[外電] 年度最佳防守球員候選人四號 -- Matrix

看板 NBA
作者 kerrys (台北不是我的家)
時間 2006-04-21 20:56:47
留言 5則留言 (4推 1噓 0→)

作者: kerrys (台北不是我的家) 看板: PHX-Suns 標題: [外電] 年度最佳防守球員候選人四號 -- Matrix 時間: Thu Apr 20 23:36:45 2006 原文出處: http://www.nba.com/awards2006/thecase_defense_marion.html -- 2005-06: Currently ranks fifth in the league in steals (1.98), 17th in the league in blocks (1.70) and third in rebounds (11.8) ... Only NBA player ranked in the top 20 in points, rebounds, steals, blocks, field goal percentage and minutes ... Named Western Conference Player of the Week for Dec. 26 - Jan. 1 and Player of the Month for February ... Recorded eight steals on 2/6 vs. MIN ... Has recoreded three or more steals 32 times this season, including six straight games from 3/23-31 ... 2006 Western Conference All-Star ... Has recorded 59 double-doubles (third in the league) ... One of 23 players named to the USA Basketball Men's Senior National Team Program '05-'06年球季表現: 單場平均抄截數(1.98次)排在聯盟第五,平均阻攻數(1.69次)排在第17,而平均籃板( 11.8個)則是聯盟第三...唯一一位在單場平均上場時間、得分、籃板、抄截、火鍋及投籃 命中率都排在聯盟前20名內的球員...獲選為12/26-1/1西區當週最佳球員以及二月份西區 最佳球員...2/6面對密爾瓦基時抄截8次...本季有32場比賽,包括3/23-31這期間連續六場 比賽,抄截數都達到三次以上...入選'06年明星對抗賽...本季共有60場比賽繳出兩個雙位 數的成績單(和前狀元郎Howard並列聯盟第二,第一名是KG的62場)...入選為23名'06-'08 年美國夢幻隊的培訓成員之一。 -- Our take: This may be but a footnote in NBA history, but it speaks volumes about this candidate's ability: During Michael Jordan's final All-Star appearance in 2003, on a team full of the world's best basketball players, who did the West All-Star squad select to guard perhaps the greatest scorer ever at the end of regulation and late in both overtime sessions? Yep, Shawn Marion. This year, the do-everything forward is on pace to rank in the top five in rebounds and steals for the second consecutive season -- only one other NBA player has done it once since the league started to track steals in 1973-74 (David Robinson, 1991-92). -- Brad Friedman 我們的看法: 這也許只是在NBA長達60年的歷史中不怎麼重要的一件小事,但它卻在Matrix角逐這個 獎項的過程中具有相當深遠的涵義。讓我們把時間倒回'03年,籃球之神MJ職業生涯所參加 的最後一次明星賽,在一支由全世界最佳籃球員所組成的明星隊中,是哪位球員在正規賽 及二度延長賽比賽時間快要終了前二度被派去防守可能是有史以來最偉大的得分高手?沒 錯,就是Matrix。今年是這位主打前鋒位置的全包兄連續第二年單場平均籃板及抄截都名 列聯盟前五名之中 -- 在聯盟於'73-'74年球季正式將抄截列入比賽統計數據中之後,除 Matrix外,只有一位球員曾經在單一球季(D.Robinson,'91-'92年球季)有此出色表現(譯 按:這似乎意味著Matrix已經締造了新紀錄,恭喜 <(_ _)>) -- From a teammate: He's so unique, there's nobody in the league who does what he does. His ability to guard different people, block shots, steal the ball, rebound. A lot of his scoring comes off quick cuts, and he's to the rim before anyone sees him. -- Steve Nash, New York Times (reg. req'd) 隊友的看法: 他實在太了不起了,聯盟中沒有第二位球員能有和他相同優異的表現,他在防守不同 位置球員、蓋鍋、搶斷及爭搶籃板等方面的能力都很出色。他很多得分都來自於快攻,因 為他總是在其他隊友看到他前就已經準備好要轟炸籃框了。 --節錄自S.Nash於紐約時報(必須要註冊才能觀看)所發表的評論 -- A fan's take: Marion probably has about as much chance of winning this award as he does of ever getting the credit he deserves for the incredible numbers he puts up all year long. Marion is in the top five in steals and rebounds, and in the top 20 for blocked shots, all while playing power forward at 6'8, 220 lbs. and guarding the likes of Elton Brand, Dirk Nowitski, Tim Duncan and Kevin Garnett, who all tower over him and outweigh him. He has boundless energy and effort, but for some reason, no one outside of Phoenix (and Ernie Johnson on TNT who also has Marion picked for his Defensive Player of the Year) seems to notice. Lets hope he gets his due before his eligible for the Hall of Fame! -- Erika - Phoenix, Ariz. 球迷的看法: 以Matrix過去這一個球季以來所繳出的令人難以置信的成績單看來,他很有可能獲得 這個獎項的肯定。Matrix在單場平均抄截及籃板數都名列聯盟前五名之中,而平均阻攻也 排在聯盟前20名內,別忘了,這是在他幾乎一整季都以6呎8,220磅的標準小前鋒身材扛下 了球隊先發大前鋒的重責大任的情況下拿出來的表現,而且他必須負責防守站在他面前和 他相比都像一座高塔,體型也完全無法比擬的E.Brand、司機、叮噹肯及KG等西區變態大前 鋒。他似乎有用之不盡取之不竭的體能,付出的努力也遠遠超越我們的想像,但因為某些 原因,除了鳳凰城以外的人(還有TNT的E.Johnson,他在年度最佳防守球員這個獎項也支持 Matrix)好像都沒注意到。讓我們一起期待他在入選籃球名人堂前能獲得他應得的獎項與肯 定吧! --來自亞利桑那鳳凰城的球迷Erika -- The Numbers:(本季個人攻守數據) G MPG PPG RPG APG SPG BPG FG% 3P% FT% 2005-06 81 40.3 21.8 11.8 1.8 1.98 1.69 .525 .331 .809 -- Defensive Player of the Year - The Candidates: 本季年度最佳防守球員候選人: Bruce Bowen - San Antonio Spurs Marcus Camby - Denver Nuggets Andrei Kirilenko - Utah Jazz Shawn Marion - Phoenix Suns Ben Wallace - Detroit Pistons Gerald Wallace - Charlotte Bobcats -- Others worth consideration: 本季其他防守表現出色的球員還有: Ron Artest, Elton Brand, Tim Duncan, Allen Iverson, Jason Kidd, Brevin Knight -- 譯按:上述一些數據及描述和原本外電所寫有些出入,因為我用截至目前為止NBA官網最近 一次更新後的數據下去寫。 順道附上Matrix的個人攻守數據網頁: http://www.nba.com/playerfile/shawn_marion/index.html -- ◆ From: -- ◆ From: kerrys:critical2002兄我幫你回來 :) 04/22 14:51
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1145624208.A.E00.html

a211031:就是推蝦式投籃 04/21 21:55

vua:推啦 04/22 00:29

critical2002:推 04/22 10:46

critical2002:噓錯推回來 04/22 10:49

greengoblin:投籃姿勢超帥 04/22 11:26
