[外絮] Santa Joins NBA as Free Agent

看板 NBA
作者 a11111a4210 (clh)
時間 2015-12-09 10:37:34
留言 10則留言 (5推 1噓 4→)

“Santa Joining the NBA?” opens with a press conference in which Santa announces that it “just wouldn’t be right if the MVP of Christmas sat on the sidelines” during the five big games this Christmas. So, for one game, Santa will join the league on one of the ten teams playing. The spot goes on to show players’ reaction to the news, as well as Santa coming up with nicknames for himself and selling out for a cereal endorsement deal. It’s the kind of goofy humor W+K New York cranks out for ESPN with regularity, tailored for the holiday season, and while it may stretch past its welcome the spot certainly has its entertaining moments. Viewers can expect a lot more Santa in the weeks leading up to the five big games, as this is just the introductory video and additional spots, supported by digital and social elements will be released and run through December 25. 小弟英文不好 不過看起來聖誕老人身為聖誕節MVP不甘願只待球場邊 所以決定成為自由球員加入NBA 來源:http://www.adweek.com/agencyspy/santa-joins-nba-as-free-agent/98686 影片:http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=espn:14313175 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1449628658.A.41B.html

maxlin9527 : 認真回,湖人可以考慮,反正也應該不會再慘了 12/09 10:39

jorden : 隊友擺4個柯鋁 12/09 10:40

mark30204 : 湖人才不會讓Santa加入ㄟ 要是不小心贏了怎麼半 12/09 10:41

zooyoyo123 : 那紅衣小女孩也可以加入SBL 12/09 10:41

blueocean292: 加入76人隊吧 增加一點可看性 送29隊1勝當聖誕禮物 12/09 10:41

bbbs : Phil Jackson 還打得動喔? 12/09 10:42

TexasFlood : 齁齁齁,好孩子們,我帶狀元籤來嘍 12/09 10:43

ponkd : 有破最老球員紀錄嗎?XD 12/09 11:05

iamaq18c : XDDDD 12/09 11:26

ddban : 哈哈哈哈Texas大好有趣喔 12/09 11:36
