Re: [情報] 字母哥創造紀錄

看板 NBA
作者 nogoodlaugh (KG is back!!)
時間 2017-04-13 12:56:24
留言 22則留言 (11推 1噓 10→)

硬湊數據迷來惹 -- 看到KG竟然沒有這項紀錄 真的是非常驚訝 目前助攻榜可能快要被擠出前五十 但應該是史上唯一五項數據 都在歷史前五十名的KG 怎麼會沒有在單季達標都前二十過 所以來檢驗連續助攻達標 5 次的那幾年 Pts Reb Ast Stl Blk 99-00 10 04 ?? ?? ?? 當年Ast,Stl,Blk第20為 5.3,1.5,1.7 KG是 5.0,1.5,1.6 00-01 16 06 ?? ?? 16 當年Ast,Stl 第20為 5.5,1.5 KG是 5.0,1.4 01-02 17 03 ?? ?? 20 當年Ast,Stl 第20為 5.5,1.6 KG是 5.2,1.2 02-03 09 02 13 ?? 17 當年Stl 第20為 1.6 KG是 1.4 03-04 03 01 ?? 19 11 當年Ast 第20為 5.3 KG是 5.0 04-05 14 01 19 18 ?? 當年Blk 第20為 1.6 KG是 1.4 -- 也就是說在KG 連續6年 20-10-5的階段中 一共連續聽牌3年 但三年分別差在一個不同的項目 但都差一點就是了 -- 至於有人提到 KG生涯硬湊五項數據前五十 詳細內容如下 -- 新聞出處(必填): 作者:Mike_Dyer13 雖然近來C's和KG都在掙扎,18th banner也遠比數據來得重要 但許多綠血外國鄉民都注意到KG即將達成史無前例的驚人里程碑, 今年風風雨雨的球季中,仍然是目前少數值得開心的事~ 以下正文: Kevin Garnett is on the precipice on joining a very exclusive club. A club so exclusive in fact, that when he joins it, he will be it's only member. KG即將晉身一個非常特殊的行列; 特殊到一旦他成功達成,將成為NBA史上第一人。 With 32 more assists, Garnett will pass Sleepy Floyd for 50th on the NBA's all-time assist leader board (5,144). This is important, because Garnett already ranks in the top 50 in rebounds (12th - 13,566), points (17th - 24,802), steals (18th - 1,702) and blocks (19th - 1,937). As you can see, not only is he top 50 in those categories, he's in the top 20 in all 4. (註:數據截至13/01/14) 再32個助攻,KG就要超越傳奇球星"睡神"弗洛伊德, NBA助攻榜攻下史上第五十位(5,144 asts.) 這個榮譽意義重大,因為KG在籃板排名12(13,566 rbs.) 得分排名17(24,802 pts.)、抄截18(1,702 stls.)、火鍋19(1,937 blks.) 全都排進NBA史上前五十名;而助攻外的四項數據堪堪達到前二十名。 Since the NBA started tracking steals and blocks in 1972-73, no player has accumulated enough of each of the five categories to rank in the top 50. And even going back into the pre-steal/block era, the only player who may have had a chance is Oscar Robertson who easily cracked the top 50 in points, rebounds and assists, and in his prime was known as an above average defensive player. 由於NBA在1972-73球季才開始統計抄截和火鍋數據, 五項基本數據排名前五十的球員史無前例。 就算回到72'年前,唯一可能達成這項成就的只有上古神獸大O; 他的得分、籃板、助攻紀錄早已高懸許久, 而且全盛時期的大O也是個不錯的防守者。 While KG is viewed as a sure fire first ballot Hall of Famer, I think he may be more than that. It's entirely possible that he is the most well rounded player in NBA history. Again I'm not saying the most dominant, or the winningest, or the greatest. As fantastic as he is, I don't think anyone considers him more dominant than Wilt, a better winner than Russell, or greater than Jordan. But in terms of his all around game? He just may be the best we've ever seen. Some facts: 當然KG早就公認是準名人堂的巨星了,但我認為他可不只是名人堂級而已。 他極有可能會成為籃板的史上第一人! 當然我並非是說KG最有統治力、最會贏球或最偉大; 就算強大如KG,宰制力也無法比擬張真人、 比羅素爺贏下更多冠軍、或比MJ更偉大。但說到球風全面, KG很有可能是史上最優異的全能球員。 以下足以佐證: Scoring - While he's never led the NBA in scoring, he's topped the 20 PPG mark in 9 of his 18 NBA seasons. His overall scoring average per game is 19.2 PPG. He's also incredibly efficient, shooting 50% from the floor and 79% from the free throw line. His offensive repertoire is diverse - fadeaway jumper's from the post, up-and-under shimmy shake's on the block, and his 18 footer, which he has consistently knocked down throughout his career. 得分:雖然從來沒有當過得分王,目前18季職業生涯中,KG有9季是前二十名的得分好手。 生涯目前場均19.2分的KG打球極有效率,命中率五成外另附贈七成九罰球命中率, 攻擊手段多到目不暇給,職業生涯送出了無數無解後仰、低位作戰、 假動作送麻辣鍋、和穩定的中距離。 Rebounding - Led the NBA in rebounding 4 consecutive seasons (2004-2007), and has averaged double digit boards for his career (10.5 a game). He has never been a prolific offensive rebounder, instead preferring to get back on defense (many coaches would much prefer this to crashing the offensive glass and getting beat back down the floor). But he's one of the greatest defensive rebounders of all time. In fact there is a very good chance that by the time he retires he will have passed Karl Malone for the most defensive rebounds in NBA history (he's 889 behind him now). 籃板:曾連續三季蟬聯籃板王寶座(04-07) (註:原文似乎算錯了XD), 生涯也有10.5板的佳績。KG從未抓下太多進攻籃板, 這跟他在防守端投入更多熱血的球風有關。 (比起抓進攻籃板失位被打快攻,很多教練會更喜歡穩當的防守籃板) 再889個籃板,KG就可以超越老馬成為DRb史上第一人了。 Passing - Simply put one of the most un-selfish big men of all time. A career average of 4 assists per game from a 7 footer is basically unheard of, and for a span of six consecutive years with Minnesota Garnett averaged over 5 APG. 傳球:KG很可能是史上最無私的長人了。他是唯一場均4助攻的七呎球員, 且狼王時代的KG連續六年都場均5+妙傳。 Defense - His true strength. The steals and blocks have been discussed, but that's not even what this is about. He took home the 2007-08 Defensive player of the year award, and it can be argued that he deserved to win several more. He's made 9 All-defensive first teams and 3 All-defensive second teams in his 18 year run, and again - he should have made more. Basketball reference also keeps a stat called "Defensive Win Shares" that measures how many wins a player has been worth on the defensive end over his career. KG has been worth as astounding 85.3, the 7th most in history. Every night he guards the best big man the opponent has to offer, and in the vast majority of cases he wins that battle. There is a case to be made that on the all-time All-Defensive team, he is the starting PF (can't go wrong with Duncan either). 防守:KG真正的絕技。他的抄截和火鍋都非同小可, 不過這還不足以代表他的防守實力。KG是08年最佳防守球員,本來還有機會多拿幾座的~ 18年來他選入九次防守第一隊和三次第二隊,若非傷病應享更高榮譽。 Basketball Reference.com有項數據稱為"防守win shares",KG以85.3高居史上第七。 每場球賽他都扛下敵隊最佳長人,而且常常壓倒對手。 如果排出NBA史上最強防守五人,KG和TD都足以先發。 Durability - Since his career began in 1995, Garnett has missed more than 13 games exactly once (2008-09, knee injury). He's appeared in 1,291 games, 14th in league history and by the time he finishes up his current contract he will be one of just a handful of NBA players to play 20 seasons, and if he stays healthy - he'll finish in the top 5 in games played. 耐戰力:從95'年開始,只有09'膝蓋受傷那年KG缺戰超過13場。 KG以1,291場出場數榮居史上第14,而合約走完前若能保持健康, 下季KG也將成為NBA僅有五位能打20季的老妖G... A few other stats for Garnett: 14 time all-star, 9 time All-NBA, 2003-04 MVP, 2008 NBA champ. 其他KG的重要榮譽:14(+1)度全明星,九次年度前三隊,04'MVP,08'總冠軍成員! Perhaps the best word to describe KG is unique. The way the talks on the court, the way he interacts with the fans and media, the way he has been the heart and soul of his team's since the Mid-90's. His passion for the game has never waned, and despite the fact that he's logged nearly 52,000 minutes on his odometer - his game remains nearly as good as it was in his prime. So just a message to all basketball fans: Enjoy the next two and a half seasons, because once Garnett leaves, it's possible we'll never see another player quite like him. 形容KG最貼切的詞彙,大概是獨一無二吧。他場上碎碎念的功力、 和媒體球迷的關係、從90'中之後不斷為球隊燃燒的小宇宙、 52,000分鐘球賽裡不滅的熱情、穩當高檔的球場貢獻... 讓我們享受KG時代的餘暉吧,再過幾年,他的輝煌也只能在記憶中追尋。 -------------------------------------------- Points : 25911 (14) Rebounds : 14486 (08) Assists : 5375 (47) Blocks : 2023 (18) Steals : 1826 (16) 五項主要數據 排在歷史前五十名內(其中更是四項位於前二十) --
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MonkeyCL : AK47是不是也有相關的紀錄? 04/13 12:57

efbnm753 : AK 得分感覺就達不到標 04/13 12:58

lopopo001 : 結果連kg也真的沒有 字母哥真的強 04/13 12:59

efbnm753 : lbj 一直都是火鍋不達標吧 雖然他追魂鍋很猛 但場均 04/13 13:00

efbnm753 : 鍋一直都不是很多 04/13 13:00

icou : 之前就有人整理過KG在哪幾季各因為哪一項沒達成 04/13 13:00

micbrimac : 這種紀錄姆斯不要而已 04/13 13:00

jason791227 : 連kg都沒拿過了 還有人說字母哥的紀錄是硬湊的 04/13 13:01

avrild12 : 這種看長期的紀錄AK差遠了吧 他只有跟歐拉是史上唯 04/13 13:01

avrild12 : 二單場5x6和生涯兩場以上5x5這兩個紀錄 04/13 13:01

eric74658 : KG必推 04/13 13:01

wu2183 : 推不好笑大 04/13 13:03

eric74658 : 這樣KG有連續六年全部前25名嗎? 04/13 13:04

nogoodlaugh : 最後三年都前30可能有機會吧 沒去查 04/13 13:06

iamaq18c : 記得之前有人整理過KG的了 04/13 13:20

xxplayss : 說到全能,詹皇絕對第一,只是要嫑而已 04/13 13:28

codyDL : 之前就有人整理kg的這紀錄了吧 04/13 13:53

codyDL : 還有字母哥的紀錄是總數 用平均來看可能有誤差 04/13 13:56

Giannis : KG還是很猛啦 字母只是KG小弟子而已 04/13 17:32

OnlyTD : 啊,原來不好笑大有整理XD,我全回在上一篇的推文了 04/13 17:44

ghostl40809 : 當年i take five不是叫假的 04/13 20:40

kevinchen127: KG!! 04/13 22:22
