[情報] Gordon Hayward計畫買LOL隊伍

看板 NBA
作者 ChrisDavis (工業電風扇)
時間 2016-05-21 14:21:26
留言 55則留言 (42推 0噓 13→)

消息來源:http://goo.gl/Yz0QwC 內容: Utah Jazz' Forward Gordon Hayward told IGN eSports Today's host Kevin Knocke that he plans on buying an esports team. "I am actively looking to get involved and have explored multiple opportunities that have presented themselves. I haven't found the right moment just yet," he said. "But I'm itching to get in the game and get involved. I think there's a lot of potential and I think that's what everyone sees." He told Knocke that the fast-paced nature of esports is what draws professional athletes like himself and why esports is gaining in popularity. When it came to the topic of a players' association in esports, Hayward stressed the importance of an association in the NBA. He said that if there are parties involved in governing and regulating a sport, "you gotta have someone fight for the players too." "There will be a players' union [in esports] eventually," he said. Hayward said that the pedigree of Echo Fox's owner Rick Fox as a former professional athlete helps to give Echo Fox's franchise a sense of authenticity and that his knowledge of how NBA teams are run is also beneficial. "My vision would be to run the franchise in a similar way, just like a sports team. And you treat the players really well if you want them to perform," Hayward said. "They have to perform or you cut and get somebody else. [Fox is] no stranger to that environment and for sure that helps him out." Will Alcopra is a news editor for theScore espor 短評或心得: 又帥又會打球還會打LOL跟星海大師的宅爵帥哥Gordaon Hayward 告訴IGN說已經正在著手要買下一隻NALCS的隊伍進軍電競 太神拉~~~~ 搞不好戰績不好就登陸Hayward -- ◥███◣Career K/G K/AB K/H K/HR K/BB ██◣ theanswer3 █▌◥█╰══ 1.16 0.33 1.27 6.32 4.69 █ █~~ / \ █▌ █ ◢█◣ ◢ ◢ ◣ ◢█◣ ██▌ || █▌◢█ █◢█ █◢◤ █ ◥◣◥ █ ▄ █~~ \ / ◢███◤ ◥◤◥ ◥◤ ◥ ◣◥◣ █◣██◤ ╰═══════════════◥█◤══════════ ██◣ ═╯ -- 05/21 15:59 05/21 15:59
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1463811692.A.4CD.html

o0991758566 : NBA宅神 05/21 14:22

freemail : 豪豪也很宅 05/21 14:23

AxelGod : 練球 好 嗎? 05/21 14:23

w9515 : 頂尖的宅人生 羨慕 05/21 14:24

tetsu2008 : 666666666 05/21 14:32

lkshfish : 真宅神w 05/21 14:32

johnson44 : 沒想到這版還能看到LOL 05/21 14:32

wai0806 : NBA大哥 05/21 14:33

duke7814 : 叫你老闆下來打 05/21 14:37

s90523 : 真宅神 05/21 14:49

yun0215 : 本業 05/21 14:56

gn01914120 : \TSM/ 05/21 14:57

hiraoni : 死侍哥太神啦~ 05/21 15:03

cmss666 : Shaq也是某隊的老闆之一啊 05/21 15:04

kilmmy149 : 周杰倫: 05/21 15:06

donnylee : duke7814: 叫你老闆下來打 05/21 15:13

islandant : 叫你總仔下來打 05/21 15:17

tinomax : 感覺電競才是正職,NBA只是兼差 XDD 05/21 15:19

beta1193 : 星海很吃手速 05/21 15:25

tigerbul1986: 我合理懷疑他想親自下場比!宅爵要不要趁早交易掉 05/21 15:25

sana113821 : 可以請癢 05/21 15:27

iverlung : 宅神 05/21 15:28

Acehole : 自己下去打 05/21 15:36

hahaluck : 宅爵不意外 練球好嗎? 05/21 15:41

shangyen : 簽約統神 05/21 15:42

teller526 : 阿宅中的人生勝利組 05/21 15:54

ooxxman : 老闆通常打JG 快下來帕! 05/21 15:59

MotleyCrue : 專心打球啦 05/21 15:59

kaikai1112 : 借轉練球板 05/21 15:59

BlGP : 界轉不務正業版 05/21 15:59

KYOROD : 打爆Faker 05/21 16:05

swingingbear: 以他薪水來看買lol隊伍只是零頭吧 05/21 16:13

zxc7 : 真人生勝利組阿 寧願打電動也不李正妹女友XDD 05/21 16:18

ch13 : 太神啦 05/21 16:27

Rikako4650 : 情報說買lcs隊伍+管理層+選手 要150萬鎂 零頭? 05/21 16:32

b07130602 : 美國周滷蛋 05/21 16:50

love1500274 : 會不會最後LCS NA所有老板都是NBA選手 05/21 16:54

sinben : 叫恁總A出來啪 05/21 17:18

RollingWave : XD 05/21 17:24

RollingWave : 系東 05/21 17:25

tbi33 : 以他簽的約來說是零頭應該不為過 05/21 17:28

Vedan1213 : 同時借轉的要不要在一起阿XD 05/21 18:08

Eshow : 美國周訐倫 05/21 18:23

xman262 : 自己想當選手 05/21 19:42

MrBigHeart : 有80M身價 花1.5M也算零頭啦 還是可以爽爽過 05/21 20:20

dk971355 : 會不會最後NA中場表演是NBA球賽(?) 05/21 21:00

hlsu3a82k7 : 150萬不是零頭? 05/21 21:12

jior : \CLG/\CLG/\CLG/\CLG/\CLG/ 05/21 21:15

o0991758566 : 以他的興致 對他來說根本不算什麼 非常便宜~ 05/21 21:46

Manu2034 : 宅中勝利組 猛 05/21 21:51

simon814141 : 1.5豪 05/21 22:47

moonpaper : 胖虎不缺錢吧...NA贊助很好拉 05/21 23:07

orange7986 : 叫你總仔來打啦 05/21 23:51

kings200207 : 鹽湖城太無聊只能打電動ㄇ 05/22 01:30

noodlecool : 還有躲避球隊 05/22 02:18
