[外絮] 運動畫刊季末評比

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作者 sampsonlu919 (笑容後的我其實並不快樂)
時間 2010-04-19 13:30:08
留言 22則留言 (14推 0噓 8→)

http://tinyurl.com/y352w6e Chris Mannix>INSIDE THE NBA NBA Regular-Season Grades Atlanta Hawks B+ Jamal Crawford's instant offense made him the offseason's best pickup. Josh Smith, more selective with his shooting, has helped the Hawks improve their win total for a fifth straight year and crack 50 victories for the first time since '97-98. An 18-22 road record is worse than you'd expect, but a deep and talented roster makes Atlanta a tough out in the playoffs. 小克(Crawford)快速熱機的能力,讓他成為暑假最佳的轉隊案 賈詡(Josh Smith)更好選擇的出手,不僅幫助老鷹連續五年勝場都有進步 也讓球隊在98年之後首度達到50勝 雖然客場不到5成的勝率可能會讓一些球迷失望 但是夠深與有天份的球員名單,將讓老鷹成為季後賽的難纏對手 Boston Celtics C+ Touted offseason pickups Rasheed Wallace (28.5 percent on three-pointers) and Marquis Daniels (5.5 points) have been busts, and 28 teams have rebounded better than Boston. The Big Three has helped keep the Celtics in the hunt for the No. 3 seed in the East, but how much more does the Kevin Garnett/Paul Pierce/Ray Allen troika have left in the tank? 挖來三分命中率不到3成的西蛙(R.Wallace)與得分只有5分的丹尼爾斯(Daniels) 都證明是失敗的交易 聯盟其他28支球隊籃板抓得比普賽還多 雖然三巨頭一度讓綠衫軍仍然保有東區前三的席位 但是老化的他們在季後還有多少能量呢? Charlotte Bobcats B The trickle-down effect from the early-season Stephen Jackson deal was an All-Star nod for Gerald Wallace and a more efficient season for Raymond Felton (career-high 45.8 percent shooting). The Tyson Chandler-Emeka Okafor swap didn't work out, but midseason deals for Theo Ratliff and Tyrus Thomas made up for it and helped Charlotte make the playoffs for the first time ever. 帥貓(S.Jackson)帶來的涓滴效應,不僅讓G蛙(G.Wallace)入選明星賽 也讓肥頓(Felton)更加有效率(生涯最高命中率) 用歐克佛(Okafor)換來拳王(Chandler)的效果並不好 但季中交易來雷特利夫(Ratliff)與泰勒絲(Tyrus Thomas) 讓山貓成軍多年之後終於打進季後賽 Chicago Bulls B- The Bulls were never able to replace Ben Gordon's scoring and took a couple of big hits with the salary dump of John Salmons and trade of Tyrus Thomas. Still, they're in position to reach the playoffs for the fifth time in six years while preserving cap space for a run at Dwyane Wade or Joe Johnson this summer. 公牛至今仍然無法填補搬狗蛋(B.Gordon)離隊的空缺 為了甩開薪資包袱,也分別將鮭魚(Salmons)與泰勒絲交易出去 然而,儘管他們為了在暑假準備挖角閃電俠(Wade)與鷹王(Joe Johnson) 而保留薪資空間,公牛還是成功地在六年內五度打入季後賽 Cleveland Cavaliers A Sixty-plus wins, home-court advantage throughout the playoffs again and the best supporting cast with whom LeBron James has ever played? James may indeed choose to defect to New York this summer, but the midseason addition of Antawn Jamison (and the subsequent return of Zydrunas Ilgauskas) makes the Cavs about as strong as they possibly can be. 再一次的60勝與全程主場優勢,以及小皇帝(James)有過最好的隊友? LBJ也許會在暑假跳槽到尼克 但是季中加入的健民嬸(Jamison)與回鍋的大Z(Ilgauskas) 將讓騎士能夠和像球迷想像中的一樣強盛 Dallas Mavericks B+ Risky long-term deals for aging stars Jason Kidd, 37, and Shawn Marion, 31, have paid off, at least for this season. Kidd picked up his 10th All-Star nod and Marion played All-Star D as Carmelo Anthony, Kevin Durant and Kobe Bryant all struggled offensively against the Mavs. The midseason deal for Brendan Haywood gave Dallas the size to match up with the big boys in the West. 冒險的讓年紀變大的老基(Kidd)與香媽(Marion)再次連線 起碼在今年看起來算是有回報的簽約 老基第十次入選明星賽,香媽則是打出明星級的防守 讓甜瓜(Anthony)、小杜(Durant)與Kobe在遇上小牛時都得分困難 季中交易來黑霧(Haywood)更是讓小牛面對西區一票長人時,總算有了壓制的力量 Denver Nuggets B The Nuggets have battled through injury (Kenyon Martin) and adversity (George Karl's absence because of cancer treatment) to cobble together a third straight 50-win season. Swingman Arron Afflalo (8.7 points, 43.8 percent from three-point range) ably replaced Dahntay Jones, and rookie point guard Ty Lawson lifted the bench. 金塊陸續克服患得患失(Martin)的受傷與卡爾(Karl)治療癌症的煎熬 連續3年都有50勝 搖擺人阿非(Afflalo)稱職的補上了蛋塔(Dahntay Jones)離隊的空缺 新人後衛泰勞子(Lawson)也強化了板凳 Detroit Pistons C- The Charlie Villanueva signing was a mistake, one that becomes more costly when rookies Jonas Jerebko and Austin Daye eat into his minutes next season. It's hard to win, though, when mainstays Tayshaun Prince and Rip Hamilton combine to play fewer than 100 games, leaving a young first-year coach (John Kuester) without his most consistent performers. 比克(Villanueva)的簽約是個錯誤,尤其Jerebko與Daye明年還會吃掉他的上場時間 不過當元老小王子(Prince)與Rip(Hamilton)出賽場次加起來不到100場時 不僅球隊很難贏球,也讓第一年當教練的Kuester被迫面臨沒有穩定得分球員的問題 Golden State Warriors C Whopping injury woes -- the Warriors have lost an NBA-high 483 games because of injury (about six players per game), suited up nine or fewer players in nearly 60 percent of their games and used 47 different starting lineups -- doomed them from the start. On the bright side, Don Nelson eked out the all-time wins record and the Stephen Curry/Monta Ellis tandem leads NBA backcourts in combined total of points, rebounds, assists and steals (66.6). 有夠驚人的傷兵名單! 勇士球員因傷缺賽加起來的場次,創下聯盟新高的483場 有六成的比賽出球員在9個以下,甚至使用了47種不同的先發陣容 勇士從一開始就注定會有不幸的一季 直得欣慰的是:唐牛(Don Nelson)成為史上最多勝的教練 小咖哩(Curry)/艾莉絲(Ellis),也成為聯盟最有威力的後場組合 他們平均得分/籃板/助攻/抄截加起來是全聯盟最高的 Houston Rockets B+ The Rockets stayed surprisingly competitive through the Yao Ming injury and Tracy McGrady drama. They're in good shape for the future, too, with Kevin Martin on board and with Aaron Brooks, Trevor Ariza and Luis Scola more confident after being forced to take on bigger roles. 火箭在姚明因傷缺席與T妹(McGrady)的肥皂劇下,依然驚人的保持競爭力 他們的未來也是一片看好 因為他們有了瘦K-Mart(Kevin Martin),而且小AB(Brooks)、亞里莎(Ariza) 與四克拉(Scola)被迫承擔重任後,變得更有信心了 Indiana Pacers C- Injuries have forced the Pacers to put out 25 different starting lineups and only three have played at least four games and posted a record of .500 or better. A healthy season would have helped, but Indy has made no secret that it's playing for 2011, when five big contracts come off the books. That doesn't bode well for a competitive '10-11 season. 傷兵問題讓溜馬被迫嘗試25種先發陣容, 其中只有3種能夠打至少4場比賽,並打出5成以上的勝率 溜馬如果球員保持健康,明年成績是會有進步 但當球團已經表明球隊是為了清出明年5筆到期的合約而打造時 這恐怕不是一個好兆頭 Los Angeles Clippers D+ The loss of No. 1 pick Blake Griffin was crippling and a lack of mental toughness doomed a team with decent talent to another miserable season. Former coach/GM Mike Dunleavy's parting gift -- clearing enough cap space for a top free agent -- was a good one, and with a couple of smart moves (I know, right?), the Clips are positioned to rebound next season. 開季就損失狀元小葛(Griffin)就已經夠傷了 心理上缺乏韌性,更讓這支球隊儘管有才華卻注定會有令一個讓人失望的球季 不過前教練/經理老鄧(Dunleavy)帶來的分手禮物: 足夠挖角好球員的薪資空間,是一個不錯的大禮 如果加上聰明的人事異動,快艇仍然有機會在下一季反彈 Los Angeles Lakers B+ The Lakers are the top seed in the West again, the vaunted starting lineup (which hopes to get Andrew Bynum back for the start of the playoffs) has lived up to expectations and Kobe Bryant likely will pick up another top-three MVP finish. But Los Angeles failed to acquire help to boost a weak bench, which could cost it later in the playoffs. 湖人再次成為西區的第一種子,華麗的先發陣容也符合球迷期待 Kobe還會在MVP票選中得到前三名 但球隊無法在季中補強相對虛弱的板凳,恐怕會在未來的季後賽付出代價 Memphis Grizzlies B Memphis balanced two abysmal moves (drafting Hasheem Thabeet, signing Allen Iverson) with one superb one (acquiring Zach Randolph) to have its best season since '05-06. But the Grizzlies were inconsistent down the stretch, and one can't help but wonder how good they could have been with Tyreke Evans in the backcourt. 灰熊季前的選秀與簽來艾佛森(Iverson)看起來不大明智 幸好靠著炸豆腐(Z.Randolph)的中和,讓球隊打出4季以來最佳成績 然而球隊在關鍵時刻卻會經常當機 這不禁讓人好奇假如他們在選秀選來小E(Evans),球隊又會變得如何 Miami Heat B The Heat formula: play stifling defense (43.9 field-goal-percentage defense, No. 2 in the league) and then get out of Dwyane Wade's way. Wade has led Miami in scoring 61 times and will likely crack 2,000 points/500 assists for the third time in his career. Will Miami regret not getting him some help at the deadline? We'll know the answer this summer. 熱火球賽的公式是:先打出令人窒息的防守(對手命中率聯盟第二低) 再讓炎帝掌控大局 熱火有61場球賽,炎帝都是得分最多的人 他也是第三次打出2千分-5百助攻的成績 熱火球團是否會後悔沒有在交易大限之前替他找來更好的隊友呢? 我們很快就會在暑假期間知道了! Milwaukee Bucks A While planning for 2011 (when they'll have plenty of salary-cap space), the Bucks won big in '09-10. Coach Scott Skiles developed candidates for Rookie of the Year (Brandon Jennings) and Most Improved Player (Ersan Ilyasova, Andrew Bogut) while installing schemes that turned Bogut into a premier shot-blocker (2.5 per game). And after Michael Redd went down, GM John Hammond solidified Redd's spot (dealing for John Salmons and signing Jerry Stackhouse) without giving up future cap flexibility. 雖然公鹿是為了清出明年的薪資空間打造 但今年對他們而言可說是豐收的一年 史禿(Skiles)調教出最佳新秀候選人健寧公主(Jennings) 波哥(Bogut)與Ilyasova也很有機會在最佳進步球員的票選上榜上有名 其中前者更能煽出2.5記火鍋 在紅哥(Redd)報銷之後,總管Hammond不僅找來鮭魚與老師(Stackhouse) 成功頂上得分後衛的位置,而且依然讓薪資空間保持彈性 Minnesota Timberwolves F The buzzer-beating win over the Nets in their opener was the highlight of the season. Al Jefferson and Kevin Love don't mesh well together and Jonny Flynn is better off in a pick-and-roll-based system than Kurt Rambis' hybrid triangle. Rambis has the support of the front office, but with another season like this -- and there's reason to believe '10-11 will feature more of the same -- how much longer will that last? 開幕戰用壓哨球擊敗籃網,是灰狼本季唯一直得說嘴的比賽 狼王J(Al Jefferson)與小愛(Love)的黑白雙塔搭配並不好 福林(Flynn)打藍鼻子(Rambis)混血三角的能力遠不如打pick-and-roll 藍鼻子有球團高層的支持,但是隨著今年跟過往一樣差的成績 我們有理由相信明年灰狼隊還是一樣慘澹 這種情形還要持續多久呢? New Jersey Nets D- Lawrence Frank took the first bullet and Kiki Vandeweghe took the next five in a season the Nets just wanted to get behind them. Losing at near-record levels will get them a high draft pick to go with their oodles of cap space, but you have to wonder what effect this season had on '09 All-Star Devin Harris (career-low 40.5 percent shooting) and if he can reclaim his form next season. 先是法禿(Frank)因為無法贏球被火,范范(Vandeweghe)接掌後也吞了5連敗 讓籃網有一個想要快速忘掉的球季 靠著接近敗場紀錄,他們將會在選秀上獲得高順位 而且他們也有大量的薪資空間 但你還是不得不好奇為何去年獲選明星賽的小哈(Harris) 今年為何數據退化,也對他明年是否能反彈感到質疑 New Orleans Hornets C- This team is too talented to finish below .500, even with Chris Paul's injuries. Emeka Okafor and David West never developed chemistry and the midseason salary dump of Devin Brown didn't help the bench. Rookie Darren Collison wowed in Paul's absence, creating a dilemma: Which one do you deal in the offseason? 這支球隊是如此充滿才華 所以就算寶哥(Paul)受傷,他們也不該以低於5成勝率結尾 歐克佛與大衛西(David West)沒有打出預期的效果 季中為了薪資空間甩開Devin Brown,更是對板凳毫無幫助 新人小柯(Collison)在寶哥缺賽期間打出令人驚艷的成績 但這也帶給球隊一個難題:要在暑假交易掉哪一位呢? New York Knicks D Year two of the "Wait until 2010" campaign will close with the defensively porous Knicks failing to match last year's 32-50 record. By dumping Jared Jeffries, the Knicks cleared enough salary-cap space to pursue two marquee free agents, but they couldn't get Eddy Curry into shape and watched David Lee probably price himself off the team with an All-Star season. They better have a great summer. 在尼克"等待2010暑假"的第二年,他們漏洞百出的防守 讓他們無法維持去年的成績 靠著清出Jeffries,球團已經有足夠的空間挖角兩位大牌球星 但是他們還是無法讓柯胖(Curry)回覆體態 也眼睜睜目睹李大衛(David Lee)打出明星等級數據 尼克高層最好祈禱會有一個好的暑假 Oklahoma City Thunder A Rather than just relying on their offensive firepower, the Thunder have locked down on defense (holding opponents to 44.7 percent shooting) and developed Serge Ibaka (6.1 rebounds, 1.7 blocks since the All-Star break) in the middle while winning at least 26 more games than last season. They also watched Russell Westbrook become an improved mid-range shooter and Kevin Durant play out the first of many seasons as an MVP candidate. 雷霆本季不再只是倚賴進攻火力而已 他們本季啟動防守模式,是對手命中率最低的球隊 而且他們還培養出能抓6籃板,蓋1.7次火鍋的一把卡(Ibaka) 他們也目睹西河(Westbrook)中距離跳投的進步 以及小杜打出MVP身手的第一個球季 Orlando Magic A- The front office scored -- at least in the regular season -- with its decision to essentially swap Hedo Turkoglu for Vince Carter, and something tells me the decision to pay Marcin Gortat $34 million will pay off in the playoffs. Stan Van Gundy has developed J.J. Redick (9.6 points) into a valued role player. Dwight Howard, who is poised to repeat as Defensive Player of the Year, leads the NBA's best D (opponents are shooting a league-low 43.8 percent). 魔術球團季外以土(Turkoglu)換卡(Carter)的交易 至少在球季賽獲得了成功,至於用超過3千萬留住波蘭鍋貼(Gortat) 預計也將在季後賽獲得驗收 大范(Stan Van Gundy)讓瑞迪克(Redick)逐漸成為有價值的關鍵殺手 而魔獸(D.Howard)也幾乎會確定再次拿下最佳防守球員獎 Philadelphia 76ers D Whether it was Eddie Jordan's offense or the players' inability to understand it, the first-year coach's marriage with Philadelphia just never worked out. Ripping the offense is easy, but the Sixers also rank near the bottom in defensive efficiency and opponents' field-goal percentage. 不管達叔(Eddie Jordan)的進攻系統是否難以讓球員理解 他與費城的姻緣顯然不怎麼順利 換了教練之後,球隊的進攻應該可以進步 但是76人的防守也是爐主等級的,他們是讓對手命中率最高的球隊 Phoenix Suns A- Coach Alvin Gentry has revived the Suns' Seven Seconds or Less attack and Steve Nash (16.6 points/11.0 assists) defied expectations with another MVP-caliber season. Phoenix may live to regret not dealing Amar'e Stoudemire at the deadline, but its offensive firepower (a league-high 115.3 points per 100 possessions) has made the Suns both entertaining and dangerous. 教練Gentry讓太陽隊過往的7秒進攻再次重現 飄髮哥(Nash)也打碎球評的眼鏡,再次打出MVP等級的身手 太陽高層過許會後悔沒有在大限之前清走阿罵(Stoudemire) 但太陽隊的強勢攻擊火力,不僅有可看性,對於其他球隊來說也很危險 Portland Trail Blazers B+ Thirteen players combining to miss more than 300 games with injuries is a recipe for disaster. Unless you're Portland, which dusted off a surprisingly game Juwan Howard, made a big midseason trade for Marcus Camby and rode Brandon Roy, LaMarcus Aldridge and Andre Miller to one of the most unexpectedly successful seasons in team history. 13位球員因傷共缺席3百場比賽會是場災難,但今年的拓荒者例外 加盟的老將朱王(Juwan Howard)與勉族(Camby) 與黃色Kobe(Roy)、阿基師(Aldridge)、A米(Andre Miller)共同打出 球隊史上最意外的成功球季 Sacramento Kings C A promising start (14-17 through December) vanished quickly as the Kings' young legs began to tire. Still, Sacramento has a big-time building block in Tyreke Evans and a solid frontcourt scorer in Carl Landry. The Kings cleared cap space in the Kevin Martin deal and are positioned to be players in this summer's free agency. 國王到了12月還是前途大好,但當隊上年輕球員開始受傷,這個球季又毀掉了 不過,球團已經確定用小E與蘭姬(Landry)作為核心球員 而且也靠著清出瘦馬德到薪資空間,國王將會是暑假市場的一大玩家 San Antonio Spurs B- The Spurs -- who have performed better down the stretch behind Manu Ginobili -- struggled to harness Richard Jefferson's skills in the open court. And another newcomer, Antonio McDyess, didn't have the same impact as former Spurs big men Rasho Nesterovic, Nazr Mohammed, Fabricio Oberto or Kurt Thomas playing next to Tim Duncan. 馬刺雖然靠著蠻牛(Ginobili)的爆走拉出尾盤 但球隊還是無法將阿傑(R.Jefferson)的價值拉到最大點 另外一名新同學袋鼠(McDyess)的影響力甚至不如石佛(Duncan)以前搭配的長人 Toronto Raptors D The Cavs, Hawks and Heat made compelling cases for their star free agents to stay. The Raptors, however, may have pushed Chris Bosh out the door. The heralded Turkoglu signing fizzled and Toronto used the rest of its cap space on Andrea Bargnani and Jarrett Jack. Even if Toronto, the NBA's worst in defensive efficiency, squeezes by the Bulls for the No. 8 spot, it's likely four and out. 當騎士、熱火、老鷹都想盡辦法讓頭號球星願意留下時 暴龍卻很有可能讓波波(Bosh)遠離加國 當暴龍高薪挖來阿土,並用剩下的薪資空間用在小巴(Bargnani)與傑克(Jack)時 似乎就暗示了這樣的命運 而暴龍由於全聯盟最差的防守效率,就算進了季後賽也會被橫掃 Utah Jazz A- Jerry Sloan has managed a delicate Carlos Boozer/Paul Millsap rotation well and restored most of Andrei Kirilenko's fragile confidence (his shooting percentage jumped from 44.9 to 50.6 this season). The coach also has guided Utah to 52 wins (and counting) with a starting shooting guard few have heard of (undrafted rookie Wesley Matthews). Perhaps his finest coaching effort to date. 教皇(Sloan)有效地掌控了Boo(Boozer)與小米(Millsap)的上場時間 而且也將蘭哥(Kirilenko)的信心找了回來(命中率進步到5成) 教皇甚至啟用選秀時落榜的無名小卒Matthews擔任先發後衛,達到球隊50勝的成就 也許今年是他教練生涯的最佳表現 Washington Wizards F Preseason forecasts had the Wizards contending for a top-four seed in the East, but the constant enabling of Gilbert Arenas finally bit them and coach Flip Saunders failed to integrate the talent before eventually losing control of the team. The '09-10 Wizards stand as one of the biggest disappointments in years. 球評曾在季前預測巫師有東區前四強的實力 但卻被情報員(Arenas)給搞砸了 桑德斯上校(Saunders)也無法在情勢完全失控之前將球隊整合起來 今年的巫師隊也許是史上最讓人失望的球隊之一 -- / \ NY  B LA NY ρ TB / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \   囧總統 囧-Rod 囧提茲 囧米瑞茲 囧霍茲 鈴木一囧 囧爾川 囧恩霍華 囧格利亞 英囧 -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1271655011.A.CEF.html

piercepaul :史上最讓人失望的球隊應該是之前的快艇吧... 04/19 13:32

rex9712340 :我必須說我是第一次看到有人翻譯成唐牛XDD 04/19 13:34

sampsonlu919:我之前就曾經在Power Ranking將尼爾森翻成唐牛啦! 04/19 13:35

Beef :Jazz有A-嗎...我不覺得= = 04/19 13:42

theRice :推~! 04/19 13:51

Altair :push 04/19 13:52

nba12375 :他們青菜寫 我們青菜看 04/19 13:53

christ0ph3r :一堆奇怪的暱稱看的頭很昏.... 04/19 14:02

sampsonlu919:給樓上:Sorry 下次會注意 04/19 14:06

ksk0516 :有原文,暱稱不喜歡就看原文吧。原po翻譯辛苦了~ 04/19 14:07

ThreeNG :灰狼F,籃網D- ? 04/19 15:32

Arteta :很想噓那一堆有的沒的爛暱稱... 04/19 15:38

david319 :給翻譯的原po.....鼓勵+1 04/19 15:58

hope452162 :我也覺得最讓人失望的球隊是快艇,隊上一堆好手,還 04/19 16:42

hope452162 :打的亂七八糟,領先的分數都會反超 04/19 16:43

cmid05 : 04/19 18:27

DAING :推翻譯 04/19 18:43

wilson78225 :原來C+等級可以輕鬆的解決B等級的啊(菸) 04/19 19:45

ogre926 :推翻譯~~~~不爽請自己翻不要澆冷水 04/19 21:01

shch :Arenas是今年和動整個NBA的焦點人物阿 04/20 01:08

shch :他出的包直接導致了巫師賣掉Butler跟Jamison 04/20 01:09

AhUtopian :評比是跟該球隊自己本來該有的發揮比較吧 04/20 09:23
