[外絮] 兩則外絮(籃網,國王相關)

看板 NBA
作者 k1230588 (恆秋)
時間 2016-07-04 09:39:19
留言 53則留言 (44推 0噓 9→)

1. Brooklyn's Kenny Atkinson is hiring Cavaliers assistant Brett Brielmaier as the final member of his new Nets coaching staff. 籃網聘請原騎士助理教練Brett Brielmaier加入籃網教練團 至此籃網教練團人事異動大致完成 2. Kings to rescind qualifying offer to Seth Curry, making him an unrestricted free agent. @WojVerticalNBA report. Seth Curry is leaving the Sacramento Kings, league sources told The Vertical. Curry, the younger brother of two-time NBA MVP Steph Curry of Golden State, will have his qualifying offer rescinded, clearing the way for the Kings to allow him to become an unrestricted free agent, sources said. Curry is expected to garner backup guard interest on the market, where multiple teams are sifting through the remaining available players. The Kings reached agreement on a three-year deal with free-agent guard Garrett Temple on Sunday, making the roster even deeper with guards. Seth Curry had been a restricted free agent, which means the Kings could’ve matched any offer sheet for him within a three-day waiting period. As an unrestricted free agent, Curry will have a much easier chance to find a new team for next season. The Kings honored his agent’s request to pull the qualifying offer on Sunday, league sources said. Curry, 25, had the best season of his young NBA career with the Kings, including a stretch of starting games late in the season and averaging 14 points. Curry chose to opt out of the second year of a two-year, $4 million contract this summer. Curry had brief 10-day contract stops with Phoenix, Cleveland and Memphis between trips to the NBA Development League since going unselected in the 2013 NBA draft. 國王取消對Curry弟的QO 根據The Vertical消息,Curry弟即將離開國王 國王若撤回對Curry弟的QO,他將成為不受限自由球員 若Curry弟成為自由球員預計將成為數隊的替補選擇 由於國王已於周日和 Garrett Temple 簽約,後場戰力已補足,因此撤回QO 之前身為受限制自由球員,若Curry弟收到其他球隊報價 國王將有3天的時間決定是否Match報價 而今Curry成為自由球員後,將有更大的彈性找到下支球隊 Curry弟自2013選秀落選後,歷經了和太陽簽下的10天短約 以及之後和騎士、灰熊的短約。 25歲的他,目前打出了NBA生涯至今的最佳表現 來源:WOJ推特/YAHOO SPORTS https://twitter.com/TheVertical/status/749737523505729537 http://tinyurl.com/h6psod2 --
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1467596362.A.499.html

d751549d : 兄弟有機會合體嗎 喔~喔喔~抓抓 07/04 09:40

JRSmith : 我這裡有一個好便宜的S.Curry哦 什麼原來有兩 07/04 09:41

JRSmith : 個 07/04 09:41

aoka : 國王拼狀元 07/04 09:41

PEPIECE : 支持兄弟合體,水喔 07/04 09:42

Raskolnikov : 會不會Curry弟的新合約超越哥哥啊 07/04 09:42

PeterHenson : 不太可能吧 不是長人 數據也不好看 07/04 09:45

Des1213 : 他好像不想兄弟同一隊吧 07/04 09:45

pttyeon : 果然是馬刺出品 S.marks雛形一年就打造出來 07/04 09:46

derekhsu : Curry沒有QO也絕對找得到下一份工作 07/04 09:46

pttyeon : 下一步應該是交易lopez換選秀簽騰薪資 07/04 09:47

KobeIOS : 可以直接把WOJ推特的內容當文章? 07/04 09:48

stevenchiang: 薪資都還沒過下限是在騰什麼空間啦www 07/04 09:48

aoka : 呵,最好會交易羅培茲啦 07/04 09:48

TexasFlood : 這種只有76人敢撿去賭爆發吧 07/04 09:49

tianmaw : 總比LYS廢文章不知所云好 07/04 09:50

pttyeon : S.Marks:不會尋求交易Brook Lopez和Thaddeus Young 07/04 09:51

pttyeon : 說完3個內自打嘴巴 臉有沒有腫腫的XD 07/04 09:51

lovemeteor : 國王接著簽M.Barnes 1200M/2Y 07/04 09:51

yeswater : Brielmaier正職是球員影像分析師吧 助教是兼職 07/04 09:52

simon5566 : 兄弟合體再當一次亞軍 07/04 09:52

kuchibu : 結果泰勒約翰遜沒弄到 SETH又被抓去籃網了 07/04 09:53

k5a : 他不會想去勇士吧 兄弟同隊壓力頗大啊 07/04 09:55

same60710 : 咩棒這約還滿超值的啊 07/04 09:55

aoka : 噗嗤…真自high,暑假到了 07/04 09:56

love1500274 : 咖哩弟偶爾三分噴起來跟他哥一樣狂 07/04 09:57

wei5566 : 兄弟合體 一起拿冠軍 07/04 09:58

Grammy : 老迪 pg還沒生出來耶 07/04 09:59

kobe1006 : 快去跟我林ㄧ起組成浪花兄弟0.2! 07/04 10:03

JerrySloan : 已經合體過了 07/04 10:03

Kidiot : 一年6億簽Barnes好凱 07/04 10:07

bycarbird : 來我狼吧,我們缺3分射手XD 07/04 10:07

Jormungandr : seth在加入籃網吧 07/04 10:08

ianchen1223 : 去騎士剛好補一個控衛 07/04 10:12

linceass : 咖哩弟本來就不想跟他哥比啊 不可能去勇士的 07/04 10:13

monkeyyao : 1200M? 史上最大約 07/04 10:15

Kulan : 祝咖哩弟接下來有好的發展 07/04 10:15

phix : 咖哩弟去找林 保證滿滿能量 07/04 10:18

pchome135790: 加入湖人 ..華頓可以打造勇士2.0 07/04 10:24

iamaq18c : CURRY弟搞不好會去籃網喔~ 07/04 10:27

versace : Curry弟三分也滿狂的 07/04 10:31

hutten : 來籃網吧 都自己人啦 07/04 10:33

LienPig : SETH很強 國王不續絕對傻了 07/04 10:37

docchen : 來籃網吧 一定會變能量小咖哩XD 07/04 10:38

DUSTWAVE : 公牛簽下去:rondo+Lopez+Curry+butler 07/04 10:45

vgil : 暑假跟哥哥練logo shot 07/04 11:12

chi12345678 : 公牛~別再弄錯了,去把S.CURRY牽來! 07/04 11:31

lovestar670 : 來小牛吧!!!補上板凳所需的火力!!! 07/04 11:33

ssd123698745: 他弟季末打出身價,應該會有球隊要 07/04 11:35

superww : 來籃網吧,林最喜歡三分射手了。 07/04 11:48

qazxswptt : 嘎弟 07/04 12:22

teapot43 : 騎士簽剛好 少一個替補控衛 07/04 12:45

jevin : 籃網會不會簽小咖哩來當林的替捕? 07/04 13:51
