[外絮] Tracing the history of the NBA's sil …

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作者 hfi780 (i7)
時間 2010-04-28 21:08:36
留言 42則留言 (25推 2噓 15→)

Jerry West claims he's not so presumptuous as to assume his image is depicted on one of the most recognizable emblems in sports: the NBA logo. West爺爺不認為NBA logo上面的人是他 The NBA too is coy. 他只是在害羞而已啦 Alan Siegel is not. 不過設計logo的Siegel可不這麼想 "It's Jerry West," he says. "那就是West阿" Siegel, 71, designed the familiar logo in 1969, taking a Wen Roberts photograph of the Lakers star and turning it into an iconic image. Siegel在1969年用Wen Roberts拍的照片完成了這個著名的logo In red, white and blue, it shows a player in silhouette purposefully dribbling the ball upcourt with his left hand. logo由紅白藍三色組成 表現出一個正在用左手運球的球員輪廓 Siegel, a branding expert and lifelong basketball fan, believes he knows why the NBA is reluctant to acknowledge the obvious. Siegel以品牌行銷專家與籃球迷的身分說他知道為什麼NBA不願意承認這個事實 "They want to institutionalize it rather than individualize it," he says during an interview over lunch near his office in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan. "It's become such a ubiquitous, classic symbol and focal point of their identity and their licensing program that they don't necessarily want to identify it with one player." Siegel認為因為NBA logo已經十分普遍 而他們想要大家把焦點放在整個聯盟 不只是一個球員 NBA Commissioner David Stern, through a spokesman, declines to comment, saying he doesn't know whether West is on the logo. "There's no record of it here," spokesman Tim Frank says. 史坦馬上透過發言人說他不知道West爺爺是logoman "因為我們沒有紀錄"發言人說 Siegel's original artwork has been lost over the years through several office moves, but the designer recites the story of the logo in detail. In 1969, Siegel and his business partner, the late Robert Gale, opened their branding consultancy. 儘管logo的原稿已經不見了 不過作者Siegel還是詳細地把故事告訴大家 1969年 Siegel跟他的夥伴Robert Gale開了間品牌行銷顧問公司 In a previous job, Siegel says, he oversaw development of Major League Baseball's logo, which was developed in 1968 and introduced during baseball's centennial in 1969. It too is red, white and blue and features a player — a batter — in silhouette. Siegel說在他先前的工作中 曾經接觸過MLB logo的的設計 MLB的logo是在1968設計 然後在隔年 也就是棒球一百歲的時候發表 圖案同樣也是紅白藍 不過球員拿的是球棒 It's no accident, Siegel notes, that the logos are similar. 所以兩個logo才會這麼相似 He says that J. Walter Kennedy, the NBA's commissioner from 1963 to 1975, told him that "he basically wanted to have a family relationship with baseball and to use red, white and blue to position basketball as an All-American game." Siegel說當時的NBA總裁J. Walter Kennedy說他希望兩個聯盟可以發展出兄弟般的關係 也想要以紅白藍三個顏色把籃球運動推廣到全美國 Siegel says he came up with 40 or 50 designs, none of which featured any players other than West, but Kennedy gravitated toward the derivative of the baseball logo. 作者設計了四五十個草稿 每一個都是用West爺爺的輪廓 不過總裁就是喜歡模仿MLB logo的的那一個 "And in those days," the designer says, "it was top down. He made the decision. There was no research. There was no discussion. He said, ‘We're doing this.' " 作者說"從頭到尾都沒有商量或討論 總裁就決定了" Siegel, 6 feet 2, was a star basketball player at Long Beach High on Long Island. He says he turned down dozens of basketball scholarships to attend Cornell, where he left the basketball team after one season to concentrate on academics. Siegel曾經是長堤高中的明星球員 放棄了一堆籃球獎學金後進入康乃爾大學 然後在康乃爾打了一個球季之後就退出球隊專心念書 A childhood friend, the late sportswriter and broadcaster Dick Schaap, also was a Cornell graduate. And later, when Siegel was searching for an image to use in the NBA logo, Schaap gave him access to the photo archives at Sport magazine. Siegel的兒時玩伴 同樣也是康乃爾大學畢業 後來成為運動作家跟播報員的Dick Schaap 在作者尋找一個可以當作NBA logo圖案時 給了他一些運動雜誌裡的照片 "I found this picture of Jerry West dribbling down the court," Siegel says, "and, of course, growing up in New York and my father having season tickets for college and pro games at Madison Square Garden, I'd seen West play a lot." "我找到一張West運球的照片" 作者說 "我在紐約長大的 而且我老爸還有MSG的季票 所以我常常看West打球" West, in fact, was one of Siegel's favorite players — along with John Havlicek and Oscar Robertson — but that's not why he chose to feature the former West Virginia star in his design. 事實上West是Siegel最喜愛的球員之一 不過這不是他把West當作logo的原因 The photo, Siegel says, just grabbed him. 是因為那張照片抓住了他的心 "It had a nice flavor to it," he says, "so I took that picture and we traced it. It was perfect. It was vertical and it had a sense of movement. It was just one of those things that clicked." "這張照片有種韻味" Siegel說 "所以我們把輪廓畫出來" "結果很棒 看起來十分生動 這就是我們要的圖案" Kennedy thought so too. 總裁也是這樣認為 "Nobody else said anything," Siegel says. "And when we did the publicity, nobody ever asked whether it was Jerry West. "If you did it today, they'd want 50 designs. They'd get focus groups and test it. They'd make a whole big deal about it and they'd probably end up with a design that wasn't as good." "沒有人有意見" Siegel說 "發表之後 也沒人問那是不是West" (看得出來才怪) "如果換成現在 聯盟應該會找一組人來測試這50個草稿 他們會把事情搞得很盛大 最後選了一個沒那麼棒的圖案" West, calling it "awkward" to comment on the logo when the NBA won't confirm he's on it, remembers thinking when he first saw Siegel's design, "That looks like somebody familiar." West爺爺認為聯盟不承認他是logoman的這個舉動讓他有點囧 當他第一次看見Siegel的設計時 他就覺得這個圖案有點眼熟 Siegel, a Knicks season-ticket holder for more than 30 years, says he twice met West, once at a restaurant in Los Angeles and more recently at a Lakers game at Staples Center. 30年以來都是尼克隊死忠球迷的Siegel說他遇過West兩次 一次是在洛城的餐廳 比較近的那次是在史代波中心 At the restaurant, Siegel says, "I introduced myself and told him I'd designed the logo. And he said, ‘Who was the commissioner then?' I said, ‘ Kennedy,' and he said, ‘OK,' and went on with his lunch." 在餐廳那次 Siegel向West介紹自己是logo的設計者 然後West問他當時誰是總裁 Siegel回答是Kennedy後 West說了聲"恩" 就繼續吃午餐了 At the game, "he was sort of friendly but noncommittal, so he's never really said anything to me about it," Siegel says. 至於在球場那次 Siegel說"West顯得比較友善一點 不過感覺還是怪怪的" "所以他從來沒有跟我討論過這件事" In a new biography, "Jerry West: The Life and Legend of a Basketball Icon," it's noted that West is not above jokingly introducing himself by saying, "I'm the logo." 在West爺爺的自傳中 也沒有提到 "我就是logo" Today, he demurs: "If that's me, I'm extremely flattered." 不過今天 West爺爺說 "如果那真的是我 我感到十分榮幸" But of course it's him. 呃...那是他沒錯 In recent years, some have suggested that the logo be updated, that perhaps it should feature Michael Jordan. 這幾年有人建議logoman應該更新一下 例如換成MJ(這也能更新喔...) "Fine with me," West says. West爺爺說他OK Siegel says no . 但是Siegel說不 "I'm a fairly sophisticated marketing guy," he says, "and I think something that's so well-known and symbolic of high-level basketball around the world, it would be a mistake to change it. "It has significance and appeal because it's historical. It doesn't look like a modern player. It's a classic image." "身為一個公正又有經驗的行銷專家" Siegel說 "我認為這件事已經廣為人知了 更何況這是世界籃球最高殿堂的象徵 換掉是個大錯誤" "這logo會這麼有影響力就是因為它有歷史性 而且圖案也不像現代球員 那是個經典" 來源:http://tinyurl.com/2bqh48s -- ◆ From: 先承認我是湖人迷 要轉這篇文章過來之前我想了很久 這裡的風氣我不是不曉得 只是我覺得可以這篇文章讓喜歡NBA的人多知道關於NBA的一些小常識 所以把它分享過來 我大可把這篇文章留在湖人版 讓那些_推文少一點 要推要噓隨便 要釣魚就麻煩動動手指按← 謝謝配合 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 君子不以言舉人;不以人廢言。
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1272460117.A.88D.html

asdfe88466 :NBAdog: 04/28 21:10

rex9999 :這是湖人隊中少有好樣的 04/28 21:12

hope452162 :推J.West不僅球打的好,當總管也是一流的 04/28 21:13

davy50707 :他的超大號兩分球啊... 這樣少一個冠軍... 04/28 21:17

DppisMinZhu : 04/28 21:18

SlamKai :能刪掉樓上這推文是在好不過了 04/28 21:19

sky00231 :可惜某樓壞了這篇文 還滿想看看照片的XD 04/28 21:20

jbsh :Dppis 你是釣不到我的 04/28 21:22

rex9999 :XD 迷會信以為真 04/28 21:26

pttjudge :我以為LOGO是Jordan = =" 04/28 21:29

camel0726 :好久不見的清新歷史好文 04/28 21:31

chirssu :看成吹西 04/28 21:33

wagner :http://tinyurl.com/2v37cer 04/28 21:39

sxing6326 : 04/28 21:48

changuj1 :可以不要再扯kobe了? 嗯? 到底是羨慕他還忌妒他? 04/28 21:49

Kshatri :傳說中的MVP.. 04/28 21:50

hfi780 := = 我想我來錯地方了 04/28 21:50

CaLawrence :晤 我還以為那LOGO是STERN 04/28 21:53

justlovekiss:west自己最為驕傲的事就是選中kobe changujl不懂? 04/28 21:55

kerry0496x :請熱愛NBA的大眾,把討論logoman的文章視為止戰之地 04/28 21:56

kerry0496x :介紹大O、還有Logoman的兩篇我都有看,那篇說Wset 04/28 21:56

kerry0496x :的運球實在是太標準、太美了,在這點上勝過大O 04/28 21:56

kerry0496x :那篇文章還提到,West超乎想像的命中率還有出手自信 04/28 21:56

kerry0496x :依那篇的說法,他比KB還敢出手,每次都讓對手心驚膽 04/28 21:57

kerry0496x :即使是在中場也不能放他。此外,大O的運球比較Free 04/28 21:57

SlamKai :NBA Final MVP:1969(唯一一位以敗隊球員身分獲獎) 04/28 22:03

zsh :QQ 什麼時候在NBA版分享知識也要這麼卑微 或許這就是 04/28 22:13

zsh :PERMOON版主想看到的自由討論風氣吧 04/28 22:13

t11437 :這篇很好阿長知識 或許換logo韻味就少了點 04/28 22:15

hfi780 :自由討論很好阿 不過看到特定人事物就開砲就... 04/28 22:19

hfi780 :反正看不下去我就自己D掉 04/28 22:20

handsomecat :這logo真的不錯 04/28 23:00

ymca900 :zsh說卑微?怎麼感覺不到 原po怎麼了 紅明顯關心一下 04/28 23:06

kingroy :Gasol的交易West應該有在背後幫一把.. 04/28 23:18

hfi780 :看推文也略知一二吧... 04/28 23:28

fish2871 :ZSH好多篇都不遺餘力的想惹毛板主 我們繼續看下去 04/29 00:00

bluemkevin :West 好像是唯一個隊伍沒拿冠軍但是拿到冠軍賽MVP 04/29 00:52

bluemkevin :XD 我發現我OP了 無論如何 West也算神人等級 04/29 00:54

lineage60207:什麼時候在NBA版分享知識也要這麼卑微...真中肯 04/29 01:17

TiangLei :但是湖迷以人廢言的太多了 04/29 01:45

frank123ya :推WEST爺爺 04/29 02:07

mnmnqq :總版的水準 科科 04/29 02:12
