[外絮] Parson:"跟DH還是很麻吉,但DAJ已經沒了"

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作者 taylorliao (Page)
時間 2016-04-07 15:26:53
留言 36則留言 (23推 1噓 12→)

Parsons Remains Close To Dwight, Not At All With DeAndre Chandler Parsons has remained close to Dwight Howard after nearly two years of no longer being teammates. 小牛隊前鋒、同時也是前火箭成員的 Chandler Parsons,在離開休士頓之後還是和火箭中 鋒 Dwight Howard 保持密切聯繫。 Howard will be a free agent this offseason and the Dallas Mavericks are expected to pursue him. Howard也將在今年夏天成員自由球員,而據報導達拉斯小牛將有可能會追逐魔獸。 PLAYER 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 1. Kobe Bryant $25M $0 $0 $0 2. LeBron James $22,97M $24M $0 $0 3. Carmelo Anthony $22,87M $24,55M $26,24M $27,92M 4. Dwight Howard $22,35M $23,28M $0 $0 5. Joe Johnson $22,30M $0 $0 $0 35. Chandler Parsons $15,36M $16M "We have ongoing talks and text messages still to this day. He's one of my good friends. It's cool that we could have the opportunity to go into free agency this summer together," said Parsons. Parson:「我們一直到現在都還有聊天、傳訊息之類,他是我最要好的朋友之一。對於我們 兩個可能都會在今年夏天一起變成自由球員,感覺還不錯的。」 "I've expressed how I think he can be one of the dominant players in this league. I think he still has a lot left in the tank. He gets criticized a lot for whatever reason, but I still think he can be one of the best big men in the league and a game-changer. He's not that old [Howard is 30]. He still has a lot left in the tank." Parson:「我有跟他說過,我覺得他還是可以成為聯盟中,最有統治能力的球員之一。我覺 得他還是很有料。不管他今年因為什麼緣故,受到很多批評,但我還是覺得他是聯盟中數一 數二的長人,也同時擁有改變比賽結果的人。他也沒這麼老(Howard 現年30歲),他還是很 不錯的。」 Parsons became close to DeAndre Jordan during the Mavericks' courtship of him last offseason, but they have since drifted apart. Parsons過去也在小牛追求招攬 DeAndre Jordan 的時候跟他是好麻吉,但在那之後就分道 揚鑣了。 "Pretty nonexistent, honestly," said Parsons "Me and DJ obviously got super close during that time. It's kind of in the past now for both of us. He's made his decision and has had a decent year in L.A., so I'm happy for him. They're a team that's a contender this year. I've said many times I'm over it. He didn't do anything illegal. Parsons:「坦白說已經沒這麼熟了,我跟DJ當時真的走的超近,但這對我們而言都已經是過 去的事,他做了他的選擇,也在洛杉磯過得不錯,所以我是為他感到開心,他們今年也是爭 冠熱門球隊,我已經說過很多次我已經釋懷了,他也沒犯法。」 I still think he would have been a much better player individually here in Dallas. You never know what's going to happen in the upcoming years. He's a good dude at heart. Parsons:「我是覺得從一個球員角色來說,他在達拉斯應該會變的更好,但妳從來不能預知 未來幾年會怎樣,本質上來說他是個不錯的人啦。」 http://basketball.realgm.com/wiretap/241466/Parsons-Remains-Close-To-Dwight-Not- -- Dwight Howard: "My soul, everything I have is in Orlando. I just can't leave it behind." --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1460014019.A.E43.html

RunPaPa : 薪水小倫 04/07 15:32

kevin0733 : Parsons 04/07 15:36

f11IJ : 嘴砲裝熟魔人高富姦 04/07 15:41

www2967 : 阿倫 你好 04/07 15:41

RushMonkey : 角色球員.....高富帥說得真白. 04/07 15:44

RushMonkey : .. 04/07 15:44

Bifrost : 他翻譯成球員角色 又不是角色球員 原文也只有player 04/07 15:47

allen7257 : 有人想要帶風向.樓上破梗 04/07 15:50

k5a : 該不會下一季CP25回火箭 然後DH去小牛!? 04/07 15:52

windowdoor : 沒人質疑小倫的招募能力??? 04/07 15:54

windowdoor : 本季小牛根本回收場的概念… 04/07 15:55

redsa12 : 我也熊熊看成角色球員的說... 04/07 15:57

MrJCB : 可以當公關 不能當作小倫啦xd 04/07 15:59

waijr : 更像老闆特助... 04/07 16:03

scott6065 : 喝咖啡吃甜食讓你眼睛殘了嗎 04/07 16:05

rockman73 : 美國陳X州? 04/07 16:17

suck9527 : 交際花 04/07 16:24

Landius : 球員角色還是球員定位? 04/07 16:28

littlegreen : 雲霄飛車 04/07 16:43

Athchen : GFJ不可能跳吧 痛痛成這樣一定對半砍 04/07 17:14

tch0908 : DAJ這種爛咖本來就是角色球員啊 懷疑嗎 04/07 17:17

skeric : 把我豪放哪裡 04/07 17:19

slimak : 想偷招募草莓獸,之後會不會被放鳥呢 04/07 17:31

RushMonkey : 抱歉 是我看錯 不是想帶什麼風向 看錯當下只覺得 04/07 17:35

RushMonkey : 高富帥 講話真猛 結果是我自己看錯 04/07 17:35

k1230588 : 小牛回收場 看看來小牛的老將都回春成什麼樣子 04/07 17:48

anderson1979: 魔獸....牛牛亡矣 04/07 17:59

boyd1014 : 富間 04/07 18:58

YenLiKuo : 沒什麼 中文字順序看亂很正常 04/07 19:10

chen60204 : Parsons:寶寶心裡苦 但寶寶不說 04/07 20:58

sam123343 : 帕森斯:他做了他覺得對的選擇… 04/07 23:11

rainthen : 810八八一囉XDDD 04/07 23:17

C00L : sam123343: 帕森斯:他做了他覺得對的選擇… 04/07 23:20

C00L : 同學你是想推歌詞嗎… =_= 04/07 23:20

yeustream : 第一眼也看成角色球員,再定睛看一次才發現錯了 XDD 04/08 00:44

dlikeayu : 小牛該不會要招DH吧? 04/08 03:02
