[閒聊] 倒數五週狀態及飲食編排

看板 MuscleBeach
作者 willie666666 (Willis)
時間 2015-03-10 01:55:18
留言 34則留言 (28推 0噓 6→)

網誌版: http://willfitnesssystems.blogspot.tw/2015/03/blog-post.html 身高:176 cm 體重:88.6 kg 2000 mgs of glycocarn and 1000mgs of hmb Meal 1: * 8 oz 96% lean red meat * 1 cup of brown rice - measured cooked * 10 grams Creatine Monohydrate * - Meal 1 and PWO Vita JYM 1 tablespoon of MCT Oil · BETWEEN MEALS 1 & 2 · 10 grams of Leucine · 5000 mg of L-ARGININE · 600 mgs of NAC (N-Acetyl-Cysteine) Meal 2: 8 oz Red Meat lean 96% 6 oz yams or sweet potato - measured cooked 6 strings of asparagus 1/2 tablespoon of MCT oil Digestive Enzymes 2000 mgs CLA 1000 mgs of L Carnitine Meal 3: 6 oz white fish 3/4 cup of brown rice - measured cooked 6 strings asparagus Large Green Salad Meal 4 6 oz white fish 6 oz yams or sweet potato - measured cooked 1 cup greens · BETWEEN MEALS 4 & 5 · 10 grams of Leucine · 5000 mg of L-ARGININE · 600 mgs of NAC (N-Acetyl-Cysteine) Meal 5 6 oz of Chicken 1/2 cup of brown rice - measured cooked 6 strings of asparagus Digestive Enzymes 2000 mgs of glycocarn and 1000mgs of hmb Meal 6 – before bed 6 oz white fish large green salad --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MuscleBeach/M.1425923721.A.B32.html

willie666666: 請自動忽略拍照表情,感謝! 03/10 01:56

p78533578: 看這狀態很值得去幫你加油。加油! 03/10 02:18

ckorsock1: 身高176kg!? 03/10 02:19

willie666666: 打錯抱歉,是cm! 03/10 02:21

willie666666: 我這週六會先去比青年盃玩一玩,不脫水、不充碳! 03/10 02:22

willie666666: 要看狀態請期待總統盃。 03/10 02:22

YangJimmy: 推分享,另外姿勢可以再調一下會更好! 03/10 03:06

daniel0530: 純推! 感謝分享 03/10 03:18

qq12555: 下次可以說中文嗎 謝謝感恩 03/10 03:39

vs01186: 求翻譯 03/10 04:17

kuroda: 這個餐的內容 感覺不太好入口...XDD 03/10 04:21

leo820603: 推第五張表情 03/10 04:29

fukyou: 帥壯推 03/10 07:09

dreammasker: 表情XDD 03/10 08:32

rex105: 表情啦XDDDDD 03/10 08:38

wesy: 表情好有戰鬥力 XDD 03/10 08:53

chachahong: 超強大... 03/10 08:56

jillkai: 表情害我差點把早餐噴出來XDD 03/10 09:25

SUPERMANLIN: 超粗的 03/10 09:40

kee32: 你明明很帥的呀(大哭跑開) 03/10 09:47

frostshots: 簡直偶像 03/10 09:59

a19887754: 表情戰鬥力好強阿! 03/10 10:01

Linya: 強 03/10 10:15

jaysuzuki: 威力加油! 03/10 10:31

f98745623: 這腿好強啊 03/10 11:15

a27556025ian: 希望板主有空能發一篇關於備賽飲食中補品營養品的介 03/10 12:36

a27556025ian: 紹.效果.使用心得 謝謝您 預祝比賽奪得佳績 03/10 12:36

juor2: 好強哦 03/10 12:45

momofafa777: JYM好貴喔 03/10 14:28

NIKO7516: 看板主菜單 就知道自己有多懶。 03/10 19:33

SunLight2008: 猛 03/10 21:45

pirun: 好強喔 03/10 22:02

luannluann: 推威力哥 03/10 22:05

yjg129: 好強喔 03/11 00:36
