[外電]Rose follows Magic in helping Detroit youths get to colle

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作者 Stevenchow (史提芬周)
時間 2005-12-28 21:19:54
留言 21則留言 (15推 2噓 4→)

Rose follows Magic in helping Detroit youths get to college Jalen Rose of the Toronto Raptors is the only athlete listed among Black Enterprise magazine's top 15 black philanthropists. His charitable efforts include five annual $10,000 college scholarships to seniors in Detroit's public school system. Rose, who has 15 students in college at his expense, talked with USA TODAY NBA reporter Roscoe Nance about the 5-year-old program, which is funded through the Jalen Rose Foundation. 雖然暴龍戰績冷颼颼,不過Rose是個好人喔!大家還是為他加加油吧! Q. How did you come up with the idea? 問;你是怎麼想到這個點子的呢? A. Just following Magic Johnson. He was the one guy who, as a philanthropist and an athlete, always did something above and beyond what everybody else was doing. It's good to have basketball camps and do all of that kind of stuff. But you really have an impact on society when you help kids go to school. I played in his all-star game a couple of years and just hearing the number of kids he's helping go to school really touched me. 答:只是跟隨魔術強森而己。他做為一個慈善家和運動員,總是為別人付出。 舉辦籃球訓練營以及做些其它類似的事是蠻好的。但是你真的可以對社會產生影響,當 你幫助孩子們上學。我參加魔術的明星賽己經好多年了,而且聽到他幫助幾個孩子去上 學的事真的打動了我。 Q. How have the kids responded? 問:那孩子們的反應如何? A. They're really excited about it. They appreciate the care and concern. There are a lot of kids out there going through hardships that are still trying to do the right thing. Some kids grow up in poverty. Some kids grow up in parentless homes. Some kids have to take care of their little brothers and sisters because their parents are on drugs. Some kids have to work two and three jobs. Yet they find a way to go to school every day and make good grades 答:他們還蠻興奮的。他們很感激這份照顧和關心。那兒有許多孩子經歷磨難但 仍然試著做正確的事。有些孩子在貧窮中長大,有些在沒有父母親的家庭長大,有些必須 要照顧他們的弟弟妹妹,因為他們的爸媽在嗑藥。有些孩子要兼兩到三分工作。Yet!他 們每天能上學而且得到不錯的成績。 Q.Do you personally review the applications? 問:你有親自看過每一份申請書嗎? A. We get so many applicants ... 500 to 1,000. I don't literally read each and every one, but I do read 75% of them. The reason I do that is because I want to carefully select legitimate winners. 答:我們有很多的申請書,500到1000份左右吧,我沒有每封都看,但我有看過 75%左右的申請書。我這麼做的原因是因為我希望能仔細的挑選最適合的人接受幫助。 Q. And you follow the recipients through college? 問;那你有透過學校注意那些獎學金得主嗎? A. I stay in contact with them. They e-mail when things are going good and when things are going bad. They follow me as a player, but they are also proud to be a Jalen Rose scholarship recipient. They take pride in it, and I take pride in it. 答:我有持續地注意他們,他們會寄mail給我,不管好事還是壞事。他們跟我一 樣當個球員,但他們也很高興能成為Jalen Rose獎學金得主,他們引以為傲,我也是。 Q. What motivates you to do more than simply write a check? 問:什麼比只是開張支票給你的刺激更大? A. The one thing I've learned about philanthropy is that it comes from the heart. It's not necessarily doing what the next man does. It's creating your own path to do what you can to give back. 答:只有一個─我在學著當一個慈善家,而這是發自內心的。不必去做下個人可 能會做的事。做你自己能夠付出的事。 Q. The recipients can go to any college? 問:獎學金得主可以去唸任何大學嗎? A. Some want to go to schools down South. Some want to go to school right there in Michigan. I don't try to pick and choose where they go. On the application, they tell me where they're planning on going and where their college experience will take them. I just try to help them get there. 答:有些想要去南部的學校,有些想唸密西根的學校。我不會試著為他們挑選 想去的學校。他們告訴我,他們打算去哪,唸哪的學校,我只是幫他們到那兒去。 -- ================================================ http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/stevenchow-stevenchow ================================================= -- ◆ From:
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1135772857.A.52B.html

alans95:好像有謠言他要被交易到Laker...該不會是送別禮吧!!! 12/28 21:32

Stevenchow:暴龍可能想要清薪資空間,才能在自由球員市場玩呀!! 12/28 21:45

smallandy:借轉Lakers 謝謝~ 12/28 21:46

maxlovesviva:不要交出odom啦>"< 12/28 21:50

nikekobe:不會丟ODOM的.....這樣laker虧大...... 12/28 22:36

candicesm:換回阿泰 湖人不窺好嗎??? 12/28 22:43

Jason0813:湖人這種禁區陣容 哪來交易歐鄧的本錢...? 12/28 22:48

sgheart:推Rose 12/28 22:49

HeavyBlue:Artest得分防守都比Odom猛不是嗎?還是我搞錯!? 12/28 22:49

HeavyBlue:阿靠...我搞錯抱歉 12/28 22:50

HeavyBlue:看到6樓就搞錯了...XD 12/28 22:50

mackulkov:Rose是好人...2000年跟神米一起飆三分啊 12/29 00:12

AmdsLancelot:我蠻愛Rose 12/29 01:11

AmdsLancelot:推 12/29 01:11

u2gogowin:重點不是在Odom到底有沒有比阿泰強,湖人的禁區沒有交易 12/29 02:04

u2gogowin:的本錢..除了Mihm,Kwame,Odom還有誰能頂禁區=.=?? 12/29 02:05

raptor:借轉暴龍版 感謝~ 12/29 11:00

Eason86:把Rose交易回溜馬啦~ 12/29 15:38

pix99: 05/14 11:38

pix99: 05/30 09:27

justice0616 : 干 我小一的文也太老了吧 我都大一了 12/08 02:29
