[外電] The NBA’s Top Point Guards (下)

看板 NBA
作者 kerrys (台北不是我的家)
時間 2006-08-10 21:56:23
留言 27則留言 (21推 0噓 6→)

原文出處: http://0rz.net/bf1Ha -- 5) Gilbert Arenas – Washington Wizards 第五、華盛頓巫師的G.Arenas At the rate that Gilbert Arenas improves year after year, he’s bound to burst into flames in a few years. This past year, Arenas stepped up his scoring game from 25.5 points-per-game, his previous career best, to 29.3 points-per-game. 按照Arenas年復一年持續不斷的成長速度,他勢必在未來數年內就成為一個超級巨星 。過去一個球季,Arenas再次將職業生涯單場平均得分紀錄由25.5分提升至29.3分。 While Arenas was unable to lead the Wizards past LeBron and the Cavaliers in the playoffs, he showed why he was All-NBA Third Team calibre with his ability to score on absolutely anybody. Arenas also showed that he was the real deal in the post-season, averaging 34 points-per-game during the team’s series with the Cavs. 儘管Arenas無法帶領巫師突圍,擺脫小皇帝和他的騎士隊進入季後賽第二輪,他仍以 於百萬軍中取上將之首猶如家常便飯的得分功夫向世人證明了他入選全聯盟最佳五人第三 隊的實力。Arenas在與騎士的系列賽六場比賽當中平均得分來到34分之譜,也證明了他確 實是有兩把刷子,在季後賽表現一樣出色。 All of this comes from a player who was drafted in the second round of the NBA draft. 而最難能可貴的是,以上這些表現是出自於一位在'01年NBA選秀會上僅能以第二輪第 31順位入選的球員之手。 4) Tony ParkerSan Antonio Spurs 第四、聖安東尼奧馬刺的T.Parker When you look at field goal percentage, one would expect that big men have a huge advantage over guards and that is usually the case. This year’s top-two players in terms of field goal percentage are Shaquille O’Neal and Eddy Curry, one of whom is over 300 pounds and the other is close. But who is the player with the third highest field goal percentage? The answer is Tony Parker. In fact, for much of the season, Parker lead the league in points in the paint, a statistic usually reserved for big centers to show that they can dominate inside. 當你查看投籃命中率排行榜,難免會認為大個子球員們的命中率會比後衛群來得好看 許多,而事實也通常如此。'05-'06年球季投籃命中率榜前兩名分別是體重超過300磅的大 歐以及號稱Baby Shaq,體重同樣逼近300磅的E.Curry。但誰是第三名呢?答案是法國小跑 車T.Parker。事實上,本季大部分的時候,Parker一直盤據在禁區得分排行榜第一名的位 置,而這原本是大個子球員最常用以展現他們在禁區內逞威能力的統計數據之一。 On the topic of field goal percentage, if you only look at point guards, the only two names who register at above fifty percent from the field: Parker ( 54.8%) and Nash (51.2%). If you exclude Nash from this list (which would be ludicrous), Parker’s percentage is more than ten per cent higher than any other point guard. 一樣再看看投籃命中率統計列表,如果只看控衛,唯二投籃命中率能突破後衛超高標 50%的只有Parker(54.8%)和連續兩季獲選為年度最有價值球員的S.Nash(51.2%)。而如果將 Nash由名單中移除,你會發現很荒唐地,Parker的投籃命中率竟然比其他任何一位控衛還 高出一成有餘。 Parker’s ability to score baskets in the paint show how unique he is compared to any other point guard in NBA history. At 6’2” and 177 pounds, Parker weaves his way through opposing defenders like a NASCAR driver would be able to weave an economy vehicle through pylons. If that’s not enough to convince you that Parker is a top-5 point guard, he also managed to lead his team to the best record in a stacked Western Conference. Parker擅於單刀直入挑戰禁區的能力展現了他和NBA歷史上任何一位控衛的獨特之處, 6呎2吋高,177磅重的Parker迂迴前進突破防守者時猶如NASCAR房車大賽的車手駕車游走於 塔門間通行無阻般地隨心所欲。如果那還不足以使你信服說Parker是一個全聯盟排名前五 的控衛,他還展現了帶領球隊在競爭激烈的西區聯盟寫下最佳戰績的能力。 3) Allen Iverson Philadelphia 76ers 第三、費城七六人的A.Iverson Every year people say that Iverson will slow down and decline and every year he proves them wrong. This past season was no exception as Iverson posted averages of 33 points-per-game (second highest in the NBA) paired with 7.4 assists-per-game. 年復一年人們都說Iverson將會開始老化、退步,而他的表現也一再地證明了大家又再 一次看走眼。過去這個球季開始前,沒有人預料到Iverson可以拿出一張單場平均得分33分 (全聯盟第二,僅次於Kobe的35.4分)外帶7.4次助攻的亮麗成績單。 Despite rumors of being dealt in the offseason, Iverson is still the franchise player for the 76ers and general manager Billy King has declared “The Answer” to be off the market. 儘管暑假休兵期間交易AI的傳言鬧得滿城風雨,戰神AI仍是七六人陣中的不動一哥, 而有嚴重第二輪選秀權偏執症的總管B.King也已經發表鄭重聲明"答案將不會出現在球員交 易市場之中"。 The 76ers failed to make the playoffs this past year and with few offseason moves, the same fate appears to await them once again unless King can muster some sort of miracle that actually puts quality players around Iverson. Either way, Iverson continues to remain in his prime, entering the 2006-2007 season at age 31 with no signs of slowing down. 上個球季七六人無法擠進季後賽的窄門,而球團在暑假休兵期間也未有什麼大動作。 就目前看來,下個球季AI和他的七六人仍將面對相同的難堪下場,除非腦殘King能突然開 竅,為AI找來一些確實有能力輔助他更上一層樓的實力派戰將。否則已經31歲的悲情戰神 AI在'06-'07年球季仍只能拖著更老一歲且大小傷勢不斷的身軀於場上奮戰,再一次拿出亮 眼的成績單,但再一次被排除於東區八強之外。 2) Chauncey Billups Detroit Pistons 第二、底特律活塞的C.Billups Chauncey Billups or “Mr. Big Shot” had a breakout season at age 29 during his tenth NBA season. Billups shattered his previous points-per-game record with 18.5 points-per-game (previously 16.9 ppg) and 8.6 assists-per-game (previously 5.8 apg). 29歲,人稱槍蜥或"關鍵一投先生"的Billups在他職業生涯的第十個球季有了破繭而出 般的優異表現,單場平均得分18.5分與助攻8.6次雙雙打破之前的個人最佳紀錄。 Billups was an early contender for the MVP award as he lead the Pistons to their best record in franchise history and head-to-head with Steve Nash statistically, he comes very close. 槍蜥因為率領活塞寫下隊史新高的勝場數紀錄而且個人攻守數據也和Nash相去不遠, 所以也是早期年度最有價值球員競爭者中獲獎呼聲頗高的一位。 For Billups to be able to improve his statistics to such an extent, while keeping the rest of his team’s on par is a great feat for any point guard to accomplish. 槍蜥能在球隊保有高度競爭力的情況下將個人攻守數據提升到這樣堪稱完美的境界, 這對任何一位控衛來說都是相當難能可貴的成就。 1) Steve Nash Phoenix Suns 第一、鳳凰城太陽的S.Nash Overrated or simply underappreciated? For the past two years, sceptics have denied Steve Nash of MVP legitimacy, saying that there are better choices out there. After 2004-2005, few could muster superior candidates for the award, but with LeBron James, Dirk Nowitzki, Billups and Arenas having breakout years in 2005-2006, Nash’s back-to-back win was highly contentious. 是被高估或僅僅是之前太不受重視?在過去兩個球季,對於Nash獲選年度最有價值球 員合理性存疑者總是無法心甘情願接受這事實,一再聲明還有比Nash更應該獲獎的人選存 在。在'04-'05年球季,只有部分球員的表現足以角逐年度最有價值球員的獎項,但在'05- '06年球季,小皇帝LBJ、德產大鳥Dirk、關鍵一投先生槍蜥和最愛惡作劇的Arenas等人突 破性的演出都讓連續第兩個球季獲選為年度最有價值球員的合理性受到高度質疑。 But here is some food for thought: career highs in points-per-game, field goal and free throw percentage, minutes-per-game and rebounds-per-game and only eight fewer wins than the previous year when they had a healthy Amare Stoudemire for 80 games rather than three. Oh and one more thing, Nash is 32 years of age. 但以下提供一些事實與統計數據以供佐證:個人生涯新高的單場平均得分、籃板和上 場時間以及投籃命中率和罰球命中率,而且比起前一個擁有健康的小史出賽了80場的球季 ,勝場數不過少了僅僅八場。噢,對了,別忘了Nash已經32歲了。 The voters have spoken and while many can contend whether or not Nash is the best player in the league, I doubt that anyone in their right mind will argue that he is not currently the league’s finest point guard. 不管選民們或其他人是否認為Nash是聯盟中最好的球員,我都會對那些不認為他是聯 盟控衛第一把交椅的人們的心理是否正常抱持著懷疑的態度。 Just missed the cut: Baron Davis (Golden State Warriors ), Jason Terry (Dallas Mavericks ), Stephon Marbury (New York Knicks ) 遺珠之憾:金州勇士的B.Davis、達拉斯小牛的J.Terry、紐約尼克的天下第一控衛 Starbury。 Names for the future: Raymond Felton (Charlotte Bobcats ), T.J. Ford (Toronto Raptors ), Luke Ridnour (Seattle Sonics), Randy Foye (Minnesota Timberwolves ) 未來之星:夏洛特山貓的R.Felton、多倫多暴龍的T.J. Ford、西雅圖超音速的L. Ridnour、明尼蘇達灰狼的R.Foye。 -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1155209761.A.D46.html

Darius1979:翻譯的還附註天下第一控衛 XD~ 08/10 22:02

mathteacher:Ridnour~~ 08/10 22:04

freijaking:"有嚴重第二輪選秀權偏執症的總管B.King" 08/10 22:12

freijaking:我看了原文才發現是譯者細心補上, 推 XD 08/10 22:12

teren:我也是特別去看原文第二輪偏執症是什麼字XD 08/10 22:31

pennymarcus:推 kerrys超愛在翻譯中加油添醋的說 XD 08/10 22:55

magicchen:推 辛苦了... 08/10 22:57

chouyuu:這樣翻譯才生動啊^^推 08/11 10:15

BrokenChina:未來之星竟然沒提到[email protected]@a 08/11 10:20

BrokenChina:辛苦翻譯了^^ 08/11 10:21

jww:因為cp3是前十大啊:p 08/11 10:24

cathybbs:"有嚴重第二輪選秀權偏執症的總管B.King" 08/11 10:32

chenblue:推翻譯真棒! 08/11 10:39

auditor:good!! 08/11 11:16

H9:我還以為Parker是閃光蛋呢... 08/11 11:42

hotdog301:www 08/11 12:57

camuskiroro:好個第二輪偏執症~~XD 08/11 14:19

BiaoMIN:推 08/11 14:46

ccc101419:個人還是認為Parker的排名稍有灌水之虞 勿戰 個人看法 08/11 15:08

kindofyou:翻的真好啊~~ 08/11 15:29

hunder31:我也覺得..parker的排名.................... 08/11 17:24

hunder31:如果說..要看戰績的來排名的話..似乎有一點..不太準.. 08/11 17:26

hunder31:如果不是隊上有那麼優秀的隊友..光靠他一人..這..似乎不ꐠ 08/11 17:29

hunder31:太能服眾..(個人意見..不是想引戰..) 08/11 17:30

accostic:推 翻譯的真用心~ 08/11 23:15

waterfat06:"嚴重第二輪選秀權偏執症的總管B.King" XD 08/12 12:05

Arodz:個人認為parker跟Kidd應該換個排名位置 ... 08/12 21:48
