[情報] 明年薪資上限比預期的高

看板 NBA
作者 HardER (PL.Chiang)
時間 2010-04-17 04:32:01
留言 19則留言 (11推 0噓 8→)

http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=5099980 The New York Knicks and other teams hoarding salary-cap space got some good news Friday when they were told at the league's Board of Governors meeting that the projected 2010-11 salary cap will be $56.1 million. 聽說明年球季薪資上限會是是56.1M。 That figure was $2 million to $3 million more than most teams had been expecting, and for the Knicks it ensures they have enough cap space this summer to sign two maximum-salary free agents. 大概比各隊預期來得多個2~3M。 "That's a lot of money. That's good," said Knicks president Donnie Walsh, who attended the meeting to learn the results of the Knicks' draft position through a tiebreaker. Because of the worldwide economic downturn, the league had warned teams last July to expect the salary cap to be significantly lower -- perhaps as low as $51 million. 聯盟去年七月就有警告各隊,薪資上限可能會有顯著的下降,也許會低到51M。 The actual number won't be determined until early July, before teams can begin officially signing players. This year's cap was $57.7 million. 確定的數字會在七月初,也就是球隊可以開始簽自由球員之前公布。 今年上限是57.7M。(還是降了1.6M)。 Other teams that will be positively affected by Friday's news include the Nets, Heat, Wizards, Bulls, Clippers and Timberwolves. -- 學海無涯, -- ◆ From: 04/17 10:32
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1271449924.A.161.html

gaiaesque :經濟復甦?!(沒感覺啊orz..) 04/17 06:46

alex710707 :問 NBA有最低底薪的限制嗎 有的話是多少呢? 04/17 07:10

dio761102 :你可以玩live 去把最低底薪的幾個全簽回來 04/17 07:57

JackieShane :但聯盟有幾隻球隊這季收入比想像的好很多倒是真的 04/17 09:38

andyjih :哇,H大 04/17 10:03

jiyu520 :更硬大XD 04/17 10:04

jonesking :收錄 薪資專區 謝謝分享 辛苦了 04/17 10:18

nanogiant :借轉國王板 感謝感謝~ 04/17 10:32

jlcsn :那可以借問豪華稅呢? 04/17 12:41

david319 :NBAGM版.....應該有豪華稅的相關文章 04/17 13:05

pheather :豪華稅的詳細數字會在聯盟公佈薪資上限時一併公佈(現 04/17 13:26

pheather :在只是預估),不過近年來豪華稅大約可以用薪資上限的 04/17 13:27

pheather :1.21~1.22 倍之間估計,以這裡說的$56.1M的薪資上限算 04/17 13:28

pheather :的話,大約在 $67.88M~$68.44M 左右 04/17 13:28

dmdjjj :我以為會在55M以下勒@@ 04/17 16:12

pheather :因為季初講得太嚇人的關係吧...球員工會對這點也很不 04/17 23:31

pheather :爽,因為這會影響老闆/總管簽球員的意願,他們要求聯盟 04/17 23:31

pheather :對之前發給各隊的關於薪資上限大降的那封備忘錄提出 04/17 23:32

pheather :有根據的說明 04/17 23:33
