[外絮] How LeBron bore the weight of a city

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作者 kart (=\)
時間 2016-06-23 10:56:28
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這是一篇頗詳細的騎士隊今年如何跌跌撞撞的回顧文, 除了很多眾所皆知的事件外,也有一些事件後的內幕, 有關於LeBron如何領導球隊的一些細節和與隊友的互動, 也提到Lue和LeBron是如何的教練-球員關係, 以及當初換教練騎士內部的決策過程等等 原文很長,慎入。 不過對這次騎士創歷史奪冠有興趣者應該還是有一點回顧價值。 原文:http://goo.gl/ubqcL9 原文太長,翻譯盡量照原意擷取大意。 Won for The Land: How LeBron bore the weight of a city -by Ramona Shelburne LeBron如何背負著整個城市去贏得冠軍 IT WAS LATE, but apparently not too late. 時候有些晚了,但是一切還不是太遲。 The Cleveland Cavaliers had lost the first two games of the NBA Finals by a combined 48 points. The Golden State Warriors were dominating every phase of the game. And LeBron James was looking for something, for anything, he could say to his teammates to help them believe a comeback was possible. 騎士隊在總冠前兩場被勇士屠殺。而賽後LeBron不斷在尋找任何能讓 他的隊友相信己隊還能逆轉的任何方式。 LeBron had spent the weekend watching old Muhammad Ali fights, in awe at the champ's perseverance. His longtime friend and adviser, Nike executive Lynn Merritt, had suggested he study the way Ali carried himself in those epic 12- and 15-round fights. The way Ali took punches, knowing his opponent would eventually tire. The way he taunted opponents, flaunting his superior skill and talents, knowing he would get into their heads. His teammates needed something else, though. Something they could connect to that would make them believe this series was not over. And so LeBron gathered everyone in the Cavaliers locker room before Game 3 and played a portion of Steve Jobs' commencement address to Stanford University in 2005. LeBron在該週末看了老阿里的比賽,並且對阿里奪冠的過程 感到不可思議。LeBron的一個老友-Nike的執行長Lynn Merritt曾經 建議過LeBron應該要多多研究阿里是如何在那些經典賽事中獲得成功。 阿里可以在前幾輪都貌似處於被打的劣勢,知道他的對手終會疲累。 阿里也會用自身強大的技術和天分嘲諷對手,讓自己深入到對手腦部。 然而對LeBron的隊友而言,他必須要想到別的方式讓他們相信系列還未結束。 所以LeBron在Game 3前在騎士的休息室把隊友都集合起來, 並且播放了一段Steve Jobs在2005年時對Stanford畢業典禮的經典演講。 The Apple founder, who died in 2011, had told a story about dropping out of college and how taking a calligraphy class ended up helping him design the elegant fonts and interface of the first Apple computers. "Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backwards 10 years later," Jobs said in his address. 這一段內容是賈伯斯講述自己如何在年輕時拿的書法課, 在日後對第一代蘋果的美觀字型和介面有重大影響。 他演講時是這樣作結: 「當然我還在大學時我沒辦法把當下拿的課和未來做連結。 但是我日後回顧時,卻非常非常清楚的顯示這兩件事的關係。」 "You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something -- your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life." 「你不能在玩連連看時跳到太後面的點,你只能不斷往前連結。 所以你只能信任你的未來將會與你現在的作為得到連結。所以你必須 要去信任一些事情-你的勇氣,運氣,生活,因果,任何事情。 當我這樣去想事情時,我就不曾再感到氣餒了,我的人生因此 得到了質變。」 As he listened to Jobs' speech, 15-year veteran Richard Jefferson was struck by the events that had transpired to place him in these NBA Finals. The only reason he was in this locker room was because DeAndre Jordan had changed his mind about signing with the Dallas Mavericks over the summer. Jefferson had committed to the Mavs, thinking he'd be teaming up with Jordan, Dirk Nowitzki, Chandler Parsons and Wesley Matthews. He was undergoing a physical in Dallas when he started getting wind that Jordan was having second thoughts. 當RJ聽著賈伯斯這段話時,RJ整個震驚到了,因為他認為 這就是他進Finals的過程啊。 要不是七尺喬丹背叛了小牛,他現在就是小牛球員了! "When it went sour, I called my agent and was like, 'I can't go there,'" Jefferson said. "And he was like, 'Richard, now is not the time to tell them that you can't go there either.' So we let it wait a couple weeks. There was a conversation about maybe offering me some more money. I was like, 'Look, if Cleveland goes to the Finals and I stay in Dallas for a little more money, I'll kill myself.'" RJ說「當喬丹事件發生時,我打給我的經紀人並且跟他說 我不行去小牛了。我的經紀人告訴我說:RJ,但是現在也不是 拒絕小牛的時機啊。所以我們又等了兩個禮拜。小牛曾經提到 要多給我一些錢,但是我跟我的經紀人說「聽著,如果騎士 進入冠軍賽而我卻選了小牛只為了那一點點的錢,我會殺了自己。」」 As it turned out, Jefferson wasn't just along for the ride in these Finals. He played a key role, as the Cavs adjusted to the Warriors' smaller lineups. Afterward, he said he planned to retire. No better way to end his career than on top. The guy Jefferson was taking minutes from, Kevin Love, had been ruled out for Game 3 with a concussion. Love had started reading about Jobs on his own a few weeks earlier. One phrase stuck with him: "Stay hungry, stay foolish." Love started writing it on his shoes as a way to remind himself to loosen up -- to not judge his performances on the statistics he was recording (which weren't even close to his career numbers), but rather by the effort and energy he gave for tasks like rebounding and defense. 而事實證明,RJ不是只搭了個順風車而已,他在冠軍賽有著重要的 貢獻。RJ賽後決定退休,畢竟能在高處退休的機會不多。 (譯註:RJ今天遊行的時候好像又跟群眾說不退休了...) 反之,RJ吃掉了很多時間的那個人,Kevin Love,則在LeBron給 大家聽賈伯斯的演講前幾個禮拜就開始讀賈伯斯傳了。 對他而言,讓他最震驚的話是「Stay hungry, stay foolish」 (保持你對成功的飢渴,但是莫忘初衷) Love開始把這四個字寫在自己的球鞋上,提醒自己放鬆,不要 用數據來計較自己的表現,但是用努力和在防守端提供的能量以及籃板 來決定表現好壞與否。 "I had just ordered a shirt from a company in Akron with that Jobs quote," Love said. "And then [LeBron] played that [speech] like two days later. I came up to him and was like, 'It's so crazy you played that with all the chaos that was going on with our team, being hungry, but being down in the series." Love說「我才剛在Akron市買了一件賈伯斯語錄的T-shirt,然後 兩天後LeBron就給我們聽了賈伯斯的演講。之後我跑去跟他說 「這太瘋狂了,這太適合我們現在的處境了。」 LeBron had been tasked with delivering a championship to his hometown since he was a teenager. No matter how many titles he won elsewhere, even if he'd won "not five, not six, not seven" rings with the Miami Heat, LeBron's legacy would not be complete until he won a title for Cleveland. LeBron還是青少年時就以要幫家鄉贏得一座冠軍為己任。 即使他真的在熱火得到了not 5, not 6 not 7的冠軍, 對他而言還沒有替家鄉奪冠就不算真正屬於自己的傳奇。 But to do so, he had to learn to lead and be led. To embrace the burden of trying to break Cleveland's 52-year championship drought, not be overwhelmed by it. 但是要做到這一點,他需要學習做更好的領導者,也要學習被領導。 要擁抱克城對冠軍渴望52年的事實,而不能被這種壓力壓垮。 "I knew what I was capable of," LeBron said. "I knew what I learned in the last couple years that I was gone. And when I came back, I knew I had the right ingredients and the right blueprint to help this franchise get to a place we've never been. That's what it was all about." LeBron說 「我知道我能做到什麼。我知道過去幾年當我不在克城時 我學到了什麼。而當我回來時,我知道我帶著冠軍該有的元素和藍圖 回到這裡幫助他們到達更高的高度。一切都是為了這一刻。」 THE CAVALIERS HAVE gotten close to a title before. Every team in Cleveland has. Each has its own nightmare story of heartbreak and misery that has served to perpetuate the curse. Remember, LeBron is a native. He can run through these moments off the top of his head. 騎士隊並不只一次接近冠軍,但是每次過程都令人心碎。 本地人的LeBron對這支球隊歷史上的失敗已經可以倒背如流。 But this wasn't just about exorcising a city's curse and adding another ring to his jewelry box. It was about changing his town's mentality. Turning pessimism into belief. Negativity into hope. 但是幫球隊奪冠不光光只是解除這城市的詛咒,和替自己增加 冠軍數而已那麼簡單。他想要改變這城市的心態。 想要把悲觀轉換成相信。負面情緒轉換成希望。 LeBron is often quoted saying that the fans in Cleveland deserved this title, at long last, because they kept supporting their teams no matter what. LeBron常常掛在嘴邊的一句話就是騎士球迷值得這座冠軍。 因為他們是最忠誠的一群球迷之一。 That's usually as far as he goes. It's too emotional for him to say more, so he stops before he says too much -- about his childhood and the struggles of growing up in a single-parent household with little money or resources to make changes in his life. LeBron通常話就說到這。對他而言,如果要完整引申這座城市 對他的意義的話,他會變得太情緒化。 畢竟在貧民窟長大的單親小孩,這一切都得來不易。 He can't feel the weight of all that if he is to play at the highest level. Once the game ended and the title was secure, he fell to his knees, lay his head on the court and let it wash over him. 當他處在最高水準的比賽中時(冠軍賽),這些東西不會跳上他的心靈。 但是當比賽結束後,他跪下痛哭則說明了一切。 "To be able to have a dream," LeBron said in an interview with ESPN's Rachel Nichols after Game 7, "to be able to have a vision, to make it come into fruition, it's a beautiful thing." LeBron於昨天ESPN的專訪中說道 「能有一個夢想,一個對未來的願景,並且能完成它, 這真是一件很美好的事情。」 Before this championship run, the best moment in Cavs history was an improbable Game 7 conference semifinals win in 1976 over the Washington Bullets that's affectionately known as "The Miracle of Richfield." 在1976年時騎士隊也曾經很接近過冠軍。 「The Miracle」 That would be the Richfield Coliseum, a 20,000-seat arena halfway between Cleveland and LeBron's hometown of Akron. Thirteen years later, the building would become the site of Michael Jordan's infamous shot over Craig Ehlo that broke the hearts of Cavs fans. 而之後Michael Jordan對騎士隊的絕殺則被稱為「The Shot」 When the Cavs moved back to downtown Cleveland in 1994, the Richfield Coliseum was largely abandoned. All its memories, the miracle shot the Cavs made to win the series against the Bullets in '76, the heartbreaking shot Jordan made in '89, faded into the collective consciousness. 當騎士的舊場館被拆除後,這些記憶就深埋在當地人的記憶中。 Over the years, nature has reclaimed the site. Today, there is only a meadow at the intersection of Interstates 77 and 271, where the Palace on the Prairie used to be. 時至今日,這個舊場館已經被拆除,現在該處就是一大片綠地。 ASK CLEVELAND OWNER Dan Gilbert about the city and he's clear on this point: One thing that frustrated him when he bought the Cavs from Gordon Gund in 2005 was the general pessimism about the team and the city. 如果你問騎士的老闆Dan Gilbert對這城市的觀感,他會很清楚的告訴你 當2005年他買下球隊時,他對一般大眾對球隊和城市的未來都感到很悲觀 感到非常挫折。 "It was like they were always waiting for the other shoe to drop," Gilbert says. Gilbert說「我感覺大部分的人好像都在等著球隊什麼時候 又要失敗了。」 Gilbert invested heavily in the team and the city. He was bold in greenlighting trades his front office recommended. The Cavaliers were perpetually in win-now mode, as a team with LeBron on its roster should be. Gilbert花錢不手軟的作風,讓騎士有了現在就能贏球的本錢, 這是你的球隊有LeBron時,身為老闆該做的事。 This season was no different. The Cavaliers spent approximately $ 160 million in salaries and luxury taxes. And when general manager David Griffin told Gilbert he thought the team needed a coaching change, despite then-coach David Blatt's 31-11 start, Gilbert didn't flinch. 這季亦然,騎士隊花了史上第二高的價錢完成建構這支球隊。 而當GM David Griffin告知Gilbert他認為球隊需要換教練時, Gilbert也連眼都沒眨一下,即使Blatt當時的戰績是31-11。 "It was a ballsy move in the middle of the season when we're 31- 11," Gilbert said. "It's just, for this team, at that point, it was David Griffin who made the call, and we backed it. That's the thing, if you're going to believe in your general manager, you either believe in him, or you don't. If you believe in him, then you gotta back it, because if you don't, he'll start changing his behavior. He'll start acting differently." It was a difficult move for Gilbert to make. Gilbert, who is Jewish, had been a supporter of Blatt and had taken pride in bringing the Israeli coach to the NBA and giving him a chance to succeed. When Blatt was hired, it was front-page news in Israel. But, says Gilbert: "You have to separate religion. David Blatt, no matter what he does, he's going to be looked at in the history books as one of the most successful coaches, across many different countries and leagues." Gilbert說到: 「當我們在季中戰積是31-11的時候去做這件事真的很大膽, 對這支球隊而言,當時是GM David Griffin所決定的,我們所做的 就是去支持GM的決定。這就是重點,如果你選擇相信你的球隊經理, 你就只能去相信或是去否定。如果你相信他,那你就需要去支持 他認為對的決定。因為如果你不這麼做,那他就會開始改變自己的行為 來去迎合你。」 這件事對Gilbert而言是很難的。本身是猶太人的Gilbert對Blatt 是非常推崇的,同時他也以猶太人能在NBA執教感到與有榮焉。 當初Blatt被騎士招來做總教練的時候,這件事上了猶太報的頭條。 但是Gilbert也說:「你必須要把你的信仰分開來看。David Blatt, 不管他做之後做什麼,他已經在籃球史上是個最成功的教練之一。」 Gilbert ultimately trusted his general manager to make the final call. Gilbert最終相信了他的球隊經理並且做出了解雇Blatt的決定。 Griffin had gone out on the road with the Cavs to observe how the team was responding to its coach. He decided that Blatt just wasn't connecting. The team wasn't being held accountable in the way he believed was necessary to win a title, according to team sources. Griffin是個身體力行型的球隊經理,他會隨隊去觀察球隊內部 和教練間得化學效應。他決定Blatt和球隊的連結不夠。 他認為教練並沒有辦法讓球隊有冠軍級別得負責任態度去面對比賽。 這點當時得到了球團內部消息證實。 Tyronn Lue was far more confrontational. He'd been careful not to usurp Blatt's authority while he was associate head coach. But if he saw something, he'd say something. 相對Blatt而言,Lue是一個很敢表達自己看法的教練。 當他在做Blatt助教的時候,他的確非常小心不僭越了自己的權利範疇。 但是如果他看到了什麼事情,他就會去說出這些事情。 He'd been like this as a player as well -- which is partly why he had as long a career as he did, then rose up through the coaching ranks as quickly as he did. Lue在做教練的時候其實也是這樣的一個球員,這就是為什麼他 竟然能有這麼長的職業生涯,而也能那麼快在教練圈中崛起。 In one of the first Cavs practices after Blatt was fired, Lue let LeBron have it during a defensive drill. LeBron started talking before Lue could, correcting his teammates on how the coverage should go. Lue was having none of it. He held up his hand and yelled to LeBron, "I got this," along with a string of expletives. 在Blatt被火掉後,Lue身為總教練的第一個球隊訓練裡, Lue讓LeBron知道誰是球隊的老大。LeBron在隊友犯錯時會在Lue 說話之前就跳出來糾正隊友的錯誤。Lue卻不吃這一套。他用手勢 阻止了LeBron並且向他吼道「這是我的工作。」外加一堆三字經。 All things considered, according team sources, LeBron took it well. Coaches and executives throughout his career say LeBron has never minded authority figures challenging him. It's actually one of the traits in Pat Riley that lured him to Miami in 2010. 根據球隊內部消息指出,儘管如此,LeBron倒是欣然接受。 LeBron生涯中的教練或是高層都常說LeBron從來不在意被 有權者挑戰。事實上,當初他願意去熱火,就是因為油頭 有這樣的魅力。 Keith Dambrot, who coached LeBron his first two years in high school, says LeBron still comes by the gym in Akron during the summers and asks him what he sees. He wants to be coached. And he'll accept it from those who earn his respect. Keith Dambrot是LeBron高中前兩年的教練,他說LeBron在暑假 還是常會回Akron的體育館練球並且向他請益。LeBron想要受教。 而他會輕易地接受指導,只要是他值得尊敬的人。 "The thing that I respect most about him -- all these years people basically enabled him, kissed his behind, told him how great he was, and it didn't affect his desire to be great," Dambrot says. "He might have hit a few bumps where he went backwards, right, where he probably thought his breath didn't stink, but eventually he rallied himself and became a normal human being. I give him a lot of credit for that." Dambrot說: 「對我而言我最敬佩他的地方在於:這些年來人們不斷的吹捧他, 拍他馬屁,告訴他他有多偉大,而這些都不影響他想要變得更偉大 的渴望。他一路上的確會遇到一些阻礙而後退一些,是的,他有時 會自我感覺良好,但是最終他總是能矯正回來並且成為一個正常 人該有的行為。我認為這是相當不容易的。」 LEBRON HAS ALWAYS excelled as a passer and facilitator. But leadership is more than elevating your teammates' play. It took him some time to settle into that role with this much-younger group of Cavs. Those around him say that even after the coaching change LeBron seemed to be frustrated with the Cavaliers' inconsistency. Hence his mysterious subtweets and chummy meet-ups with former Heat teammates that felt a bit like pining for the past. LeBron成名初期就是個非常出色的傳球手和輔助者。但是領導力 著重在如何讓你的隊友更棒。他花了不少時間才找到如何幫這隻 年輕騎士隊的方法。在他身邊的人說道即使經過換教練的風風雨雨, LeBron依然對球隊的不穩定表現感到挫折。所以才會有那些神秘的 推特文,去和前隊友練球並且緬懷著過去的行為發生。 When Lue called him out on both of those, LeBron made overt gestures to show he was acquiescing. He constantly and overtly praised Kyrie Irving and Kevin Love for good games. During the playoffs, he gave out game balls after each win to focus some shine on his role players. 當Lue把他叫道校長室訓斥他減少這些場外劇場後,LeBron用 行動來表示他收到了Lue的指示。他開始持續並且有些過度的讚揚 KI和Love,在打了場好比賽之後。在季後賽這段時間, 他總是在賽後把比賽用球交給那些有傑出表現的角色球員。 Still, LeBron saw the Warriors win 24 games to start the season and 39 of their first 43 games and openly wondered how the Cavs would ever be good enough to beat them. All year, Cavs players kept an eye on the Warriors. They knew the road to a championship ran through Golden State. 然而,當LeBron看到勇士24-0的開季和39-4的季中表現時, 他也不得不懷疑騎士夠不夠好去挑戰他們。這整年中, 騎士球員都在關注勇士。他們知道要得冠軍,必得經過勇士。 Cavs players would watch Warriors games and highlights and send group texts to each other about them -- not quite to the level of Magic Johnson and Larry Bird following each other in the box scores each morning throughout their rivalry, but as the season progressed the rivalry between Cleveland and Golden State and LeBron and Stephen Curry hardened. 騎士球員會看勇士的比賽或是高光,並且在球員專有的群組中 交換感想。當然這程度和當初魔術和大鳥會互相注意對方的分數盒子 或許不及,不過當季賽進行中,騎士把勇士當成死敵,LeBron和Curry 間的比較也越來越甚囂塵上。 How deep did it run? Jefferson, 37, is known as one of the most affable guys in the league. But during these Finals, he refused to engage with his former college teammate at Arizona, Luke Walton, the lead assistant coach for Golden State. 這樣的心態在球員間的表現上有多深入?RJ,一個37歲的老球員, 被認為是聯盟中的好好先生之一。但是當總冠開打,他拒絕 和以前大學的好隊友Luke Walton有任何交流。 "I didn't talk to him in warm-ups," Jefferson said. "I haven't spoken to him since the series started except maybe one time. We were texting and talking before this, but after that, nothing. We had to stay locked in. I can't do anything to desensitize. You're the enemy, you've got to stay there." RJ說 「我在暖身時不會去跟他聊,在系列賽開打後我就沒跟他講過話了, 或許只有一次吧。我們在系列賽開打前常常聊天和簡訊。但是開打後, 一切都終止了。我們必須要保持專注。我不能讓自己分心。 你是敵人,你必須要去保持這樣的分際。」 DAMBROT HAS BEEN to only one Cavaliers home game since LeBron returned to Cleveland in 2014. He tries to stay out of the way. He knows LeBron will always find him when he needs him. Dambrot在LeBron回歸騎士後,只去主場看過一次球。 他試著要在這過程中分離一點。他知道如果LeBron需要他的幫助, 會主動找上門來。 They spent a ton of time together in the fall of 2011, during the NBA lockout. That was the first year after LeBron left for Miami. He was reeling from the continued fallout from his decision to bolt Cleveland and the Finals loss to the Dallas Mavericks that will forever be a stain on his reputation. 他們在2011年的秋季花了很多時間在一起,當時NBA處予封館狀態。 那是LeBron剛在熱火打完第一年的時候。他處於還在因為 The Decision而被眾人唾棄的階段,以及在總冠輸給小牛隊這樣 的生涯污點之中。 "We spent a lot of time together just trying to clear his head," Dambrot says. "His issue was people didn't like him, he's always wanted people to like him. They didn't understand why he left. He was no longer the golden child. And then on top of it, he went into a situation that he was unfamiliar with because Coach [Erik] Spoelstra basically created Dwyane Wade, worked with Dwyane Wade and made him great. Now all of a sudden, LeBron comes, and he has to adjust to that." Dambort說 「我們花了很多時間在一起,幫助他釐清他腦中的事情。 他的問題在於人們當時不喜歡他。他總是那種希望人們喜歡他的人。 群眾不了解為什麼他要離開。他不再是克里福蘭的金童。而更糟的是, 他去了一個他不熟悉的環境,因為Spo教練基本上創造了Wade,和 Wade工作甚久並且讓Wade成為一個偉大的球員。而現在突然LeBron 跑來了,他必須要去做調整。」 Dambrot told him that he had to get over the hatred from fans who didn't understand his decision to leave. The most important thing was to figure out the right way to play with Wade so they could each be comfortable. Dambrot告訴他他必須要從無法理解他離開的粉絲恨意中走出來。 最重要的事是去找出如何和Wade舒服的共存的方式。 He says he still sees some of the same uneasiness with his former star from time to time -- the passivity on the court, the inclination to get teammates going before himself. It may come from a selfless place, but it can be counterproductive. Dambrot說他偶而還是會看到LeBron有著一樣的徬徨: 在場上太被動,想要讓隊友在他之前融入比賽。這心態跟他 球風上的無私有關,但是卻有可能傷害到球隊。 "He's always had that tendency to make other players around him better, and he's always felt like that's the way to win the most games you can win," Dambrot said. "And I think he did that maybe through four games [in the Finals]. Then he figured out, 'I might have to score 40 and be super aggressive.'" 「他總是有那種去幫助隊友更好的衝動,而他也總是認為這是能贏得 最多比賽的方式。而我認為他在總冠這樣幹了大概四場比賽吧 , 然後他就覺醒了「我或許該得40分並且變得超級積極才行。」」 LeBron, of course, took control of this series, scoring 41 points in each of the Cavs' wins in Games 5 and 6, then dropping his triple-double in Game 7. He imposed his will on the Warriors, on the curse and on any other force that was opposing him. He barked at Curry and goaded Draymond Green. In Game 7, he covered 15 feet in two strides to swat away what could have been a go-ahead layup from Andre Iguodala, then nearly broke his wrist going for a dunk for the ages. 當然,LeBron的確在之後翻轉了這個系列賽, G5-G6都得了41分,G7則是大三元。他展現了他的意志,對勇士, 對詛咒或是任何站在他對立面的力量。他衝著Curry吼叫,並且 挑釁Dramond Green。在Game 7,他只用兩步就橫跨了15呎的距離 並且賞Iggy一個特大追魂鍋,而之後差點在一個被摧毀的灌籃中 折斷手腕。 It was as if he was trying to flush away all 52 years of Cleveland's bad fortune with one thunderous slam. So many things led LeBron and the Cavs to that moment. So many fears resurfaced as he clutched his wrist while writhing on the ground. 這些表現就好像他想要把這城市52年來的怨氣都在那雷霆一灌 中發洩出來一樣。有太多事情導致LeBron和騎士隊到那個當下。 而有太多的恐懼在他倒地傷到手腕時又瀰漫出來。 It could have been another nightmare ending. But the Cavaliers were already ahead at that point. Irving had already hit the clutch 3-pointer over Curry with 53 seconds to go. All LeBron had to do was sink one free throw and Cleveland would be up by two possessions with 10 seconds to go. 這的確有可能又是再一次的惡夢作結。但是騎士隊當時已經領先。 KI剛投進了一球關鍵三分。LeBron這次只是補個刀,讓領先在比賽剩10秒時達到 兩次球權的範圍。 When he did, hitting the second of two, the streets of Cleveland exploded. Authorities had starting limiting traffic in and out of downtown at halftime. The crowds inside and outside Quicken Loans Arena were massive. After all these years, the curse was over. LeBron had made good on his promise. 當他投進第二球罰球時,克城街道上的人們全部都爆發了。 警察必須要在中場就開始管制交通。場館附近滿是人潮。 經過那麼多年,詛咒終於解除了,LeBron也實踐了他的諾言。 After the game, in the waning hours of Father's Day, LeBron brought his three children to the podium and wherever else he went. He wanted family pictures with the trophy he'd finally delivered to his hometown. 在賽後,這個父親節的最後幾小時,LeBron帶著他的三個小蘿蔔頭 上了記者會,以及各種地方。他選擇全家一起跟得來不易的獎盃照相。 As father and children walked back onto the court, his eldest son, LeBron Jr., stopped at midcourt and performed a set of pushups. He seemed to feel the need, in this moment, to get stronger. 當這對父子回到場中時,他最大的兒子,小LeBron,停在中場 並且做了一組伏地挺身。他好像意識到在那個當下他需要更強壯。 "I got tired," LeBron Jr. said. "While I was holding the trophy." 小LeBron說「舉著獎盃讓我有點疲累。」 As his father can attest, it's a heavy weight to bear. 就如同他老爸可以證實的,這的確是個重擔。 -- 06/23 10:57
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1466650596.A.28F.html

linceass : 詹牧師XD 06/23 10:59

abysszzz : LBJ的公關團隊正常發揮中 06/23 11:05

Hfy0920 : 差點摔斷手腕… 06/23 11:06

krajicek : 今年的故事可以製作一部官方DVD了 06/23 11:08

SEXYFUCK : 哪個球星沒公關?對拉對啦神隱全票mvp最棒最優質 06/23 11:12

Miralles : 居然出現Steve Jobs 2005 史丹佛畢業演講,我跪了 06/23 11:12

Miralles : 但建議「書法課」翻譯改成「字體課」,書法應該是特 06/23 11:14

Miralles : 指中文而言吧 06/23 11:14

cherngru : K大才是第一代的翻譯王哈哈 06/23 11:15

serval623 : 英文也有書法啊 06/23 11:15

smik : 這勵志文啊 06/23 11:16

chink5566 : 書法就是書寫的方法啊 06/23 11:17

goran5899 : 我柯敗在錯放珍古德的保育影片 06/23 11:18

miayao417 : 光是奪冠後沒有反嗆對手,就註定這輩子這冠成就比勇 06/23 11:20

miayao417 : 士高了 06/23 11:20

serval623 : calligraphy 跟 Chinese calligraphy 06/23 11:20

Miralles : 好文,好長文,翻譯辛苦了! 06/23 11:21

blur13 : 恭喜阿XD 06/23 11:22

lucky0623 : 小姆斯暖身中,八年後NBA見 06/23 11:22

maxd60307 : Steve的影片也太猛 我還不會想到去看這個XD 06/23 11:22

no321 : LBJ看了Jobs又看了教父聽說又看了阿里 06/23 11:23

smik : 身為男人戰場就在場上,給你食六鍋,73勝拿亞軍, 06/23 11:23

smik : 跟本不用在賽後嘴他了啊 06/23 11:23

M5D : 好聞推 06/23 11:23

linceass : 姆斯超忙的啊 06/23 11:23

smik : 以後人家提到這個73勝後面都會加上那年他們沒冠軍 06/23 11:24

linceass : 比賽 想戰術 開設心靈課程 06/23 11:24

Miralles : 回頭看當初lbj關推特前後,Lue確實約束了lbj愛搞劇 06/23 11:24

Miralles : 場的毛病,真的不錯 06/23 11:25

lycium : 好文推推 06/23 11:25

suPerFlyK : 後面那分析好清楚啊 真的 大家都看出他神隱的末節 06/23 11:26

freemanlex : 打贏了怎麼吹都行 事實上後三場勇土真的限制不了LBJ 06/23 11:27

k15464 : 詹牧師! 06/23 11:28

ykes60513 : 這段傳奇絕對能拍成電影 幫家鄉拿50年來首冠的成就 06/23 11:28

wii128 : 推 06/23 11:29

dda : 去年也限制不了吧 只是後面他沒力了 06/23 11:29

kaede0711 : 他的高中教練真的很了解他,吻合常年下來的莫名的失 06/23 11:29

kaede0711 : 魂與爆發的觀察 06/23 11:29

flyego : 勒布朗˙詹牧師 06/23 11:30

chink5566 : 糸柬 06/23 11:30

amber419 : 推 感謝翻譯 06/23 11:31

IAMGRICE : 推!好文 06/23 11:31

ykes60513 : LBJ的傳奇性不亞於MJ了 真的是克城的救世主 06/23 11:32

clauslee : 讀完 好文 謝原PO 老詹抗壓力讚 06/23 11:32

HolyBugTw : S.Jobs對史丹佛的演講真的很值得細細品味 06/23 11:33

AJIMMY : 好文推! 06/23 11:35

JerrySloan : 文化素養對運動員也很重要 06/23 11:36

pounil : 沒想到RJ跟Walton交情那麼好.... 06/23 11:40

chink5566 : RJ跟我疼好已經是滿久的事情了 06/23 11:41

simon0529 : 他們不是同學嗎? 06/23 11:41

zzxzero : PUSH 06/23 11:42

peruman : 我對香波跟JR 怎樣從被尼克視為麻煩打包給騎士轉變 06/23 11:43

peruman : 成現在這樣融入團隊的心路里程 比較有興趣 06/23 11:44

peruman : 浪子回頭永遠是好萊塢有興趣的話題 當然騎士老闆 06/23 11:45

FatalLuna : Shumpert...一場一球要10M阿 06/23 11:45

peruman : 跟克里夫蘭騎士迷跟LBJ的愛恨情仇也很有戲 06/23 11:45

papawalk : 營了開始造神 06/23 11:46

kurtc : 當初身上衣服畫我想你lbj那個球迷 絕對是大功臣啊 06/23 11:47

kurtc : 衝進球場衝到LBJ前面:咱沒燒球衣 咱想要你回家~~~ 06/23 11:48

skylion : 覺得Lebron世代比Kobe世代有出息 06/23 11:48

simon0529 : 起碼比某個笑話冠軍好吧?拿冠軍開始秀下限 06/23 11:49

mrdai : 推 06/23 11:49

skylion : Kobe世代只想逞英雄自幹 但崇拜LBJ的世代則較有團隊 06/23 11:49

bbbruce : 推 06/23 11:49

chink5566 : 香波去年很猛 今年... 06/23 11:50

skylion : 精神... 06/23 11:50

AxelGod : 總是想要讓隊友更好,無私的傳球卻傷害到球隊,最後 06/23 11:50

AxelGod : 只能靠英雄球,I take five才贏球,真矛盾啊 06/23 11:50

skylion : 其實只是化學效應還不夠好而已 06/23 11:51

skylion : 像G6那樣 就是真的有打出化學效應 06/23 11:51

LeBronJames : :-) 06/23 11:51

skylion : 並不是說無私球不好 而是這是全體都要動起來才行 06/23 11:52

Miralles : 要說贏了造神也沒錯,勇士要是贏了也會有記者去挖一 06/23 11:53

peruman : 這系列LBJ跟柯瑞或是綠在口角要失控時 香波跟JR在勸 06/23 11:53

Miralles : 堆小故事編成勵志文吧 06/23 11:53

smik : 其實只要能贏球,管你打團體還是自幹,只是這年頭靠 06/23 11:53

smik : ㄧ人球隊很難贏 06/23 11:53

peruman : 架最讓我感到震驚 06/23 11:53

Miralles : ex: 嘴綠踢蛋後引來惡評,球隊上下協助他走出陰影 06/23 11:55

happyww888 : 好了哦 有人可以從廁所出來了嗎? 06/23 11:57

james306045 : 以後國中課本會有LBJ的故事嗎? 06/23 12:01

dahlia7357 : LBJ解除了克里夫蘭的詛咒 詛咒現在在尼克? 06/23 12:01

jabi825 : 贏了就白到發聖光 06/23 12:02

AxelGod : 廁所還夠用 快去喔 06/23 12:04

sck921 : 詹牧師你好 06/23 12:04

icou : 在0-2的時候還有氣力去找梗凝聚整隊 不容易 06/23 12:05

bahamutuh : 長文好翻譯 辛苦了 06/23 12:17

w6607282 : LBJ超M 06/23 12:18

cool34 : Lue不錯喔,敢制止詹皇,不像BS只敢舔老大的XX 06/23 12:25

k829173564 : LBJ其實需要的不是毛巾架 而是會罵他的教練 超M 06/23 12:32

AxelGod : 姆斯可能是受 Wade是攻 06/23 12:47

overmaster : 他一二戰那種打法我會想酸,後來的表現比較有說服力 06/23 12:48

newtypeL9 : 好文推 06/23 12:48

CYAward : 好聞 06/23 12:56

grtfor : 好文推~ 06/23 12:57

GoalBased : 06/23 13:02

yukimura0420: 跟看小魚逆流而上一樣勵志 06/23 13:10

william81413: 推 06/23 13:13

submission22: 推翻譯 酸酸人生失敗 看別人成功很痛苦吧 06/23 13:18

JLintopPG : 開始造神囉呵呵 06/23 13:23

monoc : 世界需要多一點LBJ少一點酸民 06/23 13:23

clauslee : 1-3落後 還是在總冠軍 有那能力帶隊上下一心逆轉 讚 06/23 13:24

fansla : 如何抱腿確實有價值 06/23 13:32

Vedan1213 : 以後練球好嗎 要改成看片好嗎 06/23 13:39

Ensidia : 那個可能被稱為the dunk的一球被惡犯掉真心覺得可惜 06/23 13:47

NightEleven : 在2000年灌籃大賽VC前很難有其他球更值得叫The dunk 06/23 14:20

donkilu : 有The Block就夠啦 06/23 15:05

vicyong : 這都有人要酸,真是不簡單 06/23 15:20

xufunny : 詹酸大概就像毒癮一樣,不酸混身不對勁 06/23 15:34

SCLPAL : 如果喬丹有去小牛,RJ就會留下來嘛?? 06/23 16:14

flyawaylife : 06/23 16:31

qwe12345100 : 推 06/23 17:28

changeme : 推翻譯 辛苦了 06/23 17:40

poowu : 喇叭瞬間變白 好個NBA版啊 06/23 17:53

eejimchan : LBJ 一直都是白的 只有詹酸放不下嫉妒 06/23 19:00

ts00288843 : 好文 推 06/23 19:14

nonooryes : 這篇真的很棒 06/23 22:46

foranyway : 推 06/23 23:23

charleydd : 推 06/24 00:06
