[外絮] 籃網隊釋出Vasquez 將簽下Yogi Ferrell

看板 NBA
作者 thnlkj0665 (灰色地帶)
時間 2016-11-10 08:10:11
留言 44則留言 (37推 0噓 7→)

Sources: Nets to sign Yogi Ferrell after releasing Greivis Vasquez After releasing veteran guard Greivis Vasquez, who needs ankle surgery, the Brooklyn Nets are signing undrafted rookie Yogi Ferrell, league sources told The Vertical. 籃網隊在釋出需要動腳踝手術的老將Greivis Vasquez之後, 將與本屆選秀會落選的菜鳥控衛Yogi Ferrell簽約。 Vasquez signed a free-agent deal with Brooklyn in July, but a recurring injury to his right ankle will necessitate surgery and he’s expected to miss extended time in rehabilitation. Vasquez’s season was cut short a year ago after 23 games in Milwaukee when he underwent surgery on the same ankle to remove a bone spur. Vasquez在七月份與籃網隊簽約,但是右邊腳踝反覆受傷 使得他必須要接受腳踝手術,恢復期預計將花費一段時間 一年前就在右邊腳踝接受移除骨刺的手術,也讓他整季僅在公鹿隊打了23場 The release of Vasquez, who played three games for Brooklyn, will cost the Nets his $4.3 million salary for the season. 釋出只為籃網打3場比賽的Vasquez,將花掉球隊430萬元的薪資 The Nets were already down starting point guard Jeremy Lin, who could miss two-to-three additional weeks with a groin injury. 籃網隊已經失去先發控衛林書豪,因傷將缺陣兩到三個星期 Ferrell signed a partially guaranteed deal with the Nets after going undrafted out of Indiana University. He was one of Brooklyn’s final training-camp cuts and had been preparing to play for the Nets’ new NBA Development League affiliate in New York. Ferrell在選秀會上落選之後,與籃網隊簽下部分保障合約 但是最後在訓練營遭到球隊割愛,已經準備好要去打籃網位在紐約的發展聯盟球隊 Ferrell is expected to be prepared to play against the New York Knicks on Wednesday night at Madison Square Garden. Ferrell預計將會出戰今天在尼克主場麥迪遜花園廣場的比賽 Vasquez, 29, has played seven NBA seasons, including stops with Memphis, New Orleans, Sacramento, Toronto and Milwaukee. 29歲的Vasquez已經在聯盟打滾七個球季 效力過的球隊有灰熊、鵜鶘、國王、暴龍、公鹿以及籃網隊 原文網址: Yahoo Sports https://goo.gl/PIo4mH --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1478736615.A.FF9.html

AirCondition: 我資深老肥迷 11/10 08:12

gorbykuo : 費來瘋 11/10 08:13

JerrySloan : 老腰子迷? 11/10 08:15

jorden : 百萬老肥迷!!! 11/10 08:16

idunhav1 : 老由紀迷 11/10 08:18

Rayshief : 我老費迷,大家安安 11/10 08:18

iamaq18c : 瓦斯掰~ 11/10 08:18

jakcycoco : 迷迷~前來報到!! 11/10 08:18

dirk147862 : 一堆老X迷 連那球員的名字都不會唸 呵呵 11/10 08:22

JOGIBA : 瓦茲奎茲打過我湖以後從此一噘不振... 11/10 08:23

yiersan : 哇塞 好虧 4.3M拿了個廢人 應該有保險cover吧 11/10 08:23

andy03181997: Qq 11/10 08:28

losewind : 29歲就老將了喔= = 11/10 08:33

andy80419 : 原來他進入NBA已經七年了… 11/10 08:35

stayforever : 百萬老油雞迷報到了 11/10 08:40

iloserSD : 坐穩囉 yo來瘋 11/10 08:42

ppo7741 : 老瓦迷又要轉職了,好快 11/10 08:50

chi12345678 : 老法拉利迷報到 11/10 08:52

recruit : 籃網空間大的很 隨便花沒差.. 11/10 08:54

ClownT : 百萬老肥迷站出來!!!! 11/10 08:58

kenness1019 : 書豪少ㄧ個對手了 爽 11/10 09:02

gn00324893 : 老yogi迷一起站出來! 我從你小學的時候就開始看了.. 11/10 09:02

podon : 天空肥迷迷前來報到 11/10 09:04

michael025 : yo gi oh 11/10 09:07

cool34 : 老瓦迷:QQ 11/10 09:08

SilentBob : 這些是誰啦幹 11/10 09:10

losewind : 我三寶必配油雞~我老油雞迷~~當之無愧 11/10 09:19

iosian : Yogi Yogi go go go 11/10 09:23

yurian : 林讓林迷跟磷酸對nba的黏著度都更高惹xd 11/10 09:24

abyssa1 : Yoginsanity 11/10 09:31

andyd : 磷酸快去做功課吧~又一個不認識的,科科 11/10 09:35

thindust : 老費迷報到 我看他打網球好幾年了 11/10 09:36

lugolugo : 我去年播報過Yogi的比賽XD 11/10 09:48

manuginobii : 我老由記迷 一直愛他充滿能量的球風 天空才是他極 11/10 09:51

manuginobii : 限 11/10 09:51

hungchannnn : 百萬老vas迷站出來 11/10 09:52

CarlosArroyo: 東區老友記好好吃 11/10 10:19

matt7618 : 三重老油雞迷報到~ 11/10 10:37

banbantone : 29歲而已就老將? 11/10 10:56

hyperfrog : 老油雞迷見參 11/10 11:23

j91380000 : 當初簽這個到底幹嘛....... 11/10 11:49

patrickleeee: 簽他沒問題 問題是沒想到先發替補後衛全部受傷 沒人 11/10 12:44

patrickleeee: 可以上 才只好趕快簽一個能上的OTZ 11/10 12:44

jailkobe5566: 打3場賺了超過1億台幣 好爽 11/10 14:43
