[外絮] Kobe Delivers Final Press Conference

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作者 a7904120 (pubear)
時間 2016-04-15 08:19:47
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資料來源:http://goo.gl/7SdjlE Kobe Delivers Final Press Conference Kobe舉行最後一次的記者會。 After a 20 years in the NBA and an insane, 60-point finale on Wednesday, Kobe Bryant delivered the final press conference of his career. 20年後,在這瘋狂拿了60分的星期三,Kobe Bryant舉行了生涯最後一次的記者會。 The 37-year-old touched on an array of topics regarding his past present and future. 這位37歲且被大量報導關於過去、現在與未來。 Below is a full transcription from Staples Center. 以下是來自Staples Center的完整逐字稿。 Q: On if he was nervous, and determined to go out with both guns blazing: Bryant: I didn’t watch the news, I didn’t watch any of the commentary or read anything, because then it just would make me extremely emotional. I knew coming into tonight that I just didn’t want to play bad. I had to kind of focus on the game. The start of the game was horrendous. I had to settle down. But I had a little bit of nerves. Once the game got going a little bit, I was able to settle down. Q: 請問你是不是很緊張,並帶著滿滿的能量走出去? Bryant: 我沒有看新聞、評論或是其他任何東西,因為這會讓我非常情緒化。我知道今晚 我並不想打得很差。我必須專注在比賽上。比賽開始時是非常糟糕的。我必須冷靜下來, 但我有點緊張。不過比賽開始一會之後,我就冷靜下來了。 Q: On if this was the perfect ending for him: Bryant: The perfect ending would have been a championship. That’s a perfect ending to me. Tonight was trying to go out playing hard and try to put on a show as much as I possibly could. It felt good to be able to do that one last time. Q: 這對你來說是個完美結局嗎? Bryant: 對我來說最好的結局當然是拿到總冠軍。今晚就是努力打好比賽,完成這場秀。 最後一次還能這樣,我感覺很棒。 Q: On if he’d accept a script like this for his new company: Bryant: After debates in the story room of why winning a championship is not in the question, then yes, I’d have accepted this one. Q: 你的新公司會接受這樣的劇本嗎? Bryant: 在故事間討論為什麼贏得總冠軍不是問題後, 我肯定是會接受的。 Q: On scoring 60 points in his final game: Bryant: Honestly, I can’t believe this actually happened, to be honest with you. This is kind of crazy to me, the last game at home. It’s hard for me to believe that it happened this way, it really is. I m still in shock about it. Just the outpour of support all night long, from former teammates, fans, and family. It was just unbelievable. I’m still in shock about it. Now I’ll allow myself to go back and read a lot of the things and watch some of the commentary and videos, just kind of take it all in, you know? Q: 對於在最後一場得到60分有什麼看法? Bryant: 說實話,我沒辦法相信這件事。在主場的最後一場比賽是這樣,對我來說是很瘋 狂的。我很難相信它這樣發生了。我現在還是很驚訝。支持整晚都在,來自前隊友、粉絲 和家人。這是令人難以置信的。我現在還是很驚訝。現在我會允許自己回去看很多東西, 看些評論和影片,就是接受這一切,懂嗎? Q: On the most memorable part of tonight’s game: Bryant: I think the fans, the reaction of the fans, the chanting, the support, the encouragement. I mean I was really, really tired. I just had to continue to push. The fans’ support was tremendous. I think that is the thing that I’m going to remember the most. Q: 你覺得今晚的比賽最值得紀念的是什麼? Bryant: 我覺得是粉絲。粉絲的反應、喧囂、支持與鼓勵。我是說,我真的覺得很累。 但我必須繼續比賽。粉絲的支持是非常驚人的。我覺得這部分是最值得紀念的。 Q: On his saying he’ll go back to work tomorrow: Bryant: I have to. That’s a very slippery slope. I’ve done my research from players, post [career], and it’s kind of like, ‘Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow.’ Then all of the sudden it’s, ‘Uh oh.’ So I think the important thing is to get into a routine, to maintain discipline, to find a new routine. I have been in a certain routine my entire career. I think the worst thing I can possibly do is not have one because then you wake up without a sense of purpose or a sense of direction. So, I have to find a routine, get into it, and be comfortable in it. Q: 照你說的,你明天就會回去工作? Bryant: 我必須要這樣。不然有可能會發生不好的事。我對退休生活有做過研究。大部分 的人總是一直說「我明天再做」 說著說著....就悲劇了,甚麼都沒有完成 我覺得最重要 的事情就是有一個慣例,維持著適當的紀律,去找一個退休後的新慣例我的整個職業生涯 都維持著同一個慣例,因此我覺得我能做出最不好的事情就是不去找新的慣例,如過沒有 的話,你的退休生活將不會有任何的目標以及任何的方向,所以我一定會去找到一個新慣 例,然後努力去做! 此部分翻譯參照JessKB24所翻譯,若不願意被採用還請告知,小弟對於私自取用深感抱歉 。 文章代碼 #1N3w12OA Q: On trying to approach this game as any other game: Bryant: It didn’t work out that way, in a good way. There were so many people to talk to, items to be signed, pictures to be taken. I just gave myself up to that. I just said, ‘This is fine, this is cool. Let it go, let it ride, enjoy it.’ It was fun. Q: 這場比賽到來的時候跟其他比賽一樣嗎? Bryant: 並沒有像其他比賽一樣。有很多的人要交談,很多東西要簽,拍很多照。我把我 交給了他們。我說:「這很好,很酷。我覺得都很好,很享受,很有趣。」 Q: On if he ever got emotional tonight: Bryant: “There were a lot of points there where I started getting emotional, you know. When we first ran out of the tunnel, I caught myself. I put on my jersey and I say, ‘Okay. This is the last time you're going to put on a jersey.’ Dun Dun Dun. Then, it’s the last time I’ll run out of the tunnel. Dun Dun Dun. Then when those moments happen, you catch yourself getting really emotional. Then you say, ‘Okay. You have to block that out because none of that makes a difference.’ That’s when you come out there and completely lay an egg, completely mess up the situation so you have to concentrate and focus. Then you can be nostalgic all you want later tonight and tomorrow. Q: 你今晚有沒有有情緒的時候? Bryant: 有很多時候我感到開始情緒激動。當我們第一次跑出通道的時候,我發現我變得 有點激動。當我穿上球衣的時候我告訴我自己:「這是你最後一次穿上這件球衣了。而且 這是我最後一次跑過這個通道了。」當這些時刻發生時,我發現我自己開始變得激動。然 後我對自己說:「我必須把這些情緒擋住,因為沒什麼不同的。」這就是我跑出通道時所 想的,但我現在不能搞砸這一切,所以我必須專注在比賽上。然後晚點我就能把這些情緒 表達出來了。 Q: On what it meant to hear Magic Johnson call him the greatest Laker ever, and if he watched the tribute videos: Bryant: I refuse to believe it because Magic is my hero. Like, I don’t think you guys truly understand how much of a diehard Lakers fan I was. Magic was all over my wall. I used to wear really big knee pads because Magic wore really bad kneepads. I used to practice the baby hook. He is, and always will be No. 1 for me. Always. Always. The tribute videos, I was able to peek up and look from time to time. I enjoyed them all, man. Hopefully I’ll get a chance at some point to look at them all and kind of take it all in. Q: 對你來說聽到Magic Johnson稱呼你是最好的Laker球員是什麼感覺? Byrant: 我拒絕相信,Magic是我的英雄。我想你們不知道我是多麼死忠的湖迷。以前我的 房間都是他的海報。我以前會穿一個很大的護膝,因為Magic會穿;我以前會練習鉤射,因 為Magic會。她永遠都是我的No. 1。關於致敬影片,我能看到時間的流逝。我很享受它們 。希望我會在某個時刻有機會來思考這些,並且接受它們。(指過去的自己) Q: On what he was thinking when he left the floor for a final time: Bryant: Don’t trip … (laughs). No … it’s surreal, it’s hard to describe. It’s almost like you’re in a fog, and everything is moving extremely slow yet extremely fast. You’re trying to take it all in, not quite sure where to look. It’s very difficult to do, but it was just like a dream. Q: 在離開賽場時你在想些什麼? Bryant: 不要跌倒(笑)不鬧了。我覺得這是非常不現實的,這很難去形容。這就好像你身 處在一團迷霧之中,身旁的事物好像停滯不前,但其他事情卻又移動地異常快速。你嘗試 著接受所有一湧而來的感受以及想法,嘗試著去理解、觀察,但你又不確定要從哪裡開始 ,所以你又只能選擇全部接受,這非常地困難。這就好似一場神奇的夢境。 此段翻譯參照JessKB24所譯。 文章代碼 #1N3w12OA Q: On his daughters watching him go for 60: Bryant: The coolest thing is that my kids actually saw me play like I used to play. It was like, ‘Whoa, dad!’ I said, ‘Yeah, I used to do this pretty often.’ They were like, ‘really?’ I said, ‘Dude, YouTube it.' You know what I mean? It was pretty cool for them to actually see that. Q: 你女兒們看到你得60分是什麼感覺? Bryant: 最酷的事情是,我的小孩看到我打得跟以前一樣。就像是──「哇,爸!」「我 以前常常做到。」「真的嗎?」「女兒,拜託你回去YouTube一下好嗎?」──你懂我的意 思嗎?對他們來說親眼看到是非常酷的。 Q: On reflecting on scoring 60: Bryant: I can’t believed this happened. This is crazy to me. It’s crazy. What? There’s no way I could possibly imagine this happen. I’m deeply honored by the fans. To be able to put on that type of show for them, because of all the support they’ve given me. How we grew up together — the fans that have been coming here since day one. To give them this type of show on the last one means everything. Q: 得到60分的感想? Bryant: 我沒辦相信這發生了,這對我來說很瘋狂。我現在沒辦法想像這居然有可能發生 。我很被粉絲尊敬。因為有他們的支持,我才能達到這種表現。我跟粉絲是一起成長的, 有些粉絲從第一天開始就在這了。在最後一場比賽能給他們這種演出意味著一切。 Q: On what he and his teammates have been saying to one another: Bryant: My teammates were just continuing to encourage me and continuing to say, “Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot.” It’s like reverse. It’s a weird year. You go from being the villain to now being some type of a hero; and go from everybody saying, “Pass the ball,” to “Shoot the ball.” It’s like really strange. But I enjoyed it. They were very encouraging; continuing to feed me, set picks for me and stuff. I just felt a sense of responsibility to continue to play. There were times where I drove to the basket and my legs were just like, “What, are you nuts?” I just throw the ball up and it goes in, like: “Thank god.” Q: 你跟你的隊友說了些甚麼? Bryant: 我的隊友一直在鼓勵我,而且一直跟我說:「投!快投!多投一點!」。這完全 相反了。這是很奇怪的一年。以前你是個壞人,但現在像是個英雄;以前大家總是說:「 傳球阿!」,現在則變成了:「快投阿!」。這真是非常的奇怪,但是我很享受。他們非 常鼓勵我,持續地餵球給我,為我掩護之類的。我則感覺到我有責任繼續完成比賽。有好 幾次我切入上籃的時候我的腿像是在說:「靠,你瘋了嗎?」不過我還是把球投了出去而 且進了,感謝上帝。 Q: On how vital hate from opponents and their fans was to his career: Bryant: Extremely necessary for me. That’s what I fed off of, and I think, at that time, to be embraced would’ve been like kryptonite for me. Those dark emotions were what I used to drive me. That isolation. That’s what I grew up comfortable in. I would refuse to allow anything else but that. Even saying things that create some type of animosity to just continue to use that as fuel to propel me forward. It was extremely, extremely necessary. If you wanted to beat me, all you had to do was embrace me at the time and I would’ ve been done (laughs). Q: 對你來說hater是很重要的嗎? Bryant: 我覺得是非常必要的,這是我成長的原因。我想在那個時候去擁抱這些對我來說 就像是剋星。那些不好的情緒會促使我前進。那種孤立感,正是促使我成長的動力。我寧 願拋棄一切去得到這種感覺。換句話說,我創造了一些敵意,來讓我成長。這是非常非常 必要的。如果你想要擊敗我,你就要像我一樣(笑)。 Q: On what it was like to be at the center of the moment: Bryant: It’s surreal. It really is. What I tried to do is not think about it. I tried to go through my routine as normal as possible and think about the craft. Think about the game: who you’re matching up with; how’s the defense gonna play you. And try to go back to the basics — not think too much about the bigness of the moment. Just focus on those details. Q: 在Center時你是什麼感覺? Bryant: 是非常不現實的。我試著不要想它。我試著像以前一樣完成我的例行公事。想想 航班、比賽。想想要跟誰比,對手會怎麼守我。然後嘗試回到跟以前一樣。不要想太多。 專注在比賽細節上。 Q: On being able to be more openly happy publicly, as opposed to his usual hate-filled persona: Bryant: I’m both, just like everybody in this room. It’s a very simple concept when you think about it. We’re all both. We all have a little hero and villain inside of us. It’s just depending on perspective. One day we were driving back from school with my kids and we were having a conversation about villains in movings. I think we were talking about Voldemort. They asked me, “Well, what makes a villain a villain?” I was like, “Oh, is this one of those ‘daddy moments’ where you can’t mess up something?” I thought about it — and me and my kids are all allergic to bees — I said: “ If a bee’s flying around your head, what are you going to do?” They said, “ I’m going to take a magazine, roll it up and try to knock it out of the air. ” I said, “OK, to you is the bee the hero or the villain?” She goes, “The villain.” I go, “What about the bee that’s flying around minding its own business. Is it the hero or the villain?” She goes, “Well, I’d be the villain.” I say, “Exactly, it’s all about perspective.” (laughs) So I think that’s the simple way to describe it. We all are both. It depends on what perspective you’re looking at it from. Q: 現在你能夠更公開的表達自己開心的情緒,這跟你之前的充滿仇恨形象有所不 同,你怎麼看待這件事? Byrant: 我兩者皆是,就像在這房間的各位一樣。這是一個非常簡單的概念。我們都一樣 。在我們心裡我們都有一個反派跟正派的角色。這取決於你的觀點。有一天當我跟小孩開 車回到學校時,我們在討論反派角色,我記得我們討論的是伏地魔(哈利波特的最終Boss) 「嗯...是什麼讓壞人成為壞人?」 「這要看你怎麼想了。」我跟我的小孩都對蜜蜂過敏。「如果蜜蜂在你手旁邊飛,你會怎 麼做?」 「我會去拿一本雜誌,捲起來然後打死他。」 「恩,對你來說蜜蜂是好人還是壞人?」 「壞人。」 「那如果蜜蜂只是在做自己的事而沒有要叮你呢?」 「嗯...那我就變成壞人了。」 「事實上,這只是從不同觀點看事情而已。」 所以我覺得這很簡單描述,我們兩者皆是。這取決於你從什麼角度看事情。 Q: On scoring 60 points on the same night that Golden State won its NBA-record 73rd game: Bryant: This has been an amazing day for sports fans, basketball fans in particular. It’s been a great day with them setting such an unbelievable record. You think about that: 73 wins. That’s ridiculous. Then, obviously, what happened here tonight. It’s been a great night in basketball history, I think. Q: 在你得到60分的這個晚上,勇士隊打破了NBA歷史紀錄,你有什麼看法? Byrant: 這對籃球迷來說是很令人驚豔的一天。對勇士隊來說這是很棒的一天,他們達成 了一個不可思議的紀錄。你想想,73勝耶!這實在太扯了!今晚在這的我就不多說了。這 對於籃球史來說是很棒的一個夜晚。 Q: On what he would say to his fans on the other side of the world: Bryant: Ni hao, and I”ll see you soon. Q: 你有什麼要跟全世界的粉絲說嗎? Bryant: 你好,我很快就會再見到你們。 Q: On how draining it was to go through the day’s emotions: Bryant: Seeing everything that was taking place before — I was enjoying it and very appreciative of it. Then I quickly got right back to my center of: “ OK, you’ve gotta go out there and perform.” So I was able to focus and try not to get too emotional, because I feel like that would take away from my performance. Despite my best efforts, you could still see at the start of the game that I was still nervous and still emotional and had to settle down. Q: 你怎麼消化這一天的情緒? Bryant: 看看以前發生的事。我很享受而且很感激。然後我的思緒很快就回來了。「好了 ,我必須出場比賽了。」我這樣對自己說。所以我能專注,並試著不要有太多情緒,因為 我覺得那會影響我的表現。儘管我盡了最大的努力,你還是能看到我在比賽剛開始時還是 很緊張、情緒激動而且試圖冷靜。 Q: On slowing down in the third quarter: Bryant: I was tired, but you’ve got to push through it. Saving it for what? I was just hoping I didn’t hurt something. That would be a buzzkill. Q: 在第三節冷掉你怎麼看? Bryant: 我累了,但你們推了我一把。留體力要幹嘛?我只希望我沒害任何人受傷。那會 很掃興。 Q: On if this is the last time anybody will see him play basketball: Bryant: Now with Twitter and Instagram and all this other stuff, you might catch a glimpse of me shooting in a gym or playground or something like that. That’s about it. Q: 這是最後一次大家看到你打籃球嗎? Bryant: 在Twitter、Instagram或其他社群軟體上看到,你或許會看到我在體育館、運動 場或其他類似的地方打籃球。 Q: On this being his last game: Bryant: I feel great. I feel extremely happy. This is a very joyful day to be able to have this experience and have this moment. I would never play an NBA game again. I know people say, “Never say never,” — never. Q: 最後一場比賽的感覺? Bryant: 我覺得很棒。我覺得非常開心。這是非常快樂的一天,能有這樣的經驗我覺得非 常開心。我不會再打任何一場NBA的比賽。但我知道人們會說 “Never say never,”。 Q: On entering the locker room for the final time: Bryant: “Uh-oh,” — that’s what I thought. This is really happening. I had those moments all day today where the memories come in. Putting on my jersey, socks, sneakers — like this is the last time you’re going through this. Then having to (say), “OK, I still have to go out and play.” Those moments were there throughout the entire day — preparing for the game at home; icing the ankles, knees, shoulders; getting dressed. All of that stuff, going through it for the last time. Q: 最後一次進到更衣室有什麼想法? Bryant: 「噢...」我是這樣想的。這真的發生了。我以前每天都待在這的。穿上我的球衣 、襪子、球鞋─就像是最後一次穿著它們一樣。「好了,我必須去比賽了。」我這樣對自 己說。我今天一整天都是這樣的情況。像是在家準備去比賽,冰敷腳踝、膝蓋、肩膀,對 大家說話之類的,都是我的最後一次。 Q: On what parts of his career stick out most to him: Bryant: Personally, I think the three seasons in a row of having season-ending injuries. After the Achilles, it was like, “OK, that was one major, major injury. I can come back from this one. People say I can’t but I will.” I came back and was kind of working myself back into it and then fractured a knee. I was like, “Here we go.” Then trying to do that and tearing the should. It was like, “You’ve got to be kidding.” To try to climb up that mountain and get knocked down three years in a row and try to bounce back again — I’m just happy to sit here healthy, having finished the season. Those three years are the thing that I think sticks out most to me, because internally that was the most challenging. Q: 職業生涯最困頓的時期? Byrant: 我想是連續三個球季因傷缺席吧。在跟腱斷裂後,就像是:「好吧,這是一個超 嚴重的傷。人們說我沒辦法再次回到賽場上了,但是我會回來的。」我回來了,但是並沒 有進入狀況,然後膝蓋又骨折了。「繼續復健吧。」我想。我試圖回到賽場,但肩膀卻又 撕裂了。「你在跟我開玩笑吧?」我這樣想。在我嘗試攀爬頂峰時,卻連續三年遭到擊落 ,但我再次爬出谷底了。我很高興我能健康地坐在這裡,完成一整個賽季。那三年對我來 說是最艱難的,尤其是內心的煎熬。 Q: On if he ever felt like he was in a different moment of time while playing his final game: Bryant: Yes, that was the beauty of it. It’s kind of like an inner struggle. You want to try to appreciate the moment, but to appreciate the moment you must know where you are. And when you appreciate it and know where you are, it takes you out of your zone and your rhythm. So it was a constant dance. What you saw tonight was, “OK, take three, four shots in a row. Oh man, I can ’t believe this is happening.” Miss the next five. Then you try to settle yourself back in. So it’s a constant dance of just trying to accept the moment versus trying to digest the moment. Q: 最後一次上場比賽有沒有什麼不同? Byrant: 當然。這有點像是內心的掙扎。你想感謝這個時刻,但要感謝這個時刻你必須要 知道你在哪裡。而當你感謝它也知道你在哪裡時,它會將你帶離你的舒適圈與你的節奏。 這就像一個永不停止的舞蹈。「噢!我連續投中了三、四顆球!真是難以置信!」然後下 五顆球都投丟了。然後你就試圖讓自己冷靜下來。一邊是想接受這時刻,一邊是想消化這 時刻,兩邊一直互相拉鋸。(不太懂要說什麼) Q: On if he thinks he’ll ever find something he’s as good or passionate at as basketball: Bryant: Passionate? Absolutely. I love the art of storytelling. It’s hard for people to understand that, but I do this every day, all day. I was at the office today from 8 to 2. I love it. I absolutely love it. Will I be as good at it? I don’t know, but I’m going to leave no stone unturned in the art of storytelling, just like I have my entire basketball career. That I will promise you. Q: 你覺得你會找到跟籃球一樣有熱忱的東西嗎? Bryant: 熱忱?當然,我喜歡說故事。人們很難理解這件事,但我每天都會做這件事。像 今天是從早上八點到下午兩點。我愛它,我當然愛它。我會變得精通它嗎?我不知道,但 我會千方百計地達成這個目標,就像我整個籃球生涯一樣。我跟你保證。 Q: On if he ever doubted whether he’d be able to make it to the end of the season healthy: Bryant: Yeah, I had plenty of those times. It’s a great sense of accomplishment to be able to close the season out healthy, and not only healthy but feeling strong. But there was a time there — I think it was after the Dallas game or earlier in the season — where it was just horrendous. I didn’t make anything. And I was just think, like, “How is this possible? I know how much work I put in the summertime. Maybe this is just Father Time and this is just what happens.” That was a very, very tough moment for me, because I didn’t know if I could pull myself up. Then I decided: You know what? The hell with this thing. I’m gonna have to figure this out. And I continued to struggle like a month and a half after that. What else are you gonna do? Just gonna keep going. That was the moment where I was like, “I don’t know if I could do this thing.” Q: 你有沒有懷疑過你能不能健康地打完這個賽季? Bryant: 嗯,有很多時候。能健康完成一整個賽季是很棒的感覺,而且不僅健康、還很強 壯。但有些時候沒有—我想是在跟Dallas比賽結束之後或是更早—那時候真是非常糟糕。 我什麼都沒做!「這怎麼可能發生?我知道我休賽季時有多努力。這或許就是時間在我身 上留下的痕跡吧。」我這樣想。那對我來說是非常非常艱難的時刻,因為我不知道我能不 能爬出谷底。然後,我決定:我要想辦法脫離這種困境。而在那之後我持續掙扎了一個半 月。還能怎麼辦?我只能繼續努力。「不知道我還能不能做到?」當時的我是這樣想的。 Q: On Staples Center nearly selling out all of its merchandise: Bryant: (Laughs) It says that the fans are really appreciative of this moment and want to have something that they can maybe remember this night by. Q: 對於Staples Center的商品賣光有什麼看法? Byrant: (笑)這代表說粉絲真的很感激,而且想要些什麼來紀念這個夜晚。 Q: On what the Lakers’ young players need to do now that he’s gone: Bryant: What I told them in the locker room after the game is the most important thing in this offseason, and that’s for them to really work together. It’s easy in the summertime for them to break apart. But it’s really important for the younger guys — D’Angelo (Russell), Jordan (Clarkson), (Julius) Randle — to continue to stay in touch and to work together and to continue to figure out, together, where you like the ball, this rhythm, watch film together. They have to build this thing as a unit. That was my message to them. Secondly, you’ve got to be in the gym all day. I said, “The reason I can stand here in front of you guys and feel extremely comfortable is because I gave my soul to this game. There’s nothing more I can give. Nothing.” I said, “If you guys feel like that at the end of your career, you will be just as comfortable as I am. But I’m telling you, it goes by fast. If you don’t give it your all, you’re going to regret it. You ’re absolutely going to regret it. Don’t be that guy. Get yourself in the gym. Work as hard as you possibly can. And hopefully they got the message. Q: 你覺得湖人其他年輕球員現在應該做什麼? Bryant: 我在更衣室告訴他們,最重要的是休賽季,那是他們真正一起工作的時候。在休 賽季時是很容易分裂的。(指交易?)但是休賽季對於這些年輕球員是相當重要的。他們在 賽季時還是要保持聯絡、一起訓練、一起找出進步的方法、一起看電影之類的。他們必須 把這當成習慣,這就是我給他們的建議。第二,你必須每天都去體育館。「我能站得比別 人前面,是因為我把我的一切都給了比賽。我沒有別的了。」我說。如果你們在休賽季時 過得很爽,過得跟退休的我一樣。我告訴你,你會後悔,你絕對會後悔。你必須把一切都 奉獻給籃球,盡你所能的努力練習。希望這些話他們能聽得進去。 Q: On working with the young Lakers in the future: Bryant: Y’all won’t see me doing it, but I’ll be doing it, though (laughs). They know that when they drop by Orange County, they’re more than welcome. But yeah, I’ll be working with the guys and talking to them — other players around the league, too. I love the game. I love to share the knowledge that I’ve accumulated and the knowledge that’s been passed down to me from the great players that came before. I’ll definitely be sharing that — in Orange County, though. Q: 將來會不會與年輕的湖人球員一起工作?(練球) Bryant: 你們不會看到我做這,但我會做(笑)。他們知道我歡迎他們拜訪Orange County 。我會跟他們一起訓練—其他聯盟的球也會,我愛比賽。我愛分享我從其他偉大球員身上 學來的知識。我絕對會分享這些—在Orange County。 Q: On whether he didn’t want to take off his jersey: Bryant: Yeah, let’s go with that. I just figured tonight I’d come in here early, because I know you’ve got deadlines and stuff. It’s not like I have to ice (tonight). What takes a long time is when I have to ice and stretch. What am I doing that for — the treadmill tomorrow? I’m able to come in here a lot faster and get going. I walked into the locker room and they sprayed me with champagne. I’m like, “That’s only for championships, but all right.” I’m smelling a little bit like champagne, but on a serious note, you’re right. Keeping this jersey on and taking it off is going to be really, really strange. Q: 是不是不想把球衣脫掉?(指退休) Bryant: 是阿,就這樣過去吧。我今晚會早點參加(記者會),我知道你們有交稿時間之類 的問題。今晚應該不用冰敷。冰敷跟伸展要花很多的時間。但我沒必要做了,反正迎接我 的只是無趣的明天。我可以更快的來到這開始記者會。當我走進更衣室時,他們對我噴了 香檳。「這不是得冠軍才要的嗎?好吧,沒關係。」我這樣想。我聞了一下香檳,但有個 很嚴重的點,要退休的感覺真的非常非常的怪。 其實這段我不太確定,若有誤會他的意思還請告知。 Q: On how the energy of the night’s game compared to Game 7 of the 2010 NBA Finals: Bryant: The energy in Game 7 was high energy, but it was a very nervous energy. It was very intense. The fans wanted to explode, but they didn’t know if they could or if they should, because everybody was just on pins and needles. It was like watching a scary movie. Everybody’s just sitting there. You don’t want to really move, because you don’t want to jinx the situation. That’s the energy of Game 7 until we finally won and the place erupted. Tonight, it was more festive. There wasn’t the pressure. It was more just a celebration. That energy is completely different, but both intense. Just different forms of intensity. Q: 今晚跟2010年總決賽第七場比起來怎麼樣? Bryant: 在第七場的時候是很有能量的,但是那是非常緊張的能量。那是非常強烈的。粉 絲的情緒就快爆炸,但是他們不知道他們該不該這樣,因為大家都如坐針氈。就像看恐怖 電影一樣。大家就坐在那。但你完全不想移動,因為你並不想沾染到這種情況。當我們贏 下第七場後,情緒終於爆炸了。而今晚更像個節慶,沒有任何的壓力。這種感覺完全不一 樣,但都非常強烈。是不同種類的強烈情緒。 翻譯完了,有缺漏請告知。 如有錯誤煩請指正。 -- 看完給我點建議啊QQ 居然偷偷推我文@@
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1460679589.A.047.html

key000130 : 下面的推老大 以後沒機會了 04/15 08:20

LBJKOBE5566 : 推 04/15 08:24

KobeWuMVP : 推用心 04/15 08:25

benson60913 : 我想知道摳鼻最後一次助攻是傳給誰 04/15 08:27

aaagang : 推 04/15 08:28

r8372627 : 推 04/15 08:28

andyaya : 推 三個傷讓老大提早退休 真可惜 04/15 08:28

j120204 : 老大! 04/15 08:29

k5a : 推下吧 感謝翻譯 04/15 08:29

lovebuddy : 好感人QAQ 跟女兒那段好可愛XDDDD 04/15 08:30

steven610381: 推 04/15 08:31

obryanto : 推推 04/15 08:33

eden1104 : youtube it ! 04/15 08:33

SiLenUniZak : 傳給菲律賓的JC 04/15 08:34

ahsoo : 推 04/15 08:37

serval623 : 老大 04/15 08:40

dogwithheart: 第六個問題,可以看出為什麼老大如此成功.... 04/15 08:41

dogwithheart: 值得大家學習 04/15 08:41

liskenny : 他對籃球及求勝精進的執著 我相信退休後仍無人能比 04/15 08:41

laberic7766 : 推老大 04/15 08:43

nature8457 : Laoda!!! 04/15 08:44

jtch : ㄊㄨㄟ 04/15 08:45

jtch : ....手機按太快 04/15 08:45

kobejohn001 : 感動推 04/15 08:48

k38382288 : 推一個 04/15 08:49

robert780110: 淚推 04/15 08:49

testttt : 籃球史上最敬業的球員! 04/15 08:49

TomHardy : QQ 04/15 08:50

bb031v2k : 推 04/15 08:52

Lakers24 : 推翻譯還有推老大! 04/15 08:52

jasonliu0105: 推 04/15 08:56

kisweet999 : 我愛老大 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 04/15 08:56

aui796386990: 第六可以套用在人生任何時候 04/15 08:58

yuanonly : 推 04/15 08:58

uinea : 三大傷後還能回來打 真猛 04/15 09:01

pttpepe : 老大~QQ 04/15 09:02

JCS15 : 感謝老大這最後一場的拼搏 Good bye Mamba 04/15 09:02

EVEREVEn : 老大根本就是文青,每句話都超感人 04/15 09:02

kh2632 : 推 04/15 09:04

gn01948540 : 翻譯推 04/15 09:04

a3900656 : 已哭QQ 04/15 09:05

greatkevin : 推 04/15 09:06

bomei : 老大! 04/15 09:06

wesiy : 推 04/15 09:06

henry5217 : 摯愛老大 04/15 09:06

wowwuw : 翻譯推 老大謝謝 04/15 09:07

meng40912 : 推QQ 04/15 09:09

megumirei : 推 04/15 09:14

Lin17is5566 : 老大!!! 04/15 09:16

benboy : 能在女兒面前打出最佳表現真的很感人!! 04/15 09:17

APPLEin5566 : QQ 04/15 09:18

lav1147 : 推翻譯 04/15 09:19

brianzzy : 推QQ 04/15 09:24

gotye : Kobe!!! QQ 04/15 09:25

a75139405 : QQ 04/15 09:27

tkwalk : 推QQ 04/15 09:29

fsa86231 : 推 04/15 09:30

yohohoho : 推老大!! 04/15 09:32

sjkmik : 老大QQ 04/15 09:32

yms30110 : 推 老大! 04/15 09:34

jackal44748 : 推 04/15 09:34

wayneHsu : 推老大 以後沒機會推了 04/15 09:35

CHELun : 女兒不知道以前把拔多鬼神XD 04/15 09:35

YummyBosh : 身為科黑但看完快哭了 04/15 09:36

CHELun : 能想像在自己孩子們面前打出這種表現一定很驕傲... 04/15 09:36

PiZ1129 : 老大只是想把球丟出去浪費秒數,沒想到有人接了 04/15 09:37

DAVIDWAY : 推 老大! 04/15 09:37

s6212david : 謝謝你,謝謝老大 04/15 09:40

K951753 : 老大!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 04/15 09:41

siriussowhat: 他真的是非常值得尊敬的球員 04/15 09:43

owlrex : I’m smelling a little bit like champagne 雙關? 04/15 09:45

xd987 : 04/15 09:45

owlrex : 剛被噴香檳所以還有味道 + 懷念奪冠的時光? 04/15 09:45

jabi825 : 推QQ 04/15 09:50

jay0055846 : 哭了 04/15 09:55

damnbear : 老大88 04/15 09:59

Freespirit : 推 04/15 10:03

pika0424 : 推 04/15 10:07

xiahself : 態度真的令人敬佩!!!老大!! 04/15 10:12

roger29 : 老大謝謝你 讓我酸了10幾年 04/15 10:13

gxpatience : 推 04/15 10:14

sck921 : 推 04/15 10:18

K951753 : 老大!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 04/15 10:22

theBATMAN56 : laodaaaaaa 04/15 10:25

henryfong : 謝謝你 老大 有你真好 04/15 10:27

kmgg : 老大!!! 04/15 10:28

event1408472: 願天堂沒有傷痛 04/15 10:30

event1408472: 以後不能在聽到柯比的歌聲了令人難過 04/15 10:31

iwgpg1ghc : 從來沒謝過你,這次...謝謝你,老大 04/15 10:33

Octopus56 : 推 04/15 10:35

squarepants5: 推老大 原文默默的看完 04/15 10:35

ohmypan : 推啊 Mamba Out 04/15 10:36

nerv3890 : QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ 老大!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 04/15 10:37

joey123xd : 推 04/15 10:40

diru : 老大!!!!! 04/15 10:41

ymcee : 推老大 04/15 10:45

xzxz6175179 : 真的很感動.... 04/15 10:50

swaggg : 天啊看到以後沒機會推了好想哭QQQQ 04/15 10:52

maple7 : 推 04/15 10:53

joker7788996: 老大!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 04/15 10:54

Yan5566 : 老大 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Q_Q 04/15 10:54

houfir : 感謝翻譯 04/15 10:56

kaze1225 : 推QQ 04/15 10:56

neo5124075 : 感謝翻譯 翻得很順 04/15 10:57

SureHappy : 老大~! 04/15 10:59

lolpostonly : 老大byebye 04/15 11:13

kobechampion: 老大 04/15 11:13

SPiCa0831 : 推 好長 04/15 11:13

imtorn : 老大 04/15 11:15

fransiceyho : 推 終於有完整翻譯了 04/15 11:16

ntust661 : 老大知道好人壞人都是相對的 不計較haters跟fans 04/15 11:17

chimori : Ni hao 老大說中文, XDD! 04/15 11:18

smartwe : 認真給推 04/15 11:23

windtalker22: 感性推 04/15 11:26

cc86610 : 老大QQ 04/15 11:26

xx3877 : 老大帥 04/15 11:26

qooAstro : Kobe 04/15 11:26

ghostxx : 推 04/15 11:28

t55020255 : 推 04/15 11:29

age200 : 推 04/15 11:30

andyboy315 : Push 04/15 11:30

Michael0625 : 老大QAQ 04/15 11:33

CV234 : 推。 04/15 11:38


LivingLouder: 推 04/15 11:40

kilio0003 : QQ 04/15 11:47

j71648 : 老大!!!!!!!!! 04/15 11:47

eric0369 : 感動推 謝謝你 老大!! 04/15 11:48

er4488 : Thanks u kobe 04/15 11:48

benny724 : 推 04/15 11:50

jim986988 : 推 04/15 11:53

mike40709 : 老大啊啊啊啊啊啊 04/15 11:54

wangkun : 推 04/15 11:56

wangkun : 小女兒很可愛 04/15 11:57

ming126528 : 推老大 04/15 11:57

Xhocer : 推老大 推翻譯 04/15 12:10

Tempered49 : 老大!!! 04/15 12:11

taro0116lo : 推老大 04/15 12:11

Murasaki0110: 老大!!!! 04/15 12:12

calvin630 : 嗚嗚,真的結束了 04/15 12:29

marginal5566: 老大888888888888 04/15 12:30

joe2582038 : 推 老公翻了ㄧ整晚沒睡 04/15 12:31

Melson : QQ 04/15 12:43

lword : 向全世界粉絲說話是說中文XDD 04/15 12:46

linisthebest: 推~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 04/15 13:06

clement1031 : 科黑推一個 04/15 13:21

line20306 : 老大! 04/15 13:37

violing613 : 04/15 13:38

jack123 : 老大推 04/15 13:50

theskyofblue: 推老大 感謝翻譯 04/15 13:58

abcd86485566: 老大!!! 04/15 14:16

unique0927 : Ni hao !! 04/15 14:35

s891234 : 女兒,拜託你回去YouTube一下好嗎? 04/15 14:47

hank9515600 : 推 04/15 16:29

rufus7 : 退休那邊的言論滿屌的 04/15 18:26

yowch : 推 04/15 18:29

poiuyt870113: 老大!!! 04/15 19:18

brian980466 : 哭 04/15 23:54

otaku5566 : 推 04/17 03:30

SJoeo : 感謝翻譯!!! 04/18 21:02

teller526 : QQ 07/11 23:52
