[外絮] Kobe引領對勇士的勝利

看板 NBA
作者 kairiyu (E N O U G H is enough)
時間 2016-03-07 11:45:05
留言 63則留言 (43推 5噓 15→)

Kobe Supplies Guidance In Win Over Warriors Kobe引領對勇士的勝利 http://www.nba.com/lakers/news/160306_kobewarriors Two days earlier, Kobe Bryant was having trouble simply moving his sore right shoulder. 兩天前,Kobe還在右肩傷的困擾中。 “(Before) last game, I was riding in my car and if I reached out to turn on the radio, I couldn’t move my arm,” Bryant said of the injury that has sidelined him for three of his last four games. “It’s not a good thing.” 「上場比賽時,我開車時想要伸出手去打開收音機,但我的肩膀根本動不了。」Kobe表示 這傷勢使得他錯過了最近四場比賽中的三場。「這感覺真不好!」 But Bryant nonetheless suited up for his final matchup with the defending-champion Golden State Warriors, and — with his mind rather than his body — guided his Lakers to a 112-95 throttling against a team that entered with 55 wins in 60 games. 儘管Kobe在最後一次對上勇士的比賽有點力不從心,但他依然領導他的湖人隊送給這支勇 士隊本季的第六敗。 Bryant shot just 4-of-14, including misses on all five of his 3-point attempts, while sitting the entire fourth quarter. But he was instrumental in his 24 minutes off the floor, constantly barking advice at his young teammates from the end of the bench. 三分球五球盡墨、出手14次只命中4球,而且在第四節整節都在場邊觀戰,Kobe 在場下的時間依然對球隊有所貢獻、持續在板凳上給予這些年輕的小將們建議。 “He’s very aggressive with his words,” said D’Angelo Russell, who finished with 21 points. “I can’t really say what he was saying, but it was very aggressive. But he got the bigs to push up and the guards to push up (defensively on pick-and-rolls) and play tougher. Kobe did his thing.” 「他說的話讓人充滿幹勁!」今天得了21分的Russel如此說道。「我無法完全說他到底說 了些甚麼,但他不斷讓我們維持在高檔、推動我們在擋拆的防守上、並且齊心協力一起完 成比賽。」 Despite being saddled with a large hot-and-cold pack wrapped around that ailing shoulder, Bryant was able to get his team focused in against an opponent that has feasted on opponents’ miscues and lethargy during its historic campaign. 就算肩膀上包裹著冰敷包,Kobe依然可以讓他的球隊專注在與正在企圖完成歷史紀錄的對 手的對抗上。 “He led us,” Julius Randle said. “Like I said, it was important that we locked in for a full 48 minutes, because (the Warriors) are so explosive as a team. Any time (Bryant) thought there was any little slippage or whatever, he was on us.” Randle表示:「他帶領我們。就像我說的,對上如此具有得分爆發力的勇士隊,在48分鐘 的比賽時間隨時上緊發條是非常重要的,不管有甚麼不利的狀況,他都跟我們在一起。」 The Lakers may have been facing the defending champions, but that was nothing new for Bryant and his 2010 title teammate, Metta World Peace. Both provided the type of knowledge that the Lakers had hoped they would pass on to the next generation. 雖然面對的是衛冕冠軍隊,對Kobe和Metta World Peace來說也不是甚麼新鮮事,這兩位 都提供了湖人隊希望他們能傳承給下一代年輕球員的籃球學問。 “Kobe kept us on our toes,” Russell said. “He was coaching us the whole game from the sideline. Metta (too) — they were doing a great job of coaching us on the sideline, telling us to push it when you got it, (saying) ’Don’t wait.’ It worked.” Russel還說:「Kobe讓我們隨時提高警覺,他和Metta整場都在場邊給我們指導,他們真的 做得很棒,不斷告訴我們"加油堅持下去就對了!不要等待!" 而這些話真的發揮了作用」 While Bryant and World Peace predominantly supervised from the sideline, the Lakers’ youth went to work. 在Kobe和Metta場邊如此有帶動性的指導下,湖人年輕小將們上場努力奮戰。 Jordan Clarkson led all players with 25 points, while Russell added four steals to his scoring, and Randle racked up his 27th double-double of the year (12 points, 14 rebounds) — all while punishing a team that is within range of usurping the 1995-96 Chicago Bulls’ 72 wins for the most in NBA history. Clarkson得到最高的25分、Russel還外道4抄截、Randle完成本季第27次雙十,這些表現 給企圖打破95-96公牛隊72勝紀錄的勇士隊一場苦頭。 “When you pay attention to little details, good things happen,” Bryant said. “As they grow, they start trusting that more and more. They start trusting the process more and more. So from that aspect, I think it was a big game.” Kobe說:「只要你在所有細節上都專注點,好事就會發生。當他們逐漸長大成熟,就會更 了解固中含意,他們已經更加相信這點了。」「由這樣的角度來說,今天這場絕對是個重 要的比賽。」」 老大永遠的背影 http://i.imgur.com/zvWEWWQ.jpg
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1457322310.A.F57.html

MonkeyCL : 老大肩膀康復了!!! 03/07 11:46

ChrisPaul03 : 上一季贏勇士不是在說因為沒Kobe? 03/07 11:47

stevetroy : 淚推永遠的老大~~~~~ 03/07 11:47

Kreen : 一個 Siri 的概念? 03/07 11:47

VVizZ : 老大似乎收服了拉索兒 03/07 11:48

kobemid : 所以BS有什麼用嗎…? 03/07 11:49

wz02022 : 去年LIN贏勇士的食後怎不這樣寫? 03/07 11:50

Landius : BS:"老大你...!!" 03/07 11:50

stayforever : 這不是亡者沙奎的工作嗎? 03/07 11:52

lmf770410 : 老大!!!!!!!! 03/07 11:55

rogergon : 我無法說他說了些什麼,因為他在板凳就夠啦。 03/07 11:55

jenchieh5 : 我湖還保留了上將跟王者呢 03/07 11:56

kenyun : 待退兄弟講話 面子上捧捧就好的概念 03/07 11:59

ckshchen : 4-14 3TO的引領勝利?? 03/07 11:59

BanJarvan4 : 待退Kobe依舊能擊敗巔峰姆斯打敗不了的對手 03/07 12:01

zold : 外國記者超喜歡造神~~~~~~~~~~ 03/07 12:01

mjk23 : 哭了 淚推@@ 03/07 12:05

joker7788996: 老大!!!!!! 03/07 12:06

bluedragon : Russel:"我無法完全說他到底說了什麼" 後面還可以扯 03/07 12:09

bluedragon : 一大堆 也真夠厲害的XD 03/07 12:09

opwin : 這是反諷還是造神啊 第四節不上帶領勝利 03/07 12:10

Liaocavalier: 科神的鐵力 引領 湖人勝利 03/07 12:14

basketone : 超屁 打鐵成這樣 贏球乾他屁事 03/07 12:19

basketone : 快退休吧 獨瘤 03/07 12:20

preattyall : 投這麼爛,還領導獲勝? 03/07 12:21

preattyall : 拍馬屁也應該有限度 03/07 12:21

NetsCarter : 這場根本跟他沒關係…… 03/07 12:22

kemco : 打鐵靈氣啊,讚 03/07 12:22

robert780110: 看來酸酸們都在現場 別崩了好嗎 03/07 12:24

cool34 : 我以為柯鐵(三分球0-5)是在跟柯鋁致敬... 03/07 12:28

w9515 : 這場真的跟KOBE沒啥關係XD 03/07 12:29

kobesniper : kobe根本沒說到贏是靠他 結果崩潰的酸酸呵呵 03/07 12:31

ai5859132 : 老大就是真理 03/07 12:31

ymcg : Lao-DaRRRRR 03/07 12:31

ksk0516 : 坐板凳EFF 4引領,老大就是神 03/07 12:32

iandol : 酸酸的球隊就贏不了勇士啊,只能硬酸老大囉 03/07 12:34

BanJarvan4 : 就有些被勇士電歪的 酸葡萄心態 03/07 12:36

angelmax : 老大+16先發最高你敢嘴? 球隊吉祥物 03/07 12:36

weichingchen: 帥 03/07 12:52

qw99992 : 舊科神帶領新柯神打鐵 03/07 12:53

switcherBPC : 其實只是咖哩烙賽而已。 03/07 12:54

chigo520 : 拍馬屁大會 03/07 12:56

grayoasis : 老大>>>咖哩>>>>>>>>姆斯 03/07 13:01

robert780110: 坐板凳? 可是老大正負值全隊最高耶 03/07 13:02

pounil : XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 不如說是BS神調度戰術引導的好 03/07 13:03

Andy0315 : 老大你還是乖乖坐板凳上出張嘴 作用比較大 03/07 13:03

pounil : 了 你信嗎???? 03/07 13:03

bahamutuh : 整個勇士的打鐵率都變成老大的形狀~~~ 03/07 13:07

bryan21xxx : 吉祥物老大&阿泰 03/07 13:11

gp03dan : 老大跟阿泰當教練,我看球員應該沒人敢造次 03/07 13:16

ccf0423 : 就客套話..反正也要退了,以他的知名度捧他也不過分 03/07 13:32

rogergon : 感謝他第四節沒上,不然就被逆轉了。 03/07 13:46

lword : 完全沒人提到BS 教練當成這樣真丟臉 03/07 13:57

basketone : 一堆挺摳逼的 講不贏就只會說酸酸 可悲 03/07 14:03

Demon01 : 打鐵靈氣感染勇士整隊,贏球當然是Kobe的功勞 03/07 14:46

jasontseng1 : 連開收音機都無法好像有點嚴重 03/07 14:52

g794136 : 老大又沒說是靠他 酸酸怎麼崩潰成這樣XD 03/07 15:11

StarTouching: 老大靈氣 可是200w林的+/-可以比擬的? 03/07 15:15

karta1992560: 爽 03/07 15:27

kosha : 自己要當酸酸 被別人叫酸酸又要生氣連噓...夠傲嬌 03/07 16:29

freemail : 老大強 03/07 16:51

jack0506000 : 老大!肩強堅忍 03/07 16:52

ando : 老大說:這樣我怎麼安心退休呢 再戰一季好了 03/07 20:28
