[外絮] 季後賽首輪:火箭vs雷霆最吸引人

看板 NBA
作者 djviva (時鼠無奈)
時間 2017-04-14 14:01:41
留言 21則留言 (20推 0噓 1→)

Rockets-Thunder top our first-round matchup rankings http://tinyurl.com/kyce6m4 1. (3) Rockets vs. (6) Thunder This has to be the most exciting matchup in the first round. James Harden, the calm and calculating clinician, vs. Russell Westbrook, the determined ball of fury. Each has been a one-man show this season, and each has an incredible case for the MVP award. While the votes will already have been cast, these two will want to prove themselves against their opponent. Plus, while the Rockets will be favored, and rightfully so, this is a series that the Thunder can win. It's hard to imagine the Thunder not getting at least a couple wins and, if we're lucky enough get it, what a Game 7 Harden vs. Westbrook would be. And the potential is there. The skill on the court plus the MVP talk off it makes Rockets vs. Thunder the most intriguing first-round matchup. Top1: 火箭vs雷霆 這會是首輪最刺激的對戰組合; 冷靜又善於計算的鬍子 vs 狂暴的絕對控球者西河, 兩 個人本季都是個人秀, 也雙雙繳出難以置信的完美來競逐本季MVP; 當MVP投票即將開始 之際, 他們兩人都將會想要在首輪對戰中來證明自己. 此外, 火箭在首輪較被看好之下 雷霆仍有機會贏下這系列賽, 因為很難去想像雷霆無法在從火箭手上拿下至少兩勝, 假 使我們夠幸運, 就能看到鬍子跟西河廝殺到第七戰, 這是可能的; 鬍子西河在首輪球場 上的競技也將會增添MVP話題, 以上種種都讓火箭雷霆之戰成為首輪最吸引人的系列賽 2. (4) Clippers vs. (5) Jazz This is also a fascinating matchup, as it features an up-and-coming Utah squad in its first playoff appearance since 2012, against a veteran Clippers bunch hoping to finally live up to expectations. Between Chris Paul, Gordon Hayward, Blake Griffin, Rudy Gobert and DeAndre Jordan, there will be plenty of talent on the floor, and both of these teams closed out their seasons on fire. The Clippers won eight of their final 10 games, while the Jazz went 7-3 to close out their season. Another toss-up. Top2: 快艇vs爵士 自2012以來首次打進季後賽的後起之秀爵士, 對上想要更上層樓的季後賽常隊快艇, 也是 很棒的對戰組合; CP3 +Griffin +DAJ vs Hayward +Gobert兩組人馬滿滿的天賦將會在場 上迸出許多光耀的火花; 兩隊也紛紛用強勢的表現結束常規賽季, 快艇最後十戰8勝, 爵 士則是最後十戰7勝 3. (3) Raptors vs. (6) Bucks Well, first of all, there's Giannis Antetokounmpo, who might be the most enjoyable player to watch in the league. Each and every night he does something remarkable, and it's great that he'll get to be on a national stage in the playoffs. And then there's DeMar DeRozan, who has been incredible this season, finishing fifth in the league in scoring average with a career-high 27.5 points. The Raptors figure to be the favorites, but it will be fascinating to see if Giannis will be able to lead the Bucks to an upset on the big stage. Don't rule it out. Top3: 暴龍vs公鹿 首先當然是因為字母哥, 他的身手或許是全聯盟最令人樂於觀賞的, 看到他在全國性的 舞台上拼鬥季後賽是很棒的事; 另一個原因就是暴龍的DeRozan, 他本季的表現也令人 激賞, 場均27.5分生涯新高也是全聯盟第五. 雖然暴龍較被看好, 但字母哥憑一己之力 究竟能推升公鹿到怎樣的境界, 著實令人好奇, 別錯過囉~~ 4. (2) Cavaliers vs. (7) Pacers LeBron James vs. Paul George. The last time these two met, LeBron went for 41 points, 14 rebounds and 11 assists, while George turned in 43 points, nine rebounds and nine assists as the Cavs won 135-130 in a double-overtime thriller. A few more games like that will certainly be welcome, but even if that's too much to ask, watching these two go at it should be quite entertaining. Plus with the return of James' nemesis, Lance Stephenson, thrown into the mix, there should be some fireworks. Top4: 騎士vs溜馬 當然是LeBron James對上Paul George囉, 他們倆上一回對戰, James拿下41分14籃板11助 攻, 而PG回應了43分9籃板9助攻, 最後騎士135:130在兩度延長賽獲勝, 這樣的比賽偶爾 來幾場挺不錯的, 多了也很有趣; 另外就是James的老對手Lance Stephenson重回溜馬了 , 在他進場攪局下, 又會迸出怎樣的火花呢? 5. (1) Celtics vs. (8) Bulls The Celtics have Isaiah Thomas, one of the most dynamic scorers in the league who has become one of the most entertaining players to watch. The Bulls have Jimmy Butler, who has come into his own as one of the league's best all-around wings and single-handedly dragged the Bulls into the playoffs. Those two alone should be enough reason to watch, but with Marcus Smart involved, the Rajon Rondo revenge factor and the Bulls' TNT invincibility, this could turn into the weirdest series of the first round. Top5: 超賽vs公牛 聯盟頂尖得分手之一的Isaiah Thomas, 已然成為最具觀賞性球星之一; 而Jimmy Bulter 也已成長為聯盟最佳的全面性側翼球員, 並隻手引領了公牛闖入季後賽; 他們倆就足夠 成為球迷們觀賞這系列賽的原因; 另外還有Marcus Smart加入戰局, 以及Rondo的復仇因 子, 更有公牛在TNT轉播的不敗神話, 超賽vs公牛將可能是首輪最不可思議的系列賽 6. (4) Wizards vs. (5) Hawks A few weeks ago, it wasn't inconceivable that the Hawks would fall out of the playoffs, but they regrouped with the return of Paul Millsap, and now look both entertaining and competitive. Millsap is extremely underrated, and Tim Hardaway Jr. is doing fun things. Of course, on the other side, you have one of the most exciting backcourts in the league in John Wall and Bradley Beal. Those two have been so much fun this season, and figure to put on a show. Plus, two of their matchups this season have been within four points, so we could be in for some late-game drama. Top6: 巫師vs老鷹 幾週前若說老鷹會掉出季後賽名單, 這不是件無法相信的事, 但在Millsap歸隊後他們重 振旗鼓硬是提升了整體表現, 並且他們看來除了具有競爭力之外球風還挺值得觀賞的, Millsap被嚴重低估, T.Hardaway也總做些有趣的事; 另一方面巫師的Wall跟Beal是聯盟 裡最棒的後場組合之一; 另外本季兩隊四次對戰中, 有兩場輸贏在四分之內, 所以或許這 系列賽我們能看到些比賽後段的大逆轉也說不定 7. (1) Warriors vs. (8) Trail Blazers If we can get a rerun of the series these two played last season in the second round, that would be terrific, but I can't see that happening now that Kevin Durant is around and healthy. With the Warriors' stars, and the Blazers' back court, there will be plenty of talent on the floor this series, but the Warriors should run away with things most nights and that doesn't make for very compelling action. Top7: 勇士vs拓荒者 勇士新添了KD, 阿拓加油小李加油 8. (2) Spurs vs. (7) Grizzlies Kawhi Leonard is awesome, and so are Marc Gasol and Mike Conley, but this series just does not scream excitement. I love Tony Allen and this whole Grizzlies core, but they're beat up, and it's just not the same as a few years back. And as great as the Spurs are, they go about their business in a clinical fashion. I'll still be watching, but I'm not jumping for joy about the fact these two teams will be going at it for a second straight season. Top8: 馬刺vs灰熊 兩邊的球星都好棒棒, 但灰熊應該是沒辦法打敗馬刺了 -- 清晨霧一般的思念, 清新 double, 美麗 double, 捉摸不定 double... --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1492149704.A.522.html

encorek01231: 軟豆穿著紅色球衣 ... 唉QQ 04/14 14:02

arcss : 8還要加上TA受傷,賣點整個下降..... 04/14 14:06

rabbit529 : 7、8組合的翻譯量 感受到惡意 04/14 14:06

wu5834 : 喂喂 Top7 Top8的翻譯太混了吧XDDDDD 04/14 14:07

JimmyBlue : 火雷戰寫成這樣好像封弊者 v.s. basaka healer XD 04/14 14:16

kyo28 : 爵鹿加油!!! 04/14 14:21

vltw5v : 欸欸7,8的翻譯太簡潔了哦 04/14 14:25

pounil : 應該是舒服過頭了吧 04/14 14:43

payton711 : 我雷晉級!我雷晉級!我雷晉級!我雷晉級!我雷晉 04/14 15:09

payton711 : 級! 04/14 15:09

canhong : 7和8讀翻譯有點靠北喔XDDD 04/14 15:14

Endranoe : 7&8…… 04/14 15:22

turbomons : 最後兩個超好笑 XD 04/14 15:29

tonyparker18: 前兩名認同 猜火箭和爵士晉級 04/14 15:30

ejijo761115 : 推火爵晉級 04/14 15:37

jasonkaikai : 第八就是禁區拳拳到肉的比拼,外線一起爛 04/14 15:54

James78923 : 雷霆要贏火箭太難了雙拳難贏四掌 04/14 15:54

teapot43 : 7跟8一整個隨便翻XD 04/14 15:56

d147258 : 火箭會勝出 04/14 15:57

bejay1022 : 我好興奮啊 04/14 16:57

app20165 : 簡潔有力啊 後面2個~ 04/14 17:36
