[新聞] A.米勒領軍 四大季後賽首輪配角搶鋒頭

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作者 sampsonlu919 (笑容後的我其實並不快樂)
時間 2010-04-22 20:56:43
留言 19則留言 (10推 0噓 9→)

http://www.nba.com.tw/news/article/2010-04-22/25080/34512 米勒領軍 四大季後賽首輪配角搶鋒頭 發表時間:2010-04-22 季後賽打得如火如荼,這時候正是評價季前軍備競賽成效的好時機,但是卡特 (Vince Carter),華勒斯(Rasheed Wallace),歐尼爾(Shaquille O’Neal)等季前 引人注目的轉隊球員表現平平,《Sporting News》的專欄作家德芬尼(Sean Deveney) 評論出四位在人們意料之外的搶眼球員: Small Offseason Splashes Making Big Postseason Impacts Wednesday, April 21, 2010 Posted By Sean Deveney 4:15 PM http://tinyurl.com/23wphd4 1.米勒(Andre Miller),波特蘭拓荒者隊 It's hard to remember that Miller was the Blazers’ third choice on the free-agent market last summer. Portland missed out on Paul Millsap, whose offer was matched by the Jazz, and Hedo Turkoglu, who pulled out of a deal to sign with Toronto. And even once Miller was signed to a three-year, $21 million deal, many in Portland wondered how he would fit, whether Steve Blake was better and whether Miller would simply be trade bait. But Miller was the key to Portland’s Game 1 win in Phoenix, posting up smaller wing defenders and putting in 31 points. The way the Suns defend him remains the focus of the series, which brings us to ... 去年夏天,米勒不過是拓荒者在自由球員市場的第三選擇。在他正式加盟後質疑聲 仍然不斷,甚至傳出本季打的跌跌撞撞的拓荒者有意拿米勒來當交易籌碼。 但到了季後賽,缺少當家球星羅伊(Brandon Roy)的拓荒者可以在首戰擊敗太陽, 最大功臣就是攻得31分的米勒,太陽如何在季後賽防守米勒反倒成了首輪對戰的 重點。 2.希爾(Grant Hill),鳳凰城太陽隊 Last summer, Hill considered pursuing a championship with the Celtics or earning big money from the Knicks, but he ultimately decided to return to Phoenix on a modest two-year deal that started at $3 million and has a player option for next season. Hill was outstanding while turning around the series against the Blazers in Game 2, scoring 20 points (on 10-for-11 shooting) with eight rebounds. Hill also accepted the defensive assignment of stopping Miller and limited him to 12 points. Hill explained the difficulty of guarding Miller: “He’s constantly probing and attacking. His mindset is, ‘Why shoot from 15 when you can shoot from 10? Why shoot from 10 when you can shoot from five?' He's challenging to defend.” 去年夏天大家都覺得尋求冠軍夢的希爾會前往更有競爭力的球隊或者是前往薪資空間 更闊綽的球隊至少領一份養老金,但是最後他選擇留在太陽。雖然太陽在季後賽首戰 爆冷輸給拓荒者是因為守不住米勒,然而第二場比賽希爾不但投11中10攻下20分8籃板, 還擔負起防守米勒的重任讓他只得到12分,看來攻守兩端希爾都還是太陽重要的棋子。 3.穆恩(Jamario Moon),克里夫蘭騎士隊 The 40 points by LeBron James pushed the Cavaliers past the Bulls in what was a tight Game 2, but don’t overlook the 4-for-5 shooting that Moon put up from the 3-point line, which included three big 3s in the fourth quarter. Moon was brought to Cleveland last summer—on a contract worth just less than $9 million over three years (only the first two years are guaranteed)—for his defensive presence, and he shot just 32.0 percent from the 3-point line during the regular season. But his outside shooting was crucial to the Game 2 win. 騎士與公牛的第二場比賽,詹姆士(LeBron James)的40分固然很搶眼,但是穆恩 在三分線上投5中4,包括第四節的三顆三分球。去年夏天騎士看中的是穆恩的防守 才跟他簽訂三年合約,怎知在季後賽反倒是他的三分球率先寫下戰功。 4.戴維斯(Glen Davis),波士頓塞爾提克隊 Davis was a restricted free agent last summer, and as negotiations with the team dragged into August, he got antsy and complained about the process through Twitter. But, ultimately, the Celtics gave Davis a two-year deal worth a very reasonable $6.3 million. Davis didn’t play big minutes this year (17.3), and his numbers were not overly impressive (6.3 points, 3.8 rebounds, 43.7 percent shooting), but he has proven himself to be a reliable fill-in when Kevin Garnett is unable to play. That was the case in Game 2 against Miami, when Davis put up 23 points and eight rebounds. “He does all of his work without the ball,” Heat coach Eric Spoelstra told reporters. “He does it by running the floor, sprinting ahead of the crowd, ducking in on the weak side, crashing on the offensive glass, putting himself in position for dishes inside the paint. He just continues to put heat on you in the paint.” 去年季後賽頂替先發大前鋒打出身價,讓塞爾提克跟戴維斯簽下一紙兩年合約, 今年例行賽卻因為上場時間有限而沒有出色表現,但是到了季後賽,賈奈特 (Kevin Garnett)被禁賽,挺身而出的又是戴維斯,在第二戰23分8籃板的優異表現, 又成了這個系列賽的關鍵人物。 -- / \ NY  B NY ρ SF KC / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \   囧總統 囧巴西亞 貝囧特 溫囧特 克里夫囧 囧塔那 囧樂迪 囧方孔 囧蘭基 英囧 -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1271941006.A.699.html

arkod :A.Miller : 原來我只是配角阿 ... 04/22 20:57

shyshy :對平常沒看NBA的人 真的是配角 04/22 20:59

iecdalu :Big Baby !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 04/22 20:59

dash0804 :心得文 04/22 21:01

onlywig :季後賽才兩場就開始評分 會不會太...... 04/22 21:01

Jotarun :老外也是有這種... 04/22 21:02

LA24 :Blake表示:你是配角沒錯 04/22 21:02

oicecnir :50分不是這季嗎..A米:好像有這麼一回事哦 04/22 21:03

syterol :看胖胖打爆火火禁區超熱血的......被蓋5鍋還是拼命衝 04/22 21:03

lifepeja :太陽用小前鋒守控球讓我連想到公牛用皮本盯控衛 04/22 21:09

billy00248 :我覺得寫這種東西的人都很愛馬後炮 04/22 21:09

billy00248 :還有用小前鋒守控球第一場拓荒者就用過了 04/22 21:10

piercepaul :小組長在問某M了XD 04/22 21:10

jlcsn :第一場阿拓就是拿Batum守Nash~檔完守阿罵也沒啥劣勢 04/22 21:16

jlcsn :後面還有兩隻等補防~太陽第二場就以彼之道 還施彼身 04/22 21:17

lock7863701 :推HILL 04/22 21:28

SureHappy :以今年的先發場次來看 的確算是配角 不過扶正了!! XD 04/22 21:44

pf775101 :Hill加油!!帶領太陽往前衝吧! 04/22 22:52

mea7211 :太陽以前也用過屌爺或香妹來守對手的明星控衛 04/23 00:54
