[外絮] Dennis Schroder:我想要成為先發控衛

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作者 roger29 (看我幹麻 你把我當垃圾啊)
時間 2016-05-12 15:36:18
留言 29則留言 (22推 1噓 6→)

來源:ESPN 網址:http://tinyurl.com/zu3vf3v 時間:May 10, 2016 作者:Ohm Youngmisuk Dennis Schroder: 'I want to be a starting point guard' Jeff Teague views himself as a starter. Jeff Teague認為自己是一個先發球員。 Dennis Schroder has bided his time and wants to be a starting point guard. 而Dennis Schroder正在靜待成為先發控衛的時機到來。 The Atlanta Hawks and Mike Budenholzer have an interesting dilemma this summer: They have two starting-caliber point guards and Budenholzer will have to decide if Schroder is ready to start. 老鷹今年夏天將會面臨一個兩難的問題:他們擁有兩個先發等級的控球後衛,老鷹總教練 Budenholzer需要確認Schroder是否已經準備好可以先發了。 “In the future, I want to be a starting point guard,” Schroder said at the Hawks’ last gathering on Monday in Atlanta. “Everybody knows it. But in the situation I was this year, I was fine with it. I played my minutes, and I just tried to get better. When the coaching staff and everybody decides I get the team [and start], I’m going to be ready for it.” 「未來我想成為一個先發控衛。這是每個人都知道的事。不過即使現階段還不能先發,我 也不會覺得怎樣。我就把我被分配到的上場時間打好,並且試著讓自己變得更好。當有一 天教練團和大家都認為我夠格成為先發時,我就會準備好。」Schroder在星期一時說道。 If Budenholzer decides to promote Schroder, do the Hawks opt to trade Teague in an effort to improve their roster in another area? 如果Budenholzer決定要提拔Schroder當先發,那麼老鷹是否會交易掉Teague好清出空間以 便提升他們其他位置的戰力呢? “We value both Jeff and Dennis,” Budenholzer said when asked if he is ready to hand the keys to the offense to Schroder. “They have both been incredibly good for us. Part of the reason we have had success is we have had two really good point guards. 被問到是否會將Schroder拉上先發時,Budenholzer說:「我們會評估Teague和Schroder。 他們兩個對我們來說都很重要。我們目前能夠打出好成績的部分原因就是因為我們同時擁 有兩個非常優秀的控衛。」 “I am not ready to say anything other than how much we love them both. They are a big part of why we have been successful.” 「除了告訴你們我們有多愛他們兩個之外,目前我還沒有準備好說其他的東西。他們兩個 是我們能成功的關鍵功臣。」 In the Hawks’ final game of the season, Budenholzer rode the hot hand of Schroder down the stretch in Game 4 against the Cleveland Cavaliers while Teague sat the entire fourth quarter. 老鷹本季最後一場比賽,第二輪G4面對騎士,Budenholzer在第四節讓手感火燙的Schroder 打滿整節,Teague則是坐滿整節的板凳。 Schroder finished with 21 points, 13 coming in the fourth quarter. He even was the go-to option in the final minutes for the Hawks. It was his second outing of 20-plus points in the series. And he averaged 15.3 points and 4.8 assists in 20.3 minutes against Cleveland in the second round. Schroder這場比賽拿下21分,其中13分是在第四節得到。他甚至是老鷹在最後幾分鐘關鍵 時刻的出手第一選擇。這場比賽也是他在對騎士的系列賽中第二次拿下超過20分。總計他 在和騎士的系列賽場均出賽20.3分鐘,有15.3分以及4.8助攻。 Teague averaged 11.5 points and 6.5 assists during the second-round sweep and finished the Hawks' last game with just five points in 22 minutes. During Game 3, Teague had 19 points and 14 assists with one turnover. 而Teague在這個系列賽場均有11.5分以及6.5助攻,他最後一場比賽出賽22分鐘僅僅只拿5 分。在G3則有19分外帶14助攻,僅1次失誤。 Teague averaged 16.5 points and 6.0 assists during the first round and was more consistent against Boston. But he also said that injuries to his ankles and knees hampered him this season, and he was looking forward to recovering during the offseason. Teague在季後賽第一輪對上塞爾提克時場均有16.5分及6.0次助攻,表現較為穩定。不過 Teague自己也說他的腳踝與膝蓋傷勢讓他本季的表現不如預期,他將會在休賽期間養傷。 Teague, who said he won’t need surgery this summer, was asked about how he felt about the point-guard rotation and how he wants it to look in 2016-17. Teague表示他這個夏天不需要動任何手術,他被問到對於2016-17賽季的控衛輪替有什麼想 法。 “I don’t know,” Teague said. “That is up to the coaches or whoever runs the team.” 「我不知道。這個要由教練團或是球隊管理者決定。」Teague說道。 “I have always been a starter,” he added when asked about his preference to start. “I would love to be a starter.” 當被問到他是否較想當先發時,Teague回答:「從以前到現在我一直都是先發,我想我比 較愛當個先發球員。」 Teague will make $8 million in the final year of his deal next season. He was the subject of trade rumors at the deadline before the Hawks opted to keep its core intact. 下個球季將會是Teague這份合約的最後一年,價值是800萬美元。在老鷹選擇在交易期限後 保留他們的主力球員之前,關於Teague的交易謠言一直沒斷過。 If Teague or the Hawks seek a change this summer, there should be teams interested in a point guard who was an All-Star a year ago on an extremely affordable deal. 如果Teague或是老鷹想要在今年夏天有所改變,肯定會有球隊對這位去年曾入選全明星隊 伍且價錢相對便宜的控衛有興趣。 Schroder’s immediate plans for the summer is to “play [for the German] national team and see that we qualify for the European championship.” 而Schroder這個夏天迫切的目標是替德國國家隊打球,證明他們是歐洲冠軍。 He wants to improve on his leadership skills and ability to be a better closer as well. 他想要提高他在場上的領導技術和能力,成為一個更棒的關鍵時刻球員。 “The important minutes are at the end of the game and that you close out games,” Schroder said. “I think for me it’s clear: In the future, I want to be a starting point.” 「在比賽中最重要的時間就是比賽結束前的倒數幾分鐘,你必須要有能力在關鍵時刻掌控 比賽。我認為對我來說很清楚:在未來我想要成為一位先發控位。」Schroder說道。 Schroder, who turns 23 in September, believes he has matured since joining the Hawks in 2013 and driving Budenholzer batty at times over the years. Schroder在今年九月將滿23歲,比起2013年時剛加入老鷹時差點把Budenholzer搞瘋的那個 Schroder,經過這幾年的磨練,相信他現在已經變得更成熟了。 “My first year, it was really hard,” Schroder said of how his relationship with Budenholzer has evolved. “He was hard on me. He didn’t even talk to me. But, I knew why he was doing it. 「我在NBA的第一年是真的很艱難的,他對我非常嚴苛,甚至都不願意和我說話,但我了解 他為什麼會這樣做。」Schroder談到他和Budenholzer的關係是如何改善時這樣說道。 “My second year, I played very good. He gave my trust this year even more. He is a great coach. Our relationship is good. He’s one of the best coaches, I think. It’s a great relationship.” 「我的第二個球季就打得很好了。而這季他又給了我更多信心。他是個很棒的教練。現在 我們的關係已經很不錯了。我認為他是聯盟最棒的教練之一。能夠被他領導是很好的。」 Schroder說道。 --- 德國軟豆,看來準備好要篡位啦,Teague何去何從? --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1463038582.A.70E.html

anarky : 請來我爵 05/12 15:39

louisxxiii : T哥雖然切入能力不及S 但組織大勝Schroder 05/12 15:39

spadenet : 德軟 05/12 15:40

chink5566 : 德國軟豆 05/12 15:40

sward8 : 來小牛啊~ 05/12 15:40

y2589764 : 打雙衛啊 05/12 15:43

kl015013 : 非常強 老鷹以後留不住 05/12 15:44

green4726 : 剃骨肯定要被交易了 05/12 15:44

sana113821 : 這次季後賽如果他沒跳出來 老鷹會被虐的很難看 05/12 15:48

a28200266 : 從調度看來應該是把JT丟掉扶正德軟 05/12 15:49

every70213 : 都書我豪 05/12 15:54

jerry213 : 茶哥這個系列賽軟軟的 滿恍神的 05/12 15:54

namon : 來小牛 季後賽打得很好 05/12 15:54

davidwawa : 去公鹿吧 缺控衛 05/12 15:59

remix999 : Jeff Teague去尼克巴 05/12 16:16

laerarsu : 和Ariza互換,剛剛好 05/12 16:30

Koch : 有軟豆味 05/12 16:41

TVXFQ : 公鹿不是要給帕克控? 05/12 16:59

cool8418 : 在東區都一樣 05/12 17:10

ldr521 : 帕克? 甲霸哩帕克? 05/12 17:57

retre77 : Teague當年也是靠著季後賽大心臟,次年取代Hinrich 05/12 17:59

retre77 : 先發 05/12 17:59

retre77 : 有種風水輪流轉的感覺 05/12 18:00

color1355 : 這隻是不是中二中二的 05/12 18:12

rettttt5 : 何以見得? 05/12 19:53

lwei781 : Teague 去Cavs? 05/12 20:30

bigheadkobe : 德軟閉嘴,還司機國際賽!! 05/12 20:40

acolam : 永遠都打不出東區的球隊 換個人看看有沒機會 05/12 22:06

shananx : 茶哥表示: 05/13 00:13
