[外絮] Kobe 三則

看板 NBA
作者 makihara (Frozen In Time)
時間 2015-12-05 10:50:08
留言 27則留言 (17推 3噓 7→)

Kobe Bryant shocked Byron Scott with in-game retirement declaration http://tinyurl.com/o8ozcb4 Byron Scott 向媒體表示 Kobe 是在湖人客場對戰拓荒者隊的中場休息時間 告訴他退役的決定, "I said, 'What?!'" Scott recalled. "That was the shock part. I was in that state for the rest of the game. Even when I was watching him play [and] I was watching him running up and down, I'm going, 'Did he just tell me [that]?'" “我說:‘什麼?’” “那是讓我震驚的地方。那場比賽剩下的時間,我都處於那種狀態。 即便我看著他在場上打球以及來回奔跑,我還是想著: ‘他剛才告訴我(要退役了)?’” "I'm just sitting there going, 'Wow,'" Scott said. "I'm really thinking, 'That's the end of an era, because this kid has been unbelievable.' And I've known him since he was 17 years old. I was kind of just reminiscing how it's been such a great journey to know him and watch his evolution, the way he's come from 17, 18 years old, this rookie that I knew to this man that is now an icon." 返回洛杉磯途中,Scott 回想起許多關於 Kobe 的記憶, “我就坐在那裡,想著:‘哇,’” “我真的在想:‘那是一個時代的結束,因為這個孩子太不可思議。’ 他17歲的時候我就認識他了。我只是在回憶這是一段多麼偉大的旅程, 從認識他到看著他成長,從17、18歲時的新秀,到現在成長為這樣一位偶像。” "I won't have to coach a game like that [again]," he said, "but I tell you, it was really cool the way he did it, because, like I said, it seemed like he was at peace." “我不會再執教一場那樣的比賽。” “但是我告訴你,他那麼做的方式真的很酷,因為,就像我說的, 他看起來非常平靜。” Lakers’ Byron Scott wonders what’s in store for Kobe Bryant’s farewell tour http://tinyurl.com/oyfcb6w “I’m waiting to see if anybody gives Kobe a Benz like we did for Cap,” Scott said. “I’m still waiting on that.” Byron Scott 向媒體透露,Kareem Abdul-Jabbar 最後一個賽季時, 他和 Magic Johnson, James Worthy and Michael Cooper 送了一台 Mercedes Benz, “我正在等著看是否有人送 Kobe 一輛 Benz。” “我依然在等待。” “There’s too many young guys and they’re just starting,” Scott said. “They’re trying to save money right now. They don’t want to spend $5, let alone $5,000. Maybe after they get a second deal, it’ll be a different story.” “隊裡有太多年輕球員,而且他們的職業生涯才剛開始。” “他們現在正努力存錢。他們甚至不想花5美元,更別說5000美元了。 也許當他們拿到第二份合同以後,情況會變得不同。” Hawks legend Dominique Wilkins spoken in the tribute video for Kobe. Wilkins: “I’ll see you in the Hall.” https://youtu.be/W2jUqL5_AEM
老鷹隊在今日對陣湖人的比賽中,製作了video向kobe致敬,其中老鷹名宿 Dominique Wilkins 說: “Kobe,我在名人堂等你。” --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1449283812.A.773.html

downtoearth : 提到上古很奇怪 當年的合約跟現在的合約... 12/05 10:51

seemoon2000 : Scott小劇場 12/05 10:55

noahlin : 便宜球員還是比較多啊 湖人一半不到2M 12/05 10:57

s1499k025 : 湖人現在都雜魚阿怎會有錢 12/05 11:03

rexchen40515: Byronscott不要一直說屁話好嗎 12/05 11:04

boy1031 : 今年的薪水大倫偷幾台了?效率第400薪水第1 12/05 11:05

boy1031 : 樓下說說 這樣球團送幾台benz給他了 12/05 11:05

ted1450 : 演戲演很足 12/05 11:06

utcn92 : Wilkins:我在大都等你 12/05 11:07

pita30 : 老大退休他就要被炒了 當然震驚 12/05 11:07

eukaryote : Byron Scott高級酸,等著看Kobe沒人送禮。 12/05 11:07

nisiya0625 : Scott:! 現在才說! 12/05 11:08

kobe820721 : BS不用等了 你4年1600萬美 應該負擔的起XD 12/05 11:15

CW4 : BS真的是全力狂捧 還想幫老大凹禮物 12/05 11:24

hfi780 : 送BENZ搞不好收到法拉利當回禮啊XD 12/05 11:27

Shayton : KOBE不是開法拉利嗎 ? 要MERCEDES? 12/05 11:30

yoyoman0529 : 希伯:賽琳娜勒,挖坑給我跳? 12/05 11:39

KGSox : 誰說開法拉利就不能有Mercedes Benz?搞不好是S600 12/05 11:45

KGSox : Maybach啊 12/05 11:45

opwin : 老兵退伍拗一下菜鳥送禮是正常der 但老大有打煙嗎 12/05 11:54

pezhan : 看來看去最有錢的就是希伯啊XDD 12/05 11:58

n924127 : 看到蛇笑了 12/05 12:42

bruce77 : Scott真是個馬屁精 12/05 12:43

bigheadkobe : BS整場都是震驚吧!站著不動阿 12/05 12:44

CCFACE : 同隊恨他都來不及...送啥禮..球都給你還要拍你馬屁 12/05 13:09

RamonJames : 送他一顆benz的小輪緬懷薪水小倫 12/05 13:15

yeustream : BS自己快送呀 12/06 11:57
