[外絮] 降臨風城的D. Rose

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作者 eertllams (Tree666)
時間 2011-04-15 10:35:20
留言 133則留言 (109推 2噓 22→)

這就是今年3月 SI那篇Rose的專訪 中間有提到 Rose傳簡訊給LBJ的原文 還有他整個夏天的勤奮練習 這是我今年球季目前 看到描述Rose滿詳實 也滿精彩的一篇文章 看完讓我覺得 有哪種身為Rose球迷單純的悸動 我一定是瘋了 才花時間把這篇文章都翻完 跟大家分享一下 也當作我本身 一直follow這個62勝20甜美季賽經驗的一個總結 Second Coming In The Second City 原文 http://tinyurl.com/4cya7yh by By discovering a Jordanesque killer instinct, point guard Derrick Rose has transformed himself into the MVP front-runner—and Chicago into a title contender 在發現擁有喬丹殺手般的本質之後,控球後衛 D. 羅斯讓自己變 變成了MVP的領先者 還有 讓芝加哥公牛隊成為冠軍的爭奪者 A killer was born in a game of cutthroat. Derrick Rose plays it on summer nights, often after 1 a.m., when he is too restless to sleep. "Let's go shoot," he tells his three roommates, who then know they will not be sleeping either. They pile into Rose's Ford pickup, take a 10-minute ride to the Bulls' practice facility and unlock the door to the court, where they remain until dawn. 這個殺手 誕生在割喉般殘酷的比賽中。 D. Rose在很多夏天的夜晚,常常是在凌晨1點, 當他不想睡覺時 他告訴他的三個室友 “讓我們去投籃,”Rose知道他們也睡不著 他們擠進Rose的福特小卡車,只需要10分鐘車程,就抵達到公牛隊的訓練會館 然後他們打開大門,在那裡一直打球到天亮。 The version of cutthroat Rose plays goes like this: Two players. Whoever has the ball starts at the top of the key, gets a maximum of three dribbles and must score to retain possession. First to 10 wins. Rose usually prevails, but his roommates—Tim Flowers, Randall Hampton and Bryant Orange—are no pushovers. They were Rose's teammates at Simeon Career Academy in Chicago, and he uses moves on them that he was reluctant to show opposing NBA point guards such as Deron Williams and Chris Paul. One night last summer Rose was teasing his roomies with step-back three-pointers and 20-foot fadeaways while tossing in some uncharacteristic verbal shots. The guys endured his boasts for a while before one barked, "Why don't you ever do this stuff in real games?" 這次Rose想玩的殘酷割喉比賽是這樣的: 兩名球員比賽。 持球者從弧頂開始 最多只能運三次球,然後得分才能保有持球權 先拿10分的人獲勝 Rose通常都能佔優勢 不過他得室友們也不是省油之燈 Tim Flowers, Randall Hampton 還有 Bryant Orange 他們是羅斯在西蒙高中的隊友 在面對他們的時候 Rose用上了一些動作 這些動作是他在面對其他NBA出色的後衛 如Deron Williams和Chris Paul而沒有施展過的 去年夏天的一個晚上 Rose用一些後退出手的三分球 跟 20尺得翻身跳投 嘴巴上還帶著一些無可理喻的的言語戲謔 耍了他的室友們一番 這些傢伙忍受著被Rose宰割之後對Rose吼說: “為什麼你從來沒在NBA賽場中 做出這些動作? ” Rose fell silent. He had no answer. "They were mad," says the 22-year-old Rose, "but they were right. I never did that stuff in real games." 22歲的羅斯陷入了沉默沒有回答。 在訪問中Rose說“他們瘋了,但他們是對的。我從來沒有展現那樣的動作在賽場中。Outside of those sunrise sessions, Rose rarely shot threes and fadeaways because he could so easily break down defenders off the dribble and rocket to the rim. Though a chiseled 6'3" and 190 pounds, Rose also rarely initiated contact because he could so easily avoid it, even while suspended in midair. He was a jitterbug and a contortionist but never a hot dog; he was so quiet and unassuming that teammates sometimes complained that they couldn't hear what plays he was calling. 在這些深夜的競爭之外的比賽裡,玫瑰很少出手三分球,跟翻身跳投 因為他非常容易的利用運球 突破對方防守球員們 充滿爆發力的切入籃下 雖然他擁有的6'3身高“和190磅的體型, 羅斯也很少主動開啟身體的接觸 因為他可以很輕易的避免接觸,即使當他在半空飛行時。 他像是一個輕巧的舞蹈者 或是 有軟骨功的的人 ,但從來都不是一個熱狗, 他總是那麼安靜,跟不事張揚 他的隊友們有時會抱怨說, 在場上無法聽到Rose在叫那些戰術 At Simeon, Rose passed constantly because he was already in line for a college scholarship and he wanted to showcase his friends. At Memphis he feared alienating the upperclassmen. Taken by the Bulls with the No. 1 pick in 2008, he deferred to guard Ben Gordon and, after Gordon left, forward Luol Deng. Rose's good manners earned Chicago .500 records and first-round playoff exits in each of his first two NBA seasons. Coaches at every level begged him to take over games, and occasionally he did after hard fouls or questionable calls or in the face of insurmountable deficits. He erupted just often enough to prove that a killer lurked within. "But the best ones," Rose concedes, "are killers all the time." 在西蒙高中,Rose不斷的傳球給隊友 因為他早已經拿到大學的獎學金, 他想要幫助他的朋友來展示他們的天賦 所以在孟菲斯大學 他除了不斷幫助隊友 也不想被高年級球員疏遠。 當他在2008年被公牛以狀元簽選中 他把機會讓給後衛Ben Gordon, 當Gordon離開後,又把機會讓給Luol Deng。 Rose的禮貌運動 讓芝加哥公牛隊在他加盟的前兩年 都贏得五成的勝率, 連續兩年也都晉級季后賽 但是都出局 兩個賽季以來。 隊上教練都央求Rose可以接管比賽, Rose偶爾會在一些重大犯規, 或錯誤吹犯 或是 隊上難以克服的失誤時, 他會選擇爆發跟掌握比賽 他偶爾的爆發的足以證明他殺手本質的潛伏。 “ 不過Rose承認 最好的應該還是---所有的時間都要是殺手! It is a chilling term but high praise in the NBA, reserved for the likes of Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan, Larry Bird and Isiah Thomas. Even in this era of advanced metrics, there is no quantifying killers, but players can tell you who they are by the shots they make. "They are the guys who get you the need baskets," says Bulls reserve forward Brian Scalabrine, referring vital hoops that stop runs and close out games. "I have a different word for killers. I call them mother-------. And right now, Derrick Rose is the baddest mother------ in the league by far. He is the reason we win." 殺手這個令人不寒而栗的稱號 在NBA中能稱得上這樣 被大家高度讚譽的, 也僅有某些人 像是Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordan, Larry Bird 跟Isiah Thomas. 即使有一些進步的評估方法提出 但卻都沒有辦法精準的量化稱得上殺手的人 但是 有些球員可以明白的告訴你 那些人可以完成那些不可思議的動作 白曼巴 Scalabrine 說: " 他們是那種可以在重要的時刻 跟關鍵比賽的時候 可以進球的人 我用另一個字來形容這些殺手 MOTHER (媽打) 現在D. Rose 就是目前聯盟最最最凶狠的媽打!! 他就是我們贏球的原因 " The Bulls were 40--17 through week's end even though power forward Carlos Boozer missed the first 15 games with a broken right hand and center Joakim Noah sat out 30 with a torn ligament in his right thumb. The constant has been Rose, averaging a career-high 24.9 points and 8.1 assists, suddenly as efficient as he is entertaining. Many NBA players try to add one dimension every summer. Rose added at least three in the past off-season: Through Sunday he had already made more free throws (298) than he did all last year, more than five times as many three-pointers (85), and more need baskets than anybody else in Chicago since Jordan. Rose has defined MVP—even two members of the Heat, Chris Bosh and Juwan Howard, joined the Rose-for-MVP campaign last week—positioned his hometown Bulls as championship sleepers and tabled the interminable debate about who is the league's best point guard. 公牛(當時)拿下40勝17敗的戰績 強力前鋒布澤爾因為右手小指缺賽了15場 Joakim也因為大拇指開刀 缺了30場 Rose忽然間以生涯新高平均25分 8助攻帶領著球隊 並震驚了所有人 很多NBA球員都會在夏天休賽的時候 為自己增加一個秘密武器 Rose則在這個暑假至少增加了三項武器 到這個週日為止 他的298次罰球 已經超越了前面整個球季 85個三分球是去年5倍 投進球數 也是自Jordan退休之後公牛球員最多的 他為自己定義了MVP身手 連敵隊Bosh跟Juwan Howard都支持他成為MVP 他的表現讓這個球隊有機會爭奪冠軍戒指 也驅除了關於聯盟最佳後衛的爭論 When Rose turned pro after his freshman year at Memphis, he met with a Nike representative who told him he was not yet in the same class as Williams and Paul. Rose signed with Adidas, and earlier this month he dismantled Williams and Paul in consecutive games on their home courts. After the game in New Orleans on Feb. 12, the Nike rep called Rose's older brother Reggie to relay his congratulations. 當Rose結束在曼斐斯的大一生活 轉戰職業的時候, 他見到了當時代表Nike公司的人 他跟Rose說:很可惜你還沒有達到像D. Williams 跟 CP3的那種身手 隨後Rose跟Adidas簽了約 在稍早的這個月份 再跟這兩位頂尖球星的對抗中 在對方的主場中, Rose率隊都拿到了勝利 在2月12號的比賽結束之後 Nike的人再度打電話給Rose的哥哥Reggie 獻上他們的對Rose的祝賀 Randall Hampton was at that game, watching his roommate from the stands. With a little more than 2½ minutes left in the fourth quarter and the Bulls up by seven points, Rose dribbled 25 feet from the basket, the usual sleepy-eyed expression on his face. Paul hopped out to challenge him, respecting Rose's newfound range. Rose retreated a step farther and thrust back his shoulders, the signal that he was about to attack. He threw down a furious crossover, paused long enough to freeze Paul and blew past his right flank. The Hornets' 6'8" forward Trevor Ariza rotated over and cut off Rose's path to the basket, forcing him baseline. But by then Rose was airborne, levitating above Ariza's left shoulder, legs splayed as if treading water. He double-clutched and released a rainbow floater, so high it nearly clipped the top corner of the backboard. His momentum carried him out-of-bounds as the ball slipped through the basket. Rose has spent most of his life making the unfathomable look routine, but the nuances of the play set it apart: the way he drew Paul to the perimeter, attacked Ariza in the paint, finished the shot—and the Hornets with it. "This is what we saw on all those late nights," Hampton said in the stands. Rose的室友Hampton在現場 看到對上黃蜂的比賽 在剩下兩分半結束比賽得時候 公牛領先七分 Rose在籃框25呎外運球 一如往常的睡眼惺忪 CP3因為擔心Rose新練的外線能力 靠近Rose準備抄球 Rose小退了一步 聳了一下肩膀 這是他準備要攻擊籃框的訊號 他一個極度花俏的跨下運球 凍住了防守的CP3 並過了他的右側 黃蜂6呎8的前鋒Arize換人防守 想要阻擋Rose上籃的路線 迫使Rose走底線 但是Rose 忽然就躍起空中 越過了Ariza的左肩 雙腳像滑水一般的幫助Rose的身體翱翔 然後 他右手小拋射般躲過防守球員投進籃框 Rose的籃球人生 在讓很多看似不可能的進球動作跟角度 變成他得規律 這些微妙的小動作 讓他變成了與眾不同 你仔細觀察這個看似簡單得進球 卻包含了 擺脫CP3, 攻擊在禁區高大的Ariza 然後高難度的拋球得分 他的室友Hampton說: 這些都是每個晚上 我們可以在公牛比賽中看到的 Rose has taken one of his corkscrew leaps into the NBA's elite. Coincidence or not, his transformation came at the same time the league underwent its own seismic shift. Rose帶著這些特殊的得分手段 讓自己走入的NBA一流球星的境界 巧合與否 他本身的轉變之外 同一時間聯盟也經歷了一些人事巨變 Delegations from six teams went to Cleveland in the first week of July to pitch LeBron James. The Bulls had the last meeting and, by most accounts, the longest. The New York Times had already published a story quoting an executive to the effect that James was headed to Chicago. "I think it's a done deal," the executive said. The Bulls had the point guard and the center, not to mention salary-cap space to add two max contracts. 在去年七月的第一個禮拜, 來自其它六個球團的談判人員來到了克里夫蘭 來商討如何成為LBJ下一球季的新家 公牛是最後一個參與會議 也是進行最久的一個球隊 紐約時報當時甚至已經刊出 根據高層的消息 LBJ決定前往芝加哥 高層說: 這個交易成了! 公牛有控衛 有中鋒 還有足夠的薪資空間可以在招納兩個明星球員 Rose assumed a curious role in the proceedings. While other stars acted like college boosters courting the ultimate blue-chipper, Rose's recruiting effort consisted of one text message, sent mainly for damage control. Rose remembers texting James, I'm just hitting you up to kill all the rumors that I don't want to play with you. I'd like to play with you. I just want to win. Rose在看待這個招募中 認為自己處在一個很尷尬的角色 當其他的球星 都好像大學裡面的死忠球迷一樣 瘋狂的夾道歡迎著球隊主力 但Rose的招募努力 就僅僅是一個電話簡訊而已 這個簡訊的目的 還只是要避免捕風捉影的媒體造成的傷害 Rose回憶他傳給James的簡訊是: " 我只是要跟你說並消弭那些 所謂我不想跟你打球的謠言 我想要跟你打球 我想要贏球 " The message was vintage Rose, honest and understated, while his peers were over the top. James expressed his appreciation in a text, but on July 8 he joined Dwyane Wade and Bosh in Miami. The Heat's new threesome was portrayed as the product of the AAU culture, with its stacked rosters and superteams, but Rose came from the same system and took a vastly different lesson from the experience. "He always told me he didn't want to be on one of those stacked teams," says Reggie, who coached his younger brother's AAU club, the Mean Streets Express. "He wanted to be with an underdog." 當其他的NBA球員都過於激動的表現 這個簡訊表現了誠實,古意又直接的Rose 不過就在七月8號 LBJ還是加入了已經有Bosh, Wade的熱火隊 三巨頭的組合 展現了經紀公司AAU 可以用明星打造一個新超級強隊的文化 Rose其實也來自同一個經紀公司 但卻從這個組合後 他有完全不同的看法 幫他處理AAU事務的哥哥Reggie說到: " Rose不想要去那種明星推砌出來的球隊 他想要成為一直不被看好 但實際兇狠的球隊 " Rose recognized that he would be affected by James's decision, but he was ambivalent about it, according to several associates. He loved the idea of playing alongside James and of the wins that would inevitably follow. But he also loved the team he had, with Deng at small forward, and he was not about to lobby strenuously for an upgrade. "That showed you what kind of guy he is," Noah says. "If you want to come here and be part of this, that's cool. If not, we're going to try to kick your ass." Rose認為LBJ的決定將會影響到他 但是他對於LBJ加入球隊卻有著很矛盾的想法 根據很多與Rose有關連得人認為 Rose喜歡 跟著James搭配 又一定會拿到很多勝利的想法 但是他也很喜歡現在這個沒有James的球隊 這個球隊有小前鋒Deng 他沒有那麼想要積極的遊說James來馬上升級球隊的戰力 Noah說: " 這展現出Rose是怎樣的一個人格特性; 如果你想來 就來成為我們的一員 那很不錯 如果你不想來 那我們會在比賽中跟你見真章 " The Bulls took their cues from Rose, and when he revealed no disappointment, they did the same. Owner Jerry Reinsdorf went so far as to call his team superior to Miami. If anything, Rose seemed emboldened, eager to accept the responsibility that James had turned down. "It made me want to get in the gym," he says. The gym was at St. Monica High in Los Angeles, where Rose spent more than two months of his summer practicing twice a day, six days a week with trainer Rob McClanaghan, Thunder point guard Russell Westbrook and Timberwolves power forward Kevin Love. Other players also stopped by, but when they tried to take breaks or skip sessions, the regulars told them to stick with the program or drop it. While Westbrook and Love had their own summer to-do lists, Rose was building a jumper almost from scratch. He shot 22.2% from three-point range as a rookie and 26.7% in his second season, while defenses sagged off him. On the rare occasion that Rose let fly, his release was low and his arc flat. The ball invariably smacked the front of the rim. McClanaghan told him, "If you can just get to 39 or 40 percent, where guys have to respect you, it will be over." 公牛隊高層得到了Rose的暗示 Rose對於爭取加盟失敗沒有沮喪 高層也如此認為 公牛老闆也花很大的心力建立一直可以比熱火更好的球隊 當時Rose在確定接下帶領球隊重建 這個James不想接下的重責大任之後 Rose一心想著只是: 我要快點去練球 ! 他去得體育場館是在LA的聖蒙妮卡高中 他每天花兩個時段 一週六天 總共兩個月時間在那苦練 訓練員是 Rob McClanaghan, 雷霆的西河 還有 灰狼的Kevin Love也一起受訓 其他球員也有來參加 不過當他們想要休息 或是想要迴避某些訓練課程 這些參與全套訓練的的人會跟他們說 要不然就一起做完 不然就不要來了 當西河跟Love都有很多該做的夏季訓練課程 Rose幾乎從頭開始的重新建立他的跳投 他的新人球季三分命中率22.2% 第二年26.7% 防守者都不太重視他 他得出手很低 弧度很平 球場常打到前框 訓練員 McClanaghan跟他說 你把命中率提昇到40% 他們開始尊敬你的外線 比賽就可以結束了(因為Rose個人單打能力優越) McClanaghan lifted Rose's release point, gave him the mantra "no short shots" and made him hoist upward of 1,000 threes a day, off dribbles and ball screens, pick-and-rolls and pick-and-pops. He hollered at Rose, "If you want to be an All-Star, you can't miss these!" and Rose's practice percentage ticked up, from 60 to 68 to 72. Defenses were not going to sag off him anymore, but to take advantage of open driving lanes he had to throw himself into big men as often as he slithered around them. McClanaghan guarded Rose with a three-foot black football pad, forcing him to absorb contact and appreciate the resulting free throws. The players who stayed in that gym and took the punishment—Rose, Westbrook and Love—would make colossal breakthroughs this season. McClanaghan 提高了Rose的出手點 給了Rose一個規矩: 出手的球不可過輕 並給Rose每天的課程包含投進 1000個三分球, 運球切入, 掩護, 檔切的不同訓練 要想成為全明星 這些訓練都不能錯過 慢慢的Rose的命中率從60%到68% 甚至72% 防守球員再也不能輕視他 Rose更有切入空間 但是要利用速度優勢切入後 Rose還要讓自己習慣於身體的衝撞 訓練員穿著一個美式足球護具防守著Rose 強迫Rose的習慣身體接觸 並且因此得到罰球機會 當時留在體育館中完成訓練的三位球員 都在這個球季有突破性的進步 After Rose returned to Chicago, he raised his voice at media day and declared himself an MVP candidate. The Bulls wondered what had happened to their favorite wallflower. "We thought he'd gone nuts," says Noah. The gesture was indeed out of character, but it was a bold reminder that the Bulls were fine as constituted, with Rose supplying the spark instead of James. The new coaching staff had watched tape of every game from the previous season and seen in Rose a transcendent driver and improviser who often penetrated without a plan and did not always make full use of his quickness on defense. New coach Tom Thibodeau stopped practices in training camp when Rose wasn't chattering on D, and he taught Rose to distinguish between scoring drives and passing ones. Thibodeau urges Rose to rush directly at the basket—"More north-south," Rose says, "not as much east-west"—and look for his shot. But Rose also has to recognize when teams are collapsing on him and who they are leaving open. Typically, a point guard's scoring rises at the expense of his playmaking, but Rose is averaging 2.1 more assists than last year. 在Rose回到芝加哥 在媒體日他提高了他的音量 並且說明他也是MVP的角逐者 公牛球員們納悶的想著Rose 這個他們最喜歡卻害羞的人 發生了甚麼事? Noah說: 我們認為Rose瘋了 這是一般人對Rose舊有散發的個人特質的刻板印象 但是現在Rose卻大膽宣示 將由他而不是LBJ 來帶領這個整軍待發的球隊發光發熱 新來的教練團 也已看了每一場上個球季比賽的影片 他們發現Rose是個超強可切入對方禁區 並創造隊友空間的球員 但是很多時候他的切入 都是有勇無謀 他也沒有充分利用他的速度來防守 Thibs在訓練營的時候 如果Rose沒有馬上的跟隊友溝通好如何防守 會停下練習 或是 Thibs會告訴Rose 要分清楚那些 時候要切入得分 那些時侯切入之後要分球 並且也鼓勵Rose快速得切入禁區取分 不要猶豫 Rose: " 一條鞭切入得分比較好 而不是切進去之後才在找投籃時間 " 當然Rose也要同時也要認清楚 當他撕裂對方防守的時候 自己得隊友誰有空檔 通常當一個控球後衛一直在增加得分之時 就很難顧到其它隊友 但是今年rose得助攻平均比去年高了兩個 Early in the season, after a single-digit victory, Thibodeau charged into the locker room and screamed at the Bulls for not winning by more. Rose beamed. "That would not have happened here before," he says. Rose played for John Calipari at Memphis and Vinny Del Negro in Chicago but never for a tactician like Thibodeau, who leads the Bulls through 75-minute morning shootarounds in which he reviews every play the opposing team runs and every option off that play. The Bulls rank second in both field goal defense and scoring defense, keeping games close so Rose can win them in the end. He scored 17 points in the fourth quarter to beat the Rockets on Nov. 16 and 11 in the fourth to edge the Heat on Jan. 15. In a rematch with Houston less than three weeks later, he made a three at the buzzer to tie and scored five points in overtime to win. In Phoenix on Nov. 24 he made a layup with 0.1 of a second left in overtime to tie and added five points in double OT to win. "He has totally changed," says Hornets point guard Jarrett Jack. "Where he used to defer, he now realizes it's all on his shoulders." 在稍早得一場小比分獲勝得比賽後 Thibs在休息是對著球員大叫 勝分不夠多 Rose說 這在他在曼婓斯大學 或是在Del Negro手下的經驗 是絕對不可能發生的 Thibs的策略是 每天早上親自帶領球隊投籃練習75分鐘 他也會回顧之前對手的戰術 跟還有那些其他的選擇 公牛得防守(當時)是讓對手的命中率跟得分都是全NBA第二低 這可以幫助兩隊的比分接近 最後關頭由Rose來接管比賽 他在11月擊敗火箭的第四節 拿了17分 在1月擊敗熱火的第四節拿了11分 後來又對上火箭 他在槍響前投進一個追平三分 然後在OT拿了5分獲勝 在11.24號對上太陽的比賽 他在第一個加時結束前0.1秒 投進追平分 然後第二個OT拿了5分保住勝利 黃蜂的後衛Jarrett jack說: " 他完全得改變了 Rose之前會把機會讓給別人 現在他理解所有壓力該由他自己來扛 " Had James come to Chicago, he would have been the one making the need baskets. Rose would have backed off again. The Bulls might never have witnessed his growth. "We lost out on a top five player," says one club official, "but we got a top five player too." 如果James當時真的來了芝加哥, 他將會是那個在重要關頭投籃的人物 Rose會再度退卻於他的角色認定 公牛也可能永遠沒有機會看到Rose的成長 一個球隊的職員說: " 我們雖失去了一個聯盟前五的球星(指LBJ) 但我們也得到了一個聯盟前五的球星(Rose) " Rose is not comfortable with compliments. When told he is playing well, he shakes his head and mutters, "I wish." In this way, at least, he is still hard to buy as a killer. He lacks the jutted jaw and pronounced strut and unrestrained ego. He says sir and ma'am. He apologizes to a tape recorder for cursing. He never challenges teammates, even though they sometimes wish he would. Despite his MVP proclamation and the trash talk with his buddies, Rose carries himself like the 15th man. "I'm way cockier than he is," says Scalabrine, "and I never play." During film sessions Rose provides a self-deprecating sound track: "My bad ... my fault ... my mistake ... sorry about that ... I'll get better at that." Rose對於讚美感到很不適應 當有人跟他說 你打得很好 他總是搖著頭 並小聲得說:我希望 這種方式 也許是他還不能真的成為一個殺手的因素 他缺乏那種堅定說出話的自信 他總是說: 先生 & 女士 他總是為了錄音不小心錄到他自己的咒罵 而感到抱歉 他從來沒有挑戰過自己的隊友 即使連Rose的隊友都希望他可以這樣做 儘管有著媒體日的MVP宣言 或是私底下跟親密好友的垃圾話 Rose常常就好像是隊上的第15人 白曼巴Scalabrine說: 好像連我都比Rose自大.....但我卻從來沒機會上場 在早晨的前場錄影回顧時間, 你總是可以聽到Rose說: " 我錯了 ", " 我的失誤 ", " 我犯錯了 ", " 對不起 " 或是 " 我下次會做好 " Players new to Chicago accuse Rose of false modesty. Then they get to know him. "There's no one in the league like this," says Noah. Rose lives with his roommates in a three-bedroom town house north of Chicago. He drives his pickup. He hates to spend. He likes to have money around for friends in need. This season he released his first signature shoe, but not before he gave instructions to Adidas's vice president of global basketball, Lawrence Norman: The shoe had to be versatile enough to wear with pants as well as shorts, so people wouldn't have to buy a second pair. "He takes pride in being normal," says assistant coach Rick Brunson. 剛到公牛球隊的新球員 認為Rose有種不真實的謙虛 直到後來他們才真的瞭解Rose Noah說: 沒有一個聯盟裡的人像Rose一樣 Rose跟他的一些室友住在一個芝加哥北邊三房的房子裡 他開著他的小貨卡 他不喜歡花費 他喜歡把錢留著 也許他的朋友會需要用到 這個球季 Adidas出了一款Rose的新鞋 他跟Adidas的全球副總裁交待 這雙鞋必須要 很多元的讓人可以穿它 還可以搭配長褲或是短褲 所以人們就不需要再買另外一雙鞋了 助理教練說:他把榮耀都回歸平淡 At the end of every practice the Bulls line up underneath one basket, and a player shoots free throws. If the player makes both, practice is over. If not, they all run. On Dec. 18 Rose missed a game-tying free throw with 0.8 of a second left against Del Negro's new team, the Clippers. The next day Rose asked to shoot the free throws at the end of practice, even though it was not his turn. He felt in debt. Six weeks later the Bulls faced the Clippers again, and Randy Foye guarded Rose. On pick-and-rolls Foye ran under the screens for Rose, daring him to shoot outside. Rose felt as if it were 2009 again. He sank three three-pointers in the first five minutes. 每天練習結束之前 球員開始投罰球 兩個都進 練習結束 沒有得話 大家都要去跑步 12月18號, 在剩下0.8秒球賽結束 Rose錯失一個追平分的罰球 對手是原本公牛前教練Del Negro領軍的快艇 隔天得練習 他主動要求去投這個練球結束前的罰球 即使並不是輪到他 他感到愧疚 六個禮拜之後 公牛再次碰到快艇隊 守他的人是Randy Foye, 在一個檔拆之後 Foye被擋住 他懷疑Rose可以外圍投射 Rose感覺這個場景好像回到2009年的他 不過當天他在前五分鐘內 投進了三個三分球 No one else is running under screens for Rose, but he is seeing plenty of traps and double teams, junk defenses usually deployed on Bryant and James. McClanaghan sends Rose e-mails to help him decipher coverages, and assistant coach Ron Adams makes him shoot with a heavy ball in practice to maintain his rhythm. And Rose has identified yet another way to expand his game. He plans to spend this summer developing post moves, and assuming the regulars are back at St. Monica High, he can use the 6'10" Love as a model. 如果Rose要單打 沒有其他人需要幫Rose他掩護, 但是他卻開始面對到很多的陷阱防守 跟 雙人包夾 就像是面對Kobe或是James一樣 防線一道道的佈署 McClanaghan 訓練員寄了很多E-mails給Rose去幫助他 如何破解對方的陣地 助理教練Ron Adams也在訓練中用重球 企圖讓Rose保持投球的節奏 Rose本身還想增加另一方面對於比賽的理解 就是 Rose希望在今年暑假裡 加強發展背對單打的動作 如果去年的那些成員都回去練球的話 他許可以把6呎10的Love當作一個練習對象 But summer is a long way off. Even though Noah and Boozer have played only 12 games together, the Bulls still have the third-best record in the Eastern Conference. They don't yet know what they can be. Noah only returned from rehabbing his hand on Feb. 23, and he will have plenty of time to mesh with Boozer before the playoffs. 現在討論Summer還有點久 儘管目前娘布跟Noah只一起打了12場 公牛卻已經是東岸戰績第三好的球隊 他們還不知道他們可以走多遠 因為Noah剛從手傷的復健中回到賽場 在季後賽來臨之前 他還需要花上一些時間跟Boozer磨合 Appropriately, one of the Bulls' most reliable players this season has been Deng, the player Rose would not sell out during free agency. Deng is scoring 17.7 points per game and chipping in 6.1 rebounds, clearly benefiting from the confidence shown in him. Rose had enough success with his MVP declaration to throw out one more. "Yeah, I do think we can win it all this year," he says. "How could I think any different?" 本球季大概最值得信賴的公牛球員會是Deng 這也是Rose最不願意高層交易出去的隊友 Deng一場17.7分 6.1板 他本身打球也展現自信心 Rose除了對MVP的決心 他還希望公牛隊可以贏下全部比賽 If it sounds like he is dreaming, well, that's the most important part of his routine. Rose naps as much as a newborn, three hours a day, and the siestas are sacred. No one wants to wake him early. He can be cranky. He has to feel refreshed at tip-off, even if it means his body clock runs a little late at night. He can always round up a few roommates, grab the key card to the practice facility, hop in the pickup and go shoot. 這聽起來很像在說夢話 不過贏球的確是Rose最重要的生活重心 Rose每天睡午覺的時間就像是小孩一樣多 他一天要小憩上三個小時 他午睡起來很嚇人的 沒有人想要提早吵醒他 不然他可能會不太爽 因為在球賽開始得時候 睡過午覺的他會感到很有活力 即使可能表示 他晚上的生理時鐘 會跑得有點晚 但他睡不著得時候 他總是可以拉上他的幾個室友 帶著Berto Center的門禁卡 溜進去 投個幾球! The game, like the player, is cutthroat. 這些小比賽 就跟這個球員一樣 的割喉且致命 -- ◆ From: 04/15 11:32 02/21 02:37
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kerry0496x :版主推 04/15 10:36

s24066774 :為什麼你從來"沒有"在NBA賽場中 做出這些動作? 04/15 10:43

s24066774 :有漏字 04/15 10:43

Sakber :推推推 好球員就該推o,ob 04/15 10:43

Sakber :這種努力又低調的好球員真的很少見! 04/15 10:44

gn02253749 :推羅斯 04/15 10:45

nogoodlaugh :看到一篇篇紮實的外電 真令人感動~!! 04/15 10:46

opopoppj :Nike一定很後悔沒簽到Rose XDDDDDDDDDDD 04/15 10:49

skyoo00 :白曼巴 04/15 10:51

BlackGuy :好棒的文章 04/15 10:51

Sakber :Adidas: 好爽 話說Adidas之前還有哪些巨星?XD 04/15 10:52

opopoppj :DH12 04/15 10:53

reko3 :KG 04/15 10:53

JerryChanel : 04/15 10:54

jeffm :推 04/15 10:54

Sakber :.......感覺都很低調XD 04/15 10:54

Amilous :凶"狠" 04/15 10:57

nogoodlaugh :T-Mac TD Arenas Billups 魔獸 Rose KG 04/15 10:58

lupus780 :聯盟裡從來沒有一個人像rose一樣 這邊要改一下 04/15 10:59

mirrortear :讚 04/15 10:59

PowerKid :這個他們最喜歡卻害羞的人 發生了甚麼事? XD 04/15 11:00

yybear :大推 04/15 11:01

chihow :低調的王者 推~ 04/15 11:01

smu :好文大推!! 04/15 11:03

ckshera :推!! 我愛rose! 04/15 11:04

eertllams :忽然發現從40勝17敗 變成62勝 中間只多輸了3場 04/15 11:04

stone939 :強者 推~ 可惜拉桿的動作好硬 少了點美感 04/15 11:05

eertllams :謝謝推文提醒 我有空會把錯別字改下 有犯錯也請告知 04/15 11:05

chechein :推 04/15 11:09

Amilous :東區有Rose 西區也有Durant 期待未來10年都他們對決 04/15 11:09

windtalker22:推!!! 04/15 11:11

dannyko01 :推白曼巴 04/15 11:13

tofly :好文推 板主MMMMMMMMMMMMMM 04/15 11:18

laputaca :ROSE !! 04/15 11:24

laputaca :忽然發現從40勝17敗 變成62勝 中間只多輸了3場 超猛 04/15 11:25

b51514 :推阿 這篇太讚了! 04/15 11:26

nobushige :好文!! 04/15 11:28

panda1031 :又看到一次ROSE寄給LBJ的簡訊內容 很感動 樸實 真誠 04/15 11:30

austin12340 :好文!!!!! 04/15 11:31

keanjaz :好文...好D-Rose 04/15 11:32

willy14 :推翻譯 推ROSE 04/15 11:33

falseshelter:推 04/15 11:34

king1228 :感覺Rose好像高中生那樣單純 完全跟外表不一樣XDD 04/15 11:35

ck321 :我記得以前看wade也是這樣的感覺呢 04/15 11:35

king1228 :一臉好像"我很秋"的樣子 但卻意外的謙虛 好球員:P 04/15 11:36

y1027330 :推ROSE 04/15 11:37

JerrydBatum :推 04/15 11:38

kumaHL :一天一千個三分球 真是驚人 @[email protected]!! 04/15 11:40

eternalzero :這篇真棒 04/15 11:41

lalauya :大推 MVP!! 04/15 11:42

bggman :ROSE 04/15 11:45

small2th :推~ 04/15 11:46

jessica35354:Rose不愧是新竹王 04/15 11:47

yihungsky :迷上Rose了@@a 04/15 11:48

saxdiz :看完都有點想支持有ROSE的公牛了 04/15 11:50

kerry0496x :不支持Rose個人也可以支持公牛團隊啊~~ 04/15 11:50

kerry0496x :有Boo有Noah有柯佛,不會無聊的 04/15 11:51

handsomecat :推認真翻譯 04/15 11:52

lostvery :Rose:讓我們一起贏球 Wade:讓我們一起開啪 dochi? 04/15 11:52

Sakber :看完我都快變公牛迷了 04/15 11:53

kerry0496x :還有全聯盟失分倒數第二,卻不髒的防守(夠硬) 04/15 11:54

h03511 :大推ROSE!!!! 04/15 11:54

eertllams :其實贏球好 開啪也是需要 04/15 11:58

AhUtopian :很喜歡這隻公牛的態度!! 04/15 12:05

kuaiphoto :大推Rose~!!!!版主快點m這篇啊~!!!! 04/15 12:06

MAGICMCGRADY:大推!!! 風成之子Rose 04/15 12:08

ilovetmac175:推rose 04/15 12:09

oopsmamamiya:fast don't lie!! 04/15 12:17

Carmelo :白曼巴Scalabrine說: 好像連我都比Rose自大.....XD 04/15 12:18

james7766 :190cm有很高嗎? 04/15 12:21

bluesky3330 :每天投進一千顆三分球....... 04/15 12:21

serendipity :推 Rose 04/15 12:25

MAGICMCGRADY:至少比CP3高 04/15 12:31

opopoppj :190cm 以控衛來說 剛好合格拉 04/15 12:31

mea7211 :每天一千個還不是投球數而是進球數…命中率50%也得投 04/15 12:39

mea7211 :2000球…OMG 04/15 12:40

eertllams :他說練習的命中率事60 後來變成70 04/15 12:45

ismylife29 :D rose to MVP! 04/15 12:45

whsfun :推推 04/15 12:54

itsmyspirit :欣賞他! 04/15 12:55

wudanny :感覺世錦賽逼出很多他不知道的缺點,然後得以改進 04/15 13:01

polarg :看了好感動 他值得再拿五年MVP! 04/15 13:03

ups :推翻譯也推ROSE! 04/15 13:05

lakers31522 :推 04/15 13:23

jw110094 :好文推! 04/15 13:26

hsyi :推 04/15 13:44

bll135 :推好文 Rose真的很厲害 04/15 14:05

Eijidate :Derrick Rose is the baddest mother! LBJ表示: 04/15 14:14

Eijidate :Back of my mother ! 04/15 14:15

Eijidate :文法好像錯了~改成 Behind my mother ! 04/15 14:16

Quiff :Scalabrine說的是mother fucker,後半段被消音吧 04/15 14:29

Quiff :譯成中文就是:我都叫他們「操他娘的」! 04/15 14:30

Quiff :而Rose現在就是全聯盟中最兇狠的操他娘! 04/15 14:30

Quiff :Scalabrine跟人家學什麼耍狠.... 04/15 14:31

opopoppj :人家可是兇狠的白曼巴咧 04/15 14:31

mw1128 :推 很喜歡Rose 04/15 14:43

heinekenstar:!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 04/15 14:47

ripmelo :紅的明顯 究竟KD跟ROSE誰比較謙虛啊??? 04/15 15:02

alice1012v18:新竹王感覺一臉很跩 結果其實謙虛得很 推 04/15 15:05

laoh :白曼巴 XDDD 推 04/15 15:10

ricky764 :降臨新竹 (誤 04/15 15:19

pharmawind :白曼巴 推~!!! 04/15 15:22

chiachen :之前他喊說要拿mvp 我還瞧不起他 現在來補推 04/15 15:45

loveinmars :白曼巴XDDDDD 04/15 15:52

pepeoa :好文 謙虛又有實力的一名球員 很喜歡他 04/15 16:28

rbking21 :樓樓樓上的風度也很好 另外推新竹王 04/15 16:39

MOJS : 04/15 16:51

kerry0496x :KD更謙虛點 04/15 16:58

kerry0496x :KD還會講KP是領袖了,Rose則是講說我要MVP 04/15 16:58

kerry0496x :但兩人都超重團隊,Rose也說MVP不是個人的事 04/15 16:59

Sakber :情況不太一樣吧 Rose需要帶領公牛 04/15 17:05

Sakber :雷霆季後賽則是要靠有戒指的KP來當頭 04/15 17:05

hermes018 :MVP~MVP~MVP~MVP~MVP~MVP~ 04/15 18:41

kuanyingli :好文推 04/15 18:48

airplanes :推啊!! 04/15 19:24

tofly :新竹人之光 04/15 19:33

Spkch :新竹風城 04/15 20:00

gtwings :白曼巴 Scalabrine XDDDDD 04/15 20:46

onthesea :羅神! 04/15 20:55

luxylu :Rose必推!!!!!!!!!! 04/15 22:39

hellogym :一定要推得!!!! 04/15 22:55

ian200155 :玫瑰 爆吧 04/15 23:00

opopoppj :竟然還沒爆! 04/15 23:02

kosha :耶~我來爆~ROSE加油 除了湖人以外公牛誰都不要輸 04/15 23:08

opopoppj :湖人照殺 04/15 23:11

monoc :推好文 04/16 00:04

Fanicom :推推~ 04/16 09:18

xiao1012 :早已經愛上Rose了 看了這篇文章更愛他了~ 04/16 11:50

aoc229001 :推牛版版主!!! 04/16 15:00

julianjuv :推推!! 04/16 20:23

adobeteru :嘖嘖 rose真的很對我的味!!!!!!我要幫rose按個讚 04/16 23:02

tmac829925 :借轉公牛板 02/21 02:37

rubband : . 01/05 01:03
