[外絮] 太陽隊Earl Watson是最便宜的新任教頭

看板 NBA
作者 laidon (賴董)
時間 2016-05-22 03:23:04
留言 34則留言 (12推 0噓 22→)

http://tinyurl.com/hv7c96h Under managing partner Robert Sarver's guidance, the Suns have repeatedly hired inexperienced or under-experienced staff, which just happens to make it easy to pay them among the lowest salaries at their positions. The hiring of Earl Watson to the full-time position last month is no exception. 較有趣是這段,說太陽的老闆Saver一直以來,傾向顧用經驗較少的員工,所以 比起聯盟其他球隊,相同的位子,他可以付出最低的薪資。Earl Watson 也不意外 作者也有附上,今年新上任總教練的薪資表排行 Tom Thibodeau, Timberwolves: $8-10 million per year, 5 years (dual role as coach and President) Scott Brooks, Wizards: $7 million per year, 5 years Frank Vogel, Magic: $5.5 million per year, 4 years Luke Walton, Lakers: $5 million per year, 5 years Terry Stotts, Blazers: $4.5-$5 million per year, 4 years total with 1 year extension on current contract Dave Joerger, Kings: $4 million per year, 3 years guaranteed +1 option year Kenny Atkinson, Nets: $2.5 million per year, 4 years (first time head coach) Earl Watson, Suns: $2.5 million per year*, 3 years (first time head coach) 作者自己下面,也有加個但書 *Eggers says Watson's contract reported at 3 years at 'close to 8 million'. So I rounded down to a clean $2.5 million per year. It's quite possible Watson makes a couple dollars more than $2.5, which would put him as only the second-lowest paid coach. 根據他引用的資料,Earl Watson的合約可能是$7.XXM,接近$8M,比年薪的話, Earl Watson可能只是倒數第二名。 While Mike D'Antoni and Alvin Gentry were coaching veterans, neither had held an NBA head coaching job for more than two consecutive seasons before taking over the helm of the Suns, and both were promoted from an assistant position to the head job. All this adds up to the Suns hiring coaches who did not demand high salaries. As far as I can tell, Sarver has not paid a coach more than $2.5 million per year since Mike D'Antoni left and the only reason D'Antoni made more money was because he briefly held the dual role of coach/GM after Bryan Colangelo left in 2006. 細數Saver近幾年找教頭的軌跡,除了Terry Porter,其他人選都是菜鳥教練,完全沒有 當過總教頭的經驗。作者也推斷,除了D'Antoni因為太陽總管Bryan Colangelo被挖角, 冷笑話自己身兼總管時,可能薪水有多一些外,其餘人選的薪水大概都沒超過2.5M年薪。 Let's hope Earl Watson does well in Phoenix and earns a hefty pay raise before his contract expires and the Suns promote yet another new coach into the position. But if Watson doesn't work out, Sarver's other go-to move is to promote the veteran journeyman coach from within. One might look at new associate head coach Jay Triano and see a lot of Alvin Gentry right there. 除了祝福新任教頭,希望Earl Watson可以"加薪"之外。 Saver打的主意算盤,大概就是最近新挖角來的助理教練,Jay Triano。如果Watson被 火了,隊裡還有很多如當年的Alvin Gentry的人選! 只需從自家裡提拔,不需花大錢去 挖角別人。 這作者也列出,去年薪水拿到$2M左右的人 Brett Brown, extended by Sixers, terms unknown 今夏簽了新合約,數字未定 Mike Budenholzer, contract expired this summer, no new contract announced (but you can expect one) 合約走完,新合約未知數(但預期可以簽到) Steve Clifford, extended by Hornets, terms unknown 今夏簽了新合約,數字未定 Dave Joerger, let go by Grizzlies, signed with Sacramento for $4 million/year 被灰熊火了,但和國王簽了有$4M的年薪 Jeff Hornacek, fired by Suns, signed with Knicks 在作者文章裡,如果他和尼克簽約,應該有$4M, 心得:整篇文章的重點,大概就只是在說 Robert Sarver很小氣吧 -- 我看文章下面,也有人提到,助教的薪水更是低,如騎士教練Lue拿的算是助教裡不錯的 水,也只快接近100萬! 假設Watson季中就被炒了,換自家助教頂上,$aver的確是可以多再買幾個名牌包,給老婆 湖人在西瓜Mike Brown執教時,首席助教是前巫師教頭Eddie Jordan,那時我也想 他會不會是這西瓜的備胎 忘了哪篇文,有版友解析這小氣老闆,不肯Match當年魔術給Frye 32m/4yr的價碼。 太陽再在找不到,可以把空間拉出來,這麼好用的長人!後來便宜續約了Morris兄弟 ,又白目 的把人家拆散,最後大家也曉得,不得不把他也送走。後見之明來看,真是啥都沒撈到 惹一身腥 之前後衛們來來去去,總是有找到替代方案,但太陽有找到替代Frye方案嗎? 由其在這幾年薪資齊漲的年代,32m/4yr其實也不算太貴 http://tinyurl.com/zknf5lt 何止合理,簡直便宜~ 但人家哥哥肯給友情低價,圖個兄弟情誼,後來的鬧劇 就不用我提了吧 那為什麼要用總價來討論,意含很明顯了吧! 硬要講聯盟裡的高射炮,要找便宜的替代人選是不難! 但這老闆不注重人和,愛省錢也 不是密秘了吧。就和上面教練的玩法一樣,找個便宜替代方案! 但這回就是找不到了
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1463858587.A.0F3.html

YamagiN : $arver當年不是想廢除中產條款 還說這樣他老婆可以 05/22 03:44

YamagiN : 多買幾個名牌包 05/22 03:44

utcn92 : 想起他當年榨乾Nash&Hill剩餘價值的嘴臉 FK 05/22 04:51

aatt43a : 這麼有錢還這麼摳 05/22 06:00

yoshro : 回到熟悉的太陽唄 05/22 06:11

HaODaDa : 鳳凰城兄弟象隊 05/22 06:31

zeches2001 : 驅塵式4ni? 05/22 07:46

remix999 : booker還是趕快離開好了 05/22 08:27

lovemeteor : 所以能挖角阿拓的重要助教Jay Triano蠻不可思議的XD 05/22 08:35

rettttt5 : 西河的伯樂 05/22 09:09

micbrimac : 越有錢的人越摳果然是千古不變的道理~ 05/22 09:30

sunnyyoung : 出根香蕉就請隻猴子吧 05/22 09:55

humbler : 怎麼有種很熟悉的感覺... 05/22 10:46

LanceLiu : 爪爪:NBA毒瘤 玩不起請轉賣球隊 05/22 12:28

a7v333 : 賣給PTT鄉民,讓鄉民來經營嗎? 05/22 13:01

Aggro : Frye那筆沒啥好批評的阿 的確算是魔術高價挖走 05/22 15:33

Aggro : MM兄弟那時候續約也算合理價 而且打得也不差 當下 05/22 15:34

Aggro : 那幾個交易沒啥問題 而且和老闆無關 別全扯在一起 05/22 15:34

Aggro : 老闆不想花大錢請好教練是一回事 那幾筆交易當時是 05/22 15:35

Aggro : 沒問題的 05/22 15:35

Aggro : $佛黑歸黑 這幾年交易他很少插手了 05/22 15:36

Raskolnikov : 17才是選秀大年啊~太陽果然還是想坦一年 05/22 18:43

Aggro : MM兄弟那件是太陽板的解釋過很多次了 不曉得為啥還 05/23 00:31

Aggro : 是一直傳便宜簽 那時候太陽開給兩兄弟的總價就是合 05/23 00:31

Aggro : 理價 只是總是給他們自己去分配而已 哥哥少的部分 05/23 00:31

Aggro : 就是弟弟拿去 這應該說很多次了 05/23 00:32

Aggro : Frye那筆現在看當然便宜 但那時候看就是略貴 這點 05/23 00:32

Aggro : 魔術版也是一樣結論 05/23 00:32

Aggro : 有些東西要回到那時候的環境當下去看 其實不是啥蠢 05/23 00:35

Aggro : 交易還是黑心交易 事後會怎樣我想也沒幾個人能預知 05/23 00:35

Aggro : 很明顯是啥?不太懂O_o 也沒少給阿 05/23 17:49

Aggro : 省錢是一回事 但這幾筆就算是球迷當時也覺得沒問題 05/23 17:49

Aggro : 一個太陽覺得有點貴 魔術覺得有點貴的交易 現在馬後 05/23 17:50

Aggro : 砲說太陽當初怎不跟不是很奇怪嗎 05/23 17:50
