[外絮] A. Davis已進行膝蓋手術 肩膀不需手術

看板 NBA
作者 roger29 (看我幹麻 你把我當垃圾啊)
時間 2016-03-25 14:18:52
留言 18則留言 (14推 0噓 4→)

來源:Sports Illustrated 網址:http://tinyurl.com/hwe5bl9 時間:Thu Mar. 24, 2016 Pelicans’ Anthony Davis has knee procedure, no shoulder surgery The New Orleans Pelicans released a medical report Thursday announcing All-Star Anthony Davis will not have surgery on his left shoulder, and that he “has no apprehension” regarding the capacity of his shoulder. He underwent a procedure on his left knee on Thursday morning, and is expected to be ready for the start of the 2016 season. 紐奧良鵜鶘在本周四發布了關於Anthony Davis的醫療報告,宣布Davis將不會進行左肩手 術,因為目前Davis的左肩運動能力還沒有什麼疑慮。他已經在本周二進行了左膝手術,預 計將不會缺席2016球季。 This comes after Davis ruled himself out of the 2016 Rio Olympics on Monday due to an estimated 4–5 month recovery time, reported Justin Verrier of ESPN. 根據ESPN的Justin Verrier報導,由於這次手術需要四到五個月的休養,將會造成David沒 辦法參加2016的里約熱內盧奧運。 Davis revealed that he sustained a torn labrum in his shoulder during his rookie season and there was always a plan to eventually get it surgically repaired. Davis表明他從新人年就開始就一直受到肩關節唇撕裂的困擾,所以一直有計畫要進行手術 好完全解決這個問題。 However, it was swelling in Davis’s left knee after he collided with C.J. McCollum of the Portland Trail Blazers last week that led team to shut down the 23-year-old for the rest of the season. 然而在上禮拜與拓荒者的McCollum碰撞後,Davis的膝蓋就有腫大的現象,也讓Davis提早 結束今年球季剩下的比賽。 --- 簡單說Davis現在有兩個地方有問題,左肩和左膝, 左肩算是舊傷了,不過經醫師評估比較不急迫也沒有什麼影響, 因此就先進行左膝的手術。 這篇有完整的醫師給的醫療報告:http://tinyurl.com/zdj35d6 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1458886736.A.505.html

arx55522 : Rose條款還有沒有機會啊 03/25 14:20

jyekid : 可別膝蓋復原活繃亂跳 沒幾場換肩膀開刀 03/25 14:21

lovecat11070: 推 新一代前鋒 03/25 14:24

tom810115 : 好痛 03/25 14:28

iamaq18c : 新一代痛痛人 03/25 14:34

KIntel : 新一代Rose 03/25 14:45

WaterFat : 新一代痛鋒 03/25 15:08

Wickl : NBA潘武雄 03/25 15:21

morris50812 : 會不會傷痛變成常態啊… 03/25 15:28

coolda : 整組 ....... 03/25 15:59

kaede0711 : 養好傷再來吧,有頂級天賦一直受傷也沒用 03/25 16:43

windowdoor : 靠身材+活動力的優勢打球 打法必須要進化…像Rose 03/25 17:28

windowdoor : 改變很明顯,明星賽後成效也不錯 03/25 17:28

windowdoor : 還有Wade也是很好的例子 都改成高效的打法 03/25 17:29

windowdoor : AD身體素質真的是神獸級 可惜耐戰力不ㄍㄡㄉ 03/25 17:31

kuchibu : 他真的整組在壞的 不過這樣平均分配不要集中會不會 03/25 21:01

kuchibu : 反而不錯 03/25 21:01

spa147369 : 咖哩也痛過,別心急 03/26 04:22
