[外電] 年度最佳進步獎候選人四號 -- G蛙

看板 NBA
作者 kerrys (台北不是我的家)
時間 2006-04-17 23:35:33
留言 5則留言 (5推 0噓 0→)

作者: kerrys (台北不是我的家) 看板: Bobcats 標題: [外電] 最佳進步獎候選人四號 -- G蛙 時間: Mon Apr 17 22:46:56 2006 原文出處: http://www.nba.com/awards2006/thecase_improved_wallace -- 2005-06: Named NBA Eastern Conference Player of the Week on Nov. 28 ... Leads the NBA in steals, ranked fourth in field goal percentage and 11th in blocks ... Only player in the NBA averaging two blocks and two steals ... Since the NBA began recording blocked shots officially in 1973, only two players have finished the season averaging more than 2.0 steals and 2.0 blocked shots: Hakeem Olajuwon ( three times) and David Robinson, both of whom played the center position. '05-'06年球季球季表現: 在11/28獲選為當週東區最佳球員...單場平均抄截次數領先全聯盟,投籃命中率排在 聯盟第四名,而單場平均阻攻次數則是排在聯盟第11名...全聯盟唯一一位單場平均阻攻及 抄截次數都超過2的球員...自從'73年NBA開始將阻攻列入官方統計數據中後,只有兩位球 員在例行賽結束時能繳出單場平均抄截及阻攻次數都超過兩次的成績單,他們分別是:大夢 (曾有三個球季都曾達到此里程碑)和海軍上將,而他們兩位都是主打中鋒這個位置。 -- Our take: When Gerald Wallace was selected in the 2004 expansion draft, we were told that he had untapped potential and could see a marked improvement upon his arrival in Charlotte. His numbers certainly took a huge leap in '04-05, but this year we've seen Wallace become a complete player. He has been asked to step up in the absence of several of his teammates and he has answered the call, no longer just relying on his athleticism, but knowing what it takes to be successful in this league. -- John Schuhmann 我們的看法: 當G蛙於'04年的擴張選秀被挑走,就曾有人告訴我們他是塊潛力還未完全開發完畢的 璞玉,而且在他加入夏洛特後一定能看到他有顯著的成長。他的個人攻守數據其實在'04- '05球季就已經突發猛進,但本季我們看到的是一個更全面的G蛙。本季在許多隊友缺席的 情況下,球隊希望他能再次自我提升,而他的表現也確實地回應了球團對他的期待,他不 再只是倚靠過人的體能打球,而知道應該用頭腦打球才足以在這聯盟中成功。 --J.Schuhmann -- From the coach: We've put him in a different scenario and he has excelled in it. His work ethic has been great. He's had to do everything for us recently, because of our rebounders being out. He's got to be our anchor on defense blocking shots. He's our go-to guy on the block. And here's a guy playing with flak jacket on because he's all beat up, but you can't keep him off the court. -- Bernie Bickerstaff 教練的看法: 我們已經試過在不同的情況把他派上場,而他也確實都能夠勝任,他的敬業態度實在 值得我們稱讚。他最近在隊上必須扮演Mr.Everything的腳色,因為我們的主力籃板手早已 經確定剩下所有的例行賽都將缺席。他在防守端必須負起主力阻攻手的腳色,他可稱得上 用阻攻帶起全隊防守陣勢的球隊一哥。他是一個用生命在打球的球員,因為不管遭遇任何 難題,他總是打死不退。 --山貓隊總教練B.Bickerstaff -- A fan's take: I think Gerald Wallace has been amazing this season. His numbers are improved in every statistical category except for free throw percentage. He leads the league in steals per game and is 11th in blocks per game. Keep in mind this guy is only 6-7. He has improved greatly this year and he's only going be getting better and better. Watch out for this guy next year. -- Shaun - Sacramento, Cal. 球迷的看法: 我認為G蛙本季的表現只能用驚艷來形容,他本季除了罰球命中率外幾乎所有個人攻 守數據全面上揚。他單場平均抄截次數領先全聯盟而單場平均阻攻數也排在聯盟第11名, 你可別忘了這傢伙只有6呎7吋高阿(約201公分)。他本季已經有了相當顯著的成長,而他 未來也只會越來越進步,明年別忘了持續注意這傢伙的表現。 --來自加州沙加緬度的球迷Shaun -- The Numbers:(前後兩季個人數據) G MPG PPG RPG APG SPG BPG FG% 3P% FT% 2004-05 70 30.7 11.1 5.5 2.0 1.67 1.30 .449 .274 .661 2005-06 54 34.5 15.4 7.5 1.8 2.50 2.09 .538 .280 .613 -- Most Improved Player - The Candidates: 本季最佳進步獎候選人: Boris Diaw - Phoenix Suns Mike James - Toronto Raptors Mehmet Okur - Utah Jazz Gerald Wallace - Charlotte Bobcats David West - New Orleans/Oklahoma City Hornets -- Others worth consideration: 本季進步幅度值得一提的還有: Carmelo Anthony, Raja Bell, Chris Bosh, Dwight Howard, Joe Johnson, Chris Kaman , Nenad Krstic, Kevin Martin, Zaza Pachulia, Smush Parker, Tony Parker, Delonte West -- 譯按:上述一些數據及描述和原本外電所寫有些出入,因為我用截至目前為止NBA官網最近 一次更新後的數據下去寫。 順道附上G蛙的個人攻守數據網頁: http://www.nba.com/playerfile/gerald_wallace/index.html -- ◆ From: -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1145288134.A.B55.html

EAFV:Gerald Wallace加油,希望能拿到XD 04/17 22:59

HardER:推啊~不知道Wallace有沒有機會拿下防守類的獎項 04/17 23:10

u2gogowin:推推 G蛙很不錯耶 04/18 01:58

ThreeNG:有機會進防守第一二隊 04/18 04:03

hitoku:有KEVIN MARTIN~ 04/18 11:42
