[花邊] Iggy 鄭重警告老尖

看板 NBA
作者 kairiyu (E N O U G H is enough)
時間 2016-04-12 11:15:43
留言 82則留言 (61推 3噓 18→)

Iggy Azalea issues a severe warning to Nick Young Iggy鄭重警告老尖 http://goo.gl/78MEKI Lakers guard Nick Young hasn't played a NBA game since March 8th, and head coach Byron Scott said last week that he likely won't play as "he's not here with us mentally" following a leaked video that went viral. Young's rookie teammate D'Angelo Russell filmed a conversation in which Young appears to confess to cheating on his fiancee Iggy Azalea. Russell apologized and said he felt "sick" about the incident, and was concerned that he put Young and Azalea's relationship "in jeopardy." Young and Azalea's relationship appears to have survived through the incident, and she very candidly discussed her stance on the leaked video during a radio interview with Tampa Bay's Wild 94.1 last Friday. https://youtu.be/glWlSu59b1E
"I guess with me the bigger thing is, whatever 'bro code' is or whatever unspoken code that is, I don't really care because I have an actual spoken commitment that 'you're going to get married to me,' and that involves not doing any of those other things. Screw guy code, I'm not really concerned about guy code. How about what this person said in the video, that's what I care about sitting at home, obviously. I don't really care about D'Angelo Russell. I don't know if it was this, but I do I think they all kind of joke around on each other - and I don't know about secretly filming each other - but they do kind of like to catch each other doing dumb stuff. But usually it's just like taking a dump, running through the hall naked, the regular guy stuff." 以上大意就是老尖很久沒比賽了,少主覺得很愧疚,Iggy接受電台訪問說了些心路歷程, 包括承諾啦、信任啦、耳邊的閒言閒語之類的。 Azalea explained that she chose to remain with Young because there was no actual proof of infidelity, but she did give him a rather shocking warning. 接著她說明為何現在還跟老尖在一起是因為沒有實質證據證明他有出軌,但她已經給老尖 很鄭重的警告: "No, I'm not cool with it, you will have half a penis. I already said, I was like 'one more video, one more thing, and you will lose a quarter of your meat.' But you have no idea if it was even true. Well that's why he got to slide this time. I was like 'just let me get some real evidence.'" 「不!我才不覺得我沒事,我真想剪了你!如果再有一支影片或是任何東西,你就會少一 塊肉,而你不知道我是不是真的會這樣做,這次就先算了,我想我還可能需要再多一點真的證據。」 心得:老尖 => 老小!? -- 影片支援 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3u22OYqFGo#t=1m41s
這位寶寶過往的推文風格,更適合去八卦版喔 多謝指教 <(_ _)>
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1460430947.A.24E.html

coiico : Iggy : 我說 小尖子啊~ 04/12 11:17

shk91353 : 磨刀霍霍向老尖 04/12 11:17

sam123343 : 小尖子:喳! 04/12 11:18

linceass : 老尖........情場職場兩失意 04/12 11:18

maxlin9527 : half a penis 04/12 11:18

marginal5566: 5樓想被iggy剪 04/12 11:18

SCLPAL : 快逃阿 04/12 11:18

anita79979 : Like a black widow, baby~ 04/12 11:19

kuaiphoto : 從此之後老尖專職居家好男人 04/12 11:19

j8866yanzi : 我以為小AI跟老尖怎麼了... 04/12 11:19

Tawara : QQ 04/12 11:20

UrThereNow : 看標題還以為是伊古 04/12 11:20

pujos : 這該鄭重考慮分手了吧,說真的 04/12 11:20

CW4 : 我想說小AI幹嘛警告老尖 04/12 11:20

pujos : 對兩邊都好 04/12 11:21

inschool : 再敢騙我我就把你喀嚓 04/12 11:21

iamaq18c : 老尖快兩頭空了 真的被Dlo害死 04/12 11:21

brokenXD : Iggy: ( *・ω・) ╰ひ╯ 04/12 11:22

micbrimac : 現在分手至少不用付贍養費? 04/12 11:22

brokenXD : 幹 剪刀勒 04/12 11:22

PiZ1129 : 分手吧,床頭事不私下喬搞到成為大家笑柄 04/12 11:24

abc7360393 : 他們結婚了沒啊 如果有結婚應該是iggy要付老尖贍養 04/12 11:24

abc7360393 : 費...? 04/12 11:24

magamanzero : 好像訂婚而已? 04/12 11:24

loxlox : 老尖—>老監 04/12 11:24

Heimdallwind: 訂婚而已 04/12 11:25

a28200266 : 出軌官司會被打歪吧 贍養費拿不到的 04/12 11:25

WLR : 球團辦退休不想模糊焦點,Young這季都上不了場了 04/12 11:26

chi12345678 : 來跟我出軌不就公平了 04/12 11:26

ppo7741 : 羅素真的超王八的...讓全世界都知道 04/12 11:27

iamaq18c : Iggy: ( *・ω・) 8< ╰ひ╯ 04/12 11:27

Xhocer : ゜ω゜)っ✂ ╰ひ╯ 04/12 11:29

kullan : Dlo是王八蛋 但老尖只是活該而已 不需要同情 04/12 11:29

uowa : 偷吃怪誰阿~哈哈哈哈 04/12 11:30

b08297 : 沒影片會怕被出賣喔,活該 04/12 11:31

grimnir158 : 要被剪掉了 04/12 11:32

JHNJHNJHN : ( *・ω・) ╰ひ╯ 04/12 11:34

s68432 : 他誰阿 煩死了 這種新聞可以不要再貼了嗎 04/12 11:34

elve7878 : You will have half penis XDDDDDDDDD 04/12 11:34

ramirez : 惹到母老虎...老尖保重.... 04/12 11:35

iwinlottery : Russel:妳要的完整版來了(x 04/12 11:35

k5a : 好可怕 要剪掉耶 04/12 11:36

DioEraclea : Russell這下大條了 04/12 11:36

insominia : ( *+ω+)っ✂╰ひ╯ 04/12 11:37

ooyy : you will have half a penis XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 04/12 11:40

hyperfrog : 老尖自找的吧,雖然dlo夠二 04/12 11:40

Wwc0130 : 老尖悲劇分也不是 不分從此都要低低頭 04/12 11:42

pounil : XDD 要乖一點 不然不要再被輕鬆套化了 04/12 11:43

andrewyllee : 喀擦 04/12 11:51

KingJeff17 : 高攀這麼好的女友還偷吃沒被甩已經很好了 04/12 11:52

mytelson : 這麼愛八卦,去八卦版好嗎?私事也要管?吃飽太閒? 04/12 11:53

SEXYFUCK : 被教練冰還被隊友欉康 04/12 11:55

GodEgg : IGGY:我在勇士沒說話啊*__* 04/12 11:56

benson60913 : っ✂╰ひ╯っ✂╰ひ╯っ✂╰ひ╯っ✂╰ひ╯ 04/12 11:58

o0991758566 : 完囉 這不能當成開玩笑啊! 04/12 11:58

starlion8 : IGGY跟D.Russel在一起吧! 04/12 12:00

SlamKai : 我看老尖你還是分手吧 04/12 12:02

leo921080931: 這好可怕還是快分手吧 04/12 12:03

cw910911 : 以為小AI+1 04/12 12:03

Lin17Show : 牽手護懶趴 04/12 12:11

Nappa : slide不是消失的意思 是指這次就先算了 不計較 04/12 12:17

C00L : ✂╰ひ╯ 04/12 12:22

chinhan1216 : 白人小富婆 老尖可以把到還是安份點吧 04/12 12:25

ker801223 : 愛搞東搞西 活該 04/12 12:26

vn509942 : Iggy: ( *・ω・) ╰ひ╯ 04/12 12:27

shivaeye : DLO捅的摟子真的很大..... 04/12 12:36

qapo741 : YOUNG也算超級勝利組 哪來的高攀 04/12 12:43

donkilu : 翻譯太委婉了啦xdddd 04/12 13:13

xeroma : DNP:dick is cut 04/12 13:20

shishio7 : 老尖要不要回家把所有剪刀、樹剪趕快藏起來? 04/12 13:21

GoBabyYA : DLO: 我這邊又發現一部 04/12 13:25

xiahself : 翻譯讚讚! 04/12 13:40

jay7667 : 摳逼隊友,湖人出品,不EY 04/12 13:55

no25 : http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=d71_1459288460 04/12 13:59

Linhsintzu : 以為小AI+1 04/12 17:06

KirkSynder : 其實老尖的OS:剪了我就變老大了 04/12 17:43

HIPHOPPIG : 老大表示:嫩爆...送顆鑽石不會嘛 04/12 17:48

mikazeray : 職場情場兩失意 慘 04/12 18:09

timon7063 : 以後他就叫 ick oung...頭頭被喀擦了... 04/12 20:07

gp03dan : 老堅XDD 04/13 00:27

debbie888999: 變成Swaggy D 04/13 00:47

yeustream : 那麼婚還結嗎? 04/13 01:21
