[外絮] Mike Brown有世界上最棒的工作

看板 NBA
作者 kyle5241 (Kyle Korver)
時間 2017-05-06 14:03:19
留言 75則留言 (50推 10噓 15→)

http://tinyurl.com/kd9brxf Mike Brown Has the Best Job in the World MB有世界上最棒的工作 When Mike Brown took over for a sidelined Steve Kerr, the basketball world cocked an eyebrow. “You mean the Mike Brown that Magic roasted for his coaching? The Mike Brown who couldn’t win a title with LeBron? That Mike Brown?” That Mike Brown has the Warriors rolling, and he’s doing it with an easy-going style that fits the most talented team in the league. 當MB接掌了Kerr的工作時,籃球界的人皺了眉頭:"你是說那個被魔術罵到爛的教練? 你是說那個有了姆斯還拿不到冠軍的MB?"那個布朗讓勇士一路順風,而他用很輕鬆的 方式做到了。 He was professional. That's how Steph Curry usually handles matters. But still, if just that one time he had fallen all over himself in awe, it would have been understandable. The rest of us did. 布朗是很專業的,通常curry怎麼處理球是最重要的事,但仍然,如果在某個時刻 布朗深深的對curry著迷,這是很正常的,因為我們也是。 At one point during the Warriors’ Game 1 stomping of the Jazz, Rudy Gobert got matched up defensively on Curry. It was NBA-nerd fan fiction come to life. Had they met in the restricted area or at the rim, it would have been advantage Gobert. But they did not meet in the restricted area or at the rim —hey met out on the perimeter. It was most decidedly not advantage Gobert. Curry turned the poor guy into his unwilling and dizzy dance partner. 在勇士爵士的第一場比賽,Gobert守到Curry。如果是在禁區,Gobert有優勢,但是 在三分線,那就麻煩了。Curry讓Gobert變成了不願意而且頭昏的舞伴 It was like Curry suddenly channeled Barry Sanders and cast Gobert, against his consent, in the role of an overmatched Patriots defensive back. The sequence was mesmerizing, the kind of thing you want to watch on loop. Unless you’re Rudy Gobert or the Jazz. Then you didn’t want to watch at all, much less on loop. Naturally, Curry was asked about the play, and he said all the right things. He acted like it was nothing special. It’s his standard operating procedure. Fine. But damn if that wasn’t a beautiful bit of basketball. Surely one of the Warriors marveled at it the way civilians did. Surely someone recognized the magnificence. 當Curry被問到這件事,他表現的像是這沒什麼。這是他的SOP. 但如果那不是籃球美麗 的地方,勇士的某個人絕對跟觀眾一樣驚奇,那個人絕對能看出這一球的美妙。 Mike Brown was that someone. He was almost giddy. 布朗就是那個人,他幾乎暈眩了 “I feel like I’ve got one of the better seats in the house,” Brown grinned, “and I’m not even paying for it.” "我覺得我坐在場館中最棒的位置"布朗說:"而且我還不用付錢耶!" As moments and metaphors go, Brown’s reaction was close to perfect. For a guy who’s supposed to be under a lot of pressure - taking over for Steve Kerr in the middle of a playoff push - Brown sure didn’t seem shook. Not before or after the Warriors smashed the Utah Jazz at Oracle Arena in the first two games of the series. Compare that to Tyronn Lue, who recently said he has “the hardest job by far” of any coach in the NBA. (You are forgiven if you challenge that assertion.) To whatever extent that’s true, Brown is at the other end of the spectrum. The guy appears to be enjoying himself, which sort of demolishes the tidy prefab takes that were constructed around him. 布朗的描述近乎完美。對於一個應該會有很大的壓力的人-在季後賽中接掌了Kerr的工 作-布朗看起來完全沒有動搖,不管是在幹掉爵士前還是幹掉爵士後。 相反的,魯教練,最近才說他的工作是世界最難的。或許這是對的,但布朗則是完全在 光譜的另外一邊。他看起來似乎很享受。 心得: 魯:唉~我的工作真的是世界難 布朗:真的嗎?你做什麼工作啊? 魯:騎士教練 布朗:黑人問號? 布朗:你們隊上有23號嗎? 魯:有啊 布朗:我跟你說啊~來勇士之前,在騎士真的是世界最棒的工作呢! 把球給23號,你就好好當觀眾就行了 魯:真的嗎? 騎士 vs 暴龍 第三場 第三節 魯:怎麼辦?我們竟然落後唉~緊張死了,這工作好難,哪裡簡單了 布朗騙我 姆斯:魯教練,我們要怎麼做? 魯:(燈泡) 我不管了~球給你,我看球就好了 第四節打完~騎士大勝20分 魯:布朗說的沒錯耶~這個工作真好玩 --

※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1494050601.A.2E9.html

z67186718 : 魯蛇教練 05/06 14:04

super009 : 他到底有什麼靈氣 爽差源源不絕 05/06 14:05

rockyen : 你這文比我還廢3587 05/06 14:06

jenchieh5 : 而且還領不只一份薪水 05/06 14:06

oiu368 : 他已經證明他是西瓜過了,勇士誰來帶都不會太差 05/06 14:07

jones17188 : 球給23號戰術 05/06 14:07

jyekid : 現在看到MB 都想到他的笑聲 被洗腦了 05/06 14:08

Yui5 : 第一次面試就上手——麥克布朗 05/06 14:09

PeterHenson : MB在勇士過更爽 根本吸奶仔 05/06 14:09

andrew1357 : 西瓜,我還以為會說他做了什麼事 05/06 14:11

flicker36 : 一份工作領多份薪水 05/06 14:11

ALLENWAN : 腦包教練 05/06 14:12

orange7986 : 面試大王 05/06 14:12

versace : 領薪水坐貴賓席當觀眾 05/06 14:12

Eric60203 : 這就是上輩子做好事 05/06 14:13

MidoriG : 他到底是為何每次都能接到這種爽差...LBJ騎士躺著拿 05/06 14:13

kizo555 : 超快樂的工作 很享受 05/06 14:14

carey1119 : 世界最會面試的男人 05/06 14:14

MidoriG : 最佳教練,湖人F4也是他來帶(只是看走眼),這次勇士 05/06 14:14

MidoriG : 他還是有機會帶,史上最爽躺著賺教練 05/06 14:14

tasiki2002 : 國動:吸奶仔 05/06 14:15

kizo555 : 人生勝利組阿 超爽 05/06 14:17

jyekid : 他應該有過人之處吧 EX人緣好之類的 05/06 14:19

gogoegg : 你勇比之前的騎士、湖人更容易管啊 讓球員自己打 05/06 14:19

Wise5566 : 看在看到MB的新聞腦袋自動帶入爽朗笑聲 這是怎麼回 05/06 14:20

Wise5566 : 事 05/06 14:20

ohmypan : http://i.imgur.com/O072cNb.jpg 05/06 14:24

cs90126 : 西瓜 05/06 14:26

chink5566 : 是要捧到全隊都神嗎... 他防守是有一套啦 05/06 14:28

SPiCa0831 : NBA面試王 快教BS怎麼面試 05/06 14:29

ohiyo104 : hahahahahahaha 05/06 14:32

mikado2 : 超爽的XD 05/06 14:35

Dragic : 爽差王 05/06 14:35

tonytony6420: MB: 超爽DER 玩到滿等的帳號~~ 05/06 14:37

lzsh10194 : 坐海景第一排 還有錢領 這麼爽的工作哪找 05/06 14:37

elve7878 : hahahahahahahaha 潮爽DER 05/06 14:42

wtao : 滿等帳號XDD 05/06 14:45

laihom0808 : 去年代理教練也被捧上天阿,當勇士教練真的爽缺 05/06 14:48

spadenet : 心得不好笑... 05/06 14:55

bahamutuh : 湖人F4不是爽差呀 有KOBE在 根本是超級塞缺 05/06 15:01

Toy17 : 面試之王 超強 05/06 15:03

AceKiller : 唯一曾經帶過LBJ和KOBE的教練,哞方面來說真的很猛 05/06 15:08

c7683fh6 : 面試王 可以出書了 05/06 15:21

turnpoint : 好想看BS帶勇士喔,最強球隊配上最X教練的結果 05/06 15:24

event1408472: 求給22 05/06 15:25

event1408472: 23 05/06 15:25

bluebrandon : MB根本可以授課 第一次面試就上手 05/06 15:29

omage : 真的是最強球霸耶,看球賽都不用付錢的 05/06 15:30

kaede0711 : 教練太舒適 05/06 15:48

jimli : 面試王無誤 應該pp超強的喔 打動每個老闆的心XD 05/06 15:51

MikeBrown : 怎麼最近這麼多MB新聞啊,是怕沒總冠打預防針嗎 05/06 15:54

opse1020 : 樓上本人有信心點好嗎 05/06 15:55

chi12345678 : 簽名檔不錯 05/06 15:57

rs813011 : 帶史上最強隊帶到湖人開始重建 05/06 16:14

IAMGRICE : 心得好冷喔,ㄏㄏ 05/06 16:16

zzyzx : 自己加那段是???? 05/06 16:20

nepenthes7 : 巨頭隊打普林根本廢到笑 05/06 16:20

sina1 : 老實說,我覺得你的心得很幽默而且是事實 05/06 16:21

kutkin : 這黑胖子真爽 05/06 16:24

sina1 : 不過如果對上的是勇士,用這招還是會輸20分 05/06 16:26

er800100 : 心得那段是? 一點也不好笑 05/06 16:28

vgil : 最倫的教練 05/06 16:30

kirbya : 西瓜太郎 05/06 16:55

rainfruit : 無語 05/06 16:57

fivetobacco : 難怪Green越打越越好 05/06 17:00

wmigrant : 看好暑假又開始四處去面試 05/06 17:20

strmof22 : 新心得是小學生嗎 05/06 17:27

yashiky2010 : 舒適 05/06 17:36

dream1285201: 之前湖人給他的合約跑完了嗎? 05/06 18:50

ericjk : 這翻譯= = 05/06 23:06

ballgame162 : 麵包超爽 05/07 07:43

iAsshole : 請問翻成這樣還能賺P幣嗎? 05/07 10:56

GABA : 論找對公司的重要 05/07 11:29

TankPal : 超狗屎運的教練 05/07 11:46

sssss787 : 心得在幹麻????????????? 05/07 14:16
