[外絮] Terry Stotts 同意與拓荒者續約三年

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作者 love1500274 (CoWuCoWu)
時間 2016-05-17 12:52:18
留言 25則留言 (20推 1噓 4→)

Sources: Terry Stotts agrees to extension with Trail Blazers By Adrian Wojnarowski of The Vertical 2 hours ago After one of the most improbable seasons in franchise history, coach Terry Stotts reached agreement on a three-year contract extension with the Portland Trail Blazers on Monday night, league sources told The Vertical. Stotts is guaranteed just under $5 million a year over the next three years, with a team option for the 2019-20 season, league sources said. 經過球隊歷史最不可思議的一個球季,周一晚上Stotts同意與波特蘭拓荒者續約三年, 金額是接下來三年每年五百萬的保證約,並帶著最後一年的球隊選擇權。 The Blazers exercised the team option on the final year of Stotts' original contract for the 2016-17 season, with the three-year extension starting in 2017, sources said. 拓荒者行使與Stotts 原合約2016-17最後一年球隊選擇權,和Stotts的延長約,則從2017 賽季開始。 Owner Paul Allen and general manager Neil Olshey had been waiting to present Stotts with an extension offer once the season ended, and talks moved quickly into an agreement. 球隊賽季結束後老闆Paul Allen和總經理Neil Olshey就已經等著和Sotts簽下這份延長合 約。 Stotts finished second in the voting to Golden State's Steve Kerr for NBA Coach of the Year. Olshey finished No. 2 behind San Antonio's R.C. Buford for NBA Executive of the Year. 在年度總教練投票中 Stotts得到第二名,僅次於金州勇士Steve Kerr 而年度總管票選中,Olshey也拿到第二名,僅次於聖安東尼奧的R.C Buford Stotts led the Blazers to a 44-38 regular season, a fifth seed in the Western Conference and a first-round playoff series victory over the Los Angeles Clippers. The Blazers lost 4-1 in a best-of-seven West semifinal to the defending champion Golden State Warriors, but played well in several close losses. 例行賽Stott帶領拓荒者拿到44勝38敗,取得西區第五種子,在季後賽第一輪擊敗了洛杉 磯快艇。面對衛冕軍金州勇士則是以4-1落敗。 This was the second time in Stotts’ four years with the Blazers that he led them to the Western Conference semifinals. Portland beat Houston in the 2014 playoffs. 這是Stotts四年來第二次帶領拓荒者到西區半決賽,上次則是2014季後賽擊敗休士頓火箭 隊。 Stotts has developed into a popular figure in Portland with players and fans, and built a reputation for player development in Portland. After winning 33 games in his first year, the drafting of Damian Lillard to partner with LaMarcus Aldridge helped improve the Blazers to 54 and 51 victories in the next two seasons. This is Stotts' third job as an NBA head coach, with previous stints in Atlanta and Milwaukee. Stotts已經在波特蘭的球員和球迷之間成為知名人物,並建立他在球員中的地位。 經過第一年33勝後,從選秀中選下了Damian Lillard並和他的搭檔LaMarcus Aldridge 在接下來的兩年中,幫助球隊進步到54和51勝。 這是Stotts在NBA中的第三份工作,在這之前他曾任職於亞特蘭大老鷹和密爾瓦基公鹿隊 來源:http://tinyurl.com/zro9emh ------------------------------------------------------------ 小弟多益不到1000 加減翻譯一下 哪邊翻不好或翻錯 可告知進行修改 -- 05/17 17:47
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1463460742.A.CE9.html

freemail : 值得 05/17 12:52

clauslee : 恭喜 你值得 05/17 12:53

TWeng : 恭喜 05/17 12:54

lu3yao : 的確值得 這聯盟需要更多好教練 05/17 12:55

cool34 : 恭喜 05/17 12:55

a222317168 : 今年打到這裡 球隊求勝心有看到 好教練 推 05/17 12:56

Bigcookie2 : 對快艇應該是4-2 05/17 12:56

Aggro : 值得 05/17 12:56

ooxxman : 神教練 拓荒者領頭羊 05/17 12:57

ab056921 : 優質 05/17 13:01

carotyao : 阿拓續約好教練 結果他溜選了麥米蘭 歷史總是.... 05/17 13:02

ajyy002 : 明年拼COY! 05/17 13:06

jackal44748 : 值得 今年要不是73勝 COY就是他的 05/17 13:09

surfkevin : 反觀另一Scott… 05/17 13:17

jtr6208 : Stotts和Scott傻傻分不清 05/17 13:22

a23521323 : 不錯不錯 05/17 13:22

Wwc0130 : 挺厲害的 下半季球隊整合起來有得打 05/17 13:28

YamagiN : 拓荒主場都有人在舉他的面具在加油 05/17 13:29

CHUNGHUA : David Aldridge是說Stotts的薪水是5.5m,不過也相差 05/17 14:02

CHUNGHUA : 不多就是了 05/17 14:02

a963852741l : 長得很像金融界的人 05/17 14:03

iamaq18c : 這隻一定要簽的阿! 05/17 14:15

bob79620 : 看去年跟今年的陣容,真的是化腐朽為神奇 05/17 14:27

XinJay : 太好啦 05/17 15:18

Lillard : 借轉 05/17 17:47
