[外電] 年度最佳進步獎候選人三號 -- 歐酷兒

看板 NBA
作者 kerrys (台北不是我的家)
時間 2006-04-17 23:35:24
留言 11則留言 (8推 0噓 3→)

作者: kerrys (台北不是我的家) 看板: UTAH-JAZZ 標題: [外電] 最佳進步獎候選人三號 -- 歐酷兒 時間: Mon Apr 17 21:22:08 2006 原文出處: http://www.nba.com/awards2006/thecase_improved_okur.html -- 2005-06: Leads team in scoring, rebounding and double-doubles (34) ... Only Jazz player to appear in all 78 games (all starts) ... Has tied or surpassed his career high for points entering this season (27) 11 times ... He has set a new career high in points (33 at Chi., 11/12), field goals made (12 at Chi., 11/12), field goals attempted (22 at Orl., 3/15), three-pointers made (4 at GS, 2/27), assists (8 at Phi 1/11), steals (3 twice, last atDen. 1/20) and minutes (47 four times, last at Orl, 3/15). '05-'06年球季表現: 得分、籃板和兩個雙位數(35次)等個人數據皆冠於全隊...爵士陣中唯一一位79場球賽 都上場的球員(而且全部先發上陣)...本季已經追平或超過原本個人單場最高得分紀錄(27 分)11次...他本季寫下許多生涯單場新高紀錄,包括單場最高得分(11/12造訪芝加哥拿下 33分)、單場命中球數最多(11/12造訪芝加哥及12/4造訪波特蘭都分別投進12球)、單場出 手次數最多(3/15造訪奧蘭多)、單場命中三分球次數最多(2/27造訪金州、4/10火箭至猶他 踢館都分別投進4球)、單場傳出助攻數最多(1/11造訪費城傳出8次助攻)、單場抄截次數最 多(有兩場比賽都分別抄了三球,比較近那次是在1/20造訪丹佛時)、單場上場時間最長(有 四場比賽都分別上場47分鐘,最近一次是在3/15造訪奧蘭多那場比賽)。 (譯按:看來歐酷兒較擅長客場作戰阿,幾乎所有生涯新高紀錄都在客場所創) -- Our take: This award is usually reserved for a guy who's seen a significant increase in playing time and, hence, a spike in his stats. In a starting role this year, Okur's minutes nudged upward, but it's not just the extra burn leading to his improvement, as Memo's putting up better per-48 numbers than any year before. Much of that can be attributed to the absence of Carlos Boozer for more than three months. But it was during that same stretch Okur led the Jazz to enough wins to remain in the playoff hunt into the season's final days. -- Jeff Dengate 我們的看法: 這個獎項通常是由一個因為上場時間突然大幅增加所以個人數據也跟著水漲船高的球 員所獲得。本季每場比賽都先發上陣的歐酷兒其實上場時間並沒有增加太多,而他每一項 個人數據放大到以48分鐘來看都比過去任何一年來得高,所以增加的上場時間並不是導致 他個人成績進步的主要原因。也許歐酷兒進步的很大一部分原因可以歸功於前三個月C. Boozer幾乎都缺陣,但這期間歐酷兒的表現也是爵士能堅持到例行賽最後幾天才確定無法 晉級季後賽的主要原因。 --J.Dengate -- From the man himself: The biggest difference is I was in very good shape this year. I played for two months with the Turkish National Team over the summer and I was also healthy going into training camp, where I had a real good camp and felt very strong going into the season ... as we keep winning here with the Jazz that is the most important thing. If we keep winning it could probably improve my chances for any awards or accolades. So, I'm just concentrating on winning games for the Jazz. -- Mehmet Okur, UtahJazz.com 他自己的說法: 我本季和以往最大的不同是我保持了相當好的身材,去年整個夏天我花了大約兩個月 的時間跟土耳其國家隊一起打球,而且帶著相當健康的身體狀況加入訓練營。我在訓練營 期間得到了足夠的練習,並挾著強健的體魄進入本季...當然啦,球隊能持續贏球才是最重 要的事。如果球隊能繼續贏球,也許我獲得任何獎項或榮譽的機會也會相對提高,所以我 會專注於球賽之中,希望能幫助球隊多贏幾場球。 --歐酷兒在猶他官網發表的言論 -- A fan's take: Ranks #11 in the NBA in Rebounds Per Game (9.3), Ranks #8 in the NBA in Double-doubles (35). His playing time only increased 7.7 minutes per game yet he still set career highs in points, rebounds, assists, steals, blocks and three-pointers made. Hasn't missed a game all year. -- Ryan - Salt Lake City, Utah 球迷的看法: 歐酷兒平均每場可以抓下的籃板數排在聯盟第12名(9.2個)、單場兩個雙位數的場次排 在聯盟第8名(35場)。他的平均上場時間相較於上一季只增加了7.8分鐘,卻能在得分、籃 板、助攻、抄截、阻攻及三分球命中數這幾項個人數據都寫下生涯新高紀錄,而且一整季 都沒有錯過球隊任何一場比賽。 --來自猶他州鹽湖城的球迷Ryan -- The Numbers:(前後兩季個人數據) G MPG PPG RPG APG SPG BPG FG% 3P% FT% 2004-05 82 28.1 12.9 7.5 2.0 0.39 0.83 .468 .270 .850 2005-06 79 35.9 17.9 9.2 2.4 0.51 0.89 .455 .341 .780 -- Most Improved Player - The Candidates: 本季最佳進步獎候選人: Boris Diaw - Phoenix Suns Mike James - Toronto Raptors Mehmet Okur - Utah Jazz Gerald Wallace - Charlotte Bobcats David West - New Orleans/Oklahoma City Hornets -- Others worth consideration: 本季進步幅度值得一提的還有: Carmelo Anthony, Raja Bell, Chris Bosh, Dwight Howard, Joe Johnson, Chris Kaman , Nenad Krstic, Kevin Martin, Zaza Pachulia, Smush Parker, Tony Parker, Delonte West -- 譯按:上述一些數據及描述和原本外電所寫有些出入,因為我用截至目前為止NBA官網最近 一次更新後的數據下去寫。 順道附上歐酷兒的個人攻守數據網頁: http://www.nba.com/playerfile/mehmet_okur/index.html -- ◆ From: -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1145288125.A.AE8.html

TimChiu:Okurs looks good 04/17 21:52

cyp001:精神上支持庫哥, 不過我覺得屌爺會上 04/17 21:52

sam369: 04/17 22:02

aly:翻譯辛苦了!推一個....下面的給我用力推啊! 04/17 22:12

joyboytoy:Okur加油啊!! 04/17 22:33

Actus:應阿力之邀,我來推下面了 04/17 22:41

amox:阿力在上, 阿特斯在下 ? 04/17 22:54

sam369: 04/17 23:26

sam369: 04/17 23:39

TimChiu:恭喜Okur當選! 04/18 00:26

wu2183:推okur 04/18 11:34
