[外絮] ESPN球評:Kobe應該現在立刻退休

看板 NBA
作者 kairiyu (E N O U G H is enough)
時間 2015-11-26 16:53:11
留言 56則留言 (27推 5噓 24→)

Stephen A. Smith says Kobe Bryant should retire. Right now. ESPN球評 Stephen Smith說:「KOBE應該現在立刻退休」 https://goo.gl/O1dnB5 Things aren’t looking great for Kobe Bryant and the Los Angeles Lakers. The team sits in last place in the Western Conference at 2-12 and Bryant is averaging only 15.2 points per game while shooting 31.1 percent from the field. 最近湖人和Kobe看起來實在不太妙,湖人戰績2勝12負牌名西區倒數龍頭,而Kobe平均每 場15.2分、出手命中率只有31.1%。 According to ESPN, Bryant tied his worst career shooting performance in which he attempted at least five shots in Tuesday night’s 111-77 loss to the undefeated Golden State Warriors. But the team’s problems go far deeper than his shooting, Bryant said. 根據ESPN報導,儘管以生涯最糟的出手表現並以大比分輸給了金州勇士的比賽之後,Kobe 認為比起他的出手,球隊有更深層的問題。Kobe表示: “I’m not really worried about it, honestly,” he said. “My shooting will be better. I could’ve scored 80 tonight. It wouldn’t have made a damn difference. We just have bigger problems. I could be out there averaging 35 points a game. We’d be what, 3-11? We’ve got to figure out how to play systematically in a position that’s going to keep us in ballgames.” 「老實說我並不擔心我的出手,我的出手一定會越來越好。我也可以得個80分但這根本沒 有差別阿!我們有更大的問題!我也能一場得個35分但依然是3勝11負,我們必須在各個 位置上都更有系統地執行然後讓我們持續保有競爭力。」 ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith says it has gotten so bad that Bryant should just retire. Right now. As in, during the season. ESPN球評Stephen Smith則認為,情況已經很糟了,Kobe真的應該在球季中退休, 現在!立刻! “Even the great Kobe Bryant can’t be great at age 37 with all of these obstacles joined, colluding with one another to bring him down,” Smith said. “It is a damn shame that Kobe has to go out this way. But it is over. There is nothing he can do, especially in the Western Conference. His skills have diminished.” 「就算是偉大的Kobe也沒有辦法在37歲的年齡去克服這些一起要把他拉下來的障礙,對於 Kobe必須以這樣的狀態下離開籃壇真的很遺憾,但一切都結束了,沒有任何事他可以再去 做的了,他的才能已經消失。」 Smith continued: “I believe that it is over. I believe Kobe Bryant should retire. …I don’t think he should wait. I doubt he’ll do it, but I think Kobe should retire right now. 「我認為一切都結束了,他應該退休,不應該再等待,我不知道他會不會這樣做但我希望 他現在就退休。」 Yeah, that’s probably not going to happen, even if Bryant is playing in his 20th season in the league. This is the guy who once scored 81 points in a game, and whose competitiveness is legendary, even by NBA standards. 不過,盡管這是Kobe的第20個球季,這些都應該不太會發生。 他曾經單場81分、他是傳奇中的傳奇。 But Smith isn’t the only one asking Bryant to call it quits. Complex’s Russ Bengtson wrote an open letter last Friday begging Bryant to retire. Smith不是唯一一個叫他退休的人,評論家Russ Bengtson上周五曾寫了一封公開信求他 退休。 “I think your career is over. I don’t mean at the end of the season, I mean right now,” Bengtson wrote. “Honestly, the best thing you could do — for your body, for your mind, for your family—is just to pack up that Staples Center locker, take the helicopter back to the coast, and start enjoying life as a former NBA player. It’s just not worth it anymore.” 「你的職業生涯已經結束了,我不是指這季結束後、而是現在!。老實說,對你的身體、 你的心理、你的家庭來說,現在你能做到最好的事就是立刻當上直升機離開球場回到岸邊 的家盡情享受你的退休生活。現在這一切不再有價值了。」 Bryant has not said when he is officially retiring, but earlier this summer, Lakers part-owner and executive vice president of basketball operations Jim Buss told the Los Angeles Times that the team expects this season to be Bryant ’s last of his career. Kobe尚未明確表示退休時程,但夏季初湖人高層Buss已經向媒體Los Angeles Times表示 希望今年就是kobe的最後一季。 “We’re going to approach it like it is, but that doesn’t mean it is,” Buss said of Bryant. “I’m not going to sit there and say, ‘This is it, Kobe, you’re done,’ because it’s not my decision, it’s his decision.” 「我們朝這方面靠近,但還沒有確定就是這樣了。我總不能對Kobe說"Kobe你已經完成了, 就這樣囉!" 因為這不會是我的決定,是他的決定。」 And hey, Kobe, listen it’s not your fault. Smith added in his rant that he doesn’t blame Bryant for his downfall, but “Father Time” and the Lakers franchise. 不過Espn球評Smith表示「嘿Kobe,這不是你的錯」,他並沒有責怪他的殞落,一且只是歲 月和選擇罷了。 “They neglected Kobe Bryant, left him to hang out and dry,” Smith said of the Lakers. “And they have precipitated, expedited the process of Kobe’s demise because of what they have surrounded him with and what they have failed to surround him with. It is a tragedy what they have done to him. But it is what it is. And because of it, we can’t deny that he looks how he looks.” 另一方面,Smith提到湖人,「湖人忽略Kobe的問題,任由他懸在那裏繼續乾涸、加速他的 終結,就只因為那些從他身上得到和沒有從他身上得到的那些,湖人這樣對他真是悲劇。 然而事情就是這樣,儘管如此,我們依然不能否認他現在就是我們看到的這樣。」 心得:沒有運動員能永遠強悍阿,選擇急流勇退或是堅持下去都是個大難題。 --

※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1448527995.A.F48.html

bahamutuh : [北韓版公告] Stephen Smith 水桶十年 11/26 16:53

osiris34 : 中肯 11/26 16:54

jorden : 中肯 11/26 16:54

opwin : 很好奇湖人有需要靠kobe賣票嗎 又不是北大荒灰狼 11/26 16:56

SilentBob : 出去 現在 11/26 16:57

nuturewind : 搞不好他是反向幫Kobe,之前的紐約選秀KP被他糗起飛 11/26 16:57

opwin : 通常是湖人匯聚球星 有薪資空間一切都好辦吧 11/26 16:57

ksk0516 : 老大目前湖人得分王,精神支柱,懂? 11/26 16:58

TradePau : 當有人願意給你3000萬鎂 當然不退休啊 11/26 16:58

nuturewind : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3-hrykbA8w SAS 11/26 17:03

mj22332004 : 魯蛇眼紅老大高薪嗎?科仙還要為大家再戰10年 11/26 17:03

nuturewind : 那種被打臉前後不一致的牆頭草個性不是第一次被酸 11/26 17:04

antioxidant : MJ 40歲都比他準 11/26 17:04

ooxxman : 一堆科酸 老大要超越自我病痛 30投中0才可能退休 11/26 17:05

kizu1124 : 出去 現在 11/26 17:06

sunnyyoung : 為了確保湖人能利用高順位選秀並重建,老大努力自幹 11/26 17:07

sunnyyoung : 和打鐵,獨攬罵名,真是用心良苦 11/26 17:07

qazzaq3977 : 退休 現在 11/26 17:08

SilentBob : 百人特 出去 ㄒㄗ 11/26 17:09

SilentBob : 現在* 11/26 17:09

Artist : 老實說 現在叫Olajuwon回來打都比KOBE有用的多 11/26 17:09

ko27tye : 一堆魯蛇柯酸 連一冠都沒有還敢邱 老大再戰10年!! 11/26 17:09

lucky4283 : 當教練吧,kobe有這個頭腦 11/26 17:09

seanchen3 : 迷迷起手式:是BS沒戰術又亂操 才害老大打的跟屎一 11/26 17:11

AlLeN0121 : 倒數龍頭XDDDD 11/26 17:15

mmchen : 難得覺得ESPN是對的 11/26 17:29

orangemark : 有悲傷的感覺 11/26 17:29

jeffblue101 : 他這樣投能拿80分 我是不相信啦 11/26 17:30

popstarkirby: 上周才去minneapolis,以當地人口其實不用擔心沒人 11/26 17:33

popstarkirby: 看,他們問題是當地有更紅的運動 11/26 17:33

HolyBugTw : 要不要看看他的約,換成是你的話要退嗎? 11/26 17:38

a129634 : 不退休沒關係!重點是別獨霸球權和打嘴砲 11/26 17:42

young123 : XD ESPN記恨到現在 11/26 17:49

carey1119 : ESPN真的跟Kobe有仇 11/26 17:51

lpllyy : 老大想退休?門都沒有 其他29隊不同意 11/26 17:53

watch123 : 不要這樣趕盡殺絕,腦大還想像以前那樣抱大腿奪冠 11/26 18:01

Tormentor : NOW!!!!!!!!! 11/26 18:15

linceass : 1-14想要拿80分 手都軟了吧 11/26 18:32

wewe44556 : 南韓版酸民跟ESPN都先退休下架再說 11/26 18:35

krajicek : 人家湖人搞不好已經安排好主場活動了,退休票還要賣 11/26 18:45

krajicek : 嗎?怎樣也要打完今年啊 11/26 18:45

pray : 出去 現在 11/26 18:47

wed3qla : 說什麼 11/26 18:50

kerogunpla : 退什麼退 人家主場還要賣票你叫人家退 11/26 18:56

g7a7n7 : ESPN ㄧ直都是先知啊 11/26 20:10

rogergon : 80分?照他對勇士隊的表現,要打20場。 11/26 20:11

Crazyfire : ESPN跟老大有樑子 但有時候反而被ESPN給賽到先知XDD 11/26 20:11

stocktonty : 你們這些人越講他就越不可能退休 11/26 20:15

Crazyfire : 其實湖人也怕老大不輕易言退啊 所以找來BS這種的來 11/26 20:23

Crazyfire : 下猛藥試試看XDD 11/26 20:23

Crazyfire : 只要這季打完後 老大正式心寒退休 BS的任務也就跟著 11/26 20:24

Crazyfire : 結束囉 11/26 20:24

EndGod : 或許君子倫就是因為這樣才沒復出 11/26 22:18

TVchampion : 別這樣 還有明年一二月的LA看球團在等著呢 11/27 03:33

balabala56 : 現在老大就剩賣票功能 然後球隊目標就是擺爛搶狀元 11/27 03:45

swingingbear: 有辦法就拿80分啊 只會說屁話 11/27 07:45
