[外絮] 溜馬探尋Paul George交易市場

看板 NBA
作者 dw1012 (讚曰:寡言 )
時間 2017-02-23 02:52:13
留言 41則留言 (26推 3噓 12→)

https://twitter.com/WojVerticalNBA/status/834466982187716609 Sources on @TheVertical: Indiana assessing trade market on All-Star forward Paul George. Woj : 溜馬探詢PG交易市場 但目前只處於試水溫狀態 不一定會交易(內文有提到) --- 內文 https://t.co/WImGynWeha The Indiana Pacers are gauging the trade market on All-Star forward Paul George, league sources told The Vertical. 溜馬在探尋全明星前鋒Paul George的市場價值 The Pacers are working the trade deadline on parallel fronts: Pursuing deals that will bring talent into Indiana to sell George on signing a long-term extension – and soliciting deal offers on George that would signal a rebuild around center Myles Turner, league sources told The Vertical. 他們眼前有兩條路 : 找更多幫手帶來競爭力好說服PG簽長約 或是將PG交易掉以Myles Turner為核心重建 Ultimately, the Pacers will have to evaluate the two paths and make a decision before Thursday’s 3 p.m. ET deadline. There’s no urgency to make a deal for George, unless the Pacers fear the Boston Celtics could ultimately provide Indiana the best possible package of assets in a deal – and think that option could disappear if Boston makes a deal with Chicago for Jimmy Butler. 不幸的是,距離交易截止時間所剩無幾 溜馬沒啥時間能夠思考 但他們並不急著出清George 除非溜馬擔心青賽 - 市場上能出最好包裹的球隊 搶先一步把優渥的資本拿去換公牛的Jimmy Butler For teams considering a trade for George, here’s the risk: As a free agent in the summer of 2018, he has considered re-signing with Indiana or joining his hometown Los Angeles Lakers, sources tell The Vertical. 要交易George的球隊得承受風險 : 他2018能跳出合約成為FA 而PG有可能重返IND或是加入老家湖人隊 Teams trading for George run the risk of losing the four-time All-Star to a Lakers franchise that will have the salary-cap space to sign him in 2018. The Lakers’ hiring of Magic Johnson as president of basketball operations will be an interesting twist to George’s free-agent recruitment, given that Johnson has been something of a George family icon going back to George’s childhood in nearby Palmdale, Calif. 總之交易PG就得承受只用一年半就走人的風險 湖人在2018的確有足夠的薪資空間裸簽PG 因為Magic現在加入湖人的行政體系 他對老家就在湖人球場附近的George來說是個招募的誘因 George, 26, is averaging 22.3 points this season. -- 02/23 03:44
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1487789537.A.E57.html

jim12441 : 姆斯眼睛一亮 02/23 02:53

nn70 : 我再說一次,我需要PG 02/23 02:55

st890284 : PG終於上架 騎士快搶 02/23 02:56

airbear : JR+一袋籃球<=>PG 我騎小虧 02/23 02:56

lcs1024vvvvv: 缺PG 02/23 02:56

encorek01231: 我在賽版有全文了 文章大致有三個重點 1.溜馬交易PG 02/23 02:58

encorek01231: 唯一有資產的只有塞提 但塞提也正在追JB 如果沒成 02/23 02:58

encorek01231: 功 選項也就沒了 2.如果交易就確定要重建了 將會圍 02/23 02:58

encorek01231: 繞Turner重建 3.PG13 2018年會成為自由球員 很有可 02/23 02:58

encorek01231: 能加盟家鄉湖人 02/23 02:58

nameibaby : 我再說ㄧ次 缺PG 02/23 02:58

lmf770410 : 姆斯:朕說過了 要PG 02/23 03:00

OPPAISuki : 匹駒 02/23 03:03

K951753 : 姆斯可以跟PG一起來湖人 02/23 03:04

rex7152 : http://imgur.com/oFGvmXn 02/23 03:24

auerbach : 之前圍繞妙麗失敗然後圍繞匹駒也失敗希望陳奕迅真 02/23 03:24

auerbach : 的能重返榮耀 02/23 03:24

rex7152 : 建寧推完馬上刪了 02/23 03:25

harry1234585: PG<->ARIZA+長老 我箭小虧 02/23 03:38

simon5566 : ALT夠了吧 這隻我皇怎麼可能看的上? 02/23 03:38

harry1234585: 火箭超堅強陣容 02/23 03:38

iamjohnny : 借轉探詢板 02/23 03:43

LNGOGO : 那就是快艇啦 强隊又在LA 02/23 04:11

turnpoint : PG剛好是快艇最缺的那塊,但快艇籌碼只有JC跟小河, 02/23 04:25

turnpoint : 溜馬一定沒興趣 02/23 04:25

leo755269 : 不要走QQ 02/23 06:24

frank47147 : 溜馬也蠻北七 繞一圈沒補強 才說願意接報價 02/23 06:39

TVXFQ : 他是不是想攔截青賽跟快艇的報價啊? 02/23 06:56

BoYuYou : 誰都別想搶我皇的人 02/23 07:35

TiangLei : Pau Gasol: 02/23 07:47

pounil : PG跟JB早已經被自家關門了 02/23 08:19

jzbobby : 魔術強森:大鳥哇魅基克啦!有興趣拿IG加JC加馬子狗 02/23 08:36

jzbobby : 換PG嗎? 02/23 08:36

Yui5 : 東鳥西魔又要對幹了? 話說居然老家在球館附近XD 02/23 09:15

yiersan : Mozgov+Deng <=> PG 若成 我湖復興有望 02/23 09:21

FAYeeeeeeee : IG+Moz換PG 我湖小虧 02/23 09:52

bonjovi0930 : 湖人如果願意出到ig怎麼不換表弟,頂多出紅茶跟jc 02/23 10:26

nwojessy : PG來了 02/23 11:05

hn11 : 來快艇 02/23 11:41

louisnight : 認清PG是水貨 02/23 15:33

ms0545173 : 終於知道這隻是水貨了 有點晚 02/24 02:52
