[專欄] Nash將取代Walton成為下任GSW助理教練?

看板 NBA
作者 Phater (肥特)
時間 2016-05-12 06:54:32
留言 94則留言 (67推 1噓 26→)

Should Steve Nash replace Luke Walton? Kevin Jones, KNBR http://goo.gl/8QHQGO Three of the men seated on stage at Steph Curry’s MVP ceremony made sense. Head coach Steve Kerr, GM Bob Myers and KIA motors representative Greg Grulikowski lined up in chairs next to Curry. Kerr had the crowd swooning with Curry stories, Myers got a little emotional about the humility his point guard has shown and Grulikowski reminded everyone that the NBA is making gobs of money from these award shindigs. The other sighting was a little peculiar, especially since he was revealed as a “surprise guest” after everyone had been seated. There emerging from the curtains was Warriors player development consultant Steve Nash. 在Curry的MVP頒獎典禮上三位主賓分別是總教練Kerr, GM Bob Myers跟KIA 代表 Greg Grulikowski. 他們出席是理所當然的. 但是當所有人就座後,從布幕後出現了一個意外 嘉賓 -- Steve Nash Let’s tie some loose ends together. Certainly Nash and Curry are now banded together for both winning back-to-back MVP trophies. They’re both point guards, they both have playing styles that nobody really can replicate. There is a natural symmetry between the two players. But let’s look a little further into this. Are the Warriors increasing Nash’ s publicity around the team in part because they’re vetting him as a replacement candidate for Luke Walton? It makes more sense than you might think. 大家都可以看出Nash跟Curry的生涯的相似處. 兩人都是控衛,都拿了連兩屆MVP,而且 兩人的球風都是獨一無二的. 但是讓我們做一下假設. 勇士球團把特別顧問Nash請 出來在大眾前露面是不是另一種形式的讓他慢慢的進入教練團核心呢? When you watch a Warriors game, start noticing how much dialogue Kerr and Walton have throughout the game. They’re constantly plotting and strategizing. Or they are laughing with each other. The relationship they’ve built has been a stabilizing factor for the Warriors. Because of Kerr’s open forum philosophy, this assistant coach position is vital. Kerr is only going to bring in a basketball mind that he reveres, someone who will bring something to the table, and someone who he feels completely comfortable with — in case his back forces him to miss some games. This is exactly what makes Nash so intriguing. 如果有注意看勇士隊比賽的人一定會發現Kerr跟Walton之間的良好互動. 他們會不斷 的討論比賽情況跟戰術,而且有說有笑. 兩人之間的合作關係是勇士隊穩定表現的一個 重要因素. 由此看來,Kerr對助理教練的要求是他能夠和諧相處而且是他所尊重能夠對 球隊有貢獻的人. 尤其是他能信任如果他因為背傷需要缺席時能無縫接軌帶隊的人. Nash就是這樣的一個人選 Nash led the Suns to 62, 54, 61 and 55-win seasons when he was signed in 2004, Kerr joined the organization in 2007 and immediately clicked with the point guard. Teamed with head coach Mike D’Atoni’s run-and-gun style, the Suns were a predecessor of today’s Warriors. When Kerr started to unload some pieces after Phoenix continually failed in the playoffs, his one priority was to hold onto Nash — not only because of his skill set but because of the way he led the team. Nash was Kerr’s guy. Kerr在擔任Suns GM期間跟Nash就已經有過良好的合作經驗. 當Suns戰績下滑Kerr開始 交易球員時,Nash是隊上唯一不動的. 從這就可以看出來他對Nash的看重 Here was Kerr’s quote when Golden State brought Nash onboard in September. “Steve and I have a great relationship from our time together in Phoenix while I was general manager, and we share a lot of beliefs about how the game should be played and about the work ethic that goes in to being great. I can’ t wait to work with him again and have him around our team.” Kerr is so forward-thinking, you shouldn’t even put it past him that he originally hired Nash in as a consultant because he feared Walton could depart. Not to crap on any player development people around the NBA — clearly it’s an awesome gig — but this role is not an end-all, be-all for Nash. Now because he’s been in the building all season, Nash is familiar with everything the Warriors do behind the scenes. He has a leg up on other assistants around the NBA vying to be Kerr’s No. 2. 也許Kerr把Nash延攬進勇士當顧問就是為了有朝一日Walton離開的話Nash能接手. And you can’t say, ‘Well Nash really has no coaching experience.’ Because neither did Kerr or Walton before guiding the Warriors to a championship and the best record in NBA history. Reports surfaced in February that Nash was not interested in the Suns head coaching job. It’s hard to blame him either because who would be dying to rebuild one of the NBA’s worst teams. But being a bigger component of the Warriors, one of the greatest teams of all-time, has to be enticing to anyone who has competitive blood. It would take some big stones to turn down an offer from Kerr. 也許有人會說Nash之前沒有執教的經驗. 但是Walton跟Kerr都是菜鳥總教練,照樣帶出 史上最高勝率球隊. 這或許也是Nash在前一陣子傳出他無意回Suns當教練. 有人能怪他 選擇勇士嗎? This won’t be an easy decision for Kerr and Myers, who will have a say in the matter. You don’t want other assistant coaches like Jarron Collins and Ron Adams to feel spurned if Nash is promoted above them. Also, how will Nash handle Draymond Green? Kerr is more the CEO of the Warriors because Green likes his space as the general of the troops on the court. Green is a very coachable player but sometimes you have to walk on eggshells around him. What it boils down to is does Kerr want as his righthand man? Who can the Warriors bring in that won’t disrupt all the positive energy Kerr has created in this drama-free zone bubble. Kerr and Nash have experienced success together before. They know and trust each other. And while the Western Conference Playoffs are the only task the organization will talk about in front of the media, you better believe Kerr and Myers are lining up their ducks to find Walton’s replacement. Nash should be one of the leading candidates. 當然,如果Nash真的升為助理教練的話也是有隱憂的. 其他更資深的教練會不會不滿Nash 做電梯升職? Nash能不能帶得動Draymond Green? 勇士隊在Kerr的任期內一直能保持合協 的團隊氣氛,Nash升職後對球隊的化學反應的影響將會是高層決策的一大考量. -- 唉! 眼跟前這是一小盒鴉片,可昨天拿來的時候還是整整一條,一天之內咱們家是川流不息, 先是王大人、孫大人、四嬸她爹,派人拿走了我一兩六的,二兩七的,三兩八的, 一共是七兩五,連聲謝都不說就拿走,仗著官大欺負人,哼! 你們抽 你們抽 你們抽死活該! 可下午老爺到咱們家來看到一盒鴉片就當著我們的面揣在口袋裡,我也不能言語一聲, 就因為他奶奶替我爺爺提過一次媒!可是他今天要拿走的話,晚上緝私隊,軍法處,鹽務局的 朋友到家來談勾結的事,我該拿什麼來賄賂人家呢? 唉......... <<記性與忘性>> --

※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1463007277.A.22E.html

Skabo : 跳板爽缺 做一年就會找到好工作~ 05/12 06:56

s9056017 : 球員應該沒有人不服Nash吧 05/12 06:56

keypad : = = 05/12 06:58

fdd545 : 總比老漁或lue當總教練好太多啦 05/12 06:59

swingingbear: 兩屆mvp要帶不動很難吧 何況跟嘴綠正面交談很ok 又 05/12 07:05

swingingbear: 不是某隊攝影師 05/12 07:05

TWeng : 太陽找他總教練不當欸 05/12 07:05

Dcwei : Lue哪是教練 前兩天在客廳比賽 我阿罵還 05/12 07:06

Dcwei : 問我白隊23號是不是教練 05/12 07:06

Dcwei : 客廳看比賽 05/12 07:06

w35413541 : 幹嘛去太陽?那邊管理階層一直有問題,過去淌混水? 05/12 07:11

heavensun : Curry之前的 180 3圍 PG, Curry很服他 05/12 07:11

heavensun : 勇士system 較接近 NASH當年打得 跑轟 05/12 07:12

jyekid : 你阿罵是剛好路過淡水 勸一個人選總統 05/12 07:14

lianhua : Kerr:我們對助教的要求只有一個,就是要長得夠帥。 05/12 07:31

maple7 : Nash轉教練拿冠也是不錯 05/12 07:35

asmallshrimp: Nash QQ 05/12 07:37

Landius : 這是顏值的繼承嗎? 05/12 07:43

chris0701 : 我陽高層摳成這樣 誰想回來 05/12 07:46

Alano : Nash:跟我比投三分,輸我的教練讓你當 05/12 07:47

Dcwei : 勇士:我們只接受帥哥,絕不接受XX 05/12 07:49

Dcwei : 姆斯,西河:你看我幹什麼 你當我是XX啊 05/12 07:50

Dcwei : 勇士:ㄟ 不要誤會 我不是針對你 05/12 07:51

brosucks : 定點投籃 Curry Nash Kerr三個人比三分真好奇誰會贏 05/12 07:51

GGdong : 咖哩明年三分+5% 05/12 08:03

chenluyang : curry即將獲得禁區逛大街與擋切隨便傳隨便有兩項技 05/12 08:06

chenluyang : 能 05/12 08:06

stan8285 : 十美分每場再臨時增強15點吧~ 05/12 08:15

stan8285 : 啊還有移動三分球 05/12 08:16

Eijidate : 兩屆MVP最好有其他資深教練敢嘴! 05/12 08:17

EngelF : https://youtu.be/rdwcJhKPEVs walton三分也不差啊 05/12 08:17

linceass : 最好兩屆MVP壓不住人 05/12 08:24

Dcwei : 他不只是MVP 我記得是第一個外籍而且第一 05/12 08:27

Dcwei : 個連兩屆MVP 05/12 08:27

howardyeh : 只記得Kerr把能幫Nash防守的通通交易走了,然後對外 05/12 08:28

howardyeh : 說我們要防守... 05/12 08:28

big1p : 電梯升職感覺翻不太好,應該有更好的翻法 05/12 08:28

martinshi : 勇士三連霸無誤 nash終於要有戒指了 05/12 08:29

jessica35354: 電梯升職就空降大隊 看的懂就好 05/12 08:33

chinhan1216 : walton都沒問題了 更大咖的應該也ok巴 05/12 08:43

TWeng : 真的加入的話curry會服他的,curry服其他人一定服 05/12 08:51

iamaq18c : 兩屆MVP壓不住人? 光資歷拿出來就要跪著拜了 05/12 08:51

RadioMan : Nash你敢嘴? 05/12 08:58

yun0215 : Nash當進攻教練吧! 沃頓走了之後我勇剛好剩一個防 05/12 08:58

yun0215 : 守教練+一般助教,補進攻教練剛好 05/12 08:58

pdono12345 : 因為背傷找替補人選,會不會老衲還比較痛XDDD 05/12 08:59

bonjovi0930 : 草莓獸就不服2屆MVP,奶昔要打檔拆草莓要球打低位 05/12 09:02

pett : 兩屆MVP誰敢不滿 05/12 09:02

iamyamigami : kb迷最不滿 05/12 09:05

neo5124075 : nash也背傷 05/12 09:08

js0431 : 史上最準教練團 05/12 09:11

versace : 黃金陣容 05/12 09:13

bcs : 助教也可以分冠軍戒指? 05/12 09:19

jkduke : 誰敢說 比Nash 懂跑轟? 勇士就是在打跑轟戰術阿 05/12 09:20

jkduke : 差別在 是有防守的跑轟 05/12 09:20

vgil : 去勇士拿個冠軍戒吧QAQ 05/12 09:20

djviva : Nash雖然沒執教經驗, 但勇士們一定都會信服他 05/12 09:23

djviva : 不管未來是否會進入名人堂, 他已經是很多球迷的傳奇 05/12 09:23

RadioMan : 所以草莓才當草莓阿 XD 廢到笑 05/12 09:23

maple7 : 草莓要求低位不擋拆印象深刻 05/12 09:26

bigbeat : 他空降沒問題啊 有實力,管他人說什麼 05/12 09:39

DVW : 這樣練投沒人敢嘴,三個老大都超準 05/12 09:40

harryrrah : 來我湖吧 05/12 09:41

freshbox7 : Curyy的訓練顧問出現在會場算很意外? 05/12 09:48

lxf : 想嘴的請拿球到三分線排隊 XD 05/12 09:51

silencedance: 雖然有點久遠 不過要講到跑轟 找Nash一點也不意外啊 05/12 09:52

benc8c8c8 : nash不是0迷最喜歡拿來比的對象嗎?很強嗎? 05/12 09:56

kobe7610 : 可以一圓冠軍夢 05/12 10:07

kobe7610 : 雖然是以助教身分 05/12 10:07

ab056921 : 怎麼會提kerr在太陽當gm的時候... 05/12 10:25

oncelove : Kerr背傷Nash不是一樣?? 05/12 10:25

Snowman : 在客廳比賽我笑了XD 05/12 10:31

hsiang1049 : nash誰敢嘴? 05/12 10:49

hsiang1049 : 加拿大書豪耶 05/12 10:50

ymcee : nash絕對適合啊 05/12 10:51

amozartea : 專門教三分...咦Curry怎麼比他還準XD 05/12 11:02

k45446123 : 提Kerr當總管很沒說服力 他當GM爛的跟屎一樣 05/12 11:10

DabouLin : 岳父 05/12 11:12

philxiao : Kerr + Nash + Curry,這三個人會不會沒事就在比3PT 05/12 11:13

OneCell : 勇士有難帶的球員嗎 05/12 11:19

Gsun : 都可以舉辦GSW三分球大賽了 05/12 11:40

wsyu : 3個Stephen! 05/12 11:41

howdiisme : Nash for 33333333333333 05/12 12:08

korzen : 這樣Steph的防守會不會變得跟他一樣阿XD 05/12 12:16

vaude : nash能教甚麼? 完全沒總冠軍經驗就別來亂好嗎 05/12 12:16

xo1100 : Nash : 今天我來教各位舔手罰球 05/12 12:35

Currahee52 : 結果馬刺明年找髒包當防守教練.... 05/12 12:58

n810516 : Nash真去我馬上變勇迷 05/12 13:51

kevin11131 : NASH!!! 05/12 15:26

inschool : Kerr唯一有過賽季190 Nash四次賽季180 這什麼陣容.. 05/12 15:43

heyamo123 : 天啊超期待!!! 05/12 15:52

jerrys0580 : 讚啦!!!!!: 05/12 16:22

TOHNOAKIHA : 如果curry學到Nash的進攻組織…… 05/12 16:22

cipherpol9 : 將失去得分能力 10/07 16:46
