隊關湖人何事? 姆咪是看到黑影亂開槍? 09/02 11:04

jzbobby : 這不可能 09/02 11:11

tyytt : 是製造業的朋友呢 09/02 11:16

markvend : XX 09/02 11:19

sbflight : 迪西菌要舒適了嗎? 09/02 11:21

rs813011 : 詹酸:什麼?姆斯...組團?啊~~嘶 09/02 11:22

JONAMI14 : 幻想文 要這樣選球哥幹嘛 09/02 11:22

louis152334 : 哈哈 09/02 11:23

worldisbig : 幻想文 09/02 11:23

ms8706616 : 這兩隻就要快8千萬年薪了~~!!剩下的都找打工的好了! 09/02 11:24

ms8706616 : 別忘了湖人還有個滷蛋丟不掉~~還好幾年!! 09/02 11:27

LeMelo0607 : 小說版? 09/02 11:32

jasonwu23 : 沒加入的話造謠者直播倒立吃屎 09/02 11:34

freeyan0422 : LBJ:你還是忠誠阿,對西區忠誠 09/02 11:36

SWer1026 : 轉這種沒根據的文是不是該進桶涼快一下 09/02 11:47

SWer1026 : 這id根本專門發廢文 09/02 11:49

vans24 : 小說? 09/02 12:11

AHEAD099 : 身為湖迷真的不想看到姆斯來 09/02 12:11

Spinner3 : 球只有一顆 09/02 12:18

bigbearee : 垃圾文章 09/02 12:25

hohoman : 湖人的票房收入不因季賽往生多年減少,有本錢組團。 09/02 12:36

ghostxx : 湖人幻想廢文... 09/02 12:41

quad204 : 不然誰要跟很廢的後衛組團 09/02 12:43

match123 : 有看沒有懂 09/02 12:44

fish780722 : 噁心 09/02 13:00

jason0308 : 超想看的啦... 09/02 13:13

ASDF0714 : LBJ有哪年沒有去湖人的消息 09/02 13:27

yuchiehchan : 這種幻想文只能釣到無腦酸 09/02 13:39

jayjen : PG表示: 09/02 13:43

yaobj : MAGIC:這可不能再重罰我50萬鎂了吧? = =||| 09/02 15:14

jack1221 : 這可以當情報? 09/02 15:54

airbear : 三小低能文章跟標題 09/02 16:14

airbear : 發一個幻想文 把幻想內容打成標題 09/02 16:15

Mafty : 都有球哥惹還要一個忍者龜幹嘛 09/02 16:46

theskyofblue: 恐怖湖人要來了! 09/02 17:36

TodaySuckMei: 不想姆斯去的絕對不是湖迷啊 不然對湖人有幫助的超 09/02 18:00

TodaySuckMei: 級巨星要去怎麼會不想他去 要嘛是你有另一個身分導 09/02 18:00

TodaySuckMei: 致你不是真正為湖人著想 要嘛根本不是湖迷 09/02 18:00

MARTINA3016 : 胡人隊錢是自己印的嗎 09/02 18:03

UMi12n3AT3I7: 計劃通 等著看 09/02 21:31
