[外絮] SVG:Avery是好到不能錯過的球員

看板 NBA
作者 ChenWay (Chenway)
時間 2017-07-12 00:41:34
留言 31則留言 (24推 1噓 6→)

https://goo.gl/UQjW3J At the start of free agency, the Pistons had their plan together. They were looking to keep restricted free agent Kentavious Caldwell-Pope despite the projected cost. They were looking to bolster their backcourt with shooters, such as Langston Galloway, whom they signed. 當自由球員市場開市後,活塞隊已準備好計畫,它們打算不計代價將RFA的KCP留下來。 同時他們將簽下一名射手提升後場陣容,例如Langston Galloway。 The situation with Caldwell-Pope had been marinating for a year: debating whether he was a max player, worth upwards of $25 million per season. The Pistons didn’t seem to have another plan. 活塞與KCP之間的狀況已醞釀一年之久,爭論著KCP是否值得頂薪(一年25M),活塞似乎沒有 其他的計畫。 One came to them: Avery Bradley from the Boston Celtics. 然後有位球員進入了他們的計畫中,來自超賽的Avery Bradley。 It came at a high price, giving up Marcus Morris, who had become one of the Pistons’ most vocal leaders and was starting to take the mantle as one of the core members of the future that team president Stan Van Gundy wanted to build around. 引進AB付出了高額的代價,他們放棄了Marcus Morris,他是活塞隊的發聲領袖之一,同時 也在SVG的體系裡扮演重要核心角色。 Then came the opportunity to get Bradley. 然後得到AB的機會降臨活塞。 “We were just lucky to have him be available and that sort of changed our plans,” Van Gundy said Monday. 我們很幸運有機會擁有他,且這個機會改變了我們的計畫 “Our plan was basically to get Langston as protection and then we were in the KCP thing — that’s where we were headed — and then Avery Bradley became available and it was just too good to pass up for us.” 我們的計畫基本上是簽下Langston這個保險,然後處理KCP的問題,這就是我們正在進行 的事,然後AB在可交易名單上,他好到我們不能錯過。 Van Gundy accentuated Bradley’s resume: a first-team all-defense selection in 2016 and better 3-point shooting than Caldwell-Pope brought. They had made a substantial offer — reportedly 5 years, $80 million — at the start of free agency, but Caldwell-Pope and his agent, Rich Paul, were looking to gauge the market, seeking an offer near the maximum. SVG很看重AB的紀錄,最佳防守陣容第一隊,且比KCP更好的三分球命中率,他們在自由市 場開市後給了給了KCP一個高額的報價,80M/5ys,但KCP跟他的經紀人富保羅正在市場上試 水溫,並尋找接近頂薪的合同。 To match a potential max offer, the Pistons would have had to go above the luxury-tax level of $119 million and then would have needed to shed about $10 million in salary. 為了開出頂薪,活塞隊必須超過豪華稅上限,也需要空出10M的空間。 That would have meant trading a front-line player. In the initial plan, that was where the Pistons were headed, with owner Tom Gores’ blessing. 這代表他們需要交易前場球員,這是Tom Gores允許下的最初計畫。 It wasn’t a case of Caldwell-Pope not being a max player or the Pistons looking in another direction — they were all-in on staying the course. 這並不表示KCP有打算不成為頂薪球員,也並不表示活塞一開始有再找替代方案 他們原本計畫不計代價留下KCP。 “(Not having KCP) wasn’t even something that we had talked about, to be quite honest. What happened was the deal with Boston with Avery Bradley there, ” Van Gundy said. “What we had to weigh there is Avery comes in and he’s only got one year on his contract, against where KCP’s contract could potentially go. 老實說,放走KCP甚至從來沒出現在討論當中,然後超賽與AB的交易出現了,SVG說,我們必須考 慮的是AB加入我們然後只能租一年,這個情況壓縮了KCP合約的談判空間。 “If you sign him, you’re well into the tax and now have significantly less flexibility going forward. 如果簽下KCP,我們就要繳稅,然後薪資空間會變得非常沒有彈性 “It was never a point where it was a matter of what KCP was worth. It was not us saying he’s not worth that. ... It was not a strategy at the beginning of the summer that we don’t want to pay KCP.” 這跟KCP值多少無關,我們不會說KCP不值得那些錢,我們不想簽KCP不是我們今夏原本的 計畫 Van Gundy and general manager Jeff Bower had been discussing another deal involving other players with Boston, but when Bradley became available, the tenor of the talks changed. Both sides re-evaluated and reached an agreement on Friday. SVG和GM Jeff Bower已經討論關於超賽其他球員的交易,但當AB出現在可交易名單上 討論方向徹底改變,雙方都重新評估且得到共識。 “It actually didn’t happen that quickly. We had had discussions of a different variety, a different nature over a couple weeks, but the momentum of it when it seemed like it was about to be a deal that both sides were ready to agree on happened very quickly overnight,” Bower said. “The seeds for it had been planted a couple weeks earlier but the conditions weren’t right until that very moment.” 實際上這個討論花了一點時間,我們幾個禮拜內討論很多不同的可能性,但得到共識的 那個可能性卻只花費很短的時間討論 Opportunity knocks in Pistons adding Galloway, Moreland After getting Bradley, the Pistons renounced their rights to Caldwell-Pope, 24, who became an unrestricted free agent. Instead of getting an anticipated max deal, he’s still awaiting an offer, with reported interest from the Los Angeles Lakers and Brooklyn Nets — but likely not at the max level. 交易來AB後,活塞放棄KCP的匹配權力,使KCP成為UFA,KCP仍在等待著報價而不是頂薪合 同,湖人與籃網皆對KCP有興趣,但不大可能開頂薪。 The Pistons managed to steer clear of the luxury tax and get a player that helps them on both ends of the court, even if it is a one-year rental. Although Bradley’s stats have improved in each of his seven seasons, he’s looking to bring more than just scoring and defense. 活塞避開了豪華稅且引進一位可幫助後場攻守兩端的球員,即使只能租用一年。 雖然Bradley的數據在七年的職涯內都有所提升,他將帶著得分與防守以外的事物加入活塞 Van Gundy was looking to diversify the backcourt and thinks he did so with one of the best all-around guards in the league. Whether that production levels off in a new system of if he doesn’t have the same cast around him as in Boston, Van Gundy is focusing on the upside. SVG打算多樣化後場,且他認為他引進AB做到了此事,不論是否AB在超賽體系做到的事能不 能在活塞體系重現,SVG專注在此情況的正向面。 “He’s in a really high level right now, so if he levels off as a first-team All-NBA defensive guy and shoots 38 percent from 3 and averages 16 points, I think we’ll take the plateau, if that’s where it is,” Van Gundy said. “I don’t think he is a guy that’s going to plateau because he’s an extremely hard worker and clearly has added to his game every year. 他已經在很高的境界上了,所以如果他的數據下跌,我們會接受這個就是他的天花板, 我不認為他已經到天花板了,因為他是這麼的努力訓練且每年都在提升他的比賽表現 “Right now, he’s a very, very good player.” 現在,他是非常非常棒的球員。 -- 07/12 00:48
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1499791296.A.24E.html

JhoYng420 : 先處理一下你的先發控衛好嗎? 07/12 00:47

ClownT : 大家都很悲觀 我不認為Bradley最後只會租用一年 07/12 00:47

ClownT : 當然 這要看本季活塞的成長如何 07/12 00:47

jjjohnny1282: Reggie Jackson最棒了 07/12 00:47

bycarbird : 如果不是租一年而已...我覺得活塞這筆交易很不錯 07/12 00:48

uini : 就看明年AB會不會也要頂薪了 明年很多大牌都要換約 07/12 00:50

gn00152097 : 要訂薪的機會很大吧 07/12 00:56

SouthernFire: AB真的強 防守有很拚 07/12 00:58

kingbar815 : 夠強頂薪也無所謂吧? 07/12 01:08

justhewayour: 推翻譯 07/12 01:42

anguskenneth: 大范:如果我有一份頂薪,我願意給AB而不是KCP 07/12 02:02

ChenWay : 樓上,其實我也這麼想 07/12 02:05

joey1149 : KCP放棄80M/5y算可理解 畢竟Oladipo都簽到84M/4y了 07/12 02:15

nkfcc : 問題是時機不對。去年已經把部份球隊搾乾了。 07/12 02:17

JoshSmith : AB跑了就變笑話 07/12 02:19

ClownT : 這就是大范的解決辦法: 如果你還是堅持頂薪 那我只 07/12 02:22

ClownT : 好找更適合頂薪的人了 而那個人就是Bradley 07/12 02:22

kairiyu : 蜀中無大將 07/12 02:31

stevejack : AB值得給高薪,超賽養出來的3D球員,要不是沒錢續 07/12 02:35

stevejack : 約,不太可能願意放(至少就球迷的角度來說) 07/12 02:35

dustinhuang : KCP80M/5y很合理吧 不覺得他值得更高 07/12 02:59

km10635237 : 蜀中無大將....AB早就不只800了 07/12 03:40

fredchan1992: Galloway是射手我嚇一跳 查完發現在國王突然開翹 07/12 05:00

Ktime : 換個地方換個PG,還是用防守幫忙擦屁股 07/12 05:47

aoka : 說什麼啊,ola這幾年表現比kcp好太多了 07/12 06:36

a9527a : RJ跟去年一樣,就是租一年! 07/12 07:28

ChrisPaul03 : 是一守二的好球員 07/12 07:37

orangeray : 拜託把快 RJ 丟了 07/12 11:23

teapot43 : 要給頂薪 還不如給AB 07/12 12:32

rini : 醒 07/12 14:50

rini : 我 07/12 14:51
