Re: [情報] R.Westbrook:一直想找機會向 Kobe 致謝

看板 NBA
作者 monmo (Gentleman monmo)
時間 2015-12-01 14:34:29
留言 8則留言 (6推 1噓 1→)

西河之後 補上隊友北丐Durant對Kobe退休的發言 五絕一家親 但現在永遠的中神科要先退休了.......T__T 我崇拜Kobe,我跟他學習,希望能跟他一樣。他就是我們的Jordan。我曾看過Jordan邁向 生涯結束在巫師隊時的比賽,我認為Kobe也是如此。我對你們媒體很失望,因為你們待他 就如大便一樣。他是一個傳奇,但我聽到的都是他打的多糟,投的多鐵,他是時候退休之 類的話。你們對待我們傳奇之一就跟大便一樣,而我真的不喜歡這樣。希望在他決定明年 退休之後,你們現在開始能對他好一點,他被這樣對待實在令人難過。他擁有一段驚人的 職業生涯,對我而言精神與肉體上都改變比賽風貌的球員,對籃球競賽來說意義深遠。他 是一位我總想去尋求任何建議的前輩。燦爛、輝煌、睿智的人物。很難過看到他要離開, 但他已在籃球運動中刻下了自己的印記。    I’ve been disappointed this year because you guys (media) treated him like shit. He’s a legend and all I hear is about how bad he’s playing, how bad he ’s shooting, time for him to hang it up. You guys treated one of our legends like shit and I didn’t really like it. Hopefully now you can start being nice to him now that he decided to retire after this year. It was sad the way he was getting treated. He had just an amazing career, a guy who changed the game for me as a player mentally and physically. Means so much to the game of basketball. Someone I’m always gonna look to advice for anything. Just a brilliant, brilliant, intelligent man. Sad to see him go. He put his mark on the game.” -- 如果其他前後任五絕:南尼南帝/北莫/東羅有發表較長的感想 會再補上 --
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some61321 : 推 12/01 14:35

x12484 : 推 12/01 14:37

lav1147 : 北丐不是哈登嗎? 12/01 14:38

arx55522 : KD是前任幫主 現在退位榮譽長老了 12/01 14:44

star1 : 北丐不是他吧 12/01 14:44

arx55522 : 東羅也已經變成東鞋了 12/01 14:44

amarni333 : 看不出來是褒或貶 12/01 15:04

JOGIBA : 東鞋西獨南僧北丐,謝謝 12/01 18:24
