[外電] 年度最佳防守球員候選人六號 -- G蛙

看板 NBA
作者 kerrys (台北不是我的家)
時間 2006-04-21 20:57:02
留言 9則留言 (9推 0噓 0→)

作者: kerrys (台北不是我的家) 看板: Bobcats 標題: [外電] 年度最佳防守球員候選人六號 -- G蛙 時間: Fri Apr 21 20:54:51 2006 原文出處:        http://www.nba.com/awards2006/thecase_defense_gwallace.html -- 2005-06: Named NBA Eastern Conference Player of the Week on Nov. 28 ... Leads the NBA in steals (2.50) and 11th in blocks (2.09) ... Only player in the NBA averaging two blocks and two steals ... Since the NBA began recording blocked shots officially in 1973, only two players have finished the season averaging more than 2.0 steals and 2.0 blocked shots: Hakeem Olajuwon (three times) and David Robinson, both of whom played the center position ... Recorded a career-high eight steals on 1/13 vs. MIL and then blocked a career-high six shots three days later vs. NOK ... Has recorded five or more steals seven times and five or more blocks five times. '05-'06年球季表現: 11/28獲選為東區當週最佳球員...單場平均抄截(2.51次)名列聯盟第一,平均阻攻( 2.09個)排在聯盟第11...本季唯一一位單場平均阻攻和抄截都達到兩次以上的球員...自從 '73年NBA開始將阻攻列入官方統計數據中後,只有兩位球員在例行賽結束時能繳出單場平 均抄截及阻攻次數都超過兩次的成績單,他們分別是:大夢(曾有三個球季都曾達到此里程 碑)和海軍上將,而他們兩位都是主打中鋒這個位置...1/13面對密爾瓦基公鹿隊時創下生 涯單場最多抄截8次的新紀錄,三天後又在面對紐奧良黃蜂隊時留下生涯單場最多6次的新 紀錄...本季單場至少5或更多次抄截的場次有7場而至少5或更多次阻攻的場次則有5場。 -- Our take: When you hear the name Wallace and the word defense in the same sentence, you usually think of the NBA's three-time defensive player of the Year, Ben Wallace . 我們的看法: 當你在同一個句子內看到蛙這個字和防守這個詞同時出現,你通常會先想到那位已經 三度獲得年度最佳防守球員肯定的班蛙。 Well, we could have a different defensive Wallace hoisting hardware this season : Gerald. 嗯,我們今年也許可以換個口味,選擇另外一個正在成長茁壯的防守新星:G蛙。 This season, Wallace has averaged 2.5 steals per game and 2.09 blocks per game. How rare is that feat? Only two players in NBA history have done it -- Hakeem Olajuwon, three times from 1987-1990 and David Robinson in 1991-92. These Hall of Fame locks were two of the best centers of their eras. What's impressive about Wallace's performance this is season, is the 6-7 small forward doesn't sit in the paint and wait to reject shots. He must go get them, and looking at the numbers, he does it well. -- Rob Peterson   本季,G蛙平均每場比賽可以搶斷2.51次並送出2.09客麻辣鍋。這樣的成績有多難得 ?NBA歷史上只有兩名球員曾繳出相同的防守成績單,包括'87-'90年球季的大夢及'91-'92 球季的海軍上將,那兩位名人堂球員(海軍上將退休未滿五年,尚未取得入選資格,不過他 入選只是遲早的事)都是NBA史上偉大的中鋒球員。G蛙本季的表現最令人印象深刻的地方 在於他是6呎7吋高的小前鋒,所以他想要阻攻不是只要在禁區內守株待兔,而必須隨時注 意球的動向,再用出色的爆發力抓準時機去搧鍋,不過看看他的數據,他可是做得相當好 阿。 --R.Peterson -- From a teammate: With his athleticism, his length and his quickness, he gets in the passing lanes. Then he blocks shots also. He's definitely the total package and he's a big part of what we've been able to do this season. -- Brevin Knight 隊友的看法: 他用他運動能力、敏捷性及防守專長,屢屢在對手傳球的路徑上就把球截斷,而他也 用類似的方法搧掉對手的出手。他在防守端可說是無所不能,也是球隊本季能有這樣表現 的關鍵因素。 --B.Knight -- A fan's take: Wallace was a brick wall on defense all season long, leading the league in steals and finishing in the top ten in blocked shots. Picking up some of the slack for Emeka Okafor, Wallace was the most exciting thing about the Bobcats' rough season. Wallace was one of the most feared perimeter defenders this year, and even contributed to defense in the post. -- Kai - Levittown, N.Y. 球迷的看法: G蛙是球隊這一整季防守端最可靠的球員,他不僅單場平均抄截數居聯盟之冠,連平 均阻攻也能排在聯盟第11名。G蛙順利扛下了智慧怪獸Okafor因傷缺陣後遺留的防守重任 ,他的大幅成長堪稱是本季戰績不盡理想的山貓陣中最讓人興奮的一件事。G蛙本季成為 了人見人怕的防守大鎖之一,甚至連在禁區內也有出色的防守表現。 --來自紐約州萊維敦社區的球迷Kai -- The Numbers:(本季個人攻守數據) G MPG PPG RPG APG SPG BPG FG% 3P% FT% 2005-06 55 34.5 15.2 7.5 1.7 2.51 2.09 .538 .280 .613 -- Defensive Player of the Year - The Candidates: 本季年度最佳防守球員候選人: Bruce Bowen - San Antonio Spurs Marcus Camby - Denver Nuggets Andrei Kirilenko - Utah Jazz Shawn Marion - Phoenix Suns Ben Wallace - Detroit Pistons Gerald Wallace - Charlotte Bobcats -- Others worth consideration: 本季其他防守表現出色的球員還有: Ron Artest, Elton Brand, Tim Duncan, Allen Iverson, Jason Kidd, Brevin Knight -- 譯按:上述一些數據及描述和原本外電所寫有些出入,因為我用截至目前為止NBA官網最近 一次更新後的數據下去寫。 順道附上G蛙的個人攻守數據網頁: http://www.nba.com/playerfile/gerald_wallace/index.html -- ◆ From: -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1145624223.A.E34.html

AlHarrington:沒人推 04/21 23:44

taroa:他打球的方式真令人擔心健康問題 04/21 23:51

HardER:推 XD 04/22 00:16

snowbabyjkl:快到活塞吧 三蛙合體 應該蠻猛的 04/22 00:50

Drexler:推三蛙合體 他提供活塞需要的切入活力 04/22 02:24

k7117836:我愛G蛙 04/22 03:50

Amilous:他不是守不住陳信安嗎?!= =" 04/22 09:01

misakiling:哦~~信安也守不住他 04/22 14:55

parkerlived:推三蛙合體 可以聽到 : 呱~~~呱~~~呱~~~ 04/23 02:26
