[外絮] 熱火可能把Mario Chalmers交易到灰熊

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作者 quaker7481 (QK)
時間 2015-11-05 22:30:56
留言 47則留言 (35推 3噓 9→)

消息來源:http://goo.gl/QiBTWb Mario Chalmers has been hearing his name in trade rumors since the summer. Mario Chalmers的交易謠言在今年夏天就一直被大家討論。 They sparked up again Tuesday afternoon after ESPN reported the Heat’s 29-year-old backup point guard has been discussed in a potential trade with Memphis. The Grizzlies are reportedly looking to find a spark after being blown out by the Cavs and Warriors to start the season and are disappointed in the play of 33-year-old current backup Beno Udrih. 現在這位29歲的熱火後衛再次被ESPN指出可能會被交易到灰熊。灰熊在開季輸給了騎士跟勇士後,他們必須要去檢討他們貧攻的問題,而這點不能再只仰賴一位已經33歲的板凳Beno Udrih。 By trading Chalmers (he’s making $4.3 million this season) the Heat could not only slice its luxury-tax bill, but find a way to get more playing time for second-year pro Tyler Johnson and rookie Josh Richardson, who was finally active for the first time Tuesday against the Hawks with Gerald Green (illness) out. 交易Chalmers(本季薪資4.3M),對熱火來說不只是可以省下豪華稅,同時也能讓Tyler Johnson跟Josh Richardson兩位新人有更多上場機會,其中Johnson在熱火對陣老鷹時因為Gerald Green送醫就給了他首次表現的機會。 Chalmers declined comment before Tuesday’s game, saying he would be available after the game. But he told ESPN earlier this week his future with the Heat is out of his control. Chalmers在週二賽前接受採訪時拒絕回應這件事,但他在之前曾經告訴ESPN他和熱火的關係越來越不好。 “It’s definitely been tough, but I’m built like that … for tough moments, to deal with things,” said Chalmers, who has been a part of two championship teams with the Heat and ranks fourth all-time in games played with Miami, third in assists and second in steals. “I’ve always had the odds stacked against me. That’s what made me who I am.” "這當然是很艱難的一件事,但是我已經習慣了,尤其是面對這種困難的時刻。我總是會有一些鳥事要面對,不過這就是我。" 這位在熱火2連冠時期的隊友這麼說道。同時Chalmers為熱火效力場數在隊史排名第4,隊史助攻排第3,抄截排在第2。 Coach Erik Spoelstra has been very complimentary of the way Johnson has played this season, and the way he has been unselfish about his minutes. 熱火總教練Spoelstra則對於菜鳥控衛T.Johnson這季的表現相當滿意,尤其是他在場上無私的打法。 “He’s the epitome of coming in every day with an approach to get better,” Spoelstra said Monday after practice of Johnson, an undrafted free agent the Heat signed last January from their D-League affiliate. “It hasn’t been overnight. It’s been a year and change of consistent focused work every single day — in our D-League, in our training camps, pre-practices. He’s earned the confidence of this coaching staff, but more importantly of his teammates.When he gets his number called he makes the most of his opportunity without having expectations or entitlement for more even though you can make the case that he’s earned it.” "Johnson每一天都在進步" Spoelstra在週一訓練後說道。"這不是一夜之間的事,而是他不斷努力再努力才爭取來的位子,不管是在發展聯盟,或是平常的練習,他的認真及努力贏得了教練團對他的信任,也贏得他隊友對他的信任。而當他上場後,他就會充份握住機會,展現出他努力爭取來的成果" Teammate Chris Bosh said Johnson played “great basketball” in Sunday’s come-from-behind win over the Rockets and praised his energy and defensive ability. “In think in the offense, he’s getting a lot more comfortable making plays for other guys,” Bosh said. “We know he can score on his own. He’s very talented doing that. But the next step is always getting other guys open shots, especially at that point guard position. He’s been doing an excellent job.” Chris Bosh也稱讚Johnson打出了很棒的籃球,更稱讚他在球場上展現的能量及防守端的能力: "在進攻端他為隊友創造機會。我們知道他可以自己得分,因為他非常有天份,但他總是幫助隊友製造更好的投籃機會,他在控球後衛這個位置上做得太棒了。" -- 11/05 22:31
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1446733859.A.5F1.html

TheBatman : 借轉 11/05 22:31

MotleyCrue : rio! 11/05 22:31

MaitoGai : 前十控 QQQQQQQQ 11/05 22:31

jtch : 射手 嗎 11/05 22:31

www2967 : 前食控 掰 11/05 22:32

KKyosuke : 熱火想處理他一年多了 11/05 22:32

BorisDiaw3 : 立群被嫌棄了QQ 11/05 22:34

Wacha52 : 有兩冠在手 夠本了 安心的去吧 11/05 22:34

www2967 : 當初2年800 這根本不該開價@@ 有人要挖就放掉就好了 11/05 22:34

nastycurry : 立群要去熱火啦 11/05 22:38

AAApower : 人生勝利組 NBA 2冠 + NCAA 1冠 11/05 22:39

kuchibu : 他不是一直都說要丟嗎??? 11/05 22:42

racksold : 不管啦2>1>>>>>0 11/05 22:43

gn00945822 : 熱火一直要省錢,鳥人也是丟掉選項之一 11/05 22:43

racksold : 前十控>咖哩>CP3 11/05 22:43

James78923 : 兩冠加持,瞬間變成灰熊領現。 11/05 22:43

AlLeN0121 : 沒有姆斯罩就原形畢露惹 11/05 22:43

wmigrant : 灰熊厲害.....沒想到熊願意收 11/05 22:45

DaneiLJ : 熊熊需要火力支援阿 11/05 22:55

a3329 : 4.3m很便宜啦 11/05 22:56

ammon : Chalmers能提供火力嗎...? 11/05 23:00

wmigrant : 以前玩2k前十控外線還蠻好用的, 曾幾何時變成這樣 11/05 23:02

GianniC : 交易他 這樣真的好嗎 要換回甚麼?? 11/05 23:16

sunnydragon7: 主要是省錢~不在於可以換回什麼~y 11/05 23:24

scatology : 2K外線神準 11/05 23:30

iamaq18c : 前十控 哪來的火力支援= =? 11/05 23:32

morgankhs : 真的越來越爛了 11/05 23:39

chink5566 : 這咖誰要啊 11/05 23:42

aaron123 : 當初不簽我豪 前10控有比較好嗎 11/05 23:49

jack19931993: TJ很有活力 11/06 00:06

jansan : 趕快丟比較好 11/06 00:24

kokohu : 他好像真的可以掰了 11/06 00:28

dryadg27724 : 缺進攻找這支?有沒有搞錯 11/06 01:57

johnsom : 快 11/06 02:37

zillzill : 可以不要來灰熊嗎 11/06 03:21

william321w : 趕快交易 11/06 06:56

lovecmgirls : 熱火居然會貧攻?! 11/06 07:44

Teng0615 : 是灰熊貧攻啦XD... 11/06 08:34

Bigcookie2 : 馬力歐有可能改善灰熊貧攻嗎... 11/06 08:36

aeonian : 不是很厲害嗎 還敢嗆小皇帝 11/06 08:58

WADE0616 : 快滾 11/06 09:17

trauma : 除了薪水跟MVP其他都屌打rose的男人... 11/06 09:26

orange7986 : 這兩季完全看破手腳... 11/06 09:55

ponkd : 前十控有攻擊力可改善灰熊貧攻? 11/06 10:50

joanne1452 : 缺攻找前十控???? 11/06 11:11

mj22332004 : 鰻飛斯前10控 11/06 11:33

scott90213 : 之前好像有說LBJ掩蓋了他的能力 但LBJ走後... 11/06 12:30
