[公告] tim0723 NaNaShinichi msn12345679 twoptt

看板 NBA
作者 SungaDC (桑嘎斯)
時間 2012-12-27 21:58:17
留言 20則留言 (11推 0噓 9→)

◎ tim0723 水桶1個月 違犯版規: 三-5 5.重複類似論述,跳針,洗版,大量洗文章數. 說明:tim0723君於下列事證中,反覆空白推文或重複類似論述,違反版規三-5,影響其 他使用者閱讀視聽權力,且於 #1GqWBztv 公告中已被水桶1周,累犯水桶1個月。 事證: #1Gs-dVY5 推 tim0723 :沒看到怒推 12/27 14:51 推 tim0723 : 12/27 14:53 推 tim0723 :沒看到怒推>.< 12/27 14:58 推 tim0723 : 12/27 15:00 推 tim0723 :怒推沒看到 12/27 15:02 推 tim0723 :沒看到備份有推 12/27 15:12 推 tim0723 : 12/27 15:14 推 tim0723 :1沒壞 12/27 15:16 推 tim0723 :沒看到有推~ 12/27 15:18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ◎ NaNaShinichi 警告1次 違犯版規: 三-4 4.對板友人身攻擊/惡意挑起集體爭端/披露個資者 說明: NaNaShinichi君對版友人身攻擊,初犯警告1次。 事證: #1Gs-dVY5 噓 NaNaShinichi:亂源夥伴拼命補血 根本腦殘 12/27 15:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ◎ msn12345679 水桶4個月,刑期中仍餘29天,故合併執行4個月又29天。 違犯版規: 三-3 3.以看板板面為工具,行惡意攻擊 特定球員/球隊/板友之實, 或挑起特定球迷之間之爭端。 說明:msn12345679君行惡意攻擊 特定球員,且於 #1Gszo-Nn 公告中受罰水桶1個月, 雖該事證發生於前述公告之前,但違犯明確仍需累進處分,判罰4個月,和併原刑 期1個月(但已執行1天,剩餘29天),共4個月又29天。 事證: 文章代碼(AID): #1Gs43S5b 推 msn12345679 :智商不正常PG的例子就是BOS那隻 12/24 20:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ◎ twoptt 水桶6個月 違犯版規: 二-三 三-3 三-4 三、外絮:外電翻譯,發文者最少必須說明或翻譯文章內容大綱,翻譯字數須滿足         150字,譯文須符合原文,不得添加無關字詞,外絮以雜誌、地方報         專欄的文章適用,須經基礎查證,字數未足或者陸聞,請使用[情報]。         此分類須加註相關心得,個人意見可附於其中. (註:需附上連結否則逕行砍文) 3.以看板板面為工具,行惡意攻擊 特定球員/球隊/板友之實, 或挑起特定球迷之間之爭端。 4.對板友人身攻擊/惡意挑起集體爭端/披露個資者 說明:twoptt君於下列事證中之外電文(乙部分),刻意揀選部分翻譯,不符合板歸「二- 三」之規定「發文者最少必須說明或翻譯文章內容大綱」,且觀其內文翻譯,針 對性顯著查其前次受罰記錄(#1GqgY03N),合併甲部分事證,可見其針對之球員皆 為同一人,且甲部分事證諸文皆多引起版友反感,可見引戰事實明確,且於 #1GqgY03N 公告文中被水桶1周,視為累犯,兩部分事證原水桶4個月,因違規情 節較重,加重懲處,判定水桶半年。 事證: 甲部分: 74 X112/14 twoptt □ [外絮] 書豪、哈登,需要各自的空間 78 X312/18 twoptt □ [討論] 大家如何看這場火箭尼克比賽呀??? 80 X412/18 twoptt □ [外絮] 林書豪帶領火箭隊電爆尼克隊 81 X312/19 twoptt R: [新聞] 尼克教頭:當初是林書豪放棄我們 82 X212/19 twoptt □ [新聞] 史派克李︰不再懷念林 83 X412/19 twoptt □ [外絮] 五個理由:哈林會是下世代最頂尖的後場 84 X312/20 twoptt □ [討論] 林書豪、哈登合体,哈林連線,所向無敵 85 X612/27 twoptt □ [新聞] 7次失誤差點成罪人 林書豪關鍵抄截救贖 86 mX312/27 twoptt □ [外絮] 林書豪用連勝來證明尼克隊及評論的錯誤 乙部分: #1Gt0IavI 作者 twoptt (tp) 看板 NBA 標題 [外絮] 林書豪用連勝來證明尼克隊及評論的錯誤 時間 Thu Dec 27 16:19:46 2012 ─────────────────────────────────────── Jeremy Lin: Proving Critics and New York Knicks Wrong During Houston Rockets Winning Streak BY Anthony Riccobono | December 26 2012 12:21 PM Jeremy Lin had a rough start to his tenure with the Houston Rockets. Jeremy Lin (R) signed a three-year $25 million offer sheet with Houston during the offseason. Houston got off to an 11-12 start, with much of the blame being placed on the point guard. Lin had trouble meshing with his new teammates, especially James Harden. His shooting percentage was under 40 percent, and he was even benched at the end of some games in favor of Toney Douglas. 火箭隊一開始的 11 勝 12 敗戰績,大都要歸咎於他的 PG ! 林書豪不能跟新隊友尤其是哈登好好的配合! 林書豪的投籃命中率連 40% 都沒有, 甚至在有些比賽末節關鍵時刻還被叫去板凳區,被 TDG 給取代! Now, 27 games into the season, Houston and Lin seem to be turning things around. The Rockets have won their last four contests, and they have been some of the more impressive wins by any NBA team in 2012. 現在,林書豪已經翻轉整個局勢! 火箭隊已經贏得最近四場勝利,而且是取勝都是這季中相當漂亮的表現! During this winning streak, Houston has beaten first place teams on the road, such as the New York Knicks and Chicago Bulls. They also defeated the 18-7 Memphis Grizzlies by 25 points. None of the games have been close, as the Rockets victories have been by an average of 21 points. 在這連勝中,火箭隊打敗了第一級的強隊: 尼克隊 & 公牛隊! 也打敗了強隊灰熊,並大勝 25 分! 平均起來,每一場都大勝了 21 分有! The strong play of Houston has correlated with Lin’s turnaround. The 24-year-old is averaging 18.8 points, nine assists and 59 percent shooting in his last four games -- all well above his season’s average. Harden and Lin are finally learning how to play together. Both players are at their best with the ball in their hands, and struggled on the court together. In the last four games, however, the two have learned to share the ball, and have averaged a total of 50 points per game. Lin’s hot streak began in New York, where he became an international superstar last season. At the height of “Linsanity,” he had the highest-selling jersey in the league and was the biggest story in the NBA. His run with the Knicks made his return to Madison Square Garden highly-anticipated, and Lin put up a big performance against his former team. When the Knicks refused to match the Rockets offer sheet to Lin, they traded for Raymond Felton from the Portland Trail Blazers. The combination of Felton and Jason Kidd has taken Lin’s place at point guard in New York, leading the team to a 20-8 record. While Felton got off to a fast start, he has struggled of late. The 28-year-old missed all of his 15 three-point shot attempts in the last five games, and has failed to total double-digit assists in a game in over month. Felton’s shooting percentage is now lower than Lin’s, at 39.6 percent. Through the first month of the season, it seemed like the Knicks had made the right decision in letting Lin go. As 2013 approaches, the answer is no longer right decision in letting Lin go. As 2013 approaches, the answer is no longer as clear. 一開始似乎尼克做了對的決定,把林書豪送離開球隊! 不過隨著賽事的進行,似乎這決定已很難說是對還是錯了! http://www.ibtimes.com/jeremy-lin-proving-critics-new-york-knicks-wrong-during\ -houston-rockets-winning-streak-970854 --- 心得 話不多說,以免進桶! -- ◆ From: -- ▁▁ ▕叒嘎▏ ▕木斯▏  ̄ ̄ -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1356616701.A.8E4.html

cpla1017 :以後看不到tim這隻酸酸了 12/27 21:59

yehudi :請問M twoppt的文章 是要處理還是他文章有過人之處? 12/27 22:00

s97730021 :才回國又出國深造啦??喝 12/27 22:00

SungaDC :尚待處理,請靜候。 12/27 22:01

yun0215 :推 tim0723 :版主算有再做事了 的確 12/27 22:01

CuTeHebe :糗神GG 12/27 22:02

bredka :冥燈被捅了 沒人可以抗糗了... 12/27 22:02

zerokonz :哇冥登QQ 12/27 22:04

PiZ1129 :挖 冥燈...這下難賭了 12/27 22:06

verydisco :狗鼻算攻擊嗎? 這應該只是個nickname吧? 12/27 22:06

shyshy :GO NOSE 12/27 22:07

SungaDC :請見近日部分公告,版主判定為惡意音譯 12/27 22:08

sxing6326 :這以前嘟嘟好有搞過啦 反正就是失敗下場 12/27 22:09

salazopyrin :tim 出桶只為了幫火箭拿一勝 任務完成又進桶啦 XD 12/27 22:11

avantgardej :反正分身開了又來亂 12/27 22:13


cscscscs22 :推 tim0723 :版主算有再做事了 的確 12/27 22:14

confuse7 :溫馨 12/27 22:14

chauling :推 tim0723 :某人要掰惹 太衝動拉 12/27 22:15

chauling :還有馬刺跟雷霆阿 沒了tim兇多吉少 12/27 22:15
