[情報] Curry確定跳出合約並希望重回國王隊

看板 NBA
作者 SoulHsu (Vista)
時間 2016-05-20 16:16:19
留言 43則留言 (31推 0噓 12→)

http://goo.gl/Qf5ORH OAKLAND -- With 24.9 seconds remaining Wednesday night, Stephen Curry crossed over then stepped back for a 25-footer to ice the Golden State Warriors' 125-121 victory over the Portland Trail Blazers. He salted the game away at the line, knocking down four straight free throws to send the Blazers home for the summer. Curry spoke with media after the game and then took the long walk back to the family lounge where his brother Seth was waiting for him in the hallway. It’s always about Steph, even when it’s not. That seems to be the theme of being Seth Curry -- except in Sacramento. Seth became a late-season phenomenon with the Kings. Initially the 25-year-old guard found it difficult to break George Karl’s rotation, but when he got his opportunity, he took full advantage. In the final seven games of the season, Curry averaged 16.4 points and 5.3 assists in 32.5 minutes per game. He knocked down 48.9 percent of his shots over that stretch and with every make, you could see dollar sign emojis forming over his head. “I’m curious as to what will happen this summer, I think I’ve obviously shown that I can help a team win and be consistent player in the NBA,” Curry said. Curry signed a two-year league minimum deal with the Kings last summer, but Year 2 was a player option -- an option that he decided to decline. “I opted out two or three weeks ago,” Curry said. “I’m a free agent now.” [NEWS: Seth Curry declines $1M player option with Kings] Due to the NBA’s collective bargaining agreement, the Kings have the option to match an offer sheet given to Curry from another team. The third-year guard will likely find plenty of suitors for his services, but at what cost? He hasn’t closed the book on returning to the Kings, in fact, he would welcome it. “Absolutely,” Curry said when asked if Sacramento is still an option in free agency. “It’s a big option. Like I said, I liked my time in Sacramento. I like the community, I like what the organization is trying to do and I think they’re going in the right direction. But you never know what ’s going to happen in free agency.” “I like what Vlade (Divac) is trying to do,” Curry added. “I have the utmost respect for Vlade and for him giving me the opportunity and believing in me when a lot of people didn’t.” For now, it’s back to the grind for Curry. His first real taste in the NBA gave him plenty to chew on. He has every intention of improving and it starts during this offseason. “I’m looking forward to the summer and only getting better and coming back as a better player,” Curry said. Where Curry ranks on the list of priorities with the Kings is unknown at this time. They will likely see how the market bears out for his services and make a decision once he has an offer sheet in hand. With the NBA’s salary cap expected to jump to $92 million, every team in the league will have plenty to spend. If a team jumps out with a substantial deal, the Kings will have a tough decision to make. In the meantime, Curry will sit back watching his big brother dice up the rest of the NBA like the rest of us. 大意: Seth Curry說他幾個禮拜前已經跳出剩下的一年1M的合約成為受限的自由球員, 不過因為覺得待在國王的時間很開心所以,非常希望回到國王隊 -- 不會去勇士喇,勇士去年就有開合約給他了他不要去國王
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1463732183.A.5A8.html

linceass : 咖裡弟還有得練 雖然紀末表現的不錯 05/20 16:17

freemail : 3333 05/20 16:17

pita30 : 彭政欣 05/20 16:19

sengoddard : 那豪豪要去哪 05/20 16:20

Js1233 : 不來我勇嗎 05/20 16:21

O10lOl01O : NBA書緯 05/20 16:22

jkduke : 去勇士會被說 靠哥哥 還是在別隊打拼 證明自己吧 05/20 16:23

transa : 他真的有先發的淺力 05/20 16:24

TWeng : 去勇士,他跟Ian Clark比誰比較好用? 05/20 16:25

YO8BO10 : 三分不知道如何?100萬不貴 05/20 16:25

DUSTWAVE : curry out,curry in 05/20 16:25

TWeng : 待在國王比較有機會先發 05/20 16:25

woody1024 : 彭政閔 彭政欣 GO GO GO 05/20 16:26

elve7878 : 來勇士好了 05/20 16:30

twsoriano : 東區有姆斯我老闆 西區不來個柯神我老哥嗎 05/20 16:31

yun0215 : Curry!!! 05/20 16:36

Deathscythe : 他的突破能力跟組織能力好像還沒看到@@ 05/20 16:46

freshbox7 : Curry弟不受休息室氣氛影響,真厲害 XD 05/20 16:48

wai0806 : 軟豆掰 05/20 16:48

BrianHui : 一年1M的合約 求curry弟的陰影面積 05/20 16:52

KYOROD : 科鋁的弟弟還是科鋁 05/20 17:00

hasimofo : 還不夠格 05/20 17:01

iamaq18c : 先發數據不差 但其實除了外線 其他都明顯需再加強 05/20 17:05

wantsu : 他出手比較像KT,先以KT為目標吧 05/20 17:07

RoundKick : 簡直豪神&豪神弟般差別 05/20 17:08

RainCityBoy : 國王會讓它取代RONDO嗎? 05/20 17:16

kimo0211 : 我有血統!!! 05/20 17:20

power11811 : NBA彭政欣 XDDD 05/20 17:23

arrfu : Curry弟=美國彭政欣 Curry女兒=美國歐陽妮妮 05/20 17:48

twsoriano : 柯小妹超有戲而且最近根本霸王色霸氣外漏 05/20 17:52

twsoriano : 歐陽妮妮是什麼咖小 05/20 17:52

a032100 : Rondo bye 05/20 17:57

eliczone : Curry的防守不好 而且他還是偏SG 他現在就是很稱職 05/20 18:15

eliczone : 的替補 但要成為季後賽球隊的先發還有段差距 05/20 18:15

alexj : 歐陽妮妮是什麼咖小… 05/20 18:19

derekhsu : 當替補搶分王很厲害 05/20 18:54

magicKZ : 湖人應該會加入戰局吧 05/20 18:55

hsiang1049 : 控的不怎樣 頂多定點射手 05/20 19:03

wai0806 : 可是瑞凡 國王現在還不是季後賽球隊阿 05/20 19:22

surfkevin : 恰弟? 05/20 19:44

chinhan1216 : 要直接拉上先發還太早了 05/20 20:20

xman262 : 有人以為國王是季後賽球隊? 05/20 20:32

donnylee : 毒蛇王比他好用 05/20 21:16
